ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Preview/play Button Like Youtube?

Mar 14, 2009

I saw this tutorial and it works great in actionscript 3.0 on its own - http:[url].... .But does anyone know to make something like this in actionscript 2.0? The reason being is my main site was created in 2.0 and cannot publish it in 3.0.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Publish Preview The Play Button With Load For A Split Second And Then Disappear?

Aug 21, 2010

I've been working on a AS3 script to control my FLVplayback component.  I'm very close to making this work.  Let me describe what I want to happen.On my homepage I have a DIV container where my video will be located. I want a still image of the video to load with a play button over it.Upon mouse over I want the button to change colors, upon mouse click I want the video to play.I have a .FLA project I'm working.  I've got a FLVplayback component, sourced to my .flv.  I've created a button and it works.  When you click it the video plays.I have 3 layers.

actions (this is the top layer)

buttons (has a button and progress bar)

assets (only the FLVplayer)
The following AS3 is set to frame1 in the actions layer.
I'm using FlashCS4, AS3 and DreamweaverCS4
Here is the weird issue.
#1.  While working in Flash.If I do a publish preview the play button with load for a split second and then disappear to be replaced by the still image.If you click on the center of the still image where the play button SHOULD be, the video will play.
#2.If I view this online.The play buttons NEVER disappear, however the still image NEVER loads.
import flash.display.*;

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IDE :: Preview Image For FLV (Like YouTube)?

Nov 7, 2007

I have been hunting for quite some time now and I can not find anyone that knows how to create a preview image for an FLV. I.E. youtube, they show you a part of the clip you are about to watch and not the first frame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: YouTube API - Remove Or Replace Play Button?

Sep 9, 2010

I'm using the YouTube API to load YouTube videos into a custom player. I'm loading HD video and trying to either remove or add a custom PLAY button ( the play button that appears in the center of the video when AutoPlay is false)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Delayed, YouTube-like Loading Of Preview Images?

Mar 15, 2006

You've probably all seen a YouTube video somewhere on the web. I'm interested in how they built their Flash player's feature that only loads the video's preview image when the video is in the view of the browser.For example, when there are multiple videos on a page, the videos below "the fold" will only load their preview when scrolled into view.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Huge PLAY Button (YouTube Style) For An FLV Component?

Feb 3, 2012

I have an FLV component and I wanted to create a huge PLAY button in the middle of the screen so if the video doesn't start automatically a user can click on it and it fades out. If the video stalls a user can click on it again and start the video.I would like it to be arranged as follows:1.play_btn fades in on the startMY PROBLEM: I did it it works, but not sure if it is an optimal solution. I did not assign any function as this way tween starts automatically. Or it is better to assign something like ON_START or ON_LOAD and not sure what is the proper function.

2.If the video starts to play on its own without a user clicking a play button it should dissapear and if the video stops it should appear.MY PROBLEM: Presently I achieved it to fade out on the click, but it stays on the screen unless I am to click on it. If I make background of the button to the size of the video then when a video stops and a user just clicks somewhere around on the screen he hits an invisible play button and video resumes. The button does not come up if the video stops..Extra special desire. If a user clicks on the video then it is paused and a button changes to a pause symbolMY PROBLEM: This third option may be too complicated for me with all "if" statements, but if not too much to ask would like to see how it can be is the code I was able to come up with:

var  play_btn_Tween:TweenMax = TweenMax.from(play_btn, .5, {alpha:0});
play_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick_Play);
function onClick_Play(event:MouseEvent) :void {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Youtube Videos From Account From YouTube

Feb 1, 2010

I wanted to know if this is possible. On my site I want to play youtube videos from my account from youtube. Basically, there will be an empty text box. Users will type in some text. Click on a button to search and play a random video based off tags associated with a video from my youtube account with the words from the text box? And if they did the same search it wouldn't play the same video again?

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C# :: Create A Slider On Desktop To Access Some Of The Controls Of The YouTube Video Player Like Volume - Pause - Play - Playback Speed?

May 7, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Stuck - Preview Not Loading Into MovieClip / Youtube API

Apr 29, 2011

It seems to me that all I need is to get my youtube chromeless player that I've loaded in the place I want it to be. Preview As you can see it's not loaded into my MovieClip! Though it IS loaded, it plays, it's the right size! Just not in the right position. I'm hoping one of you can spot me here and be my life saver. Been stuck here and sitting on this code for a couple of days, REALLY WANT TO MOVE ON! Here's my code (AS3)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create An Play/Pause Button In One?

May 8, 2010

Well as the title says I need to create an Play/Pause button in one. So when I click on the button it plays my animation, then when I click on it again it pauses it. And then when I click on it again it plays the animation where it was. etc. etc.
I know how to create a simple button and give it an event and an function, but I cant figure out how to get those 2 functions together in one?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Play Button For An Animation?

Feb 8, 2011

I have made a button by creating a new symbol naming it and setting it as a button. Then I have edited the four frames to my liking. Then I added it to a layer on my timeline by dragging it from the library.

I have looked at other tutorials on youtube and such, but all the code etc doesnt seem to work. I use Flash CS5.Once I have created the button, what should I do to make it stop the animation at the beggining, and play when it is pressed.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Play Button On Screen That Dissappears?

Apr 25, 2009

I am trying to create a code to have a "play" button on the middle of the screen that disappears after clicking and at the same time have a play/pause/runtime toolbar on bottom that appears only oh hover. My video is in .swf and .flv and can be converted to whatever's necessary for FLash CS4. There is a downloadable file "example" on this board (http:url....)which accomplishes exactly what I'm searching for.I couldn't attach the example file to this message as Adobe blocks some of their own file types.(don't know why)I tried to embed my video into this code but have failed.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Play Button For Movie Clip?

Aug 16, 2010

Bit new to this and have been searching the adobe forums and google. I am trying to create a button that will play an imported MovieClip.I have a movie clip that I've imported into it's own layer (Layer1) Frame 1  I've given the MovieClip an instance name offoundationMovie.I've created a button and have that on its own layer(Layer2) above layer1, it is also in Frame 1.I've added a top (); action to layer2The video is not set to autoplay.I want the video to start playing when the viewer clicks the button.  I know I've got to put some kind of event listener using AS3 in my timeline somewhere.I've found some code and I've been trying to work with it.  I'm sure I've mutilated it beyond usability but this is what I've got.
stop ();
function play(event:MouseEvent)


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Professional :: Insert SWF Into Webpage And Create Play Button?

Apr 29, 2011

I am trying to insert and SWF into my webpage. How do I tell the movie to stop at the end, and insert a "play again" button? What do I need to do to insert that into my webpage.

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Flash - How To Create Toggle Play / Pause Button

Jan 27, 2010

I am new to this flash and I am using as2 for the action script I wanted to know how to create a toggle button so far this is all I have.

on (release) {
play ();
} on (release) {
stop ();

I wanted so that when you hit playit would start the animation but showing the pause button and vice versa.

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Professional :: Only Half The Images Play In The Preview Of Flash Blanner?

Jan 14, 2011

have a template which shows 12 bitmap and 12 symbols all the images are in place but when i preview the swf it only has half the images in the sequence?for exapmle it shows images 1,2, 4,5 7,9,11 they come in and go out in the sequences then loops again but misses out 3 6 10 12 ?? how can i get theses to show in the project.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: In IE - Link In A Button Inside A Flash Movie To Open A New Window And Play A Youtube Movie

Jul 13, 2009

I work with 3d animation. Im have a problem with a personal website Im doing, I have a link in a button inside a flash movie to open a new window and play a youtube movie:

on (release) {
var jscommand:String = "'','win','height=344,width=4 25,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes');"; getURL("javascript:" + jscommand + " void(0);");

This works fine in Firefox but in IE it doesnt work, I then change the /v/ in the youtube link with /p.swf?video_id= and now I have the window open showing the small youtube thumbnail of my video but once a click play, nothing happens, I check it and is not loading anything.

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Actionscript 3 :: Create Image Preview Using Flex?

Aug 6, 2011

I am working on flex image soon as you select images I am showing the image name, size. I want to show the thumbnail of the image that you can preview the image before uploader.

I have added the code which I am using to show preview before upload..

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Stopwatch That Starts At 00:00 When A Play Button Is Pressed?

Aug 6, 2009

I'd like to create a stopwatch that starts at 00:00 when a play button is pressed, and then stops whenever the stop button is pressed. After the stop button is pressed, I would like the time to be displayed on the next frame, and say something like "You pressed the stop button in x". I'm using flash actionscript 2.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Button To Play Reverse To Previous Stop

Apr 20, 2010

How do I make the playing of my swf go in reverse when the reverse button is clicked? What I want is to have my timeline play in reverse and stop at the previous stop();I have a previous button already set up, but it does not work.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Button That When Press It And Hold It Play A Sound?

Feb 15, 2010

Is it possible to create a button that when you press it and hold it, it will play a sound, and when you release it then stops the sound?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Create Basic Button To Play Movie?

Sep 2, 2004

I'm trying (and failing it seems) to teach myself Action script and I'm having a really tough time with what I'm sure is something that quite easy to do. Basically I have one button. When this button is pressed I'd like it play a movie. When the button is pressed again I'd like to stop playing the movie. In the first frame of the movie I've put a stop action so that it doesn;t repeat itself when it finishes playing. In the last frame of the movie I've put gotoAndStop(2);In my main timeline I have 2 layers each of which has one frame. The button is one layer and the movie on the other.

I selected the button on the stage and gave it the actionscript
on (press){


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IDE :: Component - Create A Movie Clip And Set The Live Preview

Oct 9, 2009

I'm having a problem with component live previews. If I just create a movie clip and set the live preview, all instances of the clip i put on stage update separatly from each other (their live preview that is). As soon as I change the clip to a component (export .swc or compiled clip) all the instances update together. eg if i set the component parameter 'title' - all titles of the all the instances on the stage will change. This didn't happen when it was just a movieclip - all instances changed separatly as i set them.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Play/pause Button To Control Movie Animation?

Apr 21, 2009

how to create a play/pause button to control my movie animation?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Youtube Videos From My Player Using It?

Oct 11, 2009

I have created my FLV player. It plays FLV files by giving it the path of the FLV flile.

I'd like to play youtube videos within it by giving it the the URL of the video.

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