Flash 9 :: What Does 'OK Root-level SWF Loaded' Mean

Aug 5, 2008

I was checking my policyfiles log file and noticed that I have the following for a newly created (and played in Firefox) SWF file I made:OK: Root-level SWF loaded:URL...I was trying to find some documentation in livedocs.adobe.com but couldn't find anything...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Crossdomain Policy File On Root Level Cannot Be Deployed On Root Level? 

Jan 14, 2009


- We have a Flash application located on a SAP EP (let's say ep.x.com)

- We have a SAP ABAP Application (Webservices) on a SAP WebAS
server (abap.x.com)

- Clarification: This is not about Flash islands / but a normal Flash application communicating with WebAS ABAP via WebServices

Problem: Due to the changed security policy in Flash 10 this scenario does no longer work.

- A crossdomain policy file on root level cannot be deployed on root level

- The WebServices http/s headers cannot be modified, since the WebServices are generated by the WebAS IDE.

Comment: Technically there is a way to patch a WebAS ABAP,but this is not a practical / acceptable way in a normal SAP WebAS infrastructure.

Conclusion:- The above scenario (Flash from EP content / WebAS ABAP as backend) is a quite normal scenario in the SAP world.

- SAP / Adobe always features the close relationship between their technologies.

Question:- What could we do?

- How does the Visual Composer works around that problem?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call Root Level Function And Variables From External Loaded Swf File?

Jul 15, 2010

I have small issue in as3.  I am load "mainmenu.swf" file into "main.swf". through loader class. so now "main.swf" is parent "mainmenu.swf" file children how can call "main.swf " variable & function from "mainmenu.swf" .

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Actionscript 3 :: Position Loaded Object Based On Root Stage Instead Of MC That Is Loaded From Root

Mar 22, 2010

I have a root stage, and a MC that is called from the root stage.Now from that MC, i will called in another MC2, and I wanted to placed the MC in the center of the stage. The reason I could not use normal ADDED_TO_STAGE at MC and define the center is because MC is not place in the exact position of the root stage (as in x, y=0). So if I would target MC2 at MC stage center, it would not be the exact center of the root stage/screen.How can I called the root stage properties rather than adding MC2 into the stage?

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IDE :: Changing Root To Another Level?

Aug 1, 2010

I am trying to use parts of a template for a flash site in my own site.On one of my sites pages I am trying to use a set of buttons and pages. My problem is that the flash buttons & pages from the template are set to the ROOT of the template, but I am putting them on 1 or 2 levels difference on my site.Here is the code for the `release` of the button:

on (release) {
if (_root.link<>num and _root.animation == 0) {
_root.animation = 0;


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IDE :: Controlling Root-level MC With Internal MC?

May 21, 2009

I've reworking a client's site, so I'm somewhat limited on the changes I can make to the overall structure -BUT - here's my quandry: I have a nav system that is on the _root level - the main content of the site exists in one large MC that sits underneath the nav, and moves to different target positions when the nav is clicked (within THIS mc are individual MC's that house the content for each individual page)So the nav doesn't change positions on the timeline at all - once it loads in, it stays constant on one frame, while the main_mc moves positions underneath I need to make the nav change color when that page is activated (when the main_mc moves into certain target positions), and I can't figure out how to communicate w/ it from within these embedded mc's.

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Actionscript :: Retrieve An Xml Nodes Root / Top Level Parent?

Jan 3, 2012

how do i retrieve the top level parent of an xml node in actionscript please?

<company id="1" name="boo" level="1">
<company id="2" name="hoo" level="2">[code]......

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Impact A Root Level Variable From Within Nested Movie Clips?

Nov 26, 2011

I have a movie clip on my main timeline that I want to send to a certain frame based on a variable that can be set from a nested movie clip, and also set from an external swf that will be loaded into the main timeline.So how would I set that variable? In AS2, I would just go _parent._parent...as many levels up as I needed to, but the AS3 equivalent only seems to work one level up.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Duplicate A Nested Movie Clip And Then Placing It On Top / Root Level?

Feb 12, 2009

I'm sorry if this post breaks forum conventions, but I searched and didn't find a solution in past posts.

I'm writing a function that highlights components of the animation I've created.

It does this by creating a white box on top of the entire stage, tweening it's alpha value from 0 to 80, and creating a new instance of the movie clip to be highlighted on top of that white box.

I run into a problem when I need to highlight components that are movie clips nested within ones on the top/root level.

When I duplicate instances of nested movie clips, they just exist within the movie they were nested in.

I want to pull those duplicated, nested movie clips into the root area so it rests on top of that white box I just mentioned. How do I take a nested movie clip and pull it out of it's parent onto the top/root level?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Access Root From The Loaded Swf?

Jan 13, 2011

I am migrating to AS 3.0 from AS 2.0 and I am unable to access the root of the main swf from the loaded swf.

In AS 2.0 i simply used "_root.gotoAndPlay(frame number);

I have also tried Movieclip(this.root).gotoAndPlay(frame number); but it doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swf Be Loaded To A MC And Level?

Aug 16, 2002

I have a preloader that calls a function to check whether a whole 2nd swf has loaded.

Then when it's loaded it plays the 2nd swf to a traget MC.

But I also need that MC and swf to be on another level.

This doesn't seem to work for me.

host.loadmovie("main.swf", 4)

It ignores the level part and just loads to the current levels host.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Name Of Movie Loaded On A Level

Oct 14, 2011

It may be pretty basic but I'm looking for the easy way out. I've a container that loads a movie on level10 using loadMovieNum(). Is there a way I can get the name of this movie?.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loaded Swf Level Assignment

Sep 8, 2011

I am looking to create an interface where i can load an swf file into a particluar level, in this case level2, above an empty level1 and my main movie on level0.Once the swf is loaded (into level2), i want to trigger an action causing the swf in level2 drop to level1 ... and populate level2 with a new swf. The swf in level1 would unload in a particular frame of the timeline in the level2 swf.I have tried the swapDepth action but that does not seem to be working as i intended.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Loaded SWF From Another One On Different Level

Feb 7, 2005

Is it possible to control one loaded SWF File e.g.,(MOVIE-1.swf) from another loaded SWF file e.g., (MOVIE-0.swf) on a different level? E.g. with a syntax like:
_MOVIE-1.SWF.gotoAndStop (4)
gotoAndStop (MOVIE-1.swf, frame4)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Loaded Swf Go To Top Level?

Apr 15, 2007

I am doing a website in which I load a bunch of movies with an empty first frame to different levels in the first frame of the main movie. When I want to see each movie I have a button which tells a specific level to gotoandplay (2). Every time I "play" a loaded movie, I also tell all the others to gotoandstop (1) - so I wont see them anymore.Is it possible to make a loaded swf to "jump" to a much higher level - and all the other movies go back to a lower level? this way I wont have to make my movies go back to frame 1 all the time.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tell Loaded Swf To Play From Another Swf On A Different Level?

Nov 23, 2011

I am trying to tell a preloaded swf on level 2 to play from the last frame on an swf on level 1. I know this should be easy but I am not getting it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Root From The Loaded Swf

Jan 13, 2011

I am migrating to AS 3.0 from AS 2.0 and I am unable to access the root of the main swf from the loaded swf. In AS 2.0 i simply used "_root.gotoAndPlay(frame number); I have also tried Movieclip(this.root).gotoAndPlay(frame number); but it doesn't work.

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Professional :: Target Root From A Loaded Swf?

Feb 5, 2010

I have a swf called anim1.swf acting as a preloder and loading anim2.swf. anim1.swf is attached to a document class called Racine.as. Once anim2.swf is loaded, how can I target the root of anim2.swf?
For example, anim2.swf contains 2 clips called clip1 and clip2. clip1 contains a child called clip1_1. How can I access clip2 from within clip1_1 by using an absolute way (I don't want to use the parent property)?

N.B : a way would be to have a document class attached to anim2.swf, but here there is none.

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Flex :: Accessing Root Of Loaded Swf?

Mar 4, 2012

I have a SWf application built in flex 4. One part of the application relies on accessing a public variable ("step1") set at the application root, and is accessed with

var app:Object = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication;
trace("step one is "+app.step1);

This, while not optimal, has worked fine. Now, hoever, I need to load this entire application into another application, and I can't figure out how to access my step1 variable any longer.I have been loading the swf into the new parent application like so:

public var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
public var pizzaContainer:UIComponent = new UIComponent();
private var myUrl:URLRequest = new URLRequest("chickensoup.swf");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tell An Externally Loaded Swf What Its Root Is?

Nov 24, 2009

Is it possible to tell an externally loaded swf what its root is?
These swf's I want to load in:

main.swf --> manager/g1/viewer.swf
In the main.swf I want to tell the viewer.swf:
your root = ../manager/g1/

So the viewer.swf can read the external xml and images from its own root. (../manager/g1/)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Root Property When Swf's Are Loaded In Other Swf's

Mar 25, 2011

Ive a quick question on using root property when swf's are loaded in other swf's. Is it safe/wise to reference MovieClip(this.root) in packages/classes if the swf will be loaded and placed inside another swf? I read once that root will always refer to maintimeline, and all objects have the same root. So...will the root change in some way if a preloader loads the main swf?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Access Root From The Loaded Swf?

Jan 13, 2011

I am migrating to AS 3.0 from AS 2.0 and I am unable to access the root of the main swf from the loaded swf.In AS 2.0 i simply used "_root.gotoAndPlay(frame number);I have also tried Movieclip(this.root).gotoAndPlay(frame number); but it doesn't work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Top-level Swf Sending Commands To A Loaded Swf?

Dec 10, 2009

So I've spent alot of time building something in Flash that is rather complex and many competitors would find extremely useful if they could get a hold of it for free. I'd like to implement some protection.

The project has a top-level swf sending commands to a loaded swf. That 2nd-level swf loads five or six other 3rd-level swfs.

The 2nd level has the bulk of the actionscript. I would like to protect the functionality. It also contains some vector-based MCs that I don't want anyone to be able to rip. The 3rd level swfs are vectors only, and again, don't want anyone to be able to rip them.

The top-level is the least important as it mainly acts as a loader and commander, but it does load in comma-delimited data that I'd prefer was not publicly available.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Fade Sound Out (Loaded In New Level)

Dec 17, 2003

All the links and tips around here show how to fade a sound out, but they all involve buttons or sliders. Is there a way in a frame-AS to start a 5 second fade out on a sound that has been loaded in a new _level and is activated with:

MySound = new Sound(this);
MySound.start(0, 1);

I can set the overall volume here, but fade it out after it's been playing for 30 seconds...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check If Movie Is Already Loaded In A Level?

Apr 21, 2008

This may be a simple question, but I'm relatively new to the actionscript side of Flash.I have buttons that each load a different movie clip into, let's say, Level One. I'd to know how to write the AS so that if a specific movie is already loaded into that level, it won't load again when the button is pressed.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Clear A Loaded Swf From A Level Without Loading?

Sep 3, 2004

Is there a way to clear a loaded swf from a level without loading something in its place? I just want to be able to clear out levels that aren't in use anymore.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Control Root With An Externally Loaded Swf?

Jul 26, 2010

Can I control my main timeline with an externally loaded swf?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Remove Accsess To Root In Loaded Swf?

Oct 17, 2007

I am forced to develop in AS2 for Flash Player 6 with dial-up speeds in mind (client imposed limitations - dark scary limitations *shudders*).The client requires a swf to load into a flash application dynamically.I am worried about this 'cos there are a number of _root objects, movieclips, initiated classes and variables at the _root level.I don't want the client to be able to load in the external swf with code referencing the _root that could potentially interfere with my _root items (potentially exploding my universe!).Is there a way to change the scope of _root and _level0 for the target mc the swf is loaded into?Can I simply disable _root and _level0 for this clip?I would prefer a non-class method to achieve this if possible as I am loading all class scripts at frame 2 and all shared library elements, xml and the offending swf in frame 1 - all for accurate preloading purposes (that whole dial-up thing again ....)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reference A Root Timeline From Loaded Swf

Dec 12, 2009

I'm loading a lightbox as an image gallery, but I'm working on changing it to full flash. My site is structured with external swfs. I ran into a barrier, because I'll need to load the images (and reference the stage size) in the root timeline, but I don't know how. MovieClip(root) only references the smaller loaded swf's main timeline.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Checking If A Specific Movie Is Loaded In A Level?

Jun 15, 2009

im making a sort of a game and depending on what u choose u may load 1 of 3 or 4 options of movies into a specific level for each option. Meaning: the different toy hands are allways loaded on level 3, no matter which u choose and so on. At the end i need to make a list of the choices the user did, so i need to know if "hands_blue.swf" is loaded in level 3, and if so then push."hand blue" into an array. Im trying this on the _root frame,but no matter what option i take, i allways get the same option:

list=new Array();
if (_level(3)==="hands_blue.swf") {
list.push("Selecci�n: hand blue");


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