ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Dynamic Sound - Move Movie To The Server

Nov 15, 2003

I have this script in the first frame of the first scene of my movie


which works fine when I test the movie locally, but when I c it to the server I get nothing. I tried using a .wav and a .aiff and still get nothing. Does anyone out there know why this is? Is it a server issue...maybe something to do with mime types? I'm at a loss.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Inside Movie Clip; Move When Button Is "down"

Mar 23, 2010

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I've changed the button+text to a movie clip symbol and now the text loads fine; however, I have the button set so that on "Down", x and y increase by 2 and the shadow decreases by 2 to give it a "pressed down" effect. However I can't figure out how to get my text to move along with it, other than by creating a function for press down and release for each button, which is really laborious.

This is what I have been doing for each instance of the movie clip to get the text to move with the button:

function moveText() {
getReady_mc.step_txt._x = getReady_mc.step_txt._x+2;
getReady_mc.step_txt._y = getReady_mc.step_txt._y+2;


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Media Server :: Get Sound Level Of Each Clients Who Are Streaming Video And Sound?

Oct 20, 2011

I am using a flash app. I can send and receive streaming data to FMS by using this app, like the chart I attached. [URL] This app uses RTMP to access to FMS. I want to upgrade this app to display sound level of each client. Is it possible by using Actionscript and FMS? If so, which class should I use?

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Oct 6, 2011

I have a broadcasting project that I've got where the host of the show can have multiple sound effects they can use on their show.I'm wondering if the only way to go about this is for all the clients listening to the show need to download the mp3 of that sound effect or if the sound effect could come from the host combining his mic (for his voice) but also straight audio (the sound effect) into the stream.

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Media Server :: Move To Windows Server 2008 With IIS 7?

Jul 5, 2010

Currently I have a music player that uses FMS on Windows 2003 Server/IIS 6 in a .Net app.I'm trying to move to Windows Server 2008 with IIS 7.  However, the player doesn't begin playing from my list when the page loads with the player.  However, if I run my code in debug mose in Visual Studio on the server, the player is functional. Which leads me to ask - can I use FMS in the fashion I want to?  If so, how can I set up my site?  I tried putting my app pool into classic mode, which didn't work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Dynamic Sound To Play Sound-file?

Oct 14, 2009

It's possible to play a sound file through AS, either by loading it from a folder or import it to flash. It's also possible to play a dynamic tone with + writeFloat.

But... is it possible to play a sound file with + writeFloat in some way? I want to play a sound file without having to deal with any files except the .swf!

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Media Server :: Switch Or Change A Server-side Stream - Starts Lagging After 2 Seconds Of Playing And Sound Disappears

Jan 28, 2010

I try to switch or change a server-side stream, it starts lagging after 2 seconds of playing and sound disappears. Here are scenarios that result in that terrible lag:

1. I create server-side playlist with with reset=false; when it is time to play the next movie in the playlist, it starts lagging after 2 seconds.

2. The same problems appears when I just switch streams. I installed FMF Feature Explorer and tried to launch SwitchStreams sample application: the same problem - server stream starts lagging after I switch streams with

I tried on different servers (local and remote), with different players (debug player of FMS Admin Console, Standard Flash videoplayer component, OSMF player, Flex video player). I also tried all possible flv, f4v and mp4 file compression options for video files - still the same problem. I have also tried literally thousands of Application.xml settings: changing buffer, buffer ration etc. Is there any tip where I should search for a solution?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Move An Object With Sound?

Jan 7, 2012

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie And Sound - Make The Sound Fade Away When The Mouse Is Rolled Away?

May 18, 2007

I use Flash MX 6.0

1) I have a button and when I put cursor over it, it must start looping a sound. When I drag away, the sound must stop. I would be even cooler if it was possible to make the sound fade away when the mouse is rolled away. I have no problem creating another sound file that fades my current sound away.

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3) once rolled over a button, the sound must start looping (as I wrote in 1.) AND the knife should slowly go backwards (MC). BUT when I roll mouse away, the sound fades away (as in 1. again) PLUS the knife should slowly move back to its place in stead of just jump from one place to another.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Slider_mc To Move On Y When Each Sound Finishes?

Feb 2, 2009

I've got a movieclip (slider_mc) -- it's two 800x150 rectangles spaced 450 pxls apart on y. (Stage is 800x600).I load in the sounds, then when each sound is finished playing it launches a function that plays the next sound, this works fine. I'd like slider_mc to move on y when each sound finishes. The first tween works like it should, but nothing happens when playSound_02 is launched -- the sound plays but the tween doesn't work.Here's my code:

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Store Sound Level To Move A Mc?

Jun 2, 2008

I'm trying to develop a game that will use sound to move an mc. I want to be able to store where the level of the sound bar is after 3 seconds. Depending on how loud the player shouts the more power they will get.This is what I have so far:

// set up microphone object
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("myAudio", 1001);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Loading Text From A Server Into A Dynamic Text Box In Movie?

Jun 14, 2004

I need help dynamically loading text from a server into a dynamic text box in my movie. If i use the loadVariables it works, with the Html rendering.. if i use it with loadVars it works but now the html doesn't render. What i want is to load some text from my server into the text box and have the html to render. Also, is there a way to display the progress as the text loads, for people with slower connections?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: When I Move To The 2nd Scene, The Sound Stop Looping?

Apr 30, 2004

My swf works with scenes. In the 1st scene i build a sound object :

PHP Code:

mysound = new Sound();

but when i move to the 2nd scene, the sound stop looping... I could restart it using _root.mysound.start(0,loop) but it would restart the sound when you move from scene1 to scene2 so cut it up in the middle and restart which isn't so nice..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Move Clip - Stop After Sound Has Played Once

Jul 31, 2008

I am trying to play a sound clip using actionscript 2 the code I am using is attached to a button and the code I used is the following.


My problem is that the sound clip loops and I do not want it to do so. I have other animations going on on the stage. I tried to place the stop(); command but I do not seem to be able to make it stop after my sound has played once.

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Professional :: Creating Rollover Sound - Stop Once Move The Mouse

Feb 22, 2012

What I want to create is a group of 13 images and upon rollover each image would make a different sound. I don't want the sound to stop once you move the mouse though because I want a few different sounds playing at the same time. At this point I don't really care whether they play for their whole duration or just for another 15 seconds! I'm doing this for Uni and the guy said it wasn't that hard.

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Media Server :: Server-side Buffer For Live Dynamic Streaming?

Jul 10, 2009

Finding faults in my reasoning, or expanding the discussion further. We are benchmarking FMS 3.5.x for live dynamic streaming and we have run across an issue. When throttling the client from a high bandwidth (1500kbps) to a low bandwidth (325kbps) via a bandwidth shaper (a physical firewall) it takes a very long (real-) time for the client to see the new stream-quality.
During the investigation of this issue we have narrowed this down to:
1. when transition is requested from client, the client-side buffer is 1/2 i.e. 4-5seconds.
2. if transition is request on a client with unlimited bandwidth, it takes about 6 seconds for the server to process, find an acceptable switching position and send a "transition.complete" event.
3. on the throttled client however, this event takes much longer.


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Media Server :: Dynamic Stream Switching From Server (not Client) Side

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Move From Localhost To Web Server Environment?

Nov 12, 2009

Are there any Air + Zend Amf examples that use a real world web server and not localhost?

Basically I cannot get an Air or Flex application connected to a remote mysql db to work once deployed. How can I successfully move a finished application to a normal web server (website).

When testing everything works no problem but as soon as I deploy the gateway.php (regardless of where i put it on my web server) will not connect. I've even tried flash builder 4 auto generated code and still no luck

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Media Server :: Rename And Move A Flv File To A Different Folder?

Jun 23, 2009

I tried to use the following to rename and move a flv file to a different folder but it doesn't work.....I tried several combinations but can't seem to figure out how to do it.

fileObject3 = new File("streams/"+insID+"/"+stream+".flv"); fileObject3.renameTo("streams"/"adName"/"+adName+".flv");

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Media Server :: FMSS - Move The Vod Folder To Another Location?

Mar 30, 2010

I have my server configured so that the installation is on c:, and the media files are on d:.To begin with I tested the streaming files in the original installation location and this worked.I've have now moved the vod folder - D:applications:, and updated the FMS.ini file to accordingly look for the applications folder on the D: and restarted the server.The Administration console is correctly identifying the VOD and LIVE applications in the new location, but all the streams have stopped working

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Flash :: Why Do URLReqeusts Not Load Files When Move Them To A Web Server

Jan 11, 2012

When developing a flash project on my machine I can use something like:

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images.xml");
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleResult);


As long as the images.xml file is located in the same directory as the .fla then it works fine. However once I move the .swf, .xml and my images to the web it all goes down the drain. The .swf can no longer find the .xml file and I know why. Using FlashBug I can read the error in the console.

IOError: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032: Stream Error. URL:"]

And there's the problem when I move my .swf to my web server the URLRequest adds my domain to the request. Since the file was just located in the same directory on my machine it didn't cause an issue to just say "images.xml" but now in order to make it work I have to change it to [URL]

I want to know if there is a way to force the .swf to just continue to look in the directory it is in for the files it needs. I think having to spell it out is counter-intuitive because then I can't just move the files without having to re-write my AS3 code.

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Flex :: Move Dynamic Child Or Element?

Dec 25, 2011

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Create childs:

public function createChilds():void {
for(var i:int=0; i < 10; i++) {
newImage = new Image();[code]...........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Move Dynamic SrollPane In MovieClip?

Jun 29, 2009

I have a scrollpanel that lives inside a movie clip both created dynamically.When I add the scrollpanel to movieclip without setting it's x and y properties it adds fine but is located to the far right. I would like to add the scroll panel with it's x and y properties offset from the movieclip such as

SP.x = mc.x + 20

Here's my problem whenever I change the X and Y properties either directly or using SP.move(x,y) the scroll panel disapears and I can't figure out why.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A Dynamic Movie Into A Dynamic Movie?

Sep 14, 2003

is there a way to load a dynamic movie into a dynamic movie? like say I have a master movie and i load a movie into it. Thats all fine and done, but what if i want to load another movie inside that first dynamic movie?

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Media Server :: Move Two Figures On The Stage With Remote Shared Object?

Nov 10, 2009

I need to move two figures on the stage with shared object like the "Tutorial shared Object ball" on the adobe website but with more than one figure. All the client must see the figures moving. The figure are a circle (Cerchio) and a square (Quadrato). This is the script:
package{  import flash.display.Sprite;  import;  import;  import;  import;  import;  import


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Record Sound Without Using Server?

Jan 3, 2010

I need to record the sound(.mp3) from microphone in flash, i want to save in a local system from a web page and without using the sever like fms red5 etc.

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Record The Sound By Using Flash In Server?

Jul 23, 2010

I want to record the sound by using flash in server.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: No Sound In Published Swf On Server

Jul 2, 2009

Newbie question, can't find this specific problem in the archives... I've created an app that has lots of audio. The audio is mp3 files. When I test it (CTRL+ENTER) I hear the audio. When I publish it and view it in the .html file locally (not a local hosting environment) I hear the audio. No problems there. But now it's on an actual server and I can't hear the audio. Wondering if there is a setting I've missed. I have not changed any settings related to audio. I'm actually emailing the .swf file, the .html file, and the AC_RunActiveContent.js file to an individual who has access to the server, and he put them where they need to be. I can see all of the visual content, but no sound. I assume I don't have to send all of the audio with it, correct? What do I need to do to hear this audio?

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