ActionScript 2.0 :: Detect When New Movie Has Loaded In A New Level? -squish

Jan 8, 2003

is it possible for the main movie to detect when a new movie has loaded in a new level?

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assigning a level for the external movie(reseller_locations.swf) loaded to a moivie clip(clipHolder)


loadMovie("reseller_locations.swf", this._parent.clipHolder);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Name Of Movie Loaded On A Level

Oct 14, 2011

It may be pretty basic but I'm looking for the easy way out. I've a container that loads a movie on level10 using loadMovieNum(). Is there a way I can get the name of this movie?.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check If Movie Is Already Loaded In A Level?

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This may be a simple question, but I'm relatively new to the actionscript side of Flash.I have buttons that each load a different movie clip into, let's say, Level One. I'd to know how to write the AS so that if a specific movie is already loaded into that level, it won't load again when the button is pressed.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Checking If A Specific Movie Is Loaded In A Level?

Jun 15, 2009

im making a sort of a game and depending on what u choose u may load 1 of 3 or 4 options of movies into a specific level for each option. Meaning: the different toy hands are allways loaded on level 3, no matter which u choose and so on. At the end i need to make a list of the choices the user did, so i need to know if "hands_blue.swf" is loaded in level 3, and if so then push."hand blue" into an array. Im trying this on the _root frame,but no matter what option i take, i allways get the same option:

list=new Array();
if (_level(3)==="hands_blue.swf") {
list.push("Selecci�n: hand blue");


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LoadMovie Works But Sounds Don't Play When New Movie Loaded In Next Level?

Jan 10, 2010

Im using loadMovie within a .swf on level 1 to load an external movie into level 2. But when this happens the sound function doesnt work. The 2nd movie being loaded has the newsound defined and everything within itself. It plays if i run that swf seperately or using ctrl+enter. Yet when the 1st movie calls the 2nd movie onto level 1 at runtime.The sound in the 2nd movie doesnt play. But its button sounds all seem to be working.

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I have a movie that's 500x400 px in level 0 and has lots of thumbnails with pictures that I want to open. the thumbnails open a 500x400 px movie above the other but on level 1. the problem is that when the new movie loads on level 1, the thumbnails on level 0 (that are now hidden by the new movie) are still active, and if i click anywere in the movie on level 1, it trigger an action from level 0. Is it possible to load a movie to level 1 that deactivates the movie in level 0 without unloading it?

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what Actionscript to put in a movie to detect whether that movie has been loaded into another movieclip?

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I have a preloader that calls a function to check whether a whole 2nd swf has loaded.

Then when it's loaded it plays the 2nd swf to a traget MC.

But I also need that MC and swf to be on another level.

This doesn't seem to work for me.

host.loadmovie("main.swf", 4)

It ignores the level part and just loads to the current levels host.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loaded Swf Level Assignment

Sep 8, 2011

I am looking to create an interface where i can load an swf file into a particluar level, in this case level2, above an empty level1 and my main movie on level0.Once the swf is loaded (into level2), i want to trigger an action causing the swf in level2 drop to level1 ... and populate level2 with a new swf. The swf in level1 would unload in a particular frame of the timeline in the level2 swf.I have tried the swapDepth action but that does not seem to be working as i intended.

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Feb 7, 2005

Is it possible to control one loaded SWF File e.g.,(MOVIE-1.swf) from another loaded SWF file e.g., (MOVIE-0.swf) on a different level? E.g. with a syntax like:
_MOVIE-1.SWF.gotoAndStop (4)
gotoAndStop (MOVIE-1.swf, frame4)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Loaded Swf Go To Top Level?

Apr 15, 2007

I am doing a website in which I load a bunch of movies with an empty first frame to different levels in the first frame of the main movie. When I want to see each movie I have a button which tells a specific level to gotoandplay (2). Every time I "play" a loaded movie, I also tell all the others to gotoandstop (1) - so I wont see them anymore.Is it possible to make a loaded swf to "jump" to a much higher level - and all the other movies go back to a lower level? this way I wont have to make my movies go back to frame 1 all the time.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Top-level Swf Sending Commands To A Loaded Swf?

Dec 10, 2009

So I've spent alot of time building something in Flash that is rather complex and many competitors would find extremely useful if they could get a hold of it for free. I'd like to implement some protection.

The project has a top-level swf sending commands to a loaded swf. That 2nd-level swf loads five or six other 3rd-level swfs.

The 2nd level has the bulk of the actionscript. I would like to protect the functionality. It also contains some vector-based MCs that I don't want anyone to be able to rip. The 3rd level swfs are vectors only, and again, don't want anyone to be able to rip them.

The top-level is the least important as it mainly acts as a loader and commander, but it does load in comma-delimited data that I'd prefer was not publicly available.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Fade Sound Out (Loaded In New Level)

Dec 17, 2003

All the links and tips around here show how to fade a sound out, but they all involve buttons or sliders. Is there a way in a frame-AS to start a 5 second fade out on a sound that has been loaded in a new _level and is activated with:

MySound = new Sound(this);
MySound.start(0, 1);

I can set the overall volume here, but fade it out after it's been playing for 30 seconds...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Clear A Loaded Swf From A Level Without Loading?

Sep 3, 2004

Is there a way to clear a loaded swf from a level without loading something in its place? I just want to be able to clear out levels that aren't in use anymore.

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Java :: Any Opensource Alternative To Squish To Test Flash / Silverlight / Java Applet Gui Objects?

Jun 3, 2011

If one doesn't have the source code, the only to test is to send keystroke and mouse move so I found this product but it's not free and opensource price is not even known :([URL] Squish supports automating interactions and testing non-HTML/DOM elements, that is, native objects, which are embedded in a web page. This is done at a fairly abstract level, which means that mouse and text input can be recorded and replayed.

In addition it is possible to inspect embedded native objects with the Spy tool and to insert verifications for these native objects. All of a native object's public properties can be accessed in test scripts.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Clear A Loaded Swf From Level Without Loading Something In Its Place?

Sep 3, 2004

Is there a way to clear a loaded swf from a level without loading something in its place?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Access The Method Of An Extenally Loaded SWF From A Different Level?

Dec 19, 2005

How to access the method of an extenally loaded SWF a number of levels.

For example I've loaded a SWF file to _level1 I want to access a method inside the SWF from another SWF file in a different level .

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Level - Movie Is Not Working Anymore After Load It Into Other Movie

Aug 23, 2004

Let say A is the main movie and B will be a external swf file that i'm going to load into A movie. The problems is that, some actionscript(AS) in my B movie is not working anymore after i load it into A movie. I believe that the AS in my B movie is not working anymore because it is refer to A as the _root instead of B movie as _root. This can be a common problem. So, i wonder what should i change in the B movie AS in order to make it work in A movie.

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Actionscript 3 :: Adding An Intro To A Swf Without Access To The Fla Differences Between Top-level And Loaded Swfs

Feb 3, 2010

I've got to (quickly!) add an intro to an existing flash masthead on a site that I've inherited. I don't have access to the source .fla's, so I approached the problem by putting the intro in a wrapper swf and loading the current masthead and adding it to the display list on Event.INIT. So far, so good. (Incidentally, the swfs are built for flash player 9 and use AS3.)

The problem I'm having is that although the intro plays fine and loads / displays the beginning of the masthead swf, which is a loading animation, the masthead itself never actually plays. Essentially, my question is: what would cause an actionscript 3-based swf to behave differently when it's the child of another swf as opposed to at the top level of the embedded swf?

Potentially important details: Embedding is being handled with swfobject, and no flashvars are being passed in. There are two params, which are base: "/flash/" and wmode: "opaque". All the swfs and flash data live in /flash/. The flash elements (minus the intro I built) were constructed using the Inky flash framework, with which I'm not familiar.

UPDATE: I've reconsidered my approach to the problem and gotten it working by using ExternalInterface; I'm having the intro swf call a js function when it finishes playing, which swaps out the intro swf and replaces it with the current masthead (the approach is outlined here). I'd still like to know why I was witnessing the behavior I was seeing earlier, though, so any ideas and suggestions would be welcome.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call Root Level Function And Variables From External Loaded Swf File?

Jul 15, 2010

I have small issue in as3.  I am load "mainmenu.swf" file into "main.swf". through loader class. so now "main.swf" is parent "mainmenu.swf" file children how can call "main.swf " variable & function from "mainmenu.swf" .

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect When A Loaded Swf Has Finished Playing

Apr 1, 2009

I have an external transparent swf loading in to my movie. The swf has to be imported over a button element on stage. The swf plays for a few seconds than it appears to go off-stage... at which point I need to free up that button to be clicked.

So, I need to detect when that movie has finished playing and then unload.

My code so far.

import flash.display.Loader;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect Last External Item Loaded?

Jan 22, 2010

I can't get my head around this. I know there's a clever way to do this but none of my ideas seem to be the solution. I'd like to dispatch an event when there are no more items to be loaded. I'm working with Drupal and AMFPHP and loading some nodes. The number of nodes may vary from day to day so I need a way to know when the last one has loaded.
In the code below, I am building an array to use elsewhere in the application. Once all nodes have finished loading I'd like to know what the final length of portfolioItems is.


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Professional :: Detect The End Of An External Swf Loaded Into A Container

Oct 14, 2010

I have a main swf that will load external swfs into a container. I need to detect the end of the loaded external swf in order to start to load and play a new one into the same container. The problem is that i do not know what the length of the external swfs will be, and will have no control over the development of them, so i cannot place a variable at the end of their animation which would allow me to detect from the main movie its end. I also cannot rely on the _totalFrames property because the loaded swf might not have all the animation inside its main timeline.

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