ActionScript 2.0 :: Global Variable - Load An Image In Another Movie Clip?

Jun 26, 2008

I have an array holding 'image' and 'name' name loops fine and populates a load of movie clips underneath each other... i need for when this name is clicked to load an image in another movie clip (image name comes from the array).. the code i have works but it only pulls throught the last item of the array which points to a problem with 'i' not being carried across the functions..? that is the result of my investigation *smokes pipe*


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Is it possbile to make 'bumblebee' a variable?
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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load External Image Into Movie Clip?

Feb 13, 2011

I am creating an ad for my website that pulls 3 random images from a database and displays them in a flash file. I already have the .php file (see code below) and I am successfully able to load the variables into the actionscript, but I cant get the images to show up. I have three symbols (img0, img1 & img2) and I cant seem to load the image onto the symbols using loadMovie. [code]...

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//Frame 1 - Actionscript from Calling Movie

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Flash :: Load External Image Inside Movie Clip

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load An External Image Into A Movie Clip That Is Already On The Stage?

Sep 10, 2006

I am trying to load an external image into a movie clip that is already on the Stage and size it to the movie clips size. The movie clip name is member_gallery with the width of 360 and the height of 251. One of the images i am trying to load into it is 1024 * 768. I would also like to load other images of different sizes into the same movie clip and they all change to 360 * 251 when loaded.

PHP Code:

onClipEvent(load){var container2:MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip("container2", getNextHighestDepth());var mcLoader2:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();mcLoader2.addListener(this);mcLoader2.loadClip("", container2);trace(this._width);trace(container2._xscale); container2._xscale = this._width / 10; container2._yscale = this._height / 10; //container2._height = 251;} 

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A Global Variable From A Button Action?

Dec 28, 2004

Background; I want to load a global variable from a button action, and use this global variable to point to a frame named with what I'm gonna set the variable to, for instance a global variable of 1 will trigger a movie clip with a to play to a frame named 1.

I've set _global.x = 1 from a button instance withing an on(rollOver) block, and it shows up fine through trace(_global.x) from within a separate movie clip instance (within the same scene/timeline), but when I tried to use it in gotoAndPlay using the syntax gotoAndPlay(_global.x) it doesn't work. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong but I just don't know what.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Does Global Variable Available To Loaded Movie?

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If a variable is declared in a movie as global (_global). Is this variable available to a movie which loads this movie via LoadMovie()?
i.e. parentMovie loads childMovie.swf

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Global Variable With Embedded Movie?

Feb 11, 2004

Im using loadMovie in a parent movie to load my content movies. I need the content movies to be able to access a variable set in the content movie. I've tried using global variables and can't seem to get anything going.

I've got two layers. The top layer has the header and footer graphic alongs with the scripting for the menu. The bottom layer is where the content movie is loaded into.I'm declaring the _global variable in the top layer, outside of any functions, and trying to access it from the loaded swf in the content (bottom) layer.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Global Variable Undefined On Main Movie

Jul 16, 2004

I'm working with three files. Main.swf which contains navigation.swf in a blankmc, empty mc called mcContent where navigation sleclected materials are loaded.

In the navigation.fla here is the code
[AS]trace("now defining global");
_global.loadFile_str = strPicName;
trace("global defined as");
[Code] .....

When I do a trace of loadFile_str in the first frame of monthlyreports I get a undefined. I have tried trace(loadFile_str) and trace(_global.loadFile_str). I also noticed that if I define the global on the main movie (it maintains the global variable, the navigation fla will not overwrite it).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Global Vars On The Main Timeline And Change It Within Another Movie Clip

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Placing Movie Clip At The Angle And Global Position Of A Mouse Click?

Sep 23, 2009

Does anyone know the code for finding the global positioning of X & Y co-ordinates of a click of a button which is constantly rotating, and then secondly the code for when you click on the button it displays a movie clip on top of it -(position of x & y when clicked) at the angle that you clicked it,so underneath the buttons are still rotating so other people can click them where they are?

to explain the context, I'm trying to design a mock up of a circular interactive table Dynamically placing movie clip at the angle and global position of a mouse click (button) which is constantly rotating.when someone comes up to it and clicks on one of the buttons that are moving, it reads where the person clicked it and opens up a new box (movie clip) where they clicked it (at the angle) so its not upside down if you are at the top.

I've included my .fla file which shows the four buttons moving and a little diagram explaining what I'm trying to do.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Placing Movie Clip At The Angle And Global Position Of A Mouse Click

Sep 23, 2009

Does anyone know the code for finding the global positioning of X & Y co-ordinates of a click of a button which is constantly rotating, and then secondly the code for when you click on the button it displays a movie clip on top of it -(position of x & y when clicked) at the angle that you clicked it, so underneath the buttons are still rotating so other people can click them where they are?

I'm trying to design a mock up of a circular interactive table when someone comes up to it and clicks on one of the buttons that are moving, it reads where the person clicked it and opens up a new box (movie clip) where they clicked it (at the angle) so its not upside down if you are at the top.

I've included my .fla file which shows the four buttons moving and a little diagram
explaining what I'm trying to do.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variable In LoadMovie Function - Load A Variable That Contains An Url To An Image

Jul 28, 2007

I'm trying to combine PHP/SQL and Flash. I've got a problem now. I want to load a variable that contains an url to an image. so the variable is like this: [URL] Now I want flash to load the image, not the text. The variable is called 'img1' but the loadmovie function doesn't work when I put it in.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Global Variable Not Being Global

Jul 22, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Placing Movie Clip At The Angle And Global Position Of A Mouse Click (button) Which Is Constantly Rotating?

Sep 23, 2009

Does anyone know the code for finding the global positioning of  X & Y co-ordinates of a click of a button which is constantly rotating, and then secondly the code for when you click on the button it  displays a movie clip on top of it -(position of x & y when clicked) at the angle that you clicked it  (so underneath the buttons are still rotating so other people can click them where they are)to explain the context, I'm trying to design a mock up of a circular interactive table when someone comes up to it and clicks on one of the buttons that are moving, it reads where the person clicked it and opens up a new box (movie clip) where they clicked it (at the angle) so its not upside down if you are at the topI've included my .fla file which shows the four buttons moving and a little diagramexplaining what I'm trying to do.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A Movie Clip Into A Blank Movie Clip?

Jun 27, 2006

if it is possible to load a movie clip into a blank movie clip?On my main timeline I have a button (mode_btn) and I want to be able to click it and load another movie clip (mode_options_mc) into a blank movie clip I have (mode_empty_mc). Is this even possible?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Global Variable - Run The Movie - Keep Getting"undefined"/

Apr 21, 2004

im going through colin moock's book, "the definitive guide", and im learning about global variables. so in his lesson he says to do this:

1. create a movieclip called square, with a square inside of it.

2. in the square mc's timeline, on frame 1, place this code : = "tuesday";

3. go back to the main timeline and on frame one put this code:


no according to moock, when i run the movie, it should output "tuesday", but all i keep getting is "undefined"

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delete A Variable Containing A Movie Clip Class And Recreate It With A Different Movie Clip Class?

Jul 1, 2009

In my project are pages of text with each word having a button that when pressed will display a movieclip presentation about that word (its pronounciation and spelling etc..). In the project I am working on now I have over 450 unique presentations of words to deal with. I don't want to have all of these hundreds of movie clips on the stage and tell them one at a time to stop and rewind and then have one play each time a word button is pressed. That seems to be very inefficient to me.

add movieclips to the stage using addChild(movieclipname) and remove them using removeChild(movieclipname) but there is a problem. I have hundreds of unique movieclips and I don't want to have to manage hundreds of variables containing the indivudual movieclip instancess. It is a real pain having to figure out what instance is still on the stage before i delete it.In Adobe Director all I have to do is this:

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Flex :: External SWF Variable Updates Global Variable In Main Timeline?

Feb 8, 2010

I have 2 movie clips, one being loaded into a container MC via "loadMovie();"In the main movie there is a variable with no value, in the external movie there are 5 frames, each with a value to update the variable in the main movie.

IE: if on frame 1, global value = 1 / if on frame 2, global value = 2 / etc etc I'm familiar with passing variables INTO an external swf, but am stumped on how to do it the reverse way.

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Get A Movie Clip To Automatically Load Up Another External Clip After Playing An Embedded Flv?

May 24, 2010

I'm trying to get a movie clip to automatically load up another external clip, after playing an embedded flv.

This is what I've tried so far:

var holdFrame = setInterval( holdFrame, 5000);
clearInterval (holdFrame);

Although it throws no errors, the setInterval is ignored and it just loads direct into the next mc clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A Random Movie Clip From The Library To An Empty Clip On The Stage Called (bg_graphics)?

Oct 20, 2004

I want to load a random movie clip from the library to an empty clip on the stage called (bg_graphics). the clips in the library are called (green, blue, yellow).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A Movie From A Movie But The 2nd Movie Load A Variable?

Feb 25, 2004

i'm having this weird pb i don't understand, could someone help me? i'm driving crazy here..what i do is load a movie from a movie but the 2nd movie load a variable. when i test the 2nd movie, it loads its variable and displays it as wanted, but when i load it from the 1st movie, the 2nd movie loads but seem not to load anymore its variable..


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load A Movie Clip Within Another Movie Clip?

May 16, 2010

I have a page with 8 photos that are movie clips. I'm attempting code that allows the user to click on each photo/movie clip and this loads a movie clip inside which is a larger version of the photo.

how to do this and then allow the user to click the photo to close?

I realize this is a strange way to organize photos but they laid out over a detailed photo album background.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Save A Movie(whole Or Particular Movie Clip) As A Image Formate?

Apr 27, 2007

Is it possible to save a movie(whole or particular movie clip) as a image formate(.jpg or some other) by clicking a button which is available in the same movie, at a "Runtime" through "Flash 8 Actionscript 2".

if it is possible, please explain me how to do.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Movie And Change Color Movie Clip?

Dec 30, 2005

i wanna change color of mc. I have buttom Test and Parametri. In Test is movie testing.swf in Parametri you can change color of movie clips. in file starttesting is make like this:

in layer1 is mcPlayer. In this mcPlayer are three layers, action, container and buttoms. in action layer is this code:

mcButtonParametri.onRelease = function():Void{


How can I change color of mcOksid(testing.fla), but color will be change when i push a upload buttom? WHen i push reset buttom, the color will come back to default.

Second problem, in testing.fla in layer OKSID, i have mcOksid and mcOksid2. Know if i change color of mcOksid to blue, mcOksid2 has to be blue too.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Checkbox - Load A Movie Into An Empty Movie Clip?

Jun 24, 2008

What I'd like to do is have a checkbox, that when it is checked it loads a movie into an empty movie clip, and when it is unchecked, it loads a different movie into the empty movie clip.Also if possible I'd like to find a way to output to a variable whether the same checkbox is checked or not. And send the info from the variable in an email.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Achieve Getting Image To Load Into Swf Using The Variable?

Jun 12, 2007

I have FlashVar sending variables from php to Flash, and that part works fine, flash gets the variable.BUT I have a gallery, that should load an image, and the image path is in the variable. So basically, the part of the URL field in loadMovie should be the variable's value.. That just doesn't work I'm kinda stressed out because I have a really short deadline and I was stupid enough to assume this will be doable.url..Is there any way to achieve getting the image to load into the swf using the variable?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set Variable Within Movie Clip?

Oct 30, 2010

On frame 1 of the main timeline I have a movieclip. The 1st frame of the movieclip stops, and requests a password. When the password is correct, the movie clip plays and stops again on frame 2 - where the user enters their name. I've named this variable 'name_txt', and the submit button will only continue if the variable is defined.

The problem comes when I try to get a dynamic text box in the main timeline to show the user's name - it just stays blank even through i've experimented setting the var / instance names to 'name_txt'. I think I have to set the variable to global or something, but cant seem to get it to work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use A Variable To Name A Movie Clip?

Mar 19, 2004

I am trying to duplicate a move clip and then set some of it's properties with actionscript. What's the notation to do this?

Here is my guess:

duplicateMovieClip(_root.event, ("event"+i), i);
[event+i]._y = ([event-i]._y)+([event+i].height);
[_root.event+i].eDate = ("4/2"+i);


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