ActionScript 2.0 :: Access A Global Variable From An Swf On A Different Level Than Another (outside Of Movies)?
Apr 18, 2004
Is it possible to access a global variable from an swf on a different level than another (outside of movies)? Or are they only global in the sense that they can be accessed from different scenes in the same movie? I want to check whether or not a certain movie (called by loadMovie) is on a certain frame (if else statement), and then act accordingly (tell it to play a certain frame in that movie [shut itself down, figuratively], or nothing).
I am writing a simple game in which the hero will need to jump on a trampoline. The thing is there are various trampolines (set as instance name tramp1, tramp2, tramp3 etc, and only one trampoline will be active at any given time. I have set a variable _global.level which decides which trampoline is active but how do I do the hit test?
So far I have: trampland = _parent.ground.tramp2.spring.hitTest(this._x+8, this._y+32, true); if (trampland) {go and do something} But how do i tell which 'tramp' to use? I have been trying _parent.ground.tramp[_global.level].spring, But to no avail.
Normally, I declare a variable at the very top of all my code like, var myObj: Myobj = new Myobj();...
but for some reason the the new variable being declared is necessary to present within the function, like displaying same objects in the library using for loop.
I notice that variable declare within a function will not be accessible outside the function or from another event handler or from another function....
I have seen code that make it possible my declaring a new variable?
I'm having a little issue understanding scoping in this package environment. My question is this: Is it possible to declare globally visible variables and constants? I tried this with no successful results:
i defined the global variable in the first frame of my file, and i can access it on other frames, however i am trying to access it within a movieclip, and flash is telling me that it is undefined. does anyone know why this could be?
I came to the point where I need to communicate between 2 objects (let's say Tank and the Cannon). It is tile game, and when the Tank approach specific tile I need my Cannon to shot the Tank. When Tank gets that specific tile I want to dispatch some custom event and have listener in Cannon class body to make the shot happen. Other way I would have to check in ENTER_FRAME loop (inside Cannon body class) if the Tank touched tile that runs the Cannon shooting - but this is not elegant and efficient. The issue is complicated by the fact that the Cannon and Tank are added to the Engine (document class) and can't simply hear for each other, because they seat on the same level in display list.
Initially I could addEventListener to the Engine, but this way my document class would enlarge to the XXL size (all listeners functionality, all methods for game etc). What I would accomplish is to have event listener in every Cannon object (defined in body class) listening for Tank's dispatching the event. I saw some 'Centralized Event Manager' article in the net, but can't download full classes [url]...
I have a one key frame movie with 20 square symbols over the page, each one is a movie clip, that when clicked plays a movie clip. The movies all function and do what they are suppose to, but the issue I have is that when the movies play are obscured but some of the other movies.
What I need to happen is that any one of the movies, when clicked comes to the top level, on top of everything else.
When you have movies in a layer, how can you stop the buttons of the underlying levels from showing through. I don't want the user to think that there is a button on the level showing because the cursor turns into a also when clicked it does activate the lower movies actions.
I have 2 movie clips, one being loaded into a container MC via "loadMovie();"In the main movie there is a variable with no value, in the external movie there are 5 frames, each with a value to update the variable in the main movie.
IE: if on frame 1, global value = 1 / if on frame 2, global value = 2 / etc etc I'm familiar with passing variables INTO an external swf, but am stumped on how to do it the reverse way.
I have a movie clip of an explosion which is done in code because I am randomizing the direction and amount of debris from the explosion, so it's a movie clip with one frame, and all animation is done in code. Problem is, I'm trying to pause the game from the main timeline when the player presses "p". Right now I have it so it turns the variable gamePaused = true and calls the function pauseGame() which stops everything else. However I don't know how to access the variable gamePaused from inside the explosion movie clip's code. If I can somehow check that variable in the movie clip, I can pause that animation until the player presses "p" again.
So basically, how do I access a variable in the main timeline from a movie clip?
Also just to point out, all of these explosions were created as Sprites in the main timeline's code, any solutions I have found online didn't like that. So just keep that in mind.
Here's the main timeline code:
//This Creates An Explosion<br> function createExplosion(explosionX, explosionY, explosionSize):void{<br> //This Creates The Explosion Movie Clip var explosionSprite:Sprite = new Sprite;
I have 2 classes: bullet class:Extends MovieClip and stores information about bullets while handling their movement and properties. enemy class:Extends MovieClip and simply so far stores the x,y co-ordonates of the enemy. I want the bullet to home onto the enemy object in the movement function by referencing the x and y position of the enemy.
Here's the code: //Main as3 file stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,clk);//stuff that happens on click function clk (e:MouseEvent){ shotcnt += 1; shotobj.push(new pshot(player.x,player.y)); addChild(shotobj[shotcnt]); [Code] .....
I'm trying to get a value from a function which is a URLLoader COMPLETE event but even with declaring variables outside of the function will not allow me to get the value out. I'm stuck.It seems that the Asynchronous nature of Flash makes it impossible to get a value out: e.g. this works:
// Initialise a URLLoader to get XML data from XML file var myFPBLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); myFPBLoader.load(new URLRequest("flightPlannerBoard.xml"));
I am creating a sqlite database for my mobile app. once the user has supplied the correct password the database is opened. Various screens of the application will need to read and write data from the db. is there a way I can make the connection global when I open it, so it can be accessed from any view?
the code I am useing to open the DB is
var sqlConnection:SQLConnection = new SQLConnection(); sqlConnection.addEventListener(SQLEvent.OPEN,sqlOpenSuccess);, SQLMode.CREATE, false, 1024,null);
Is there or is there not possible to access _global variables between domains? On [URL] I have index.html and index.swf. Index.swf then loads main.swf from [URL]. In index.swf I have a _global variable that i want main to use. When calling for it all I get is undefined. The only way to access it is if I call for it using _parent or _root.
I have allowed the domains to communicate using"[URL]");"[URL]"); I have also put a crossdomain policy file on both servers..
I have done this many times but can't remember the syntax for the life of me and am obviously asking Google the wrong questions.
I can't give the TitleWindow an id as it's the top level component. How do I access the TitleWindow component from inside the script tag, the 'this' keyword will give me type Object, which one of its properties will give me the title window?
I used this call: "dataXML.APARTADO.APARTADO1.text()[j]" to acces the second level items in a XML loaded file in a for loop.Is there a way to substitute the APARTADO1 level for a variable?What I want is to access APARTADO1, APARTADO2... in the XML file with a variable. I have tried to substitute it by a variable string but it returns "null". I don't know why. If you need more information I can attach my code.
I am trying to make a password to access a certain level. heres the code ive come up with.
where the input text box var is "input" but for some reason, its not working. the "else" command is working perfectly, but when i try and use the password "35" to get to frame 35 it treats it treats it as "else" as if its not recognizing the password.
I have a movieclip on the stage, and in that clip I have a button that is supposed to turn a global variable from true to false, but the compile tells me: 1119: Access of possibly undefined property root through a reference with static type Class.
When I use this code: Code: function closeMSN(event:MouseEvent):void{ this.visible = false Stage.MSNOpen = false }
I know how to reference the movieclip itself by this, but how do I change the value of a variable on the main stage, from inside the movie clip?
i've declared global variable in the first frame of the main timeline:var cLabel:String;In the inner timeline of a MC, i use this code:stop();cLabel=this.currentLabel;but flash gave me error 1120: access of undefined property
I'm having an issue with a global variable. I'm trying to give it a value within a function and it isn't working.The variable is imageList. It's an XML List. I'm making it global so I can use it anywhere in my project. I suppose if someone has a better idea to avoid the global variable, I'm up for that too. But for now, it seems like the way to go.
Here's my .as file: package { public class MyGlobal {
It's giving me the same same Error #1009 as above. It seems like a scope problem, but why? Shouldn't it work since it's a global variable?
defining the variable i:e frName.... outside the function it does not display anything..same time if I define same variable inside function i:e displays the name ]why?
and how can i use variable i:e frName as global var so that it can be used in any function?
I have a stackview of textfields and when I type into the text field I want it to update on each stackview "page", kind of like a global variable, maybe even using a global variable.
Can I bring in a variable (saved in a text file) using LoadVars and then make that variable accessible from anywhere in the script (i.e. make the variable a global)?
I have a button in a movie that I want to set a global variable to a new value when clicked. I want it to access a parameter of a movie clip that this same button loads onto the movie for the new global variable value. I have the final line under this button's onrelease script with something like this:
globalvariable1 = movieclip.parameter; Everything is on level 0 and I've tried prefixing everything with _root. but it didn't make a difference, the global variable still wasn't changed. I'm a newbie so don't laugh if this is a really dumb question!
here is the set up. I'm working with three files. Main.swf which contains navigation.swf in a blankmc, empty mc called mcContent where navigation sleclected materials are loaded.
In the navigation.fla here is the code [AS]trace("now defining global"); _global.loadFile_str = strPicName;