ActionScript 2.0 :: Button To Control UIScrollbar Scrolling?
Aug 17, 2010
I am using Flash CS3 and Action Script 2.0 I have created a test file. See Attached
I am looking for AS to control a scrollbar with a button. Jump to headline location.
First, I have 3 buttons. Red, Blue and Yellow. Second, I have a scrollbar window with text in it. The scrollbar moves to any part of the text. The first paragraph is for the Red text, the second for the Blue text and third is Yellow text.
When you click on the "Red" button the scrollbar should move to the RED TEXT headline. When you click on the "Blue" button it should move to the BLUE TEXT headline. And the same for the Yellow.
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I tried everything - _visible = false, enabled = false, delete function, etc etc, nothing works. In the my script below, buttons get disabled, but never recover. Function never comes "back to life", which is what I thought it was supposed to do:
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Aug 13, 2009
All I've been trying to do is to move a string of thumbnails - thumbHolder_mc - incrementally (like every 386 pixels) left and right, controling it with arrow buttons. Code below works like a charm EXCEPT when I try to stop the tween motion on either end. I tried everything - _visible = false, enabled = false, delete function, etc etc, nothing works. In the my script below, buttons get disabled, but never recover. Function never comes "back to life", which is what I thought it was supposed to do: stop(); //connect right and left arrow buttons to
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Dec 22, 2009
I am having this very weird behavior with a mx:List control not scrolling properly.Here is a snippet:
<mx:List itemRenderer="customerRender" x="19" y="257" height="68" width="290" id="orderStatusHistoryList" color="#CCCCCC" rowHeight="35" ></mx:List>
The custom render creates a vBox that is 35 pixels high with some labels in it.Now, my dataProvider, set in the script block,is returning 3 items for the list (say item1, item2 and item3). Because of the height of the list control, only 2 are shown initially.Now for the weird part, when I scroll down the list to see the next item it is all messed up.
Initial display:
Item 1
Item 2
Display after clicking the scroll down button:
Item 2 (expected)
Item 1 (What the ?, this should be item 3)
Display after click the scroll down button one more time:
Item 1 (all wrong)
Now, if I increase the height of the list control,so it has enough room to display all three items, it displays fine.Also,I put a trace statement is the item render and flex is rendering all three items with the correct data.
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Jan 16, 2010
So I've been following a youtube tutorial to make a mouse controlled scrolling slideshow. [URL] I cannot get the thumbnails to slide...I used this action code:
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Nov 6, 2010
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This is the script I have now, that I got from a website called Sitepoint (Flash Script - Scrolling Menu With A Scrolling Background, I'd link but this is my first post here).
xm = 0;
function xpos(bar_length,mul)
hpos = 400;
I like it because its all based on the x position of the mouse which I feel makes the scrolling easier to control than a variable speed, not that it matters too much.
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Jun 1, 2005
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Okay now I've decided I want to control the actual movement (left or right) just by my cursor. Some intertia would be good too.
Here's my code for the looping background
onClipEvent (load) {
dummy_mc.duplicateMovieClip("dummy_mc2", 100);
dummy_mc2._x = dummy_mc._x+dummy_mc._width;
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Mar 22, 2006
I am trying to make a textscroll with two arrows that will control the scrolling. However it doesn't work out that well. After a while of pressing on the arrows the scroll tilts. It just won't work well anymore.
Or by the attachment!
This is how the actionscript looks like:
Up arrow:
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May 31, 2010
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Feb 12, 2010
I've checked out a lot of the tutorials on this subject on the internet and they are overly elaborate, involving cameras, in previous versions of flash i would have just messed around with x and y values and xscales and y scales.Anyway my problems is I have a single bitmapdata image of perlinnoise 500x500 on a 500x500 stage. I'm trying to do this all in code.Now I have a few buttons at the bottom. ScrollLeft, ScrollDown, ZoomOut Etc.However when i make a listener to my buttons using Mouse Down im only getting a single increment of scrolling [code]When i click and hold the mouse on the button im just getting 1 pixel of movement, what i want to see is the scene move smoothly while i have the mouse held down.Additionally .scroll doesnt seem to work with floats?
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Oct 23, 2002
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Aug 23, 2009
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Im sure Im probably going about it in a bizarre way, Im just trying to do it in a way which makes sense to me. So far its working fine for single clicks, so I click the button and the "upwards" function is called which moves the movieclip upwards by 10. The problem Im having is getting it to move continously when the button is clicked and held. Ive read a few possible suggestions relating to loops and setinterval but I just cant seem to make sense of them in a way that applies to what I want to do. Apologies if this is really simple but Ive literally been teaching myself actionscript for all of about 5 hours in total so far and I just cant seem to get past this hurdle.
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Jan 13, 2010
I'm building a historical timeline app in Flash. The main feature will be an MC containing links to specific event in the history of an organization. The MC will scroll, and there will be a couple ways to scroll it. One type of navigation will be fwd/backward buttons, and I want them to work such that if the button is pressed and held, an MC containing links will scroll w/increasing speed (up to a limit), but if the button is clicked, it will just move the MC a specified amt.
An example of what I want to accomplish can be seen it this HP timeline: [URL]
I think I could do this w/a MOUSE_UP eventListener
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Sep 14, 2004
I have just followed the tutorial on the scrolling window, but instead of one button for each page, want to have just one up and down button. If you know what I mean. Maybe an array of y places and when I press the down button it goes down one. Really don't know where to start.
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May 30, 2005
I have a dynamic textbox I would like to scroll. Currently I have 2 images set to scroll up and down with the following actionscript.
The code works fine, though I want when I press, the box to keep scrolling. Currently I have to press, press, press, press, to get a small amount down.
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Feb 2, 2009
Kindly check the website [URL]. The Flash banner on the top has links like Home, Services, etc. on Mouse Over of it, it flickers. But when we navigate it to other pages such as Services, it wont. It happens only in Home Page.
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Jan 7, 2010
how to scroll a movie clip, using an up and down button with an easing effect to it?I also want to include script to the movie clip, that the movie clip will only be active when pressing on the up and down button.
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Oct 14, 2010
I'd like to know what AS3 code is necessary to have a scrollable menu of buttons using the Keyboard class. I am creating app similar to a Yahoo widget, and I would like for the keyboard to simulate a remote control in the prototype. The keyboard's directional buttons (up, down, left, right), the "backspace" and "enter" button would be used to navigate. I have found AS3 code on how to move objects using keyboard commands (up, down, left, right, back), like in a game, but not how to move the target area from one object (button) to another. The changing target would be a clickable button using the "enter" button.
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Apr 20, 2008
I have a simple message-board, that dynamically loads text from php and a text file! I have created an up and down button to scroll the text box when you press it! This works fine, but I cannot figure out how to keep scrolling the text if you hold the button down. here is my code for the down button (all my attempts at looping etc I got rid of):
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Jun 3, 2009
I have a dynamic text field that I create and populate with code, and a UIScrollBar that goes along with correctly, the scroll-bar appears no problem.The issue comes in when I load the SWF into another project.I have a SWF interface that loads other pages (SWF, FLV, etc) When the SWF with the scrollbar is loaded into the interface, the scrollbar does not display at all.Here is the code for the scrollbar SWF, if:
import fl.controls.UIScrollBar;
var myTxt:TextField = new TextField();
myTxt.border = false;
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Mar 31, 2010
I have a flash element on my page that you interact with by using the middle mouse scroll wheel. The page is long. So when scrolling with the mouse wheel it interacts with the Flash element AND scrolls the browser window.
Is there a way to disable browser scrolling while the Flash element is active?
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Mar 11, 2010
Is it possible to change the look on the UIScrollBar in flash cs4 using AS2 ?? ive tried almost everything now without success,.
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Dec 10, 2009
I have a TextArea for a Chat. When I write a lot, the UIScrollBar remains on the top of my TextArea.I'd like my UIScrollBar is located at the bottom of TextArea..
View 7 Replies
Mar 12, 2010
It seems the simplest way is to use the UIScrollBar, but it will not work in my Flash file.I create the dynamic text box and drop the UIScrollBar on it from the components panel, the scroll bar attaches but only shows up as a white rectangle with no arrows. When I test it it stays the same. I don't think it's just the color because when I hover over or click where arrows should be nothing happens, the text will not scroll. I can click and highlight the text to make it scroll, so I know the additional text that isn't showing up is there, I just can't scroll down to see it.The weird thing is in another flash website I have the UIScrollBar does work. I can drag the problem one from the first file into the second and suddenly the arrows appear. I even tried creating a new text box with the UIScrollBar in the working file then dragging it over to the problem one, but the arrows disappear and the bar turns into a white rectangle again.
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Mar 1, 2010
i added this code (from another post on this forum) to a project i'm working on but can't seem to make it work. i am using a normal textarea, with the uiscrollbar. the text load from an XML file, all working fine. i'm trying to hide the UIscrollbar when it is not required, where textA is the instance name of my textarea.
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