ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert SETTINGS To XML And Update?

Feb 19, 2009

I have a file that looks like the following:


function SETTINGS()
this.version = "1.00.01 Build QA-01"

My project is to read this class into an XML file. The values in this SETTINGS file can change at any time. I guess my first question is how to do that, how do you read an ActionScript 2.0 class into an XML file? My 2nd problem is how do you take the XML file and update it in the SETTINGS file via XML?? Like say the serverName changes from STARK to WAYNE, how do you change this in XML?

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Attachments: dialog-box.jpg (70.3 K)

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Actually I am working in an image scroller project. It was working perfectly. But the client asked to do some updations. First of all please download the file that I have atached, which is a screen shot of user control page for image scroller. There is an user control page for image scroller. You can see many options there. In user control, scroller is specified as marquee scroller. There is an option, Speed of scroller, which denotes how quickly the image should scroll. The unit of this field is seconds. Because we are giving seconds in that field. A single image should move out of the stage with in the specified seconds in "speed of scroller" field.

var UnitDistPerSec:Number = Number(TransSpeed)*10;  where "TransSpeed" denotes the speed we are given in the user control page. var FPS = 100;  var ScrlConst = UnitDistPerSec/FPS;


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Professional :: Error When Opening AIR Settings?

Feb 9, 2010

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At line 984 of file "Apollo_OpenSettingDialog.jsfl":
exportSWF: Argument number 1 is invalid.

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Jul 24, 2010

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Oops, its that last step that kills me. I understand how to use shared objects to save settings locally.  I don't believe they're using server based shared objects in this case (no maintained server for it). So how can they be saving settings that travel with the document?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Application Settings File?

Sep 29, 2010

What method should I look into for creating a settings file?I've tried doing it in SQLite, XML, and my own format... only to have trouble every time.So, what popular methods are used (that are decently documented) for creating program settings files?

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Professional :: Change RSL Library Settings?

Mar 19, 2011

I'm trying to change a Flash animation into a Quicktime movie to post to YouTube, which I've done with a much smaller file, but have had trouble with a larger 2.6M file. When testing Flash movie I get dialog box saying- Content will not stream... Change Runtime Shared Library Library > Advanced ActionScript 3.0 in Publish Settings. So I enter Publish Settings, on Formats I leave Flash and HTML checked. Select center tab for Flash, click on  settings for ActionScript 3.0 in scripting box. In Advanced ActionScript Settings dialog at the bottom I've tried changing the Runtime Shared Library drop down  to the Merged into Code option but it didn't help. The other option is the Preloader  Method, where I think the problem is, but when it is changed form Preloader SWF to custom the Preloader SWF box at the very bottom empties and when the movie is published I get a warning of no Librarys linked and when movie is played int the Quicktime player some of the animations fragment and leave the fragment as remnants.

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Professional :: Change A Few Flash Settings?

Oct 19, 2011

I bought a template but can figure out how to change a few flash settings .My website is done except for these few minor changes.To see what Im talking about go to the website main page here [url]....

1) There are two flash files, a menu and a header, in the menu when the page paods the buttons are white and turn orange when you scroll over them. Id simply like them orange when the page loads and then to turn white when you scroll over them. I can figure out how to get the scroll over to white but not the first part to getting the load orange.

2) In the header file there are several pics. Beside the pics there are scroll over buttons. Id like the first button, that says domestic contract, open when the page loads.

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Sep 15, 2010

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Flex :: Flash Builder 4 Settings?

Dec 13, 2010

i'm slowly making my way over to Flash Builder from doing all of my programming in Flash Professional.

it's not an easy transition since things i've taken for granted in Flash Professional are completely different in Flash Builder.

first, FB4 will always automatically convert my function (even pasted functions) to look like this:


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Flash Player Security Settings?

Mar 22, 2012

I am using twilo client in one of my apps and it is showing following popup when I click on call buttonBut I want to show the following pop up which is lot simpler and seems less cumbersomeIs there a way to control which pop up comes on the screen? I have read some documentation of adobe but their configuration files live in users computer which ofcourse can not be changed by a website.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The Publish Settings

Jan 20, 2009

I have a file I am working on that was coded in AS1 and I need to Publish in AS2 (so I can incorporate an AS2 Gallery I have). When I change the publish settings to AS2 I get errors on a couple pieces of code. I will paste them below and attach an Error Log txt file as well.


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