ActionScript 2.0 :: Center Images In The "slideshow Using XML And Flash"
Feb 25, 2007
I'm trying to customize the flash slide show from the "Slideshow Using XML and Flash" tutorial and have a question when it comes to centering the images.
My pictures are all either 210px wide or 160px high and the area where the pictures are to be displayed is 210x160. The pictures are down-scaled versions of bigger pictures with different size, meaning that some could be 210x160 while others may be 90x160 or 210x40.
The problem here is that each picture is loaded at the same position (x,y) as globally defined (I've adjusted this to top left by setting x=0 and y=0 in the actionscript part). This obviously doesn't look to good for a picture that is 210x50 as it does for a image which is 210x160 and fills the entire display area.
So, is there any way to center the pictures when they're loaded?
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
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Flash 5 Pro
iMac 3.2 Intel i3
10.6.6, 8GB Ram
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Dec 9, 2003
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Jun 26, 2009
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Dec 25, 2004
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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
// Make canvas dynamically resize to whatever is loaded in imageClip clip and width and height matches (and only when ttally loaded )
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Aug 10, 2006
i have been looking on tremendous amount of code from several xml based image galleries but couldn't find out the right trick for the knowledge at xml and actionscript is basic which might be the trouble understanding how to do it correctly.Anyway, i'm trying to load photos from an xml file to an array. Then attach the code to the thumbnails i created directly (couldn't figure out how to make them dynamic) so they load the big picture to the center of the stage. i was able to do this but the images loaded to the left corner of the mc all the time. I also need a next and previous button to loop through the images.I saw different approaches to this problem, but got confused on what's the right way to do this
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Dec 10, 2009
how to do an effect like the one seen on this page?: http:[url]....
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Dec 25, 2004
I've got these images that are being loaded into an MC called imageClip, and another MC called Canvas underneath it.In canvas, I have the code:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
// Make canvas dynamically resize to whatever is loaded in imageClip clip and width and height matches (and only when t�tally loaded )
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May 15, 2009
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Sep 24, 2009
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... part of function ...
for (var i:uint=0; i<numPictures; i++) {
var pictLdr:Loader = new Loader();[code].......
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Oct 9, 2009
I am editing an XML gallery and I have some questions..I wonder how I can position my images in the center of the screen. The images are all the same size (800x600) and I need them to display in the center of the screen.I played around with the code and I found out that when I change the Width and Height, the images starts to move (finally)... But it's very hard to find the correct position, so how can I just get it to the horizontal en vertical center of the screen/file?
Here's what the code looks like:
<gallery dir="Photos/">
<img id='0' align="center" file="foodcongres2009_1.jpg" width='1024' height='768'>
Test foto nummer 1
And next... I have just two arrows (left, right), but when I click on the left one (previous), it goes to the next image instead of the previous one.. How about that?
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