ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Extend Web Service Connector Class
Apr 13, 2007
I am trying to extend the WebServiceConenctor class to make a class that checks a web service at set intervals and has some other functionality. I want to set the properties of the object in the constructor but I cant get it to work, also I want to be able to trigger the webservice from methods within the Check class but I think I have the syntax wrong.
class Check extends WebServiceConnector {
var active:Boolean;
//interval vars
I am trying to call a web service using the web service connector class with an instance of the component on the stage. This works fine. The problem is when I load the SWF into another movie and then trigger the function that triggers the web service it doesn;t seem to trigger. I can see that the function is being called from my trace statement but the web service wont work. The only difference is that i am loading the SWF into another SWF. All SWFs are published at version 6. Here's my code:
[AS] import; var webServiceURL:String = "http://www.myURL.asmx?WSDL";
If I have a Document class that extends MovieClip, and I want to use it as the basis for another Document class, is it possible to create a subclass that extends the main document class and use that for a different FLA?
For example,
fla1.fla has a document class of MyMainClass: public class MyMainClass extends MovieClip fla2.fla has a document class of MySubClass: public class MySubClass extends MyMainClass
I've tried, but now I'm getting errors that all of my variables that reference stage instances aren't being found.
Say you were importing and you wanted it to extend the MovieClip class, is this possible? Where you dont have access to the class to just type "extends XXX"
I'm developing a Rails project that uses authlogic for authentication. And I have a part in that project that is realized with Flex, and I need to know how a user can be authenticated if he or she is logged in or not. I've set up a webservice called UserSessionService and I was trying to get the user who is logged in, but it doesn't work. If I try to get it with UserSession.find, I just get a # as the result (and therefore that's always true).
Here's the UserSessionService.rb:
require 'weborb/context' require 'rbconfig' class UserSessionService def login UserSession.find end end
I tried to extend the UserSessionService class from Authlogic::Session::Base, but that doesn't work either.
when I create my object uniform which is a simple object, I pass it to my UniformObjectProxy.getInstance() static method to get the instance of my objectProxy, ok so far so problem is when I try to bind a property of my objectProxy instance like
the dispatchColorChange handler function is called only once an never again, I had check ChangeWatcher.isWatching() and return false meaning my objectProxy is not binding properly, if I create an objectProxy like
_opc = new ObjectProxy(_uniform); cw:ChangeWatcher = BindingUtils.bindSetter(dispatchColorChange, _opc,;
the binds works just fine, so my thinking is the problem is when I extends the objectProxy class, how is the proper way to do this
My flex3 application downloads XML in e4x format from my web server, and and is left as a bindable XML object locally in my flex3 application. My visual objects then bind to various aspects of the XML object to display the data that I want.My simple program is getting more complicated, and I'd like to extend the XML object and add some functions to it, so I can keep the code that manipulates the XML object separate from my base application. Lets call this new object LoginXML.Can I please get an example of how to extend the XML object in flex3/as3 to create my own custom object with it's own functions. Part of my XML looks like
Ok, I have spent a little time searching and I can't seem to find an answer to my question, maybe I'm asking the wrong question. here's my situation:
I have a document class called, this class has variables that instantiate a class that acts as a superclass. The class has a protected function that is overridden by other classes (I have a CreateCircle, CreateSquare etc). Those CreateCircle etc classes, use extends to extend the class, and thus have the ability to override the main method (called newShape()).
Just as a technicality, is there ANY object (or anything that can be placed inside of a variable) that does not extend Object?Even the "Class" object extends Object.On a similar note, what is the difference between these two?
I pretty much always use ":Object",but is there any situation where it would be better to use the latter?I also recently found out that there is a difference when using the "as":
I am working on inheritance for the first time. Here is the super class
Code: import flash.text.*; class SetBlank { public var _textFieldName:TextField; public var _defaultName:String; public function SetBlank(textFieldName:TextField, defaultName:String) { [Code] .....
I can see the trace function working but the method which sets the text field to blank is now working.
Here is what I want to do...extend the String class Code: class example extends String {} and then I want to take things that are already strings and add a function to them which goes through and removes & and turns it back to & am things got some test code for that here
I need a way to "extend" or proxy the Number class in ActionScript.Basically I'll overload the toString method of it. But the Numbers should remain comparable with "<" and ">" operators.
I am considering using class extension as a way to connect my model with my controller. I tried looking on the internet but could not find any information on this topic. This led me to the question of when a class should be extended and for what reasons.
I've a strange issue. In Flash CS3 IDE, I linked a MovieClip to a SubSimba class. This class doesn't extend MovieClip (it has MovieClip package as its base) but, instead, it extends SuperSimba (that extends MovieClip). What happens? I instantiate SubSimba in my Flash project and it behaves as I if I called super() inside the SubSimba constructor: is there anyone here who understands why?
I come to need a bit more info from my points, so I thought I'd add a previousX, previousY so that I can get a deltaX and deltaY. Now, this works fine if I make a simple self contained class. I think, however, that I'd like to extend the flash.geom.Point class to benefit from the other functions and calculations it offers.
So I extended Point and modified the x and y setters as I needed. When I compile, I get an error that these setters are not marked for override when they should be. So I override, but then I get an error that says these do not override any function.
I was hoping to extend the simple button class in order to have it contain a text field that I can set with code but still have the benefits of the up/over/ states etc... (To set a textfield within a SimpleButton doesn't seem possible with SimpleButton out of the box, you cant reference anything in it).
I know that a class definition can not extend to two .as files, it has to be in one.My question is, can 2 class definitions be on one .as file or, do all class definitions have to have their own exclusive .as file?
I would like to extend the WebService class in order to add a couple of functions to it. The problem is, when I use the subclass, I get the following message: 'Error opening URL "file:///<PATH WHERE FLA IS SAVED>/undefined"'
The subclass looks like this: Code: import*; class com.testing.TestWebService extends WebService{ var foo:String; //constructor function TestWebService(){ [Code] .....
The strange thing is, if I extend the MovieClip class instead of the WebService class, everything is peachy. This makes me think there is something that I am missing, or do not know about the WebService class. The code above is the "I want to get it to load without errors" example. My reasons for extending the class go beyond adding a "foo" property. The WSDL path is to my local machine and therefore not accessible to the masses. Any WSDL should recreate the same results.
I'm trying to load an external swf into another swf and acces some variables and functions. This actually works quite well, however I'm dealing with some variables from the external loaded swf that are read-only.I'm wondering if I could somehow change the variable to be writeable as well by extending a function from the loaded swf.Maybe there's also another way to change the read-only variable, but I have no clue.I know all the variables, functions and class names from the loaded swf, I just can't change them myself, I have to do it by loading the swf externally.The class from the external swf is called "Application" where I want to change the "public const DEV_SERVER_URL:String" to another string, or extend the function: "private function get serverUrl()" returning a string.[code]
I have this class named MovingObject which extends the MovieClip class. This class will be instantianted for several times. Inside this class is a Timer that handles the speed of the objects moving. There is another class called TheStage and this is where I will instantiate MovingObject (s).
public class MovingObject extends MovieClip{ public var tmr:Timer = new Timer(1); public function MovingObject(){ tmr.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, Move); } public function StartMove():void{ this.tmr.start(); [Code] .....
Assuming that the code is working fine (I haven't debugged it), this makes the particles to move all at once. However after several seconds of running it, the particles seem not to be moving in synchronization with each other (because their distances between seem to get nearer). How to make the objects move with their distances each other evened out.
When dispatching events in as3 I always have to extend class from sprite, or movieclip, but when I don't have display objects I don't wont to extend to sprite or movieclip. What is the most light class that I can extend, I mean no display object, and still do use event dispatching?
So I'm playing with a project where I want my class to be able to use the functionality of the Graphics class without needing to extend Sprite/Shape. My goal aside, I guess I'm confused as to how it works at all? It's methods don't seem to return anything, and since it's added as a child property of the Sprite/Shape classes , I can't seem to figure out what it's actually doing? It's also one of those classes that can't be instantiated.
At this point, I'm just plain curious. EDIT: I should provide more clear distinction of what I'm looking for as answer. I have read the documentation, but the documentation doesn't account for what AS3 is actually doing. I'm looking for educated guesses about the programatic relationship between Graphics and the the classes that use it.