ActionScript 2.0 :: Access Root Inside A Class?
Dec 6, 2010
I have this in my fla (Actionscript 2)
var gUnitId:String;
I have this in
class {
function Pts()
trace ("Inside constructor");
I want the variable gUnitId in the fla file inside the class file.
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How can i access a function, from the root, that is inside another movie clip?
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Nov 13, 2010
Anyways, I've been trying to figure this out for quite some time.Let's say I have my document class. I'm guessing the document class can correspond to the first thing that gets run? (such as the "main" function in most C++/low level languages).If I set a variable in it:var myNumber:Number = 10;how would Iaccess: "myNumber" from other objects in my stage?Like a movieclip on my stage for example.If I go inside that movieclip into the movieclip's first frame, how would I say:trace(TheDocumentClass.myNumber);Another similar question is, what about the actual stage frame?If I click on frame 1 of my stage, set a variable:var aNumber:Number = 5;how would I access it from other objects?In my movieclip's first frame, what would I put?trace(root.aNumber); ?trace(stage.aNumber); ?
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Jan 26, 2010
Im having whta I think is a quite common problem. I recently started migrating form AS2 to AS3 and Im buidling a home made template for all AS3 projects..
I have just loaded portfolio.swf on top of main.sfw. The buttons on portfolio.swf share the same class as the buttons on main.swf
This is the button class:
package com{
import flash.display.*;
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Jul 14, 2009
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import flash.display.*[code]....
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Aug 17, 2009
I can't acces my MC that was created inside my class. 've got a MC "bttn" on my stage, if u create an instance of the BttnClass a copy of the MCbttn is made and given an other position, than I want to play the bttn's(contains multiple frames) and NOTHING happens. The Bttn's are copied,but I can't play them. So my class works but how can I play my buttons?
Class file:
ActionScript Code:
class Bttn {
private var num:Number
//constructor function
public function Bttn(i) {
[Code] .....
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Jan 4, 2011
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The document class is Main. From the, I need to call updateTable() function to update the text inside values_txt. And I need to find a way to get to values_txt. That's where my problem lies.
Actionscript Code:
package{//imported stuff herepublic class Sheet extends MovieClip{public var _textRow:String = " Lorem
Lorem again";public function Sheet(){addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, initSheet);}public function
Basically, I need to run Sheet's updateTable() from and update the values_txt.text with _textRow string. But I don't know value_txt's target path.
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This line is inside while loops and puts an event listener on every square.
How can I know which square has been clicked?
Note: returns the following error:
ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property placeChar not found on flash.display.Sprite and there is no default value.
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class com.sck.testeT extends MovieClip
public var testetxt:MovieClip;
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Oct 14, 2011
I created a movieclip symbol and exported to actionscript, I created the .as file:
class BRIQUE extends MovieClip
function BRIQUE()
"graphics" is an image imported on the stage inside my symbol, but it seems not to be accessible this way (I get an error), nevertheless it works this way in as3 then what is the right way in as2 ?
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Jan 26, 2006
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class Foo {
private var id:Number;
public function Foo() {[code]....
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Jun 1, 2006
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class myClass{
private var myProperty:Number = 1; //default is 1
public function myClass(){
[Code] .....
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Feb 24, 2009
I have a custom class I am working on, one of the methods is:[code]Inside that function a dynamic TextField is created called txtLoaded, it is declared with [code]mcProg is added to the stage, I see the txtLoaded txt field drawn as well and I can trace properties of mcProg from elsewhere in the class but I cannot access mcProg.txtLoaded from anywhere else in the class.I imagine this must be a scoping issue, with txtLoaded only existing inside the createProgress method, but is there any way for me to be able to access txtLoaded from elsewhere in the class?
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Jan 14, 2011
I need some help in Flash As2. I have an animated movie clip that has a button inside it. The idea is to be able to click on the movie clip and get it to run the animation (with on(release){ gotoandplay(2);} as its code) and then stop on frame 10. So far that is working fine as it should.
Where im falling down is that on Frame 10 there is a new symbol (Attractions_button (This has an instance name)) that I want to be able to click and take me to a frame on the main time-line.
With some research into this I cannot find a solution. So far I have labeled the frame i wish to link to on the main time-line as NRM and have tried the following code on the button symbol itself:
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Oct 8, 2010
I cant believe how the simpliest things are more complex to do in AS3.I tried to target a movieclip from inside another movieclip called bat_mc and these dont work!root.ball_mc.gotoAndPlay(2);orlevel0.ball_mc.gotoAndPlay(2);
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Feb 24, 2010
Say I have code in my main mxml and in a function like this:
and now I want to refactor code and move this to it's own class and method in a separate file. How could I access root now, since this obviously now points to the new class I created.
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Mar 27, 2009
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Jul 20, 2009
I'd like to be able to instance an MC that is within another MC to the stage. I understand how to duplicate things in the same path and how to attach from the library. However, for the unique situation that I have in my project I'd like to instance from inside a MC to the root.Pseudo example:contatiner1 and projectile1 are MCscontainer1 parent is the rootprojectile1 is inside container1Create an instance on the root of projectile1
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Jan 13, 2011
I am migrating to AS 3.0 from AS 2.0 and I am unable to access the root of the main swf from the loaded swf. In AS 2.0 i simply used "_root.gotoAndPlay(frame number); I have also tried Movieclip(this.root).gotoAndPlay(frame number); but it doesn't work.
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Sep 16, 2009
how to add a listener to a button inside of a movieclip that is in the library? Example:Root->work_mc(timeline)->workss_mc(added with Addchild)There is workss_mc in the library that gets loaded when someone clicks a button inside of work_mc. This is achieved with addChild. Within workss_mc there is a close button to close this. I've run into problems with working the navigation with this b/c I need to declare and create a single instance of workss_mc at a scope where it is visible to both click handlers, Doing this will place both handlers in one location. So in order to do that I would need them all to be where the navigation code is, the root. So how can I access workss_mc from the root?
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Jan 12, 2010
The code below returns the error message "Error 1120: Access of undefined property stage."
function select(event) {
if ( is Stage) { = null;
} else if ( is Sprite) {
I understand the reason for the error is because I'm trying to access the "Stage" when I'm not at my Document Root. The question I have it how do I do this same thing when I'm not at the Document Root?
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May 29, 2010
I have a button in the frame 1 when i clicked it,it goes to the nextframe in nextframe i have movie clip named "circle". in frame 1 in action layer i have variable named "i" it has a number equal 20; now i'm in "circle" movieclip in the action layer i want to write a command for checking "i" if it's equal 20 the "circle" movieclip play but i can't find "i" how can i access to "i" variable in frame 1 ?
View 4 Replies
Jan 13, 2011
I am migrating to AS 3.0 from AS 2.0 and I am unable to access the root of the main swf from the loaded swf.In AS 2.0 i simply used "_root.gotoAndPlay(frame number);I have also tried Movieclip(this.root).gotoAndPlay(frame number); but it doesn't work.
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