ActionScript 1/2 :: Calculate By Math The X Position Of Point 1?
Oct 28, 2010
I´d like to know if there´s a way to calculate by math the x position of point 1. There´s some coordinates at the image here attached. The "mc" movie clip is the main triangle.
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I'm adding a 3px 'dot' just to show where x1, y1 is on the screen. (Subquestion: I can't see it...not sure why.)This is what I'm trying:
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var y1:Number = 50;
var x2:Number;[code].............
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// Where the user pointer right now
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way to calculate new x/y position based on rotation.
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May 15, 2006
imagen I have a movieclip (space_mc) w1000Xh1000 px?
inside the space_mc I have 2 movieclips:
- vlak1_mc (w100xh100px, _x:100,_y:100);
- vlak2_mc (w100xh100px, _x:400,_y:400);
now i put the space_mc on the stage and scale it to 20% the stage (document properties) are w800xh600
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so if clicked on the vlak1_mc!
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I cant get this to work. I think its pretty self explanatory what I want to do, set _x to a random position (b1 - b6)
onClipEvent (load) {
b1 = 462;
b2 = -462;
b3 = -1388;
b4 = -2314;
b5 = -3240;
b6 = -4166;
} onClipEvent (load) {
RanNum = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 6);
_x = ["b" + RanNum];
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Sep 13, 2010
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Aug 22, 2009
To make this easy, lets say I have a movie clip with a diagonal line in it (top left to bottom right).
I want to start my y position at 0, and place it in a loop and increase y by 5 every time. So we start at the top left of the clip, and move to the bottom of the clip.
Now since we have our y value (0, 5, 10, etc.) would you get the x position of the line? such as (x, y):
5, 10
42, 15
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Mar 7, 2011
Here is the problem:
var p:int = 0;
var n:Number = 0;
n = 32.999999999999999;
p = Math.floor(n);
trace(p); // returns 33
n = 32.11111111111111;
p = Math.floor(n);
trace(p); // returns 32
I would expect both of these to return 32. I have searched, and it seems this is an unreported bug in AS3. Or ... am I doing something wrong?
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Jun 15, 2010
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Nov 11, 2003
i'm trying to zoom in on a picture at the specific spot where the mouse is clicked. ie if the mouse is clicked in the lower left corner, the pic gets bigger from there, not the center of the pic. the only way i can think of to do this is to reset the registration point to the clicked position. is this possible? is there another way to go the job done?
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Aug 19, 2008
i know the pythagorean theorem for figuring out distance between 2 points.
what i don't know is how to take that equation and determine another aspect based on 2 different bits of data.
figure out the ending _y position based on the starting point, the initial angle and the ending _x position??
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Jan 20, 2011
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Wat is the diffrence between these two?
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Sep 16, 2009
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flatline.onPress = function() {
if (_currentframe == 1) {
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Apr 1, 2004
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Jul 1, 2011
I as this working in AS2 and need to update to AS3...shows that AS3 doesn't like sloppy coding. Here's what I need: I pull data from an XML and that works when I put the data into a dynamic text box. However, I can't seem to get the date of birth into a variable. I have some code that calcs age in years but uses a string literal that I thought I could just replace with a variable from my XML...ain't a workin'. Here's the code I have:
ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
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