ActionScript 2.0 :: Checking If A Specific Movie Is Loaded In A Level?
Jun 15, 2009
im making a sort of a game and depending on what u choose u may load 1 of 3 or 4 options of movies into a specific level for each option. Meaning: the different toy hands are allways loaded on level 3, no matter which u choose and so on. At the end i need to make a list of the choices the user did, so i need to know if "hands_blue.swf" is loaded in level 3, and if so then push."hand blue" into an array. Im trying this on the _root frame,but no matter what option i take, i allways get the same option:
list=new Array();
if (_level(3)==="hands_blue.swf") {
list.push("Selecci�n: hand blue");
It may be pretty basic but I'm looking for the easy way out. I've a container that loads a movie on level10 using loadMovieNum(). Is there a way I can get the name of this movie?.
This may be a simple question, but I'm relatively new to the actionscript side of Flash.I have buttons that each load a different movie clip into, let's say, Level One. I'd to know how to write the AS so that if a specific movie is already loaded into that level, it won't load again when the button is pressed.
Im using loadMovie within a .swf on level 1 to load an external movie into level 2. But when this happens the sound function doesnt work. The 2nd movie being loaded has the newsound defined and everything within itself. It plays if i run that swf seperately or using ctrl+enter. Yet when the 1st movie calls the 2nd movie onto level 1 at runtime.The sound in the 2nd movie doesnt play. But its button sounds all seem to be working.
I am making a flipping page book in flash and have had to create sections in different movies because it kept crashing when i tried to have all the pages in the same movie. I have 3 movies 'page flip4', 'pageflip4-2', and 'page flip 4-3' . I have used the code below to go (flip bacwards) from 'page flip4-2' to the frame label ''backflip'' in 'page flip4'..This works fine
Code: on (press) { loadMovieNum("page flip4.swf", 1); }
I have a movie that's 500x400 px in level 0 and has lots of thumbnails with pictures that I want to open. the thumbnails open a 500x400 px movie above the other but on level 1. the problem is that when the new movie loads on level 1, the thumbnails on level 0 (that are now hidden by the new movie) are still active, and if i click anywere in the movie on level 1, it trigger an action from level 0. Is it possible to load a movie to level 1 that deactivates the movie in level 0 without unloading it?
Trying to get a script for a Specific fps for a loaded movie,i.e. My main movie is 60 fps and my loaded movie is 12 fps and when I play, the loaded movie plays in 60 fps........Is there a way to play the loaded movie in a specific speed (like 12fps rather than 60 fps)....
I have a swf movie that loads to my main scene using a preload. I have a button found on the main scene. When that button is pressed I would like to use the GotoAndPlay command to play a specific frame in that movie. How do I do this. my swf is called inter_mc.swf. I created a function for the button but somehow Im thinking I need to designate the swf in the goto code. This isn't working but it is what I have so far.
I'm developing a diet checker that users enter their recipe into an input field and compares it to an external text file with a list variables of ingredients and then underlines or highlights certain ingredients that would not be good to eat.
I need to check this input box for certain words and see if there are specific words before or after those words.The word "egg" WOULD BE highlighted/underlined as a bad ingredient but "egg white" would NOT have the "egg" part highlighted The word "fried chicken" WOULD BE highlighted/underlined but "baked chicken" or "broiled chicken" would NOT be highlighted The external variable text file lists the words I'm searching for and the words to replace them with but, the code I have cannot yet determine if the word "white" is after the word "egg" and then not have the "egg" part of the phrase underlined.
I am currently writing a site and one of the things it does is read variables from a database (by using the following code to access a php file which does the database lookup): loadVariablesNum ("loadvariables.php", 0, "POST"); This works perfectly, however following this I load a number of images based on the variables that are returned. i can't work out how to put an eventlistener, or something similar, so i can tell when loadvariables.php has finished loading. Then i can just load the relevant images in the oncomplete section (or the equivalent).
I'm trying to use .loadMovie to load a .swf that contains a high res background image for the website. I want it to load hidden behind a layer of black before the user is even presented with the oportunity to move forward.
Is it possible to put somthing like this on the first frame (a black screen)...
I have this flash timeline with an empty movieclip in it. And i have some button that attaches an 'actionscript-exported' movieClip from the library..[code]Now...each time i press that button, the 'some_mc' loads. Is there some clever way of checking if the movieclip has already loaded, so that it doesn't load if it's already loaded.[code]
i need to change the colour of a graphic in a specific movie in a specific frame. if i have a movie clip instance-named "sidetext" thats 15 frames long, and i want a graphic in the movie, called "letterp" to change to one of four colours that i want it to randomly at frame 10 and stay that colour uintil frame 15, how can i do this?
What is the best approach to add and remove sections if I'm using this method for example.
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader(); addChild(myLoader); var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("section1.swf"); [code]......
Do I add this to button click events? for every section? and a remove method for the other sections that are not in use? or is there a better way to setup this more reusable and checking correctly if a swf is loaded or not?
I'm using a preloader and MovieClipLoader to seemingly good effect and I have an ending sequence to my preloader where it plays out once the target clip is loaded. The ending sequence features within the preloader itself (preloader_mc.endingClip). preloader_mc plays through its frames with:
until it gets to 100% and then gets to a frame telling endingClip to play. All good unless the target clip is already loaded. Then what happens is that the preloader jumps to 100% and only plays the ending sequence. I would like to have a way of checking to see if the target clip has already been loaded so as to avoid displaying only this ending portion of the preloader.
I have a main movie and into it I am loading an external SWF, using loadMovie("myclip", target_mc). I want my main timeline to be able to tell where my loaded movie is, and when the loaded mc (myclip.swf) reaches frame 20, i want my main timeline to do another action (like, start playing a sound). How do I accomplish that? How do I check what is the current frame of the external mc?
I have been doing really well figuring everything out up until now.[code]How it stands, what is this link pointing to? Can I make it target a specific frame in a specific movie clip?And if someone would be so kind and explain what this is saying in 3rd grader terms.
I was checking my policyfiles log file and noticed that I have the following for a newly created (and played in Firefox) SWF file I made:OK: Root-level SWF loaded:URL...I was trying to find some documentation in but couldn't find anything...
I am looking to create an interface where i can load an swf file into a particluar level, in this case level2, above an empty level1 and my main movie on level0.Once the swf is loaded (into level2), i want to trigger an action causing the swf in level2 drop to level1 ... and populate level2 with a new swf. The swf in level1 would unload in a particular frame of the timeline in the level2 swf.I have tried the swapDepth action but that does not seem to be working as i intended.
Is it possible to control one loaded SWF File e.g.,(MOVIE-1.swf) from another loaded SWF file e.g., (MOVIE-0.swf) on a different level? E.g. with a syntax like: onRelease _MOVIE-1.SWF.gotoAndStop (4) or: onRelease gotoAndStop (MOVIE-1.swf, frame4)
I am doing a website in which I load a bunch of movies with an empty first frame to different levels in the first frame of the main movie. When I want to see each movie I have a button which tells a specific level to gotoandplay (2). Every time I "play" a loaded movie, I also tell all the others to gotoandstop (1) - so I wont see them anymore.Is it possible to make a loaded swf to "jump" to a much higher level - and all the other movies go back to a lower level? this way I wont have to make my movies go back to frame 1 all the time.