ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Stage Level Variables From Child?
Jan 23, 2009I have a child that I added during run time. I would like it to access a variable that was defined on the stage. npFurn:Number.[code]...
View 9 RepliesI have a child that I added during run time. I would like it to access a variable that was defined on the stage. npFurn:Number.[code]...
View 9 RepliesI'm working on a game. I want it to attach a different level to the stage depending on what value a 2 variables are, but I keep getting Type Mismatch, or it doesn't work.
_root.attachMovie(PROBLEM IS HERE,"map"+mapSwitch,_root.getNextHighestDepth());
The current linkages are 00 (0x, 0y), and -10 (-1x, 0y). They are comprised of 2 variables, the first one is xmap, and the second is ymap. I want to be able to combine the 2 variables and then attach the clip with that linkage to the stage.
I have a mainSwf in which I load an external swf, which loads an external swf.( a child of a child). I am trying to set the framerate via AS3 for the childs child by using stage.frameRate= 15;
It doesnt work when the children are loaded into the mainSwf. how to access the stage of a child's child? I have tried root, Movieclip, this but can not get it to work
The error is as follows:1119: Access of possibly undefined property shiftX through a reference with static type flash.displayisplayObject.shiftX is declared in the first line of the movie clipFirst i check to see if the child doesnt exist and if it does I access it like so:getChildByName("ball"+ccc2).shiftX)
View 4 RepliesThe external swf is located at:[url]....In the parent.swf, I put you click a button on the child.swf it's suppose to trace data from the parent.swf, but it returns undefined.What am I doing wrong? I MUST access data from the parent.swf
View 4 RepliesI have a menu movieclip that has several buttons, each with listeners writtin in the movieclip's actions layer in Frame1. The script goes something like this:
From the two .as files below, I get the following error when I run: 1119: Access of possibly undefined property importantNumber through a reference with static type flash.display:Sprite.
I can't access the variables that I declare in the main timeline from a child.
I attach the child to the stage during runtime.
I am creating a fullscreen (no scale) site, so I am placing the position of my movieclips by referring the stage.[code]...
that code sets the x property of the movie clip fine when stand alone but when loaded into another swf it has trouble accessing the stage.
How can I access the height and width of the stage from a child swf? I have already tried both parent and root which give no errors, however they are not tracing proper values and are throwing everything in the wrong place
I am not sure if I'm being completely stupid here, so my apologies in advance. If I have an object on the stage for example:
ball:Ball = new Ball();
it already has .x and .y values as it is placed on the stage.Then I have some value inputs, such as force, angle etc.Now when I click an event listener I want it to activate a function in Ball that will move it from the values I have just set.My question is how do I carry those values across after the ball has already been place on the stage?
I need a class code to access a child instance of another class code that is on the stage. I have a class code named On the Time Line is a child of the Thing class. It is call newThing. Here is the code in the file:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
I get an error message saying that newThing is an undefined property.
i know this may seem kind of dumb, but how does one access the document class from a child movie clip on the stage?
i have a property in my class. Just a string for testing:
public var s:String = 'can you see me';
it traces on the root time line, but it errors out if tracing it from a movieclip on the root time line.
i have a small question concerning away3D. I have some cubes with the exact same dimensions that are positioned in the same place. When i click on the stack of cubes, i want to register a click on the cube i added last. Instead of doing this, the click is registered on the cube i added first.
I have found a way to alter the cubes position in the container and have tried putting the element at the end (code below) and start of the childrenArray, but nothing seems to work. I am kinda really stuck here, so if anyone knows how to get the top level element when clicking on the stack, i'd be happy to hear.
how I access variables in a frame on the stage with code from a frame within a movieclip?(basically passing variables from a stage frame to a movieclip frame)
View 4 Repliesi have problem with swfLoader in flex, when i close following code in click method i can easly add many swf to main application
<mx:VBox id="content" width="100%" height="100%" ></mx:VBox>
public function doIT():void
when i close adding those swfs in loop i have the same error, it looks like child apps couldn't access certain objects that were instantiated by another child app, so what can i do?
I've seen some discussion on how to load a child swf using swfLoader and accessing it's variables but I am wondering if it is possible to do this without adding any code to the child swf.Either accessing public vars or listening for funciton calls would work fine
View 2 RepliesI encountered and did not make heads or tails out of this whole new concept of child, parent and setting a index level. What is an index level and this 'child and parent' thing?
View 3 RepliesI have a movieclip(parentMC) which consists of several other movieclips(childMCs). Each childMC can trigger an event, and each event performs a different function. I want to check from my parentMC whenever there is an event triggered by any of its child.
View 3 RepliesI've a problem with accessing different levels..
actually i'm in the 6th level of my swf and i need to access a movieClip in the 2nd level .
Is it possible to use variable names instead of giving the real level name and movieClip...
My code is something like this...
var levelData:String = _level2.mc_myMovie;
levelData.onRelease = function()
Normally, I declare a variable at the very top of all my code like, var myObj: Myobj = new Myobj();...
but for some reason the the new variable being declared is necessary to present within the function, like displaying same objects in the library using for loop.
I notice that variable declare within a function will not be accessible outside the function or from another event handler or from another function....
I have seen code that make it possible my declaring a new variable?
I have done this many times but can't remember the syntax for the life of me and am obviously asking Google the wrong questions.
I can't give the TitleWindow an id as it's the top level component. How do I access the TitleWindow component from inside the script tag, the 'this' keyword will give me type Object, which one of its properties will give me the title window?
I used this call: "dataXML.APARTADO.APARTADO1.text()[j]" to acces the second level items in a XML loaded file in a for loop.Is there a way to substitute the APARTADO1 level for a variable?What I want is to access APARTADO1, APARTADO2... in the XML file with a variable. I have tried to substitute it by a variable string but it returns "null". I don't know why. If you need more information I can attach my code.
View 9 RepliesI am trying to make a password to access a certain level. heres the code ive come up with.
where the input text box var is "input" but for some reason, its not working. the "else" command is working perfectly, but when i try and use the password "35" to get to frame 35 it treats it treats it as "else" as if its not recognizing the password.
I'm having a little issue understanding scoping in this package environment. My question is this: Is it possible to declare globally visible variables and constants? I tried this with no successful results:
PHP Code:
package {
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import games.mineAllMine.MineAllMine;
[Code] .....
I would need to acces to routines that can draw text, I don't wish it to have anything to do with TextField. I aim to draw text to BitmapData objects, is there any way how to do that, except importing font in bitmap file and painting it as an image?
View 1 RepliesIs it possible to access a global variable from an swf on a different level than another (outside of movies)? Or are they only global in the sense that they can be accessed from different scenes in the same movie? I want to check whether or not a certain movie (called by loadMovie) is on a certain frame (if else statement), and then act accordingly (tell it to play a certain frame in that movie [shut itself down, figuratively], or nothing).
View 5 RepliesHow to access the method of an extenally loaded SWF a number of levels.
For example I've loaded a SWF file to _level1 I want to access a method inside the SWF from another SWF file in a different level .
If i have a series of variables that are referenced on an enter frame function, is it better to declare the frequently used vars at the class level? Is there a performance benefit? What is the standard?
Here's the scenario: We have a creative team that operates in Flash CS5.5 and produces SWF assets which have both graphics elements and actionscript code in them, and an engineering team which authors .as files and builds "code SWFs". The code SWF files must load or embed the creative assets and interact with the code therein for our apps to function.
For iOS mobile development, there is another consideration - it is not possible to load runtime code in an AIR app packages for iOS because of Apple TOS (see related question). Hence, it is not possible to use a Loader to load SWFs in an iOS environment and retain their code.
Embedding a SWF into an ActionScript file the standard way results in a Loader that loads the embedded SWF directly as bytes. This results in access to the top-level, main timeline as follows:
I tried all zooms, placing objects outside there to gain scroll access, but it won't, and seem to be outside of some lighter gray plate... is it simply the limit? how the hell can I design the rest of my level?
View 3 Replies