ActionScript 1/2 :: Load A New Gallery From The Main Gallery
Apr 12, 2011
have a question about loading new photos into a already populated image gallery.So I have my gallery set up so first loads my stage pics. What I would now like to do is load different set of images via the click of a button.So for example the loaded gallery already has all thumbs loaded and the user can click on them to view the full size image. next instead of the user having to close this gallery to allow a new gallery to open with a different set of pictures I would like to have a button. This button will unload the existing thumbs from the gallery and load in new ones.
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Feb 21, 2012
I want to load the image gallery into my main movie.I have tried using the Loader component so that I can place the gallery in the middle of the main movie but the gallery just doesn't load correctly! I want it to load inside the Loader box in the middle of the page but it kicks the images out to the edge of the main movie.I suspect I need to edit the AS of the gallery.fla to specify the width of the SWF gallery inside the Loader, so I can send that to you via email - can't post it here cos its too long.
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Nov 20, 2009
I'm having issues with references. I'll do my best to explain the problem simply. I have a website I'm currently working on in flash. I've created the base of the site and most of its content. It functions fine. I went online and found a decent looking gallery that I wanted to incorporate into the site and it works great also. The gallery is in its own directory.
When I try and load the main .SWF of the gallery into another .SWF within the base directory, the references break. I understand that this is because its being pulled and the gallery's .SWF looks for its assets based on where its located. Is there anyway possible to make a .SWF keep its paths relative to where it is pulled from instead of changing when it is pulled into another .SWF from different directories?
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Jul 19, 2005
What I want to do is to make a gallery based on the tutorial gallery here (thumbs), but I want the user to be able to choose different galleries from within the movie. I figured that I could make a loop to cycle through the galleries, then nest another loop inside it to cycle through the pics, captions and thumbs. While I wrote, I constantly tested the output with trace commands, but when I tried nesting the loop I lost all output.. I'm pretty new to both Flash and Actionscript, so if theres an obvious solution I havent been able to see it.. This is my temp XML file:
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Jan 29, 2012
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Feb 6, 2009
i was looking for gallery looking like this site [URL] i was looking gallery first page title gallery then Big image like this with description.
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Feb 17, 2008
i am trying to add extra images to the photo gallery attached. I would have thought it is easy and it seems so. I add an extra image to the gallery. I publish it. The html file shows the extra image in the gallery but the swf doesnt. driving me crazy, cant work it out?
View 14 Replies
Oct 26, 2010
I've made a gallery slideshow before but wasn't as intuitive looking back at it now and I want to start fresh on this new project. I would like to convert a jQuery lightbox style gallery into a flash XML based AS3 image gallery with categories. I don't want to code the FLA, I want separate AS files.
This is a school project for my website. I would use jQuery and I have more experience with it but this project needs a flash component. I'm just not sure where to start and looking for some advice on how and where I could find resources. I want it to be minimal as I can make it;
- 8 thumbnails to a "page/section" with more flowed into page 2 or 3 etc. (or a srcoller)
- a few buttons for categories
- images fading in full size with a description when hovered over and a close button
- preloader (simple bar)
Esentially something like this > http:[url] which is using http:[url].... for the thumbnails. That might be ambitious but I'd suffice with a simple fade effect.I've downloaded some galleries out there but most of the code is messy or outdated.http:[url]... this is alright, but all the code is done in the FLA. I might break it into AS files but it depends.
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Mar 16, 2009
In my "actions" layer I have a function that loads a gallery of a external file called gallery.swf. The swf loads successfully but I cant remove that. The only way to remove is to call removeChild(mLoader.content); I noticed that the movies loads without addChild.
But sometimes also calling removeChild(mLoader.content) the content of mLoader is not removed and still appears in the stage.
View 5 Replies
Dec 24, 2011
I have one swf that was made by Wondershare Flash Gallery Factory Deluxe program, and some other files comes with it.
The problem is that when it loads into my main swf doesn't appear into the movieclip that i target to the code but on the stage, on top of all others, i don't know exactly what happens, it seems not to be in the display list!!!
The point is that i'd like a back button showing in front of the gallery in order to be able to close it and go back.
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Aug 24, 2007
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I would like to be able to reuse the swf and change out the xml file using a variable I will call from a menu. I can't work out what the correct syntax should be. What do I replace the quote marks around filename.xml with? My variable is called _global.xmlFile.
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Jan 24, 2010
I have a flash site that I'm working with that has an xml photo gallery as one of it's menu items. the photo gallery has three pages, all three containing thumbnail images that once clicked, load the larger image. The larger image dissolves in covering the page with the image. Once you click the larger image it dissolves out returning you to the gallery.
What I want to to do is to change the first page of this gallery to a video gallery, or player, leaving the other two galleries as image galleries. I tried simply replacing the images listed in the xml document to flv files and the flv file does not load. I simply want to know what it is I need to do in order to change this one page so that I can embed videos on it.
I've attached the Action script that loads the xml gallery in .txt format
View 6 Replies
Jan 15, 2010
i am trying to put some things together following the tutorials on this site. I did the tutorial 'Photo Gallery Using XML and Flash'and I followed it step by step and uploaded it with all the necessary files onto my remote server (xml file, Gallery folder, fla, swf, and html) - however, when I test the movie with flash, it seems to work fine (except the description test, my question to that later), but when I test it online it shows only the first image (but displays the correct number of images in the gallery); even when clicking the next button, it keeps loading the first image the first image. In other galleries (I use the structure for multiple galleries for my portfolio) the first image never loads at all.
Also, about the description text, in between the <caption> and </caption>, can I use <strong> and <em> and <br /> to change the appearance of my text? All it says is 'null'.If you want to look at what I mean check out my portfolio in the making. The problem with the first image displaying only is under 'paintings' and both the projects in 'design - packaging'. The second problem (no picture loading at all) is on some of the buttons in 'design - identity' (where I have not changed the description text of the tutorial yet).
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Mar 2, 2011
I've made an image gallery and it works great. What I want to do is make the main image a link to a certain part of the site. The first link works great, but then I get[url]...
Basically, I made an invisible button on each main image for the link.[code]...
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May 19, 2010
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Dec 5, 2007
I've got a website with three links to three different thumbnail galleries. When I click the link to a gallery that has a lesser number of thumbnails, it fills the difference in numbers in with thumbnails from the previous gallery.
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Sep 1, 2009
Just trying to make a flash photo gallery that displays all the image files in a certain directory with the usual photo gallery functionality.
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Mar 7, 2011
I am using CS4 and ActionScript 2.0.I am trying to create a photo gallery.I have created 4 different movie clip buttons that reside on the content layer.Each button consists of one image.When the movie clip button is pressed, I want the full size image to appear on the stage next to the buttons.You can see the buttons in the image below.I am trying to create an empty movie clip holder that would reside on the main timeline while the buttons reside on the content layer.I need to get the images to load into the empty movie clip and then unload when the next button is selected?I can't seem to get the buttons to "talk" to the empty movie clip holder.I did manage to create code for an empty movie clip holder within each button, but then I end up with all four images on top of each other.
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Jun 14, 2010
I placed and XML gallery inside a movieclip where the user can toggle the movieclip to appear on stage on and off.
When I run it on my computer, everything loads fine, the loading animation and the jpegs. But when I run it on the internet, nothing appears in the movieclip! [code]...
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Jul 28, 2010
I have a website created all in Flash AS3 and I have a XML Photo Gallery created in a separate file and I am trying to load the gallery into a specific frame on my site.[code]...
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Nov 13, 2009
downloaded an xml photo gallery that is displayed through a swf.
What I want to do is load that external swf into another swf - but everytime I do it gives me a #1009 error. I know my code works - because it loads regular swfs, and I know I have the address right, because I direct it to an exact url location.
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Nov 14, 2009
I'm trying to load a swf that contains a flash gallery in to a movieClip. The problem is that load the swf but the gallery isn't able to load it's images so i only get the blank swf. The funny thing is that when i use a UILoader at startup everithing, everything loads so it's ok, when i tell it to load on a click event it stops working. I have the following code ...
ActionScript Code:
function startLoad(e:Event)
var mLoader:Loader = new Loader();
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Jun 26, 2010
My gallery is set up to load from an XML file and it works great. My problem is that the program only loads the first gallery. I can load either gallery 1 or gallery 2, but when I try to switch galleries, the current gallery vanishes and nothing reappears. according to the trace function, the thumbnails are being generated again, but nothing is showing up again.
I think it may be the container_mc that needs to be removed and re-declared but nothing seems to work. I've I've had to remove a bit of code related to background graphics to meet the max length req of the forums but otherwise it is all there. apologies for the messy code:
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Feb 6, 2009
want to load a lightbox gallery from within a flash .swf i no its possible because iv seen it done many times, and iv tried every tutorial on the net, most of which say the same thing, which I have done and it still doesnt work.So far I have created a javascript delegate which turns the flash command getURL into an anchor tag containing a rel="" attribute. Here is my javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">
function LightboxDelegate(url,caption) {
var objLink = document.createElement('a');
I have then used a flash button to call the javascript function, in theory this should load my lightbox, however all that happens is the flash swf disappears and no lightbox overlay or image appears. I no that fksh objects do disappear when lightbox loads, however mine doesnt load. My ActionScipt on the flash button is as so:
Actionscript Code:
on (release) {getURL("javascript:LightboxDelegate('1.jpg','caption1')", "_self")}
View 1 Replies
Jun 2, 2010
I want to load a lightbox gallery from within a flash .swf i no its possible because iv seen it done many times, and iv tried every tutorial on the net, most of which say the same thing, which I have done and it still doesnt work. So far I have created a javascript delegate which turns the flash command getURL into an anchor tag containing a rel="" attribute. Here is my javascript:
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Mar 24, 2009
I have made a site in flash and left the gallery page till last.I have found a free gallery online and am trying to load the gallery.swf file from it to the stage of my main file.It works but the file does not play. It will just load the first frame and the images wont come up.the way that I am using the loading function is by: loadMovie("gallery.swf", galleryLoader);
galleryLoader is the instance name of my Loader Component found in Flash 8 component panel.Someone said to add: galleryLoader.content ._lockroot = true;
But it makes the gallery small I need it to an exact size.
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Nov 20, 2011
The following code loads my "Gallery.swf" external file on HomePage_mc (Which is Page-1). But I would like it to load it on Gallery_mc (which is Page-6). How can I do that? The following is the code:
PS: There was a problem with a curly bracket. Now it is fixed but when I go to home page or any other page after clicking on the Gallery button, the Galley.swf but still playing on top of all those pages. How to fix it?
View 4 Replies
May 24, 2004
i have just posted an online photo gallery and its the kind that resizes to fit whatever photo you tell it to load. you can see it at anycase, my problem, is that for some reason when you try to load pics 018 - 030 they refuse to load, and i can't figure out why? URL...
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Mar 6, 2006
Looking through all the xml gallery examples and tutorials i havent found the simple thing im thinking of, which is to just have the imgs loaded through an xml into a plain old scrollpane so that the spacing between the thumbs is constant. Ive understand the code that spaces the loaded imgs based on a fixed variable, but that is when all the thumbnails are the same size and mine are all the same height, but the widths varies, so i feel i need the code that places the next img to be loaded based on the previous thumbs location._x and its ._width but i cant figure this line of code out which i bet is only a one-liner.
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Nov 22, 2006
I have done a photo gallery using the following code. However, I need the first picture to appear as the movieclip is loaded. What shall I introduce to this script? Or what would I have to change?
myPhoto = new XML();
myPhoto.ignoreWhite = true;
myPhoto.onLoad = function(success) {
//portfolioTag = this.firstChild;
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