ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Column Of Items - Handle The Drag And Drop Part

Feb 21, 2004

I basically want to be able to drag any item out of that list, and when doing so, have it that item automatically go to the bottom, and have the remaining items scroll up. I can handle the drag and drop part of it, but I'm confused on how I could get the remaining column of items to dynamically move up depending on which item is taken out. I'm thinking mayble along the lines of an array?

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<mx:DataGrid id="dg" dataProvider="{cNumbersList}" allowMultipleSelection="true" dropEnabled="true" dragMoveEnabled="true" >


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Flex :: Drag And Drop - Prevent Dragging For Certain Items?

Mar 22, 2010

how would you prevent dragging for some items of your List or DataGrid?

Let's say I had a list with two items: 'Tom' and 'Jerry'. Only 'Tom' should be dragable, not 'Jerry'.

Ideally I had a 'isDragEnabled(item:Object):Boolean' function, which is being queried by the drag source.

My difficulties start with the fact that the 'dragStart' event handler has a null value for the dragSource, so right from the start I find it hard to find out what the drag-start is about..

PS There have been a few discussions on preventing or canceling a drop, but I haven't seen much about preventing the drag start, hence this question.

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Flex :: Drag And Drop (list Items To Canvas)

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Here's my current code

private function componentDragEnterHandler(event:DragEvent):void {
DragManager.showFeedback( DragManager.COPY );


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Hide Drag And Drop Items Once They Have Been Dragged Into Place?

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IDE :: Reset Drag And Drop Items Without Restarting Movie Clip?

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Sounds strange, but let me explain. What the user sees: Loading the page, color swatches fade in and slide over into place, row by row. Once in place, user can drag and drop swatches around, place side-by-side, etc. The script necessary to attach to a button so that all swatches can be reset back into place where they were, and not generate a replay of the initial movie clip from the beginning. (a goto and play is not what I'm looking for) Here's my code so far:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Column - Drag Item Out Of List?

Feb 21, 2004

I basically want to be able to drag any item out of that list, and when doing so, have it that item automatically go to the bottom, and have the remaining items scroll up. I can handle the drag and drop part of it, but I'm confused on how I could get the remaining column of items to dynamically move up depending on which item is taken out. I'm thinking maybe along the lines of an array? And I also suppose each item will have to be loaded in.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop Dynamic Text Box

Feb 9, 2009

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So I'm doing this project and as an animator I'm not familiar with the whole action script side of flash.Okay so far I've managed to create the whole Drag and Drop feature and it works well, the thing is I want to make it so when you drag in object in the correct spot and new text appears, and I need like six different object with six different text. but I have no idea how to integrated it in my code or where I should start!

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Oct 20, 2009

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Here is ActionScript Code:
var startX:Number;
var startY:Number;
var m1:MySquare = new MySquare();
[Code] .....

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Aug 24, 2010

So Im working on a very simple drag and drop flash game using AS3. Everything is complete but I'm having an issue with the dynamic text. For some reason when you drop the item onto its target and accompanying dynamic text is all effed up.. for example when it should say "Try Again!" it says "r ain!".. I've been banging my head for the last few hours with no luck..And here is my code:

var startX:Number;
var startY:Number;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag N' Drop Click That Contains Dynamic Text Field?

Aug 12, 2009

I'm really new to AS3 and could use some help. I have a movieClip with a drag and drop functionality that's working fine but then inside this movieClip is a dynamic text field and it won't let me click over the text field to start dragging and if I click off to the side I can drag but the movieClip is automatically centered and then I can't drop because now the text field is under the mouse and it keeps saying:

ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property stopDrag not found on flash.text.TextField and there is no default value. at MethodInfo-10()

Why is AS3 so finicky? I'm clicking on the MC for the love of $(*%@ not the text field. Errr..

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(24.2 K)

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Flex :: Deleting Row Of Datagrid By Clicking A Button Part Of That Row In Delete Column?

Nov 23, 2010

I want to delete a row of my datagrid when someone click a button part of that row located below Delete Column. I tried many different way one of those were to

<mx:DataGrid id="userGrid" dataProvider="{userGridData}" width="800" height="500" itemClick="userGrid_itemClickHandler(event)" creationComplete="userGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event)">


The item render ev.renderers.UserGridEditRender has a delete button listing for click event it basically do userGridData.removeItemAt(userGrid.selectedIndex);
(UserGridData = Data provider of grid with id "userGrid") But whenever I click the button an exception is throw

RangeError: Index '-1' specified is out of bounds.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Column Chart That Displays Several Items

Oct 5, 2009

I have a column chart that displays several items. When you click the bar of one of the items, the chart changes to display a new chart of details of that item. However, if the mouse is not moved, the datatip from the first chart is now visible on the second chart. Is there a way to hide the datatip when the first bar is clicked and then show the new datatip for the second chart once it's visible?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Access DataGrid Column Items ?

Nov 3, 2006

I was wondering if anyone knew how to access column items...

ie if i made a column named "Info" and wanted to get the 5th item how would i go by doing so.. i though it was just an array something like this my_dg[Info][i] were i is the index counter.. but that wasn't it.. i can get it to display the column name but thats about[code]...

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Flex :: Best Way To Handle Clicks On Menu Items?

Mar 11, 2010

I do not know why but I see that itemclick event on a menubar do not fired unless you click a sub item. What is the clean way to handle clicks on menuitems which are on the top level and do not have sub menu items. For example I want to fire an event whenever MenuItem B is clicked.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- menus/MenuBarControl.mxml -->
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="[URL]" >
<mx:MenuBar id="myMenuBar" labelField="@label" itemClick="{itemClick(event)}" >
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Flexlib ScheduleViewer How To Handle Clicks On Items

Apr 14, 2011

I'm trying to use a flexlib schedule viewer in my application. I want to have it so that when I click on a scheduled event, it calls a function in my main app (that will allow me to edit the event). But there doesn't seem to be any specific function for anything like this built into the class ie no event dispatched when I click on an event.

I can use the 'click' function to detect that the item has been clicked on.. and have tried something like this:


This method isn't very reliable because if it only works the first time.. once an item is selected, it stays selected so all following clicks on the item fulfills the condition.

Is there any way to determine whether an event was being clicked on? Or do I have to extend the component and add some sort of clickEvent when an event is clicked on.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Random Text For Movie Clips / Drag And Drop Dynamic Text?

Jan 20, 2009

I have been making a memory game, where words are shown to the user. Once they have memorised the words they go to the next screen where the words that they have memorised are shown. They then have to drag each word into a "correct" place and a "wrong" place. I now want to edit it so that I can use two arrays one for correct words and one for wrong words. I want to generate random words from each of these arrays. I have sort of worked out how this is possible to do but using dynamic text, but am I correct in thinking that the whole dragging the words thing is not possible with dynamic text. (I may be wrong though, I am quite new to flash).

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Jan 6, 2010

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