ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Updating Dynamic Field?

Jul 10, 2009

I was looking through the posts on how to update dynamic text fields without using a submit button or other method which would cause the entire scene to be called again.

I found exactly the coding I wanted: [URL]

The issue I found is I can't get it to do what I want, which is to add a series of variables together.

I modified the code to this:

var total:Number;
var num1:Number;
var num2:Number;


It works, but if I type in say " 4 " into the 'num1' input box the total box (dynamic field) becomes a " 4 ". But when I enter in say a " 5 " into the 'num2' input box the total box becomes " 45 " (no " 9 ").

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Send Data From Dynamic Text Field On Stage To Dynamic Textfield In Mc?

Sep 28, 2010

I have 2 input textfields on the stage and 1 dynamic textfield.

-input1 is for quantity

-input2 is for page count

When a user enters a number into the page count it makes a calculation and places the outcome into the dynamic textfield. This textfield is for the individual price.All of this so far works. What I want to do now is create another dynamic textfield for the total. So the individual price is multiplied by the quantity and this result is put in the new dynamic text field. I have the code for that working but here is where it gets tricky (for me anyway).The total price is to start off invisible. When I roll over the individual price the total price is to appear (For a test lets just say when I roll over an area the total price appears).To stop cursor flickering this should be done inside a movieclip. So... I have create a movieclip and placed a dynamic textfield inside it. They all have instance names BUT how do I reference it in script?I need to tell the resulting calculation to be placed inside the textfield which is inside the movieclip. If it isn't inside a movie clip I can do it. But how to I reference it when inside one?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Input A Dynamic Text Field Into Many Dynamic Movies

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show Dynamic Text Field Content In Another Dynamic Text Field?

May 13, 2011

I have a dynamic text on the stage which gets updated (shows numbers) when some buttons are pressed.I just need to know if it is possible to show the first dynamic textfield in another dynamic textfield.Lets say the first dynamic textfield called "price" and the second one called "price2". when a button is pressed, the first dynamic textfield "price" will show a number. is it possible to show whatever is shown in the "price" in "price2" ?

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AS3 :: Setting A Dynamic Position For A Text Field Relative To Another Dynamic Text Field

Dec 8, 2010

I'm creating an XML-driven pie chart in AS3 with 2 text boxes in each pie slice. Both text fields are dynamic in the sense that they are populated by the XML doc and then told where to place themselves in the AS3. I've got them both using the same x and y position to place themselves at the moment (which of course puts them right one top of each other), but I'd like to make one of the fields (which acts like a label or a title to the larger number and % text field) place itself in a particular spot around the other text field. The result I'm looking for is to have the smaller "title" text field appear approximately 5 pixels above and left-justified to the larger "percentage" field.

Anyway, here are two sections of code that I've currently got. The first chunk, for the Tags portion, sets the position for the "percentage" text field using a good old x and y method. The second chunk, for Titles, is setting the position for the smaller "title" text.

//evaluate tags
private function evaluateTags():void{
for (s=0; s


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public function setLabel(thisLabel:String) {
visibleLabel.text = thisLabel;

I set a label for each button:

btn_mc.button1.setLabel("2 | Al Sabkha Bus Station - Al Qusais Police Housing");

I have a dynamic textfield ... myText ... which I would like to use as a page title ... so once the button has been clicked, the dynamic textfield should update with the label of the button clicked.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Paragraphs Spacing - Line Space Flash Creates When A Dynamic Text Is Loaded In A Dynamic Text Field

Jun 8, 2009

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i already set a Textformat to my dynamic text with i tryied to play with the "Leading".. but i think it something dealing with paragraph. how i can decrease spacing between paragraphs??

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function updateChangeRate():void {

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AS3 :: Flash - Dynamic TextField Not Updating

Jul 28, 2011

I have a dynamic textfield on my stage with the instance name trackText.

I have declared public var trackText:TextField;.

When I trace trackText.text it gives me exactly what I expect but the actual text on the stage does not update.

public var trackText:TextField;
trackText.text = audioPlayer.currentSong.title;
trace("trackText = " + trackText.text);
// gives me what i expect "track 1" etc..

but the text on the stage still says "loading..."

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Not Updating ?

Aug 18, 2006

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// this one works just fine...
testing_txt.text = "This is some dynamic text!";[code]....

I am definitely setting the correct field in this long list of objects, but for some reason the text in the main_menu_mc... object isn't updating. Interestingly, the text associated with the testing_txt object updates just fine.Below is a small screen shot of the display while running the swf... menu_item8 is obviously the one without any text...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text Not Updating?

Jan 24, 2011

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The function:

function updatePreloader(e:ProgressEvent):void {
if (LoaderInfo( == imageLoaders[0]) {
loadedBytes1 = e.bytesLoaded;


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Jan 22, 2009

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ActionScript Code:
_root.HPnum._y += _y - 60;
_root.HPnum._x = _x + 20;

Fairly simple, it's in the as code file that I want it to track. What happens is, it does get moved, but I cannot see it anywhere.

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Jul 27, 2009

This should be really simple, but for some reason Flash just isn't operating as I expected.I'm trying to make a keypad for a game, whereby the player must type in the correct number sequence to progress. The player will click the number buttons with the mouse and the numbers will be put into an array, which will then be checked with a confirm button.I have set up the array as follows on the main timeline (it needs to be empty until user presses a number button):

ActionScript Code:
keypadnumbers = [];
Each number button then contains a variant of the following code (numbers differ):


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic TextField Not Updating With OnLoadComplete

Dec 8, 2009

I am trying to write a preloader for multiple images of unknown size from an external source. Therefore I am counting the clips as they complete and using this as the progress in a dynamic text field.
The dynamic text field loader_mc.loadText.text = Percent;
Loads only once when the 1st clip has loaded even though the trace within the same if bracket traces out the different percentages as each clip loads

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mclListener_c.onLoadComplete = function(target:MovieClip) {
onEnterFrame = target._visible=false;
//trace("var container = "+container);
//trace("movie clip "+target+" has loaded");
loader_mc._visible = true;
[Code] .....

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Jun 16, 2009

I've got this code that creates a dynamic textfield, converts 'score' to a string, displays string, and updates the value of score. Well, I've traced it and the value of score updates, but the value displayed in the text box stays the same. How do I get the value in the textbox to update/change.

var scoreString:String = String(score);
var scoreNumber:TextField = new TextField();
scoreNumber.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;
[Code] .....

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May 21, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sliders Not Updating Dynamic Text Fast Enough?

Sep 30, 2009

I am producing an interesting interactive project. I have 9 sliders from 1-100 that will adjust a total figure. If this total figure adds up to 100, it should stopDrag();

Now this works, however if you move the slider faster than the frame rate, it doesn't stop at 100. I have tried updateAfterEvent(); but not sure of any other options.

Also, I need to be able to drag any sliders back down but not up once it has reached 100.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Updating Dynamic Text Box Inside Movieclip?

May 11, 2009

Im working on my platformer game engine and I have come upon a little snag...

I have a movieclip in the library named score and within that is a dynamic text box with an instance name of scoretxt.

When the level loads I have the MovieClip placed on the stage (simple enough)

package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.ui.Mouse;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sliders Not Updating Dynamic Text Fast Enough

Sep 30, 2009

I am producing an interesting interactive project. I have 9 sliders from 1-100 that will adjust a total figure. If this total figure adds up to 100, it should stopDrag(); Now this works, however if you move the slider faster than the frame rate, it doesn't stop at 100. I have tried updateAfterEvent(); but not sure of any other options. Also, I need to be able to drag any sliders back down but not up once it has reached 100.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [CS3] Addition With Input Field And Dynamic Field?

Jan 20, 2009

is there a way to make it so when you are done putting something into an input field it will automaticly add/subtract from a dynamic field.Dynamic1 + Input = Dynamic2where each time you change the input text it will readd dynamic1 and input show it on dynamic2

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Turn An Input Field Into A Dynamic Field?

Jun 8, 2011

I have made this before with one simple line of code but I just cant seem to remember...

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Nov 25, 2009

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1. I have a single frame movie where I create a simple array of strings from an external text file:


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Using Array Value In Dynamic Text Field?

Jul 31, 2009

I'm using C3S Flash and working in a button. The text on the button is set to 'dynamic' and I'm trying to display an array value in the 'var' field.

Is there any way I can use an array value in a dynamic text field? I can display the entire array by putting the 'menuarray' name into the text 'var' field, but if I try to display a subset of the array like 'menuarray[0][1]' it displays nothing, even though this subset holds a value (it shows up fine in the trace window).

Is there any way to get around creating dozens of variables just to display array items?

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Fade In A Dynamic Text Field?

Jan 3, 2008

How can i fade in a dynamic text field? Can i insert it in a movie clip in a way? How can i delay a dynamic text field from appearing?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Dynamic Field Spacing?

May 26, 2010

I'm trying to figure out a way to center dynamic text fields vertically after the text has been input. For instance, in some instances I would have a dynamic field with two lines, and I would want to center it between two other dynamic fields- but only after the text has been populated. Maybe a better way of explaining it would be changing the spacing of elements on a page so they're always equidistant from one another.

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