ActionScript 2.0 :: Export A .swf From A .swf During Runtime?

Nov 7, 2009

I'm looking for a method to create and save a .swf file from a currently open .swf file while the second of the two is running.

My overall goal is to, with the click of a button, create a .swf that contains a certain MC that was already in the first .swf, then save the second .swf in a directory on a server that I have. I'm guessing it takes some server-side-scripting like php.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Export Mc's Positions At Runtime In An External File For Reuse

Jan 29, 2005

i'm trying to hardcode a complicated looping movement of an mc on the stage. the way i plan to deal with it is first, to use a guide layer to actually tell the mc where to go, and then save at runtime the sequence of position (x/y coordinates) the mc goes to to follow the movement. With this set of coordinates, i will reproduce the movement via actionscript instead of guiding.

how i can output those variables into an external txt file from flash at runtime ?

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IDE :: CS5 - Setting URLs For Import / Export For Runtime Shared Library

Aug 27, 2010

Summary: I don't quite understand how the import/export URLs for symbols in a runtime library work. I can't figure out how I can set them so that the runtime library will be properly loaded and accessible for other swfs to import from, if I want it to work both in a local environment (on my harddrive), and from a remote environment (on a web page).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Export Mc's Positions At Runtime In An External File For Reuse?

Jan 29, 2005

i'm trying to hardcode a complicated looping movement of an mc on the stage.the way i plan to deal with it is first, to use a guide layer to actually tell the mc where to go, and then save at runtime the sequence of position (x/y coordinates) the mc goes to to follow the movement. With this set of coordinates, i will reproduce the movement via actionscript instead of guiding.

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Difference Between The Flash Player Runtime And Adobe AIR Runtime?

Nov 16, 2009

I've been into coding for about 5 years now, but I'm a recent convert to Flash development. One of the questions I have at the moment is, considering that SWF files can be run by either Adobe Flash Player OR Adobe AIR, what's the real difference between the two runtime environments? What API's and Objects exist in one environment, but not the other?

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Sep 5, 2009

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Export A FLV From Flash CS4?

Feb 24, 2011

how do I export an FLV from Flash CS4?It's just a silly video, a tweened circle, but I need it to be an flv.

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Oct 9, 2009

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Flash :: CS4 Won't Export To Mov

Oct 27, 2009

I've been trying to export my .fla as a .mov from the Export>Export Movie option in the File menu. It will start exporting but once the progress meter gets to the end it just stops and never finishes.

I don't think it has anything to do with:

A: multiple scenes

B: actionscript directing to each scene

C: movieclips
since I was doing the exact same thing in CS3 without a problem.
What i'm doing now in CS4 that I wasn't in the CS3 version:
A: Motion tweens

B: importing .ai files to my library

C: using symbols created for flash in illustrator from imported .ai files.

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Unable To Export As .swf?

Dec 18, 2009

I am a high school teacher, attempting to teach a few simple animations in Flash. The only action script students have written is the stop action in the last frame. I have one student, though, who has drawn a snowman and a tree using oval and paintbrush tools. Every time she tries to export as .swf (or pressing Ctrl+Enter) the progress bar stops half-way and sits. She's waited 5 minutes and hasn't had any luck. Her .fla file is only 1 mb so I don't think it's a memory issue. Is there anything else that's keeping her file from being unable to export as .swf?  The compressed checkbox is on in the export options.

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Export Fla To Swf File?

Jan 3, 2010

I started exporting the swf with no problem, but the next day i done a lot of editing and adding content, so when i try to exported didn't work, my swf file disappear from my folder and every time i try to exported the swf when it pass about the 75% of loading disappear. There is any software that can expor fla to swf ?? why flash is not exporting the swf correctly?.

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Professional :: How To Export *.flv Or *.f4v

Jan 20, 2010

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Professional :: Best Way To Export To .gif

Jan 22, 2010

I made a banner for my company that I'd like to turn into a .gif file for our marketing strategies portion of our site.  I am new to flash and can't seem to find the right export/publish settings to get the cleanest possible .gif file.
Would anyone mind looking at my attached .fla file to see where I might be going wrong.  All of the images I imported into flash were edited in photoshop CS4 and saved as .png files.  Is this the preferred method?  When I export my animation it slows down and becomes all grainy.  I am trying to create a .gif similar to the one I have also attached that was created in flash by a professional design firm.  What would this guy (the guy that created the attached .gif file) have done differently? 


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Professional :: SWF Export Different To FLA

Jul 23, 2010

When I go to export a flash file (command > enter) the swf either decides to play every 5th frame which I made 5 keyframes each at 20% more alpha each playing only the one at 100% alpha. It also brings in the line spacing so it is all mucked up. Everything is fine when I press enter to do timeline preview but not when I export swf does anyone have any idea why?

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Professional :: CS5 Won't Export A New Swc?

Dec 12, 2010

I've been having similar issues as many others regarding saving xfl and fla files out of flash cs5.  I have managed to get through them with various methods of recreating files, make new flas, and coping the library over, and the like.. (All of which is crap by the way, saving issues should NEVER be an issue)The answer from support seems to be "You have a corrupt asset". If this is the case then flash corrupted it. </RANT>The issue I'm having now however, is that I can no longer get it to export a new swc. I'm using the swc with a Pure AS3 project.I can save the xfl file just fine.I can compile it and it doesn't complain (though there isn't much to compile other than images and movieclips containing those images)I can re-open the file just fine.

I am not saving across a network, but directly to a local disk.As far as I know, I don't have odd characters in the clip names, but if there are its by mistake, and there is virtually no way of discovering which one it is.I am on the latest version of Flash Pro CS5 (, to Support:e at adobe please look at this file and tell me what is not allowing it to build the swc?  Or better yet, tell me how to find out?I'm sure its breaking in the middle and giving up but not ever throwing an error.Is there a way to find out what asset is breaking it?

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Professional :: SWF Will Not Export?

Nov 1, 2011

I have a large FLA file and is fails to export. 108 meg.I have attempted an export on Win and Mac.No errors. It just stops and removes the 2 kb swf file it opens at start of export.I set jvm,ini to 512 and then to1024.I embedded the fonts.

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Export An FLV From Flash CS4?

Apr 20, 2010

How do I export an FLV from Flash CS4?

It's just a silly video, a tweened circle, but I need it to be an flv.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Export Value As .txt?

Dec 20, 2004

how do you export a value as a .txt?

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