ActionScript 2.0 :: CS4 - Button To Turn On AND Off?

Jun 3, 2010

I was just wondering if there's a way to write code for a button so it will, e.g., make a movie clip visible with one click, then hide it with a second click?what I usually do is give the mc two frames, so on click one it goes to frame 2 while it changes the visibility or alpha, and on frame 2 sends it back to frame 1 while changing the mc back. But I would like the flexibility of doing it on the fly with code rather than have to fiddle with each mc.I tried doing it yesterday with an if/else if statement, like, "if alpha is 0, change it to 100, else if alpha is 100, change it to 0" but couldn't get it to work. But if that's the way to go I'll keep playing with it.

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//not working
private var sounds:Array;
private var soundChannels:Array = [];


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<feed name="BBC Top Story 1" url="">
<description>Top Story News</description>


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May 26, 2003

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Jul 2, 2007

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