ActionScript 2.0 :: Control Of Cursor Position In Landing Email Program When I Use Mailto?

Oct 18, 2009

Can I have a control of cursor position in the landing email program when I use mailto? I think it looks more professional when the cursor goes into Subject field rather than falling right behind my email address in To field. The following snippet that I tried didn't make any difference. [code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting HTML Formatted Email With MailTo?

May 24, 2011

How I can get this html formatted text to display correctly in the body of an email, when I am using mailto:? I am trying to avoid using a PHP aggregate, so I can use the mailto: and have it open the users email program directly. Here is what my code looks like, with the style of string that my client would like to use to populate the body of the email .

public function handleEmailClick(e) { ......
var emailVar = "mailto:"+""+"?subject="+emailSubject+"&body="+big String;
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(emailVar);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mailto Is Launching Email Ok But Also Launching Blank Webpage

Jun 4, 2009

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Currently the site is a main flash file with all the content delivered via a file and then populated via images and videos held in folders on the web.
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it now does what it should with the email program but it also opens a blank webpage.
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submit_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sendMessage);
var subject="My Subject"var body="This is text. This is text. This is text. This is text. This is text. This is text. "var to=""
function sendMessage(event:MouseEvent):void {var email:URLRequest = new URLRequest("mailto:"+to+"?subject=" +subject+ "&body="+body);navigateToURL(email, "_self");}
The problem is no matter what I have tried I cannot get the subject and body text to show any text. The email client open and the correct address is shown. Is this a problem with trying to run it locally and not from server or is there a problem with the code?

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I've read about it being possible with a TextField, but I'm not sure how I would make that into an input field.

How can I make a TextField behave like a TextArea?

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Have looked through the AS3 documentation, but can't seem to find what I am looking for.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Position Of Cursor In Textfield (not Mouse)?

Dec 27, 2004

i've searched for it but couldnt find what i need.i have a inputfield (instance:enterSbMessage_txt) so, when i type a few characters in it and user presses a button i want to know the exact position of the blinking cursor.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The Current Cursor Position In TextField?

May 31, 2008

I want to get the current cursor position in text field while typing

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IDE :: Cursor Position On A Character In A Text Field?

Aug 28, 2009

I have textfield and a custom curso movie clip on a parent movie clip. Now I need to move the cursor the characters on the textfiled ,whenever there is righ of left movement. It is similar to the movement of the cursor on the webpages or the login textboxes.I'm trying to find a solution for placing the cursor movie clip on the particular character, but could not.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Position Of Cursor In Textfield (not Mouse)

Dec 27, 2004

i have a inputfield (instance: enterSbMessage_txt) so, when i type a few characters in it and user presses a button i want to know the exact position of the blinking cursor. i cannot find the as code to get these values.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set Caret (cursor) Position In A TextField From A KeyEvent

May 15, 2011

I'm building part of an UI that suggests certain words based on to the user's input. (Quit like Google's suggestions) It works quite well but one detail bothers me: When I have a list of suggestions I highlight the list-items by listening to the arrow up and down keys. When the fist element is highlighted, and the user presses the up arrow, I want the cursor to be in the Text(Input)Field again, but at the last position.
(I removed the focus from the InputField not to move the cursor in my singel line field to the first position when the up-arrow is pressed)
I set the cursor to the last Position using setSelection() but as it is the field receives the key-press after my event callback is executed and the pressing of the up-arrow in a single line field does what it always does, it places the cursor at the first position.
I considered using the CHANGE event, but as the arrow key does not actually change the content of the TextField, that is not working. Still I think that the solution might be along that way, as the CHANGE event is/would be at the end of the event-chain, where I need to do the repositioning of the cursor.

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Jan 12, 2012

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Dec 16, 2011

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