ActionScript 2.0 :: Animating Blur Filter - Bring A Loaded Movie Clip Or Trace Mouse Position
Aug 19, 2007
I've been scouring the internet for the past hour or so in search of how to do this. It's very simple, but every example seem to want me to bring a loaded movie clip, or trace mouse position. I don't need that! Basically I have a button that when clicked comes to the front (using behaviours), moves to a new position, scales and then I want every other button behind it to blur. Obviously I want them to blur gradually to keep the flow going. Here's my current code so you can see where its going:
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done a 3d object to rotate according to the position of the mouse while holding.Id like to add a blur effect to the MC while moving the mouse. So when the mouse is moving fast, the blur on the MC would 10, and if the mouse stoped, the blur would be 0.
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Oct 29, 2009
I have a map application that when I use the mouse wheel the map will scale up or scale down. The next thing I want to do is to focus on the mouse pointer while zooming on the part of the map.
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function focusMousePosition(){ onMouseMove = function (){ Stage.width = _root._xmouse; Stage.height = _root._ymouse; updateAfterEvent(); }}
var mouseWheelListener = new Object();var wheelNum:Number;
mouseWheelListener.onMouseWheel = function(wheelNum){ focusMousePosition(); if (wheelNum > 0){ map._xscale *= 0.9; map._yscale *= 0.9; }else{ map._xscale *= 1.1; map._yscale *= 1.1; }}Mouse.addListener(mouseWheelListener);
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Mar 10, 2011
I looked at the following example in the AS3 Reference: [URL] It is unclear to me looking at the package example how to apply this in standard ActionScript 3 without packages to a Movie Clip resident in my Library that gets called at RunTime. how I would push the DropShadow filter onto my Movie Clip at RunTime?
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Feb 18, 2007
Im learning actionscript using the tutorials here so im more interested in learning *how* rather than just getting it done.
Ive come across a problem on something ive been trying to do. Ive been trying to make a 10 framed movieclip appear at the mouse position and play continuously. To do this I have a two framed loop.
Here is my code. Circle_mc is the movie clip:
//this is the name of my function and what it has in it.
CreateAtMouse = function () {
Circle_mc.duplicateMovieClip("circlecreate", 2, {_x: _root._xmouse, _y:
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Feb 21, 2010
I have created a flash website, each button is a movie clip with an invisible button over it containing the following script
on (rollOver) {
_root.mouse_over_profile_btn = true;
on (rollOut) {
each page is also a movie clip and on release of a button its played. the problem is that when i press another button to play another movie clip 'page' the old content is still there.
Is there a way of reversing the page transition i have used to bring out the movie clip and then bring in the next movie clip.
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Jun 5, 2010
I have created an animation which has frames with the head drawn in the various positions it needs to be in to look in all directions. Each frame is unique as it shows the head look up down sideways etc.What I need to do now is to make the movie clip play certain frames depending on the mouse position.I am having some trouble with the logic of how to do thisIs the best way to detect the mouse position then tell the movie clip to gotoandstop a certain frame depending on the mouse position?
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Aug 11, 2009
I'm creating a slideshow gallery in flash and am basically there now except for one bit...
have a look here [URL]
The slider at the bottom for the thumbnails moves ok but I want it to stop at the last slide. I
I can manage to code it based on the mc's _x value
i.e if (mc._x < -200){ //do nothing }
but this creates a dead stop and I want a gently slow down like if you were to navigate from thumb 8 back to 1.
all of my coding at the moment uses the mc's x value in relation to the mouse's distance.
The code I have currently set on the slider is:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
how I could add another if statement that doesn't halt the animation as it hits the last slide but creates a smooth slow down?
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Jun 11, 2003
I have an MC that contains a menu. Within the menu MC I have a little arrow movie clip that I would like to ease to the mouse position when clicked. I have this code on the little arrow, copied from many easing tutorials:
Also, I want the arrow MC to start at a particular place. But when I put _y = 30 (for example, which is where I would want it to start from) it is still at 0,0 - even when I change _y to this._y. What the heck?
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Oct 17, 2009
I have been approached to design a configurator for a new television product. The Application will let users specify the colours of certain parts of the product and also attach addons, which then updates a cost total.
In the main interface i have a looping animation of the product slowly rotating around 360 degrees that i rendered in 3ds max. When a user clicks a button on the interface i need to load an external movieclip on top of the main animation so it looks as though a certain part has changed colour, this i have acheived. The problem is that when i load the external clip over the original, the loaded clip starts playing from frame 1 and i need it to inherit the playhead position of the main animation so the two layered pieces look as though they are rotating as one. I'm sure this must be possible, unless i need to approach the problem in a different way?
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Sep 23, 2009
Does anyone know the code for finding the global positioning of X & Y co-ordinates of a click of a button which is constantly rotating, and then secondly the code for when you click on the button it displays a movie clip on top of it -(position of x & y when clicked) at the angle that you clicked it,so underneath the buttons are still rotating so other people can click them where they are?
to explain the context, I'm trying to design a mock up of a circular interactive table Dynamically placing movie clip at the angle and global position of a mouse click (button) which is constantly rotating.when someone comes up to it and clicks on one of the buttons that are moving, it reads where the person clicked it and opens up a new box (movie clip) where they clicked it (at the angle) so its not upside down if you are at the top.
I've included my .fla file which shows the four buttons moving and a little diagram explaining what I'm trying to do.
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Sep 23, 2009
Does anyone know the code for finding the global positioning of X & Y co-ordinates of a click of a button which is constantly rotating, and then secondly the code for when you click on the button it displays a movie clip on top of it -(position of x & y when clicked) at the angle that you clicked it, so underneath the buttons are still rotating so other people can click them where they are?
I'm trying to design a mock up of a circular interactive table when someone comes up to it and clicks on one of the buttons that are moving, it reads where the person clicked it and opens up a new box (movie clip) where they clicked it (at the angle) so its not upside down if you are at the top.
I've included my .fla file which shows the four buttons moving and a little diagram
explaining what I'm trying to do.
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Jul 4, 2009
I am in learning phase but do not to show the x andy posion of mouse on the stage. I want to trace the x and y position of mouse in stage. How we can do this ?
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Mar 22, 2010
i'm new to action script 2.0 and i want to create a movie clip dynamically whose position and dimensions are changed in each frame as loaded from xml;
the position and dimension are changed but the problem is the last dimensions are not removed and it get bigger n bigger
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Sep 23, 2009
Does anyone know the code for finding the global positioning of X & Y co-ordinates of a click of a button which is constantly rotating, and then secondly the code for when you click on the button it displays a movie clip on top of it -(position of x & y when clicked) at the angle that you clicked it (so underneath the buttons are still rotating so other people can click them where they are)to explain the context, I'm trying to design a mock up of a circular interactive table when someone comes up to it and clicks on one of the buttons that are moving, it reads where the person clicked it and opens up a new box (movie clip) where they clicked it (at the angle) so its not upside down if you are at the topI've included my .fla file which shows the four buttons moving and a little diagramexplaining what I'm trying to do.
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Apr 8, 2005
how to trace a movie clip and place it into an empty movie clip i create at the begginning of the movie
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Feb 4, 2010
basically I have all these panels arranged so that when you click on the title they expand to show my work
but they are expanding behind each other, so i'm trying to get some actionscript 3.0 together so that when you click on one of the panels it will be brought to the front and expand so that the others arent visible until you click the button again and it folds back up.
i've attached screenshots. ss2 is what i want to happen and ss3 is what keeps happening.
here's what i have so far...
ActionScript Code:
//function to play pro1 panel
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Feb 4, 2010
I have several movie clips that zoom in and zoom-out, how do I bring one movie clip to front on mouse over? So the other movie clips remain same size and in the background.
This is the code.
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(zoom == true){
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Oct 15, 2010
How to bring the current target into the movie clip?
If we can set the current target into "selectMovieClip" variable then i believe we should be able to rotate or manipulate it as a MovieClip.[code]...
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Oct 17, 2011
In Flash CS3, when I resize a movie clip symbol that has the blur filter applied to it, the amount of blur changes.
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Nov 22, 2004
Trying to get a MovieClipLoader to work for me... This code is taken pretty much right from Macromedia's Help file. I get no error messages (yay), but I also get no trace statement (boo) or loaded clip (boo2). There *is* a clip named audioplayer.swf in the same directory as my file.
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Oct 25, 2005
I've been trying to animate a drop shadow filter and so far have been unsucessful, I tried doing it with a for loop but for some reason that didn't work, I also tried an onEnterFrame but without success either
here's what I've done
var ds: DropShadowFilter = new DropShadowFilter(2, 35, 0x000000, 0, 5, 5, .8, 3, false, false, false);
preloader.filters = [ds];
that doesn't work I can animate the BlurFilter, I just want it to go from an alpha of 0 to an alpha of 60...
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Aug 13, 2007
I have applied a blur to the begining of a MC, and I would like to fade the blur out once the animation is complete.
While I'm able to remove the initial blur, it is not a gradual, smooth transition. It merely "snaps" back with no blur applied.
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
import flash.filters.*;
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Mar 26, 2012
I've made a little file with some signpost movie clips that do a little animation on mouseover and mouseout. I then wanted to set the text on each of them via actionscript i.e. sign1.sign_text.text = "Checklist: Before you arrive"; etc. This code puts all the right text on the signs when it loads, however as soon as you mouseover it, the text reverts back to the original placeholder text in the movieclip (when it gets to the second keyframe). How can I keep the reference to the text it has at the beginning of the movie clip?
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Dec 1, 2009
I created a movie with the blur filter applied via Actionscript which works great. If I try and load that movie into another movie via loadMovie, the filter is lost. Can a parent movie load a child movie and apply a filter to it? My test case is pretty simply, the child movie contains a text movie clip with no actions or filters. My parent movie loads the child movie and applies the blur filter to the child movie (and fails). If I use the Actionscript to apply the blur filter from the parent movie in the child movie by itself it works fine.
This is the simplified version of the code I use to apply the filter which works when I use it directly on the child movie:
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Jun 17, 2009
I'm currently producing my first website in Flash CS3 and have just encountered a problem with a transitional effect I'm experimenting with: Transitional effect uses the Flash Blur filter set to 10 (X andY) on the first frame to 0 on the last frame (Medium quality). This is used with an alpha setting of 50% on the first frame to 100% on the last frame.
The .fla is using the default setting of 12fps. When I preview the transitional effect, various multi-coloured horizontal lines appear randomly on the images during the tween, and some remain visible once the tween is complete. Would this be because the blur filter cannot be used effectively together with different alpha settings?
Maybe the frame rate for the animation is set too low?
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Dec 7, 2009
I commented out the alpha line in my script but I would like to use the blur filter property.My animation seams a bit abrupt an easing effect can that be doe or not
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Jun 18, 2011
I'm trying to create my own modal window (the built in popup manager won't work for this application) and get objects behind the window to be blurred. The code below is obviously wrong since it doesn't work but can someone point me in the right direction? Do I have to manually blur each object behind the window?
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Dec 21, 2008
In the last 2 projects i've worked on, i've been using the blur filter to create certain effects.My problem is that whenever I test the movie in the Flash CS4 IDE, it crashes giving me the option to submit a crash report to Adobe before quitting.If I run the compiled SWFs outside of Flash, they perform much better and there is no crashing.
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Jan 6, 2006
How can i add the blur filter to this animation, acording to the speed of it?
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