ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 To Exclude Chars On All Textfields?
Dec 9, 2009
i have tons of input textfields (over 100) and i want to exclude some chars like '&' from them is there an easy way to set it so that all textfields wont use the chars i want to exclude?or do i accualy have to set them all manualy to not use them?
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i have tons of input textfields (over 100) and i want to exclude some chars like '&' from them is there an easy way to set it so that all textfields wont use the chars i want to exclude?or do i accualy have to set them all manualy to not use them?also how do i exclude chars? i have tried using the embed options on the text field.
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[Code] .....
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filter:RegExp = new RegExp("[u0000u0001u0002u00..]");
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Jan 4, 2011
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Mar 26, 2011
I'm working on my own buttons. It uses a dynamic TextField, and there's an issue that I can't figure out.
Used font is Lucida Sans Unicode, I exported this to the library, checking "Export for Actionscript..." in dialog window when exporting. Unfortunately, this exported font doesn't display my national chars - I'm from Poland and need letters like "Å‚" or "Å›". They are in this font, but became unavailable after export.
Button photo (prepared "manually" before, looks the same, but text is without "Å‚"):
My code:
protected function prepareShape():void {
isActive = false;
bgMatrix = new Matrix();
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Oct 10, 2010
I'm running a flash game on frame. The flash is sending parameters to some page that save those parameters to a database. My problem is that if the parametrs contain special chars (Russian, Arabic...) then those chars are transform to question marks (?) I've tried to urldecode the parameters but without
The parameters that sent from the Flash are in unicode format and are urlencoded.
The code is:
string pp4 = "";
if (Request.Form["param4"] != null) { pp4 = Server.UrlDecode(Request.Form["param4"]); }
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Aug 1, 2011
I'm using FLASH form embedded into html which use utf8 charset to send variables and image to php script which saves them mysql.
In flash I do use fileupload method,
var loc:*=new"" + vardas.text + "&email=" + email.text);
The problem is that when I open and fill up form in INTERNET EXPLORER, i receive not UTF-8 variables in php, but if I use CHROME or FIREFOX, i get them right.
Is there a difference how IE and other browsers send data? Or do I have to somehow encode variables in action script?
url in IE not supporting chars like Ĩ while CHROME AND FF DOES?
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Oct 14, 2011
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How can I enable this capabilty to the TextField or this is connected with locale/Language support in the swf?
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Oct 31, 2011
I am trying to figure out why some letters (like the norwegian Ć… (Ć…)) are cutted out in the middle of the top "o":
My code is this:
var titleFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
titleFormat.size = textSize;
// this is embedded font, and exported for action script, declared
titleFormat.font = myFontBold.fontName;
titleFormat.bold = true;
[Code] .....
So, I have tried different things like setting height hardcoded and bigger than text, but top us cutted again, I have tried with css but no success. Why the letter is not showed fully and why if I zoom in the swf (2-3 zoom ins) it shows up normal (and what i try to achieve) like this: I think it has to do with the topMargin, but unfortunately I didn't find something like that in as3 documentation.
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Dec 17, 2011
I have to validate a textfield in AS3 if there are chars like # $ % @ ~ | {} [] / etc. i.e find unnecessary chars and remove them from the textfield. I use a search AS3 function which works with regular expressions, I would like a regular expression so that a search function searches the characters above and if it finds any of them then returns true.
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Dec 18, 2004
I have a variable with the value "" ... is there any function in flash with which i can just take the 15th character and remove everything that is before the "1" --> basically i'd like to use "1" to read that position from an array... therefore i want something that:
from: _root.nodeFrom = this --> returns ""
I would get:
positioninArray = 1
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