ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Paths With Double Slashes?
Oct 1, 2009
I've made a project which uses double slashes ("\") on paths for source files like sounds,xml etc. It works fine on a CD but I want to uploaded on a server.The swf files which use those paths work fine on IE but not on firefox,safari,opera etc. I red that the problem is the slashes that I used in paths. They should be backslashes like "/Sounds/somesound.mp3" and not "\Sounds\somesound.mp3".I found that firefox translates "\Sounds\somesound.mp3" to a single file named "Soundssomesound.mp3", the directory "Sounds" now turns to a part of the filename.
If I place and rename the source files like "Soundssomesound.mp3" on the server in the same directory with the swf file (not in "Sounds" directory) this way works on firefox, but does not work on IE. I have to place the source files in both ways to work in all browsers but that's not good...I know that the best thing that I can do is to change the path syntax in fla's but the project is to big.
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var aText:String = "C:\folder\folder\file";
var filterVal:String = aText.toLowerCase().replace( ///g, '/');
trace( aText );[code]....
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""
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<naam>Gerecht "Naam" </naam>
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May 17, 2010
I have a performance question about pixel bender. I want to enlarge many BitmapData (double their size into new BitmapData). I was doing this with as3, but wanted to use pixel bender to get better performance. On my machine, I get better performance out of pixel bender demonstrations then as3.
To my surprise (or bad coding / understanding), I am getting much worse performance out of pixel bender -- 2 seconds vs 1/2 second! I expected to get at least the same performance as as3.
I got the straightforward pixel bender code here (and it is included below for easy reference).
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Shader;
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Mar 5, 2012
I know already that Double click event is not available for iOS(iPhone, iPad).But for example google map or other drawing applications have function of double click to scale up.
I have found sample program at Web. But I cannot found the ActionScript3 program to implement double lick event for Air for iOS.
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Apr 29, 2011
look at this screenshots:
And this is how It looks over 97% of times I load the swf:
Points to notice:
- running on Windows 7 64bit
- FP 10.2.154
- Flash Player embedded on standalone application (didn't seen that problem in browser yet)
What we are doing in this flash? We have just a loop for every character in our Array it looks if a TextField with this character .width is larger than boundaries. Yes? Create new line. No. Continue writing in same line.
As we can see on the buggy screen the width sometimes appear to be doubled - whitch generally destroys our layout.
Guilty code:
ActionScript Code:
if (elementsArray[int(i2 - 1)].width + elementsArray[i2].width + elementsArray[int(i2 - 1)].x + __wordsMarginLeft > 800){
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Jul 21, 2005
how can I implement the functionality of double tap detecting in Flash MX 2004. I searched over the internet (put "implement double tap Flash" in google search box) but haven't got any luck.
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Jul 28, 2011
I have a MovieClip called HolderMc and a ClickBtn inside HolderMc, here i want to DoubleClick the HolderMc and also i need to click the ClickBtn inside the HolderMc, here i have used MouseChildren as false to HolderMc to click the button, and doubleClick as enabled to HolderMc but no use, and also i have used to get the MovieClips name using target.currentTarget even though i am not able to use the doubleclick option alone.
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Aug 6, 2008
I've recently noticed that when Flash goes into full-screen mode, triggered by a double-click, Firefox (3.0.1) takes the focus - if the user clicks anywhere on the screen outside the area of the original (non-fullscreen) Flash player area, Flash returns to non full-screen mode. Also, the cursor changes to reflect whatever is on the browser page beneath the fullscreen Flash app - i.e. it changes to a hand in areas where there is a link on the HTML page, or to a bar in areas where there is a textbox.
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Mar 18, 2010
I've got a class (which extends MovieClip) that loads in an external SWF (made in pdf2swf). That is added to another class which has declared doubleClickEnabled = true and I'm listening for DOUBLE_CLICK events.Problem is when the SWF is loaded my code picks up no DOUBLE_CLICK events, only CLICK events. I've tried it without adding the SWF to the stage and it does pick up DOUBLE_CLICK events.
class ParentClass{
public function ParentClass(){
mcToLoadSWF = new MovieClip();
I've also tried adding the event listener to the mcToLoadSWF as well. No dice.
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Jan 25, 2011
What data type do I use in flex (flash builder) to create a "double" or "float" data type. I need the numbers after a decimal point. (i.e. prices)
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Mar 3, 2011
I'm running the latest build (I'm pretty sure it's 1.0) on Ubuntu and I am calling a function on an amfphp service on another server. Everything seems to be in order, but I am getting a strange return value using the following code:
String url = "";
RemotingClient client = new RemotingClient(url);
Object[] args = new Object[]{"Hello world!"};
Object result =client.invokeMethod("service.manager.say", args);
if(debug) System.out.println("return from server: "+result.toString());
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