ActionScript 2.0 :: Checking Input Box Data For Specific Phrases?

Jan 10, 2006

I'm developing a diet checker that users enter their recipe into an input field and compares it to an external text file with a list variables of ingredients and then underlines or highlights certain ingredients that would not be good to eat.

I need to check this input box for certain words and see if there are specific words before or after those words.The word "egg" WOULD BE highlighted/underlined as a bad ingredient but "egg white" would NOT have the "egg" part highlighted The word "fried chicken" WOULD BE highlighted/underlined but "baked chicken" or "broiled chicken" would NOT be highlighted The external variable text file lists the words I'm searching for and the words to replace them with but, the code I have cannot yet determine if the word "white" is after the word "egg" and then not have the "egg" part of the phrase underlined.

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I do math applications for the web. Often I have to check if a user input is correct. For example: the right answer is 3x+5. Is the user input that.I do this by checking character by character. I don't think that it is the best way, especially since the user may have written 5+3x, which is right, too, although it is preferred to write the other way around.I sometimes have to check more complicated expressions, like -3x^2+7x-15 or -2 sin (4x^2).Right now I'm doing an equation solving exercise. There I have to check what the user wants to do to the equation, like +2x or /(-5).

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im making a sort of a game and depending on what u choose u may load 1 of 3 or 4 options of movies into a specific level for each option. Meaning: the different toy hands are allways loaded on level 3, no matter which u choose and so on. At the end i need to make a list of the choices the user did, so i need to know if "hands_blue.swf" is loaded in level 3, and if so then push."hand blue" into an array. Im trying this on the _root frame,but no matter what option i take, i allways get the same option:

list=new Array();
if (_level(3)==="hands_blue.swf") {
list.push("Selecci�n: hand blue");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Checking Value Of Input Text?

Jun 5, 2008

Working on a simple dog and pony show that needs to fake some password entry. I'm in Flash CS3 using AS2.0.

I have an Input Text field named "txt_pinnums" and its line type is set to Password. It has a variable of "pinpassword".

All I want to do when "btn_ok" is pressed is check that the numbers entered on the keypad that are now in the input text field equal "1234". It seems though that the value of that field is a bunch of HTML, not simple characters. Here is what I have:

PHP Code:

stop();txt_pinnums.text = "";function checkPin() {    if(pinpassword eq "1234") {  trace("good");    }    else    {        trace("bad");    }}btn_ok.onRelease = function() {    checkPin();} 

I'm sure my AS is not that good, but as I said this is just a simple show and tell demo that will be thrown away. How can I test that the input text equals 1234? If I do a trace(pinpassword) I get a bunch of HTML in addition to the characters entered.

Also, one syntactical question. I tried this:

PHP Code:

btn_ok.onRelease = checkPin; 

But that doesn't work... that type of thing works in JS though. Curious as to why it doesn't work.

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Feb 8, 2011

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John Doe was born in Athens in 1974.
He studied at the Athens School of Fine Arts and he presented his first solo exhibition in 1996.

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John Doe was born in Athens in 1974. 
He studied at the Athens School of Fine Arts and he presented his first solo exhibition in 1996. 

This way in flash the text has some big spaces between phrases and I dont like it. How to generate XML file to be like this :
John Doe was born in Athens in 1974.
He studied at the Athens School of Fine Arts and he presented his first solo exhibition in 1996.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Checking Contents Of Text Fields - User Input?

Jun 18, 2011

I am just trying to check the contents of text field that the user can enter text into.
Here's the code:
btn_check.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, checkAnswer);
function checkAnswer(evt:MouseEvent):void {
if (answer.text=="48%") {
} else {
messageBox.text="INCORRECT. TRY AGAIN.";

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I am a beginner using AS3. I'm trying to set up a simple Flash SWF validation of 2 text input boxes' data. In one box the user enters a username and in the second box they enter a password. This is sent to an ASP page which checks the name and password with a SQL Server database on my site. If their name and password are in the database, then the ASP send back to the SWF, "YES" and if not, "NO". The AS3 could then use an if/else: if "YES" then gotoAndPlay(2), or else display a message.The ASP script/page is completed. I've tested it with another program, and it works to check the DB and get back data.My AS3 is not working.e AS3 script to get it working.Here's the script so far. It get a trace of: [object URLRequest]. So I do not get any data back.

ActionScript Code:
nextBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextBtnClick, false, 0, true);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Type Checking Data In Array?

Jan 15, 2006

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var n:Node = openList.shift();

I know that all of the data contained inside openList is a type of Node object, but Flash returns an error. I don't know how to typecast such as placing (in another language)...

(Node) openList.shift(); tell Flash that the data returned will be a Node object.

Better yet, is there a way to specify, while declaring the array, the type of the data that will be placed in it?

I could just take the :Node tag out from my variable declaration, but this might be in a tutorial, so I should at least act like I believe half the stuff about proper coding I write about

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var peopleArray:Array = new Array("Alfred", "Bob", "Casper", "David");
function myFunction (givenArray:Object) {
if (givenArray.dataType == Array) {
trace ("This is an array");
// do stuff where an array is needed
[Code] .....

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I have a site with an SWF that I can put some metrics into, such as ZIP Code, Weight, etc..    then, it takes that info and gives me shipping rates.
I need to build a front-end site that I can have a forms page that will push data to the backend SWF, and then return the data back from the SWF to the front end.
Front-end -> SWF (Zip Code, Weight, Size) -> *Calculates* -> Front-End
That should be the flow..     So I need to send data to the backend, GET the data that it calculated, and return the results to my front-end.

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Compare input text with imported XML data problem

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Feb 21, 2010

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ActionScript 3 :: Specific Text In Input Box Causes Certain Image To Display

Nov 2, 2010

I want to know how(and what scripts) to take words from a text input box and cause it to display and image Ex: if the text box said "smiley face" in it, then the image "smiley_face.jpg" would display on a certain movieclip and can be dragged around the stage and when a new image is loaded, it doesn't replace the previous image on the movie clip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Capturing Keyboard Input For Specific Key Combination's?

Jun 15, 2010

capturing any of the keyboard combinations below in the Flash Player. I am building this as a stand alone .swf file, so there won't be any conflicts with a internet browser, though my concern is reserved operating system shortcut keys.

Alt + X
Alt + X + .


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Input A Variable At A Specific Portion Of The Text?

Feb 29, 2012

I have a string of text, but within this text I want to input a variable at a specific portion of the text. Now this string of text is taken from an XML file. So the XML file would look like this for example:

<desc>"This is a text"+temp.alias+"hey"</desc>

The <desc> is an example of a way I tried to make it work. What I want to happen is when I display the desc in my flash file, it inputs the alias (which in the xml is the name) of the item. In PHP this could be doing using EVAL() but I notice the support for that type of function is removed in AS3.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create An Input Box Which Directs A User To A Specific Frame?

Jul 29, 2009

I want to create an input box which directs a user to a specific frame, based on what they enter.I'm making a text-based adventure game, in homage to the ones of old, and basically, if someone enters say the word, "light" into the box, I want it to take them to the frame labelled "light".I also want the input box to respond ONLY to enter key pressing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling Function When Specific Input Text Fields Are Selected?

Dec 10, 2011

I have a number of  input text field on stage. I want to call certain function when specific input text fields are selected.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pulling Specific Data From XML?

May 25, 2005

pulling specific data from XML? This is what I mean...Supposed I have an XML file like this:

HTML Code:
<related items>


Now, in Flash I want to load all items that have "5f" listed as one of their related item. So only display articles where item = 5f

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Mar 2, 2012

First off I am new to using Flex, but I have pieced this app together with help from online tutorials and information. Basically my app is like a directory of names, addresses and so forth, but I also have additional fields of "week" and "day". What I am trying to do is have a list that shows only the names of, for example Week 1 - Monday. Below is some of the code I am using to help you understand what I am trying to do.

<s:List dataProvider="{AddDoctorDatabase.doctors()}" labelField="name" change="onDoctorSelected(event)"
left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0"></s:List>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: External XML Or TXT : Use That Data For A Specific Method?

Nov 1, 2011

I've learned recently that you can use txt file for simple data too, so I include it here as well.TXT contains (not sure if correct, should have same data kind as the xml):


XML contains:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<point1 x="1" y ="2"></point1>


What I have:

- I have 2 dynamic textfields: text1 (variable: outPut1) and text2 (variable: outPut2)

- I have 1 input textfield: (variable:inPut)

- I have 1 button

What I'm trying to do:

- When typing point1 in the input textfield and then pressing the button,(onRelease), outPut1 textfield should show the number 1 and outPut2 textfield should show 2.

- Similar, when typing point3 in the input textfield and pressing the button, outPut1 should show the number 5 and outPut2 should show the number -5.

-It is not only for these three points, it should be applicable with say 50.000 to 200.000 more of such points, each with different x and y values.

To sum it up:So Flash (with AS2) should screen the nodes or txt (for those point names) on what was inserted in the input textfield, then fill the corresponding attributes (XML) seperately in the textfields and all that after the button was pressed. The same deal if it was done with txt, if possible (have read that with txt, loading of data would be faster?).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get At A Specific Property On A Xmlsocket Data Response?

Sep 18, 2009

I just caunt figure out how to get out a specific property on a response..for example my listner is

socketConnection.socket.addEventListener(DataEvent.DATA, recievedHelloBack);
my function is


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