Actionscript 3 :: Adding An Intro To A Swf Without Access To The Fla Differences Between Top-level And Loaded Swfs

Feb 3, 2010

I've got to (quickly!) add an intro to an existing flash masthead on a site that I've inherited. I don't have access to the source .fla's, so I approached the problem by putting the intro in a wrapper swf and loading the current masthead and adding it to the display list on Event.INIT. So far, so good. (Incidentally, the swfs are built for flash player 9 and use AS3.)

The problem I'm having is that although the intro plays fine and loads / displays the beginning of the masthead swf, which is a loading animation, the masthead itself never actually plays. Essentially, my question is: what would cause an actionscript 3-based swf to behave differently when it's the child of another swf as opposed to at the top level of the embedded swf?

Potentially important details: Embedding is being handled with swfobject, and no flashvars are being passed in. There are two params, which are base: "/flash/" and wmode: "opaque". All the swfs and flash data live in /flash/. The flash elements (minus the intro I built) were constructed using the Inky flash framework, with which I'm not familiar.

UPDATE: I've reconsidered my approach to the problem and gotten it working by using ExternalInterface; I'm having the intro swf call a js function when it finishes playing, which swaps out the intro swf and replaces it with the current masthead (the approach is outlined here). I'd still like to know why I was witnessing the behavior I was seeing earlier, though, so any ideas and suggestions would be welcome.

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at bla_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

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_MOVIE-1.SWF.gotoAndStop (4)
gotoAndStop (MOVIE-1.swf, frame4)

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