ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Glow On Button
Mar 12, 2010
I am trying to make my own script. And simply because I suck at making actionscripts, it hasnt gone too well.What I wanna do is that I have 5 miniature buttons for my navigation.When the main timeline is between frame 115 and 128, I want the first button to glow. The second button should glow when the main timeline is between 129 to 141 etc.[code]This is what I tried to make work, which it didnt. I have pasted the Actionscript directly into the button. "miniatyr_guld" is the button name.
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live demo:[URL]...
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img.addEventListener( MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mcOver );
img.addEventListener( MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, mcOut );
function mcOut( event:MouseEvent ):void
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var delta: Number = -0.05;
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Jan 5, 2009
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Jun 16, 2011
I'm trying to do is to get a circle sprite to glow or highlight when the mouse is over. Using the glow filter, I set the inner boolean to true, but what happens is I get an outline, not an inner glow. It's on top of a bevel filter, which I tried removing to see if I'd get a glow, but still ended up with just the outline.
Here is my code for the function:
public function drawCircle(){
buttonCircle = new Sprite();
//Bevel Related:
var matr:Matrix = new Matrix();
[Code] .....
So I'm getting just an outline.
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Jan 22, 2012
var navBtnGlow:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter(color:uint = 0x999999,
alpha:Number = 1.0,
blurX:Number = 0,
blurY:Number = 15,
strength:Number = 1,
quality:int = 2,
inner:Boolean = true,
knockout:Boolean = false);
I even copied and pasted from a tutorial, the alpha word glows blue when I place it in my flash project, and I keep getting this error message.
Syntax error: expecting rightparent before colon.
I am using cs5.5 flash professional. on a pc. windows 7.
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