ActionScript 2.0 :: HitTest/Shapeflag Oddity?

Aug 30, 2010

I'm a newb. I have a problem with a file I'm working on. HitTest with shapeflag works properly in a movie clip, but NOT in the main timeline. When I switch it to a simple HitTest with 2 objects and no shapeflag it still works.

I've attached the .fla. In this example you adjust the sliders to highlight different biomes. Everything works in when I TestScene the movie clip, but when I testMovie the whole thing the only hitTest that seems to be functioning is the one for Tropical Rainforest which DOESN'T have Shapeflag.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use ShapeFlag HitTest For An Object Inside An Object?

Jan 7, 2009

ok so if i have an obect called square1 and an object called square2 and inside square2 i have hitArea... i want to use shapeflag to detect an absolute true hitTest on just the area of square1 not the bounding box.... i tried this code and it didnt work...

actionscript 2.0

ActionScript Code:
if (_root.square1.hitTest(square2.hitArea._x, square2.hitArea._y, true)) {

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Shapeflag Within Two Non _root Mcs?

Mar 24, 2012

Why isn't this working?I've tried everything.Here's a resume on what's the part with errors:

var Bl:Object = {x:-18, y:174};


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Oddity In Xml - 'undefined' Message

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Using a script for an mp3 player. Desktop testing, movie shows 'undefined' message. I use the original xml file and all is well. I replace one of the defined urls in the original xml with one of my own - undefined shows up. I've checked syntax, typos - none. I've checked my mp3 links - show up fine online.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Shapeflag HitTesting Not Working In Movieclip?

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I thought maybe I had to use localToGlobal, but they are on the same layer, so it can't be that. It works on the root frame, just not in the movieclip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Positions Of Child Objects Oddity?

Sep 12, 2011

in short, i have object A, a container. Within this is object B (a child object) which has some x and Y offset that I input.I need to know the offset of object B, because i want to place other objects at the same onscreen position as B, but on the same level of the heirarchy as object A My problem though, is that B's offset from A isn't changing when i would expect it to - when the parent object is scaled. I set B's x offset to 200 pixels, and no matter how much i scale up or down the parent object, B remains in the same visual position relative to it. And B's x property is still 200, regardless of parent scale.This information is not meaningful to me, because i know that B's actual offset position from A is more or less than 200 onscreen pixels. I need to be able to figure out exactly what it actually is.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HitTestPoint Oddity; Doesn't Work Until Next Frame

Nov 23, 2009

If I move a display object and use hitTestPoint afterward on the same frame against a point within the object's new shape bounds, I get false no matter what. On the following frame I get true like I should. If I then move the object away and in the same frame hitTestPoint against a point which is NO LONGER in the current shape (since it moved) but WAS in the shape on the previous frame, I sometimes get true and sometimes get false. This seems totally screwed up. Am I going mad? I've tried the move and hitTestPoint in both mouse handles and enterFrame handlers, but enterFrame handler is the only one I really care about at the moment.

Check out the following code; click to define a new position for the large object, then in the next entetFrame event it will move it and perform hitTestPoint -- object turns orange when hitTestPoint is true. You should see the same weird behavior described above.

ActionScript Code:
var circ:Shape = new Shape();;, 0, 30);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create An "hitTest" Script Inside A Movieclip That Is Actually Part Of That HitTest Code?

Jan 15, 2009

i just would like to know how to create an "hitTest" script inside a movieclip that is actually part of that hitTest code?I mean... I have mc A, and mc B. and the current hitTest code im using (that is on the timeline) makes mc A, destroy mc B when collide with it... but there are many mc B on the stage (with the same instance name) so, when mc A collide with one mc B, it destroys ALL mc's B... but i want it to destroy only the mc B that he collides, not all the others... maybe an hitTest script inside a movieclip B would work (somethig like "if MC A hitTest ME = i die" (not all the others)).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Do Something After Hittest " Remove Hittest After First Collsion"?

Feb 8, 2010

i am controlling a tractor mc with right and left keyboard keys and let the user move the tractor till it reach a certain point where it touch a mc i want to go to a certain frame and stop the keyboard event listener and also the hit test listenerso finally the tractor is moved by user till it touches the mc then we will jump to a certain framethis certain frame will not have both of the tractor and the mcPHP Code:

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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HitTest On Multiple Mcs?

May 14, 2009

I have a movie clip called frog who moves along the screen, I want him to jump when he hits any other movie clips. I can make him do so with the code below, the problem is that if I write the same function for the other movie clips it doesnt work, it still works on the first one but none others. I have tried attaching an onCilpEvent on both the frog and on all the other movie cilps so no avail.
function hitBaby(){
_root.frog.gotoAndPlay("frogB");}else{  _root.frog.gotoAndPlay("frogA");}


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set Depth On A Hittest?

Feb 25, 2009

i have this drag and drop thing basically when i drop the item on top of its slot i want it to do a hittest to set the depth to a number assigned to it. so lets say I drag an item called Item to a spot called slot i want it to do like item on hit test to slot set depth(2) lets say.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Hittest Is Not Working

Apr 7, 2010

i'm trying to build this simple game for school: you've got a catapult which launches a "bullet" and you will have to aim it to hit a certain point. Now the whole catapult part and shooting the "bullet" works, but now it has to respond when it hits something, and that's where i'm stuck.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: HitTest Is Not Working

Aug 12, 2010

I'm trying to make a hitTest between to movie clips (Let's call them J and T)[code]But nothing happens when the two movie clips collide.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HitTest : Can't Get It To Work

Mar 17, 2011

I am trying to create a game. My game is birds eye view game and I am trying to get it so my character (instance name hero_mc )can't pass through the buildings(instance name block_mc). I have been looking at tutorials on the web and most of them cover it so that a text appears if you hit the object whereas I want it so my character can't pass through or well is "push back", the one tutorial I found doesn't want to work for me, but it's not giving me any errors so I really don't know what is wrong with it.

Actionscript Code:
hero_mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enter_frame); function enter_frame(event:Event):void{if (hero_mc.hitTestObject(block_mc)) { trace("hero _mc is next to block_mc") } else { hero_mc.y += 10  hero_mc.x += 10  } }

My character still passes through the block objects.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 To HitTest Within An Array?

Jul 22, 2011

I have this thing where orbs are supposed to stick together, so I put them all in an arrayand told them to stick together when they encounter another member of that array.However, they only stick in groups of up to four, and then the orbs begin to overlap and such.

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Using Hittest And Attaching Sounds?

May 12, 2009

I am working on a game that involves a play head (called playHead) moving along the screen and when it encounters various movie clips it triggers a sound to be played. It is all going well except that the sound seems to want to play more than once, so there is a staggered wierd sound. Is is possible to make the sound only play once and also it needs to play until the the sound has finished. (the sounds are all very short).Here is the code:
onClipEvent(enterFrame){    if (this.hitTest(_root.playHead)){            _root.sound15.stop();    _root.sound15.attachSound("over");    _root.sound15.start();            }       }

View 5 Replies

HitTest Was Playing The Sound Over And Over?

May 20, 2009

I have a playhead that moves across the screen and when it hitTests a movie clip it plays a sound. all is working fine except that it will only work the first time it is played. The playhead is controlled by a button. I am working in Actionscrpt2. Here is the code on the movieclip:


In the begining I was having trouble because the hitTest was playing the sound over and over but the above code sorted that out. I think that the new problem was created by fixing the old one.

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 1/2 :: HitTest And Draggable MCs?

Aug 16, 2009

These codes are in the draggable MC: fish1_drag this is my code:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {    this.onPress = function() {        startDrag(this);    };
_root.UI1_mc.UI1_mc2.inv_mc.ISpace1.onEnterFrame = function() {        if (this.hitTest(fish1_drag)) {            stopDrag();        } else {        }    };}
I keep jumbling it up so that one thing works but the other doesnt. But basicly I need it so that when I drag fish1_drag (instance name) over ISpace1 (which is within many MCs : _root.UI1_mc.UI1_mc2.inv_mc.ISpace1 but opens up so you can drag it over it) for it the drop on the ISpace1.
I have another MC in the library and il get that the attach to the ISpace1 but what im finding difficult is just being able to drag the fish1_drag over the ISpace1 and releasing.
Here is some other reandom code that I have in a comment on my AC panel:
this.onRelease = function() {                stopDrag();                _root.UI1_mc.UI1_mc2.inv_mc.ISpace1.attachMovie("fish1_mc","attached1 ",this.getNextHighestDepth());                _root.invCount += 1;                updateAfterEvent();  // I probly dont need this updateAfterEvent. but its there anyway.            };

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Hittest Is Not Working?

Apr 7, 2010

i'm trying to build this simple game for school:you've got a catapult which launches a "bullet" and you will have to aim it to hit a certain point.Now the whole catapult part and shooting the "bullet" works, but now it has to respond when it hits something, and that's where i'm stuck.
I've included:
if (stok.kogel.hitTestObject(this.muur)) {           trace("ball hit")            }
but I just can't seem to get an trace back.(PS: here's the file as refference (all AS is in the catapult))

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 1/2 :: Perform HitTest Between Mc Within An Mc?

Aug 17, 2010

how to perform hitTest between mc within an mc??i tried it in the same timeline and it works, but those two movieclips (BLUE COLOR) is inside different MC'sis there a way to perform a hitTest between them??

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ActionScript 1/2 :: GotoAndplay On HitTest?

Sep 8, 2010

I'm trying to make it so that when a movieclip (box) touches another movieclip (exit), it goes to frame 2.I've made it so that (box) moves with the arrow keys and doesn't go pat the barriers (boulders) using this:

x.onEnterFrame = function()
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {box._x += 5;}
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {box._x -= 5;}


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ActionScript 1/2 :: HitTest The Same Movieclip?

Sep 4, 2011

_root["zombie"+i].onEnterFrame = function() {
This does not work, it traces hit! even if none of the movieclips are touching. dont know how else I can do this.

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Flash :: AS2 To AS3 HitTest Migration

Nov 20, 2009

I am stuck in as3 hit test problem. this is the code i wrote in as2. migrate this in to as3


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Flash :: AS3: HitTest Any Object

Apr 6, 2011

I am working on an application where an image serves as cursor. Now i would like to know at any time over which object the cursor is hovering. Sort of like a HitTestObject(*) where i can then see what object the * represents. how i could accomplish this? (and using the mouse is not an option)

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Actionscript :: Hittest On Multiple MCs?

Jul 7, 2011

I am running a hittest on an array of thousands of MCs a little a part, due to the nature of this sometimes two can be hit at once.How would I narrow it down so that the one which is hit the most is the one returned value?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using HitTest For No-overlap?

Sep 22, 2006

I'm trying to use hitTest so that if any images overlap they will be replaced on the canvass.

ActionScript Code:
function imgSeed(){
for(i=0; i<5; i++){[code]....

although this works, It checks against itself, so it always true at least once, how can I tell it not to check against itself?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Use BitmapData.hitTest

Jul 11, 2009

Im making a simple game with destructable terrain. Therefore i use a bitmap for the ground and a movieClip for the player. When the ground is a bitmap i cant use regular hitTestPoint because of the bitmaps transparent pixels. So i looking i the livedocs for the bitmapData.hitTest but i rly dont understand all the parameters.So my question is. How can i reproduce this with bitmapData.hitTest?

ActionScript Code:
if(ground.hitTestPoint(player.x, player.y, true)) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Hittest Only Works Once?

Jan 26, 2010

when i make this script:

onEnterFrame = function(){
if(ss.hitTest(_root.c2)){ = -49.4;

it only does go to cords -49.4 once, after ss have hit c2 once it doesn't react when it hits c2 again!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Only Want HitTest To Work Once

Mar 30, 2010

I have this very simple .fla file and you use the keys to move the bus around. As it detects the hittests with the other movie clips on the stage it goes to and plays a frame on that mc's movieclip. It all works fine but i dont want the hittest to repeat after it has done it once(on each movie clip) so that as you drive the bus around you reveal the photo. [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HitTest Between Two Classes?

Sep 19, 2010

My problem now is that i got two classes and one document class (document class just adds the two other classes to the stage).I want to have the two classes being able to hitTest with oneanother My two classes creates a number of randomly moving objects to be placed on stage (the two classes are identical, except for different name).Not sure if i go in the right direction for hittest at this point, but when i have tried to hittest one object with the other object, i just get "access of undefined property error". So i'm guessing i have problems referencing between the classes somehow.

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