ActionScript 2.0 :: How A Flash Movie Works With The Loading Thing

Aug 11, 2005

If you have a flash movie, how do you put everything in loading techniques so people who open our website do not wait too long.

For example if you have portfolio section menu in you web. Do we have to call the portfolio.swf with the loading inside the portfolio.swf ? I just really dont understand how the loading works. Can anyone give some flow chart of the logic behind the loading technique.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Database Of Animations That's First Thing To Load In Movie

Sep 18, 2003

I'm working in Flash 5...I've made a random loading database of animations that's the first thing to load in my movie. My problem is that after the random images fade in, display, and then fade out I need the next movie clip to load. Right now I can't figure out how to get the second movie clip to load Following the random loading movie clips...all the other animations want to play at the same time the random movie clip plays.I used a modified version of the Kirupa random loading's on the timeline as "Location" with the action scripting for the random load on that layer. Can anyone tell me how how get the second animation to play After the random loading clips play?[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dueling With Loader Loading The Same Thing Twice

Jul 19, 2011

I have a background symbol that does the loading external jpg job, and a engine as3 that loops 2 backgrounds continuously on the screen. However, only one background can load file although they "new" from the same symbol. To test this urr... phenomenon, I exchange the order of "new" code of 2 backgrounds, then whichever on top will perfectly load the jpg file and the other will remain blank. has anyone faced this problem before? or knowing how to solve it? this external loading is really painful to me from the beginning.


so as you can see, I put the B2 = new fBG() prior to B1=new fBG(), then I can see B2 but not B1 and if I exchange the order, I can see B1 but not B2. That's the problem!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Clip ROLL_OVER Only Works Once But MOUSE_OUT Works Infinitely

Apr 11, 2011

I have a movie clip (with instance name rectangle_mc) on the stage. Within this movie clip there are two separation animations on the timeline. The ROLL_OVER animation starts on frame "over" and the MOUSE_OUT animation starts on frame "off." If I roll over the movie clip, the initial animation plays, and when I mouse out the other animation plays to restore it to it's initial state. However, once the rollover animation has played once, it will not play again when I roll over it again, but for some reason the MOUSE_OUT plays every time.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Within Movie Works In Flash But Not Previewed In Browser?

Jan 27, 2010

I'm having a problem with pathways. I have a main sfw called "loadgallery.swf" and upon clicking buttons in that movie, it loads other swf galleries into a container called "movie." It is working when I test it in Flash, but not when I put it into an html page (two levels up from the swf files) and preview it in a browser.Here's the AS on a button (which works when tested in Flash):

ActionScript Code:
on (release) {
loadMovie("../../galleries/swfs/gallery1.swf", movie);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Printing Everything VISIBLE In A Movie Clip (rather Than Merely One Thing)?

Jul 13, 2011

On an application I'm building I've got a movieclip called "viewer", built in my main .swf file, that contains 8 other movie clips. In my application, I have multiple images that can be loaded into the movie clips inside the clip "viewer". I designed this with the hope that everything loaded in the clips within "viewer" would print. In terms of loading all the pieces I want the application works fine through the browser. However, when I go to print the image I've created within the movie clip "viewer", only the most recent item loaded prints...not the image that's onscreen.

bprint.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,prin tContent);
function printContent(event:MouseEvent) {
var printJobrintJob = new PrintJob();


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AS2 :: Flash XML Loading Works In All Browsers But IE?

Jul 13, 2009

I've been working on a couple of media viewers/players which use XML playlists to dynamically generate their content.

One is this mp3 player: [URL]

The other is this image viewer: [url=""][/URL

Both work fine in Firefox and Safari, but in Internet Explorer, neither one loads the information, and all text fields read as undefined.

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Flash Not Loading - Works Fine On Localhost

Feb 11, 2010

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I have tried changing the xml file path from relative to absolute and no change. All three files index.html - mnuLoader.swf - settings.xml are in the same directory and the mnu_imgs folder contains the img icons for the menu. I don't understand why it would work on localhost but not on the actual server? Also directly underneath on the website I have another flash banner (just looping text pretty much) that works fine both on localhost and actual server so am pretty sure is not an access issue etc.

The mnuLoader.swf is Flash 8

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Actionscript :: Local Loading Of Images In It Fails In A Browser Works In Flash Player

Apr 6, 2012

When I run the flash player (from flashdevelop) the images are loaded and everything is fine.But when I run the swf from a browser the requests are sent (using chrome's tools for programers - network tab) but nothing is loaded. The size/content column shows 0/actual size of the file

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Javascript :: Access Flash Movie From JS Works In FF But Not In IE?

Dec 29, 2009

I am setting up a Flash based MP3 player control (The standalone version of WordPress Standalone Player). I have a situation of multiple windows with players open. One window opens the other, so I have the window.opener property available. When the child window is opened, I want to programmatically mute the audio player in the parent window.

This works in Firefox, but not in IE 7 and 8. I know little about Flash/Javascript interaction and I'm stuck. I am not getting any error messages. To do this, the player SWF object has a setVolume() and close() function. These functions are not defined anywhere in Javascript so I guess that those are provided by the Flash object. This is supported by the following lines I found in the Flash source code of the player:


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Flash :: Professional - Movie .works Locally But Not On Server

Jul 26, 2011

I created the movie in a new folder, so I owuld have all the files... fss.html, fss.swf and MinimaFlatCustomColorPlayBackSeekCounterVolMute.swf I uploaded all these to the server.....


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Flash :: Movie Works In Preview (Ctrl+enter) But Not In Published?

Nov 17, 2009

I have a flash project that I have been working on for a while, today its stopped functioning properly. To be clear. It still runs JUST FINE when I preview it (CTRL+ENTER), but when I publish the file and run  the SWF file, or  the HTML file the movie no longer functions properly. Specifically any ActionScript from the main timeline seems to no longer be functioning. ActionScript contained within movie clips continues to function properly, but nothing else.There is about 400 lines of code right now (variables, functions etc.)

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Professional :: Flash Movie Doesnot Show Up On IE, Works Well With FF And Chrome?

Aug 19, 2010

<OBJECT style="WIDTH: 480px; background-color:#181818; HEIGHT: 310px;" codeBase=" rsion=9,0,0,0 classid=clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000">


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Actionscript 2 :: Clickable Links In A Scrolling HTML Enabled Dynamic Textfield In Flash Movie - Works In Flash Pro Not In Browser?

Dec 13, 2010

I have developed a rolling credits style movieclip in Flash using Actionscript 2. Text is loaded from an XML file and parsed into a dynamic textfield. This text includes hyperlinks to webpages defined by a url node in the xml so Flash can add the appropriate a href to the dynamic text field and make the link clickable.

In my first attempts to do this the textfield stayed still and all the links worked fine both testing locally and when I run it in a browser on my website.Then I wanted to make things move ... which I achieved easily enough and tested locally (from within Flash Professional) and the links remained clickable, a browser window opened and the webpage i was expecting to see opened... great

However, when I export the swf, upload it and run it from my website suddenly the links are not working. So I tried to test the movie in a browser from Flash Pro - same problem, it must be something to do with Flash Player and the moving dynamic textfield.

a couple of observations - the cursor will change to a hand icon when over the links as you would expect, and if I right click on the link and click open in a new window the link works ok, just not when I left click. If I stop the scrolling then the links become clickable again, it is only when the textfield is moving... actually its not technically scrolling, im moving the whole textfield.

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Javascript :: Certain Flash Movie Doesn't Works Properly If Added From Another Domain?

Mar 18, 2011

I'm using the method described in the link to implement a crossbrowser tracking with flash.Everything is working fine when all pieces are together in the same server, but for deploy, i really need to add the swf from our central server, to another different one. Just to simplify this is my html in :

<script src="http://dom1/control_cookie.js" type="application/javascript"></script>


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Actionscript 3 :: Published Movie Works Fine But Loops First Movie Clip When Viewed In Browser

Sep 3, 2010

I've been creating this banner: [url removed] which accesses an xml document, replaces some texts etc, but as soon as you open it up in a browser (like with the dropbox link I pasted) the banner only loops on the first movie clip. Put in another way: The banner you see is looping through only the first movie clip. But the swf file (and the html file) work fine from the local path of my computer.

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Flash :: Crashed After 8 Ours Of Work On A Routine Thing?

Jun 17, 2011

Worked on a project for 8 hours. I should have saved it, but the abobe stuff seemed to be bullet proof. I pressed the up arrow and poof gone.
Why is there not some sort of auto save for when it crashes? such a simple task you completely forgot. I guess now I have to save non stop to use your product. I don't want to sit there and mash that crap all day long. Another thing why does cutting and pasting frames from another file always put it in random spot? then when you go to move it, you have one messed up animation. When you click on a layer, you see the motion in the little colored line, and then the actual pic. When you select more then 1 layer it only picks one of the dotted lines, but it proceeds to copy incorectly. 
BTW why restrict underscores in screen names? WHY? I can't come up with any good reason.

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Make An Interactive Flash Application That Works By Detecting Mouse Overs And Clicks On Various Buttons/movie Clips?

Oct 10, 2009

I am trying to make an interactive flash application that works by detecting mouse overs and clicks on various buttons/movie clips and then moves to the appropriate part of the time line. But I am having an issue when I use more than one addEventListener in any one frame. I have attached the code for one such frame below. When I comment out the addEventListner and the other code relating to the followBall function this works fine and directs the user to frame Inlet_Valve_Open_Frame but now only the followBall function is working and when i try to click on the Inlet_Valve_Button movie clip nothing happens.

I have never read all the help files on the adobe flash CS3 as i don't have time and i have built this code up based on examples i have found online. I wanted to include my fla file but it's to big 6Mb. But i have attached the swf so you have an idea what i am doing.

Code: Select allstop();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Positioning - Place Every Thing On The Flash Dynamically

Jul 14, 2008

I am using actionscript to place every thing on the flash dynamically. However, when I was finished I noticed a tiny little bug that I just can't fix. Whenever the stage.height is an even number one of the objects is misaligned by half a pixel. When ever the stage.height is odd it is perfect. See images below for what I mean. Here is the related actionscript (called upon load and resize):


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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Loading ... Works On One Domain But Not The Other?

Feb 9, 2006

so I have a problem. I made this Flash application that reads live commentary from an XML file and displays it on screen. There's a refresh every 30 seconds because the data is likely to change alot since it's a live commentary. The SWF file was made in 2 versions, using the same code, for two different URLs, both located on the same server ([URL] and [URL]). The path to the application is "oc2006"... the server is using SSI (server side includes) so there is one HTML file but it loads different templates depending on what URL you come through.


This is where I start going insane- because the XML files are located in the sub-folder "live/commentary/ergebnisse/olympia/" (from the server-root, not from the "oc2006" folder)... and the first commentary file that is opened on startup is "2006-02-10.xml"... opening that file is no problem.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Loading Works, Links Don't?

Jan 30, 2007

I set up a small site, which is loading it's text-content from an xml-file, which works fine too,but if I include links, it doesn't work are the source-files, can somebody see what I'm doing wrong ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A File Data Center Sort Of Thing In Flash

Jun 12, 2009

Im making a file data center sort of thing in flash. What's meant to happen is: You click an button on the side of the list and on the display area beside it it shows the text info on that item and the button that you click to display that item! really simple but i dont know how to do it Instance names: what ever you want
Actionscript dyscription:

1. Click button
2. [instance name: "display" MOVIECLIP] displays the frame("display2")
3. Click other button in list and goto and stop ("display3")

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Images From Another Server But Works Locally?

Mar 30, 2010

I'm using BulkLoader to load a single XML, parsing this, extracting out a list of images on another server (amazon), adding them to BulkLoader and loading them in.
this all works great running in the Flash IDE but as soon as it's uploaded the xml loads, parses BulkLoaders starts but non of the images load.

I assume it's a security issue but linking to these images from the local or from a html page works fine just not from Flash from a server.

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Actionscript 3 :: Loading Swf-fonts With Loader Works Perfectly In SDK 3.5 - Not In SDK 4

Jul 12, 2011

For a large project I have the following setup:

a content editor made with Flex SDK 3.5
a content viewer made with Flex SDK 4.1

Both need to work with dynamically loaded fonts as the user can use the fonts he wants.

So we used this approach:

convert the font files with Flash Professional to SWF-files (Creating a Font SWF)
editor: load the fonts with Loader (Loading a SWF font) the fonts can then be perfectly used within the application to generate htmlText viewer: the same approach to load the fonts + register them with Font.registerFont (Flex 4 Embed font from swf)

Now the problems: although the loaded fonts are listed when you trace Font.enumerateFonts(false), they are not used in the textarea. There the text is shown with the default font.

Maybe the problem is the fonts are loaded as embedAsCFF for the Text Layout Framework, and that way are not usable in an mx.controls.TextArea? But as I can not change that to a spark TextArea for multiple reasons, I need a solution to use the loaded fonts in that mx.controls.TextArea.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Works In Flash Test But Not Html Test?

Aug 30, 2009

i have a movie that has worked fine in past during Html test but ive been doing some dubugging using the flash test latly and it runs fine here but when i go back and try to test in Html mode no errors come just the movie never fully starts (starts up about as much as if there was an error).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External Swf - Works From Document Clas, But Not From A Different Class?

Nov 1, 2009

This is simple, however I am having trouble. I am adding a swf to the stage in my Document class ( - it works. I am trying to add the same swf to the stage in a different class called, it doesn't work. Can someone please help and explain what I am doing wrong?

// Document class
// Adding bg.swf to the stage - this works....
package ca.blah (


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Actionscript 2.0 :: XML Data Not Loading Online, Works Fine When Testing?

Mar 27, 2010

I spent probably 12 hours today trying to make this mp3 player work with my limited AS2 knowledge and finally got something that looks and works the way I want it to! Hooray! Except when I uploaded it, it didn't work anymore. Where the XML data is supposed to be, it just says "undefined." I've searched everywhere for an answer and am not finding anything that fixes it. I've tried moving the files around so they're in the same folder, renaming them, making the path absolute, using gskinner's XML2 classI don't know what else to do[URL]As I was writing this, the site on my desktop where I've been working decided it would load the xml after all...but my laptop is still not cooperating, so there's still something wrong. Maybe it's not loading the xml until the songs are all downloaded?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Variables Not Working On Server But Works FINE Locally?

May 17, 2010

I have one .swf that loads a second one on level 2.level 2 then in turn loads variables from a text file .The problem is that it works locally, but refuses to work on the server. The urls are all local. This is such a simple procedure, I can't figure out what is wrong..... are there limitations doing this via server vs. locally? I never get any "file open" errors locally. I've spent 2 hours on this.... I'm just using a simple LoadVars similar to this example:

loadText = new LoadVars();


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Professional :: Loading CSV Works On Enter Frame But On Button Click Text Disappears

Nov 17, 2010

I have a files that is loading and parsing a huge amount of data from a csv file and creating and plotting a graph using the data.  All is well if I have the file loaded on the first frame of the movie.  But if I pass in the URL by entering the file name in a text input field and clicking a button.  The X and Y axis values disappear as do intermittent notes placed above the bar graph.  I still see the x and y axis and it's hash marks and the bar graph (shapes)  but all of the text is gone.

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