ActionScript 2.0 :: Auto-resize Movie Up To Fixed Aspect Ration?
Feb 19, 2009
Is there a setting/script so that Flash movie will auto resize the site down for smaller screens, but will only go to the maximum stage dimensions of 770px X 650px?
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Dec 12, 2009
I am trying to emulate an effect like this site uses...
and I've basically poached their script, a jQuery initiated 100% width and height background that loads into a couple of holding containers.
The thing I would like to do differently is fix the background in place so the content can scroll over it. How can I, say, write the flash movie to the BODY background or something like that? I'm not a javascript wiz and am not sure how I might do this.
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Jun 15, 2004
I wasn't sure where to put this post. I hope this is the right place.
This is what I want to do:
On screen resolutions up to 800x600, I want my Flash movie to resize to 100% width and height of the browser window. On screen resolutions higher than 800x600, I want the Flash movie to be a fixed size (say 800px x 600px exactly).
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Jun 15, 2004
I wasn't sure where to put this post. I hope this is the right place.
This is what I want to do: On screen resolutions up to 800x600, I want my Flash movie to resize to 100% width and height of the browser window. On screen resolutions higher than 800x600, I want the Flash movie to be a fixed size (say 800px x 600px exactly).
Is this possible, and if so, how?
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Jan 17, 2009
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Dec 12, 2011
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Jul 6, 2005
This is the souce code for loading and resizing the images from an xml page. The rectangle is autimatically resizing as per the size of the image. But the problem is, in 800 x 600 resolution with small images the rectagle goes down 'coz it resizing happening in aspect ratio (width and height is proportionally changed). I want to change the height and width only downward direction. Top left corner should be fixed. How to alter this code for that.
MovieClip.prototype.resizeMe = function(w, h, id) {
var speed = 3;
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Dec 31, 2009
i have searched this and many other forums as well as the doc for the answer to this question. I have a flash movie in which I dynamically create a diagram at runtime. The size of the diagram varies, but I need to display it within a fixed size area on the HTML page. What I would like is for the stage to scroll dynamically based on the size of the diagram, but have no scrollbars at all if the diagram fits within the fixed area in the browser.
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Dec 1, 2009
please take a look at [URL] The flash graphic is supposed to auto-resize to the page size but it does not. If I take the same code and put it in an "ordinary" webpage it works fine - look at [URL] What I had hoped to acheive is the effect in this page where the flash movie resizes to match the size of the browser window. I am using the script AC_RunActiveContent.js and calling it from the webpage with the height and width attributes set to 100% - it seems to be sizing the flash at 100x100 instead.....
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May 6, 2004
I just can't see it. I took a resizing prototype function from the compiled fla in the resizing slideshow thread (found here, post #171) and combined it with the concepts from the hover caption tutorial on kirupa. But instead of creating a dynamic text box in the hover movie clip I am creating the text dynamically using createTextField and then autosizing it using textfield.autoSize = true (didn't seem to work when I used "left"). When you use createTextField you have to specify a width and height. The autoSize command seems to dynamically resize the textfield in height but not in width. When running a trace the width is always the same though the height changes
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Oct 23, 2006
how a browser automatically resize itself, once visitors type in the link ? and no rescale allowed.i know the way to open a fixed size pop up window, but i haven't seen any tutorial about auto-resize browser ?
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Nov 14, 2006
does anyone know where i can find a scrollbar similar to the one used here:
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May 6, 2004
I'm hoping this one will be fairly simple though - I just can't see it. I took a resizing prototype function from the compiled fla in the resizing slideshow thread (found here, post #171) and combined it with the concepts from the hover caption tutorial on kirupa. But instead of creating a dynamic text box in the hover movie clip I am creating the text dynamically using createTextField and then autosizing it using textfield.autoSize = true (didn't seem to work when I used "left"). When you use createTextField you have to specify a width and height. The autoSize command seems to dynamically resize the textfield in height but not in width. When running a trace the width is always the same though the height changes.
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Dec 3, 2010
I am using flash cs4. I have videos in an xml that are all different sizes. Is there a way to autoresize the video when they are added to the stage?
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Jun 10, 2011
is there a way to set the loaded SWF's height and width to always use 100% of the Loader's height and width? pretty much like when you're embedding a swf to an HTML page... I know that you can do this by setting the width and height of the Loader on every stage resize, but is there another way wherein you can just specify height and width is 100% and then loaded SWF will automatically resize according to stage and Loader's current dimensions?
try loaded a SWF file which has coordinates based listeners and it seems that the loaded SWF doesn't reposition its listeners correctly even if the stage is already resized... take this swf for example [URL] i tried using an SWFLoader in flex which scales the content and also a normal AS3 flash.display.Loader and it seems that both fails to reposition the listeners correctly.
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Sep 14, 2011
Not sure if I am doing this the best way but I want to create a mobile app that has a home menu screen much like the facebook iphone application(with out all the fancy button moves etc). The FB app has a 3X3 set of buttons that allow you to access things like news feed or friends.In order to keep my layout consistent across different device screens I was trying to user the TileGroup with an image as a button for each tile.but while I can specify the tilegroup to use 100% width and height and set the number of rows and columns to 3. It does not appear to autosize the height of the rows and columns to fit the screen. and it won't let me specify the with/height as a percentage.
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Feb 1, 2006
how i can use this script with attachMovie(); . Im trying to create a border that auto resizes when MCs (basically just an image imported into an mc) load. This will be expoted as a projetor then burned onto a CD. I just need them to load from the library.
Heres what i have so far:
space = 10;
photo_mc._alpha = 0;
MovieClip.prototype.loadPhoto = function(photo) {
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Jan 3, 2007
Just wondering if anyone knows how to auto-resize an image in flash/xml. I have a flash slideshow that is loading an external xml file with images, but would like the images to appear no larger than a certain size in flash. I'm not really sure if it would be better to do this in flash or in the xml file. I have tried setting a fixed width and height within the xml file with no luck (it is still displaying the image at its original size in flash).
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Aug 20, 2009
Is there a way to make a text box auto resize the text inside of it to fit that text box? For example: If text is too big, it would make the text smaller to fit inside the text box. This is for a dynamic text box btw.
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Apr 20, 2010
have a Spark TextInput control but I haven't figured out a way to make is auto-resize...Does anyone have any code to get started?
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Oct 21, 2010
I have dynamic text field that must be a fixed width and height. The actual text that will populate the dynamic text field is variable. What I would like to do is to reduce the font size if the text does not completely display within the text field's dimensions. How I can accurately perform this? Also, I am using AS 2.
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Mar 8, 2011
I'm developing a Calendar application, and I'm using a Spark List inside a Panel for each individual day, in a 5x7 grid. I'd like to make sure that the individual lists stay the same size and simply add scrollbars when needed, but I'd also like to avoid setting an explicit width or height to maintain compatibility with multiple screen resolutions.
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Jun 22, 2011
I have dynamic text field that must be a fixed width and height. The actual text that will populate the dynamic text field is a variable. What I would like to do is to reduce the font size if the text does not completely display within the text field's dimensions.
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Feb 1, 2006
If i cant get a border to auto resize to the MC as MC's are load with attachMovie(); , can i get a border to animate a resize to a specific ._height, ._width (also with a var speed = #)? Am i just totally F'ing this thing up or what. Heres and example: [URL] i would make a second frame and have the AS for the border load a different value and a new MC.
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Oct 3, 2007
I have a movie that opens up full screen and load an external movie into it. No problem there but I want the loaded movie to keep its original size and not resize with the full screen movie. In the screenshot, you see how the yellow external movie loads into the fullscreen green movie. The white rectangle is only for size reference (photoshopped it in) and is not in the actual flash movies. The yellow movie is supposed to be 800x125 pixels but resizes with the fullscreen of the green movie.
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Nov 19, 2009
I am new to Flash so this may be a basic question, but I have not been able to find anything in the help files or the forums. I have tried several times to change the size of my quicktime movies, from 550 pixels by 400 pixels to 480 pixels by 480 pixels, and I cannot seem to do it. I have used "Modify > Document" and tried every option I could find through this command. Each time I export I double check that the export settings match my desired size, and they do, but when I open the movie in quicktime, it has been stretched to fit 550 x 400 pixels. The preview movie looks exactl how I want, it is only the exported movie that is incorrect. Is it possible to make a quicktime movie of the size I would like, or is that a standard format that cannot be adjusted?
As a workaround, I have tried squeezing my 480x480 content into the 550x400 stage (while scaling it prportionally). but when I do this, the square of content is not centered in the background in quicktime. It is off center in the preview movie as well, and this commonly occurs after I have used "modify > document" to change the size of the document. The side to which it is aligned seems to be inconsistent. Is there a way to realign the video after I have modified the document size? Does changing the document size through "modify > document" affect the centering and alignment of my video? Is there a way to change it back?
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Oct 28, 2010
I have a large Group which contains two rulers and labels for distances, and a varied amount of smaller groups consisting of images and labels. Now my task is to print the large group on a page with a header and a footer. The large group extends outside the edge of the page and pushes the footer off the page. If I was printing just the Group, I could use
printJob.addObject(myView, FlexPrintJobScaleType.SHOW_ALL);
to fit it all on one page, but that would scale the header and footer as well, which I don't want - I'll be printing more pages and want the header and footer sizes to stay the same.
Is there a way to scale only the group and its contents automatically before printing?
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Nov 29, 2010
in flash builder 4 how do i use the skinning option to make sure the popup dropdown list changes it's width to fit the longest item in the list?(the prompt area - the component when it is closed - should not change it's width)
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