ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Root From The Loaded Swf
Jan 13, 2011
I am migrating to AS 3.0 from AS 2.0 and I am unable to access the root of the main swf from the loaded swf. In AS 2.0 i simply used "_root.gotoAndPlay(frame number); I have also tried Movieclip(this.root).gotoAndPlay(frame number); but it doesn't work.
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Jan 13, 2011
I am migrating to AS 3.0 from AS 2.0 and I am unable to access the root of the main swf from the loaded swf.In AS 2.0 i simply used "_root.gotoAndPlay(frame number);I have also tried Movieclip(this.root).gotoAndPlay(frame number); but it doesn't work.
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Jan 13, 2011
I am migrating to AS 3.0 from AS 2.0 and I am unable to access the root of the main swf from the loaded swf.
In AS 2.0 i simply used "_root.gotoAndPlay(frame number);
I have also tried Movieclip(this.root).gotoAndPlay(frame number); but it doesn't work.
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Oct 20, 2010
How can I access variables defined on root from a loaded movieclip? The loaded movieclip path can differ, so I cannot get to root like parent.parent, for example. I thought something like this.root.varName may work, but it obviously doesn't.
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Jan 26, 2010
Im having whta I think is a quite common problem. I recently started migrating form AS2 to AS3 and Im buidling a home made template for all AS3 projects..
I have just loaded portfolio.swf on top of main.sfw. The buttons on portfolio.swf share the same class as the buttons on main.swf
This is the button class:
package com{
import flash.display.*;
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Mar 22, 2010
I have a root stage, and a MC that is called from the root stage.Now from that MC, i will called in another MC2, and I wanted to placed the MC in the center of the stage. The reason I could not use normal ADDED_TO_STAGE at MC and define the center is because MC is not place in the exact position of the root stage (as in x, y=0). So if I would target MC2 at MC stage center, it would not be the exact center of the root stage/screen.How can I called the root stage properties rather than adding MC2 into the stage?
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Oct 8, 2010
I cant believe how the simpliest things are more complex to do in AS3.I tried to target a movieclip from inside another movieclip called bat_mc and these dont work!root.ball_mc.gotoAndPlay(2);orlevel0.ball_mc.gotoAndPlay(2);
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Feb 24, 2010
Say I have code in my main mxml and in a function like this:
and now I want to refactor code and move this to it's own class and method in a separate file. How could I access root now, since this obviously now points to the new class I created.
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Mar 27, 2009
I'm currently learning AS3.0 and I'm wondering how to access the root like example in AS2.0 you use the following to access the root.[code]
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Sep 16, 2009
how to add a listener to a button inside of a movieclip that is in the library? Example:Root->work_mc(timeline)->workss_mc(added with Addchild)There is workss_mc in the library that gets loaded when someone clicks a button inside of work_mc. This is achieved with addChild. Within workss_mc there is a close button to close this. I've run into problems with working the navigation with this b/c I need to declare and create a single instance of workss_mc at a scope where it is visible to both click handlers, Doing this will place both handlers in one location. So in order to do that I would need them all to be where the navigation code is, the root. So how can I access workss_mc from the root?
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Jan 12, 2010
The code below returns the error message "Error 1120: Access of undefined property stage."
function select(event) {
if ( is Stage) { = null;
} else if ( is Sprite) {
I understand the reason for the error is because I'm trying to access the "Stage" when I'm not at my Document Root. The question I have it how do I do this same thing when I'm not at the Document Root?
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May 29, 2010
I have a button in the frame 1 when i clicked it,it goes to the nextframe in nextframe i have movie clip named "circle". in frame 1 in action layer i have variable named "i" it has a number equal 20; now i'm in "circle" movieclip in the action layer i want to write a command for checking "i" if it's equal 20 the "circle" movieclip play but i can't find "i" how can i access to "i" variable in frame 1 ?
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Dec 9, 2009
PHP Code:var Root:MovieClipvar container=MovieClip;function menuPress() {trace("trace");}function doIT(parameters,WIDTH,HEIGHT) {container=MovieClip(parent.parent.parent);trace( Root=MovieClip(parent.parent.parent.parent);
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Mar 26, 2009
What I'm trying to do is very very basic however its flat out not working. I'm trying to add a event listener to a button located within a movieclip thats on the root time line.Here's the code:
function main_init():void
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Feb 24, 2010
I have a movielclip, nav_mc, inside which contains my navigation buttons. Lets say I want to effect the time timeline. Before in AS 2.0 I could simply go
jan1_mc.onRelease = function() {
Now in AS 3.0, nothing works.
button_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, doIt);
function doIt(evt:MouseEvent):void {
That doesn't work. Returns this in errors:
Warning: 1058: Migration issue: The property _root is no longer supported. This property has been removed. The closest equivalent is the Stage, which serves as the root of the ActionScript 3.0 display list..
Neither does
(1119: Access of possibly undefined property ball_mc through a reference with static type flash.display:Stage.)
or anything!
How do we do this very simple thing now in AS 3.0
How do I reference the _root timeline in AS 3.0 since _root. no longer works in 3.0
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Jul 6, 2009
I am making another game, and I'm having a problem with the level loader.[code]...
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Mar 11, 2011
I created a movieclip called holder in my Stage and I name it, inside them i put a variable called
name = "whatever"
Now I can't access the variable from root timeline, I try this:
The result gives me undefined! what mean this?
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Mar 14, 2012
I fixed this error before where the source of the problem was that 'stage' was inaccessible from where I was putting the code (not in root). I deleted it and it ran fine, but the Event listeners that they were attatched to did not work anymore. I need these event listeners but when I try to put 'stage.' back infront it wont work.
This is what I had when it worked (when this file was still the root):
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keypressed);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyreleased);
Now my code is this, and it runs, just without the event listeners working:
addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keypressed);
addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyreleased);
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Oct 7, 2009
I am having problems accessing my xml on the server. On my local drive, it works fine. As soon as I load it on my site, it no longer pulls the xml rss feed.
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var gUnitId:String;
I have this in
class {
function Pts()
trace ("Inside constructor");
I want the variable gUnitId in the fla file inside the class file.
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Jul 23, 2009
I am working on a complex application that was originally developed with AS1 for Flash player6. I am trying to update this to Flash player 9 while keeping the script to AS1.
Now my main movie is published in Flash player 6 and the child movie is published for Flash player 9.
I am opening the main movie in Flash player 9 and it works but from my child movie I am trying to acces a method on the root timeline of the main movie.
Can someone tell me how can I acces the main movie root from within the child swf?
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Dec 1, 2011
Here's the function with the line with the error:
public static function getViewX():Number
return -MovieClip(root).x;
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Feb 19, 2010
1937396On Linux, the fmsedge process needed to run without root access.
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Aug 30, 2010
If I wanted to do something like this:
<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=""
How would I get a handle on myCanvas (where I'd want myCanvas to be the root )?
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Nov 13, 2010
Anyways, I've been trying to figure this out for quite some time.Let's say I have my document class. I'm guessing the document class can correspond to the first thing that gets run? (such as the "main" function in most C++/low level languages).If I set a variable in it:var myNumber:Number = 10;how would Iaccess: "myNumber" from other objects in my stage?Like a movieclip on my stage for example.If I go inside that movieclip into the movieclip's first frame, how would I say:trace(TheDocumentClass.myNumber);Another similar question is, what about the actual stage frame?If I click on frame 1 of my stage, set a variable:var aNumber:Number = 5;how would I access it from other objects?In my movieclip's first frame, what would I put?trace(root.aNumber); ?trace(stage.aNumber); ?
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Jun 9, 2009
What the best way to access the root timeline from in a movie clip?
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Feb 5, 2010
I have a swf called anim1.swf acting as a preloder and loading anim2.swf. anim1.swf is attached to a document class called Once anim2.swf is loaded, how can I target the root of anim2.swf?
For example, anim2.swf contains 2 clips called clip1 and clip2. clip1 contains a child called clip1_1. How can I access clip2 from within clip1_1 by using an absolute way (I don't want to use the parent property)?
N.B : a way would be to have a document class attached to anim2.swf, but here there is none.
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Mar 4, 2012
I have a SWf application built in flex 4. One part of the application relies on accessing a public variable ("step1") set at the application root, and is accessed with
var app:Object = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication;
trace("step one is "+app.step1);
This, while not optimal, has worked fine. Now, hoever, I need to load this entire application into another application, and I can't figure out how to access my step1 variable any longer.I have been loading the swf into the new parent application like so:
public var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
public var pizzaContainer:UIComponent = new UIComponent();
private var myUrl:URLRequest = new URLRequest("chickensoup.swf");
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Aug 5, 2008
I was checking my policyfiles log file and noticed that I have the following for a newly created (and played in Firefox) SWF file I made:OK: Root-level SWF loaded:URL...I was trying to find some documentation in but couldn't find anything...
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Nov 24, 2009
Is it possible to tell an externally loaded swf what its root is?
These swf's I want to load in:
main.swf --> manager/g1/viewer.swf
In the main.swf I want to tell the viewer.swf:
your root = ../manager/g1/
So the viewer.swf can read the external xml and images from its own root. (../manager/g1/)
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