ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Get A Border To Auto-resize To The MC As MC's Are Load With AttachMovie();

Feb 1, 2006

If i cant get a border to auto resize to the MC as MC's are load with attachMovie(); , can i get a border to animate a resize to a specific ._height, ._width (also with a var speed = #)? Am i just totally F'ing this thing up or what. Heres and example: [URL] i would make a second frame and have the AS for the border load a different value and a new MC.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Auto-resize Border With AttachMovie();

Feb 1, 2006

how i can use this script with attachMovie(); . Im trying to create a border that auto resizes when MCs (basically just an image imported into an mc) load. This will be expoted as a projetor then burned onto a CD. I just need them to load from the library.

Heres what i have so far:

space = 10;
photo_mc._alpha = 0;
MovieClip.prototype.loadPhoto = function(photo) {


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Flex :: SWFLoader Border Resize?

Aug 29, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Resize A Border?

Feb 13, 2004

I am going to make an image gallery that loads jpg's. Around the jpg is going to be a border that resizes depending on the demensions of the image. I want the border to expand so that it encompasses the image, BUT i dont want the width of the border to change. SO, would this work:

Break the border up into 4 MC's (topbar, bottombar, leftbar, rightbar), and have the topbar and bottombar's width resize according to the jpg loaded, aswell as its _y postion change according to the height of the jpg, and have the side bars height resize according to the height of the jpg and its x position change according to the width of the jpg. If it did it right, could this result in a border that resizes depending on the demension of the dynamically loaded jpg, but the actualy width of the boarder all the way around stays the same? I'm thinking that I'm correct, but just wanted to make sure there wasnt any glaring problems before I procceded.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Way To Dynamically Resize A Border?

Feb 13, 2004

I am going to make an image gallery that loads jpg's. Around the jpg is going to be a border that resizes depending on the demensions of the image. I want the border to expand so that it encompasses the image, BUT i dont want the width of the border to change. SO, would this work:Break the border up into 4 MC's (topbar, bottombar, leftbar, rightbar), and have the topbar and bottombar's width resize according to the jpg loaded, aswell as its _y postion change according to the height of the jpg, and have the side bars height resize according to the height of the jpg and its x position change according to the width of the jpg. If it did it right, could this result in a border that resizes depending on the demension of the dynamically loaded jpg, but the actualy width of the boarder all the way around stays the same?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Gallery Resize Border Loading Swf

Dec 15, 2005

Currently I am using the gallery that has been posted on a link on where it uses XML and loads in my case .swfs into a border that resizes according to the size of what is loaded. The reason I am using .swfs is because I plan to somehow make it so that the artwork being loaded can be zoomed in on once they are loaded, how I am not sure quite yet. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone could please tell me why that sometimes the .swfs load once or twice and then when clicking on other artwork thumbnails they do not load at all. THis just happens for the swfs and not when I would use the jpegs instead of swfs. The swfs just do not seem to be loading as planned, sometimes one or two load sometimes none. Was wondering if someone knew why this is happening and could please give me some help if possible, maybe pertaining to actionscript?[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [MX] Resize Border To Fit Dynamic Image?

Apr 9, 2004

I have a background with a border that is behind dynamic images. I am trying to resize the background to custom fit each jpg that is loaded. However, I cannot get the width/height from the movieclip the jpgs are loaded into and I can't get the width/height from the jpgs.

Here is what I tried:

setProperty("_root.serve_contents.photo_button.pho to_background_image.subpages.photo_examples_bg", _height, getProperty("examples/photo/event/amcel_medium.jpg", _height));


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Auto-Resize To The Page Size

Dec 1, 2009

please take a look at [URL] The flash graphic is supposed to auto-resize to the page size but it does not. If I take the same code and put it in an "ordinary" webpage it works fine - look at [URL] What I had hoped to acheive is the effect in this page where the flash movie resizes to match the size of the browser window. I am using the script AC_RunActiveContent.js and calling it from the webpage with the height and width attributes set to 100% - it seems to be sizing the flash at 100x100 instead.....

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Feb 20, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Auto-resize A Caption?

May 6, 2004

I just can't see it. I took a resizing prototype function from the compiled fla in the resizing slideshow thread (found here, post #171) and combined it with the concepts from the hover caption tutorial on kirupa. But instead of creating a dynamic text box in the hover movie clip I am creating the text dynamically using createTextField and then autosizing it using textfield.autoSize = true (didn't seem to work when I used "left"). When you use createTextField you have to specify a width and height. The autoSize command seems to dynamically resize the textfield in height but not in width. When running a trace the width is always the same though the height changes

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Browser Auto-resize Itself?

Oct 23, 2006

how a browser automatically resize itself, once visitors type in the link ? and no rescale allowed.i know the way to open a fixed size pop up window, but i haven't seen any tutorial about auto-resize browser ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrollbar Auto-resize?

Nov 14, 2006

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Auto-resize A Caption

May 6, 2004

I'm hoping this one will be fairly simple though - I just can't see it. I took a resizing prototype function from the compiled fla in the resizing slideshow thread (found here, post #171) and combined it with the concepts from the hover caption tutorial on kirupa. But instead of creating a dynamic text box in the hover movie clip I am creating the text dynamically using createTextField and then autosizing it using textfield.autoSize = true (didn't seem to work when I used "left"). When you use createTextField you have to specify a width and height. The autoSize command seems to dynamically resize the textfield in height but not in width. When running a trace the width is always the same though the height changes.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Auto-resize Videos From A Xml?

Dec 3, 2010

I am using flash cs4. I have videos in an xml that are all different sizes. Is there a way to autoresize the video when they are added to the stage?

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Flash - Auto-resize Of Loader And Loaded SWF?

Jun 10, 2011

is there a way to set the loaded SWF's height and width to always use 100% of the Loader's height and width? pretty much like when you're embedding a swf to an HTML page... I know that you can do this by setting the width and height of the Loader on every stage resize, but is there another way wherein you can just specify height and width is 100% and then loaded SWF will automatically resize according to stage and Loader's current dimensions?

try loaded a SWF file which has coordinates based listeners and it seems that the loaded SWF doesn't reposition its listeners correctly even if the stage is already resized... take this swf for example [URL] i tried using an SWFLoader in flex which scales the content and also a normal AS3 flash.display.Loader and it seems that both fails to reposition the listeners correctly.

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Flex :: Get TileGroup To Auto-resize Columns?

Sep 14, 2011

Not sure if I am doing this the best way but I want to create a mobile app that has a home menu screen much like the facebook iphone application(with out all the fancy button moves etc). The FB app has a 3X3 set of buttons that allow you to access things like news feed or friends.In order to keep my layout consistent across different device screens I was trying to user the TileGroup with an image as a button for each tile.but while I can specify the tilegroup to use 100% width and height and set the number of rows and columns to 3. It does not appear to autosize the height of the rows and columns to fit the screen. and it won't let me specify the with/height as a percentage.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Auto-Resize Image In XML/FLASH?

Jan 3, 2007

Just wondering if anyone knows how to auto-resize an image in flash/xml. I have a flash slideshow that is loading an external xml file with images, but would like the images to appear no larger than a certain size in flash. I'm not really sure if it would be better to do this in flash or in the xml file. I have tried setting a fixed width and height within the xml file with no luck (it is still displaying the image at its original size in flash).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Make TextBox Auto Resize

Aug 20, 2009

Is there a way to make a text box auto resize the text inside of it to fit that text box? For example: If text is too big, it would make the text smaller to fit inside the text box. This is for a dynamic text box btw.

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Actionscript 3 :: Extending Spark TextInput To Auto-resize?

Apr 20, 2010

have a Spark TextInput control but I haven't figured out a way to make is auto-resize...Does anyone have any code to get started?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text - Auto Resize Of Font

Oct 21, 2010

I have dynamic text field that must be a fixed width and height. The actual text that will populate the dynamic text field is variable. What I would like to do is to reduce the font size if the text does not completely display within the text field's dimensions. How I can accurately perform this? Also, I am using AS 2.

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Flex :: Disable A 4 Spark List's Auto-resize?

Mar 8, 2011

I'm developing a Calendar application, and I'm using a Spark List inside a Panel for each individual day, in a 5x7 grid. I'd like to make sure that the individual lists stay the same size and simply add scrollbars when needed, but I'd also like to avoid setting an explicit width or height to maintain compatibility with multiple screen resolutions.

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Actionscript 3 :: Auto-Resize Dynamic Text Font?

Jun 22, 2011

I have dynamic text field that must be a fixed width and height. The actual text that will populate the dynamic text field is a variable. What I would like to do is to reduce the font size if the text does not completely display within the text field's dimensions.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Auto-resize Movie Up To Fixed Aspect Ration?

Feb 19, 2009

Is there a setting/script so that Flash movie will auto resize the site down for smaller screens, but will only go to the maximum stage dimensions of 770px X 650px?

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Flex :: Auto-resize Contents Of A Group To Fit A Printed Page?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a large Group which contains two rulers and labels for distances, and a varied amount of smaller groups consisting of images and labels. Now my task is to print the large group on a page with a header and a footer. The large group extends outside the edge of the page and pushes the footer off the page. If I was printing just the Group, I could use

printJob.addObject(myView, FlexPrintJobScaleType.SHOW_ALL);

to fit it all on one page, but that would scale the header and footer as well, which I don't want - I'll be printing more pages and want the header and footer sizes to stay the same.

Is there a way to scale only the group and its contents automatically before printing?

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AS3 :: Flex - Auto-resize The Width Of A Spark Dropdown Component?

Nov 29, 2010

in flash builder 4 how do i use the skinning option to make sure the popup dropdown list changes it's width to fit the longest item in the list?(the prompt area - the component when it is closed - should not change it's width)

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Actionscript 3 :: Background Image Auto-resize/scale In Flash Cs5.5?

Jan 28, 2012

The name of the background image movie clip symbol is bg_main. The problem here is img is aligning outside the browser window on extreme bottom-right hand side instead of centering.[URL]

Here's the code below:

//set stage for FBF
stage.align = "TL";
stage.scaleMode = "noScale";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Auto Resize Flash - Keeps The Proportions Even If You Are Resizing The Browser ?

Oct 19, 2009

Im trying to make a website in AS3 with a dynamic background-video that fills all the page in my browser and keeps the proportions even if you are resizing the browser like this:[url].....its almost working but i dont know what to do to force to keep the proportions of my movieClip and at the same, to fill 100% of my page .This is my code...I have a movieClip with the instance name: "bg".

import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Auto-resize Image Based On The Users Screen Size?

Dec 10, 2010

How can i make a image resize based on the users screen size in flash?

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Flex :: 3 - Auto-sizing - Automatically Resize To Fit The Length Of The Content And Positioning

Jan 4, 2010

I am working on a flex app that uses XML templates to dynamically create DisplayObjects. These templates define different layouts that can be used for each page of content in the app (ie , 2 columns, 3 columns etc etc). The administrator can select from one of these and populate each area with their content.

The templates add one of 3 types of DisplayObject - HBox, VBox or a third component - LibraryContentContainer (an mxml component that is defined as part of the app) - which is effectively a canvas element with a TextArea inside. The problem that I am getting is that I need each of these areas to automatically resize to fit the length of the content but don't seem to be able to find an effective way to do so.

In the LibraryContentContainer, when the value of the TextArea is set, I am calling .validateNow() on the LibraryContentContainer. I then set the height property on both the TextArea and LibraryContentContainer to match the textHeight property of the TextArea. In the following example, this is the LibraryContentContainer, viewer is the TextArea and the value property of the TextArea is bound to this.__Value. v is the variable containing the content for the textarea


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