ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Start Movie On Random Frame From A Selection Of Specified Frames?

Jun 3, 2010

I have a short movie which consists of 6 MCs. What I would like to be able to do is to start the movie on a random clip and then proceed as usual playing each consecutive MC. The movie then loops back round to frame 2 thus avoiding the random selector code which sits on the first frame of the movie.I have tried three different solutions of AS, two of which I got from a 2008 posting on this site from CBadger and although all versions work in Safari and v1 & 3 work in Google Chrome on the Mac. None of them work in Firefox on a Mac (the 1st version displays but doesn't randomise and v2 & v3 don't display at all) and I have not yet tested them on a PC.Here is the code that I have used for each version on the first frame in the root:

Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
for (var ivar = this.length-1; ivar>=0; ivar--) {
var p = random(ivar+1);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Go To Random Frame (from A Selection Of Frames)

Nov 6, 2009

I need to tell a button to go to a random frame of 6 frames. Lets say these frames are 20 to 25.

Now I think I understand most of this except one thing. How do I change this script to pick a number from 20 to 25, rather than 1 to 10?

Here's my starting point:

ActionScript Code:
generateNew = function () {
n = Math.round(Math.random()*10);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoAndPlay Random Selection Between Decided Frames

Mar 19, 2010

how to literally describe what I want to achieve. But I believe it is an easy achievement for someone who is a little familiar with Actionscript (2).

I have a movieclip with backgrounds that fades in and out as the timeline within the movieclip plays. What I wanna do I place an actionscript at frame 1, before any of the background plays, that randomizes a gotoAndPlay function that jumps to a decided frames out of frame 2, 77, 152, 227, 302, 377 etc.

It should be a problem to use the same actionscript after each background has been shown? If it is, its no problem, doesnt matter too much. As long as the first background that is getting randomized is different each time you visit the website.

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Set A Different Frame For The Flash Movie To Start?

Aug 8, 2009

somehow I miraculously created a Flash movie and successfully uploaded it to a blog

here is the blog, the flash video is in the left column, top:


you will see that the first frame of the movie is actually all white, with a logo/banner across the top

all I would like to do is skip over, or delete? those few frames in the beginning, and have the flash video display and start the movie from a different frame.

this is taking me DAYS to figure out....hours that I am not getting paid client's video guy never returns her calls, and so I, the lowly graphics designer, am trying to figure this out.

SURELY there must be a simple way to tell the video:

"hey....skip over the first ____ frames, and start the video at frame 5______ (or whatever).

I'm in Flash CS3 and I know NOTHING about Flash and very very little about code

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Start Movie On Frame 2?

Sep 8, 2010

how you properly start a movie on a frame other than frame1. The simplest answer is to enter gotoAndPlay(2) in the actions panel of frame 1, however when I do that and embed it into a website, the movie starts on a randomly-selected frame every time I strike the refresh button in a browser.

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I need script or something who will get the frame 1000 directly at the begening of the  slide show...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Start Movie On Another Frame?

Feb 15, 2011

I created the movie below with 4 movie clips.


I would like to make my movie open with Tab 1 already pressed down, but for the movie to otherwise function normally. I've tried using an aclip.onEnterFrame function on scene 1, but it doesn't seem to work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Start Movie On Certain Frame?

Sep 11, 2010

I have a web site that will have five sections. Let's call them 1,2,3,4,5. Section 1 starts on frame 100, 2 on 200, etc. Can I make an HTML link that can start the flash movie at the beginning of a certain section? Such as play "myflashmovie.swf and start on frame 200" so that the viewer will start on section 2?

Another way I was thinking of doing it was to create the five sections in five different flash movies. Then import those flash movies into one container flash movie but vary the order to whatever I want the viewer to start with. Then I would have five different html links. Each link would have a different section as the starting movie. Such as 1.html would play a container flash movie with section 1 at the beginning, 5.html would play a container flash movie with section 5 at the beginning, etc. My question here is could the five separate movies within the container movie make references to the other movies? Such as if someone was in movie 1 and it has link to movie 4, how would I note in the flash movie when user clicks here, go to movie 4?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Movie To Start Playing From FRAME 2?

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What i need is a code that forexample is placed on the first frame of my movie. Also i have there a stop(); code. What i need is on random time intervals, the movie to start playing from FRAME 2. Those intervals to be restricted maximum for 2-3 minutes. I mean for example not to wait an hour or so for the function to be executed.

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IDE :: GotoAndPlay To A Special Frame When Movie Start

Apr 26, 2009

I have a problem when I try do to my flash movie starts at frame 20 when playing.

In the timeline, I have some stop() function at frame 5, 10, 15...
And at frame 1, I put this action gotoAndPlay(15) for starting the flash from frame 15 When I play on my PC (local), it's ok, but when i upload to internet and play, it stops at frame 5 (where i put the stop action)

make to flash movie start at the special frame.

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Actionscript 2 :: Flash - Load Movie And Start At A Particular Frame?

Dec 30, 2009

I'm new to flash and action script 2, and I am trying to load an external movie and have it start at frame 3. It's the start at frame 3 that I'm having trouble with. The following code does not work:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Flash Movie Start On Certain Frame?

Sep 11, 2010

I have a web site that will have five sections. Let's call them 1,2,3,4,5. Section 1 starts on frame 100, 2 on 200, etc. Can I make an HTML link that can start the flash movie at the beginning of a certain section? Such as play "myflashmovie.swf and start on frame 200" so that the viewer will start on section 2?

Another way I was thinking of doing it was to create the five sections in five different flash movies. Then import those flash movies into one container flash movie but vary the order to whatever I want the viewer to start with. Then I would have five different html links. Each link would have a different section as the starting movie. Such as 1.html would play a container flash movie with section 1 at the beginning, 5.html would play a container flash movie with section 5 at the beginning, etc. My question here is could the five separate movies within the container movie make references to the other movies? Such as if someone was in movie 1 and it has link to movie 4, how would I note in the flash movie when user clicks here, go to movie 4?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Start Playing The Movie Once A Certain Frame Has Been Loaded

Jan 26, 2004

I'm building a quite large flash movie with hundreds of movieclips (with their own preloaders) with approx 150 frames in the _root timeline. But I've until now never been very confident with preloaders, and that is causing me hairloss.

Once the user enter the site, I want a preloader to come up, but I want to use actionscript to start playing frame 2 once frame 2 content is loaded, not start playing frame 2 once the WHOLE movie is loaded.

I use the below code for simple preloading with no feedback of progress, however it loads the whole movie before it start playback of frame 2:

if (_framesloaded>=_totalframes) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Start Playing The Movie Once A Certain Frame Has Been Loaded?

Jan 26, 2004

I'm building a quite large flash movie with hundreds of movieclips (with their own preloaders) with approx 150 frames in the _root timeline. But I've until now never been very confident with preloaders, and that is causing me hairloss.

Once the user enter the site, I want a preloader to come up, but I want to use actionscript to start playing frame 2 once frame 2 content is loaded, not start playing frame 2 once the WHOLE movie is loaded.

I use the below code for simple preloading with no feedback of progress, however it loads the whole movie before it start playback of frame 2:

if (_framesloaded>=_totalframes) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);

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Flash :: Insert A Start Button On The First Frame Of A Movie Clip?

Sep 9, 2009

How do I insert a start button on the first frame of a movie clip that will then disappear after the movie starts playing?

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Professional :: SharedObject Class - Movie Start At A  Particular Frame After The Initial Visit To It?

Jul 27, 2010

I don't have quite a good enough grasp on AS3 just yet, but I'm getting there.I have a movie that has an intro to it. It also has buttons that take them to subsequent pages.Once they go back, I'd like the intro portion of the movie to not play. In other words, I'd like it to start at a  particular frame after the initial visit to it.I think this can be done with Local Shared Objects,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip To Display Frames For (x) Seconds Then Go To The Next Frame?

Dec 10, 2007

I have a movie clip symbol that is place on my main time line.I want the movie clip to display frames for (x) seconds then go to the next frame.I have a chunk of code that works by itself but when placed into my flash site it is causing some strange problems. Such as navigating to a label (page) prior to the movie clip that has the wait function code, freezes the flash.I am wondering if I need _root or a this in there somewhere.

The reason I want to do this is so I don't have to add a bunch of frames to get the pause time I need.Is there a way to use the code below and not have it cause problems with the rest of my time line?Here is the wait function code

i = 1;
function Wait() {[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Why Does A Flash Movie Whose Frames Were Just Cut & Pasted On A New Frame Act Funny When Tested

Sep 15, 2011

Why is that whenever I cut a frame, clear the frames in a timeline, paste it in new frame then test the clip, the whole thing starts to act funny?I just don't understand why that happens - it's supposed to run smoothly though it's on a new frame, right? Is there a way to maintain the movie clip when tested though some frames were cut then pasted on a new frame?

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