ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Make A Flash Page Checker

May 29, 2007

How can I make my flash file so that it only plays on my site?

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Here is a link for this human checker. [URL]...Shall be glad if any body help me in this matter.

I have no knowledge but is seems something like captcha ( checking ) ,

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Apr 6, 2011

I'm looking for a standalone app that will let someone know what version a FLA is.

Specifically if it's CS5 or CS4.

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var file:File = new File("dictionary/corncob_caps.txt");
var stream: FileStreamWithLineReader = new FileStreamWithLineReader();, FileMode.READ);
while(stream.bytesAvailable) {
var line:String = stream.readLine();

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Here's the code for the video and the button event listener:


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Feb 28, 2011

I am not the best coder out there so I'm not really sure where to start. I am hoping this is already done and avaliable somewhere from the get go. When I am trying to do is I have around 200 books that I have to take from a .pdf file to flash document and eventually I guess a .swf file. As of now, I have taken the .pdf files into InDesign with a placing script and exported it to a flash document. From there I added a Previous and Next button that basically just stops the play and allows me to cycle through the frames. The only thing that I need now is I want some sort of page curling transition much like the one in InDesign one. I tried adding the transitions before I exported to flash, but it does not keep it. The reason I want to keep it in flash and not use one of the ones where u just upload your .pdf into and it converts it for you is because we might want to add more features later. Therefore I have to write some sort of system for page curling.

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Flash - Make CommandButton Not Refresh A Page?

Jan 24, 2012

I have to stream a webcam video, so I use ustream to do that, which generate a flash embed code for me, and I have a button to turn off/on the light, but when I press the button it refresh the whole page and so the flash component.

There's some way to not refresh the page and still send to command ?
Well for now it's this way:

<h:form id="form_supervisory">
<iframe width="480" height="296" src=""


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there is a example [url]...

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ActionScript Code:
btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, test);
inTxt.displayAsPassword = true;
var pass:String = "dog";


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Jan 9, 2010

Didn't know if I should be here or in the Dreamweaver forum. Just trying to figure out how to make a Flash swf. start only after all the other elements of the page have been downloaded. Is this something you would do in Flash through Publish Settings or would this be accomplished in Dreamweaver?

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Jan 30, 2010

how u make a movieclip the background to a flash page using coding from as3? also, how would u get that movieclip, to be the perfect scale? for example, the movieclip does not stretch, distort, but yet fills the screen of a computer no matter wat the computer's set resolution is.lastly, how do u get a pixelated / halftonish effect on ur movie clips? (the "experiences" page has an example of what i am talking about.)the site below has an example of everything i am describing:

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Page Transition Effect Using Flash MX

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Page Transition Effect Using Flash MX?

Dec 31, 2003

Is it possible to make page transition effect using flash MX. The entire home page is made using flash. When the user clicks on the links the page transition (that is like when we turn the pages in a book ) comes and next page comes.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Make A Button Anchor To Another Page In The Flash Document? 

Apr 20, 2009

how to make a button anchor to another page in the flash document?  I made the pages with a basic flash tutorial, so I have other working buttons, but now I need to add other buttons and cannot seem to make them work.  Here is my as:
sections.gotoAndStop("levenson");levenson_btn.onRelease = function() {    sections.gotoAndStop("levenson");    sections.levenson.gotoAndPlay(2)}

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Professional :: Make A Menu Bar Made Is Flash Cs5 Go To An Html Page?

Jan 13, 2012

so i am making a website in Dreamweaver cs5 and i am going to be importing a .swf animation for the menu bar i made in Flash. how do i make an action in Flash direct to a page of my website in Dreamweaver for example the index.html file of my web page.right now i have an actions layer with a stop(); command on the last frame of the animation i want to add a command under that, that will take the user to the index.html page of my website when the button is clicked. I have the button already made as well as the animation all i am missing is the code to go to the index.html page.

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Jul 3, 2010

I wanted to make a book with flash where each page is a frame in the file. I have successfully made the next page and previous page buttons, but I was wondering how to get started on making an input field that lets users put page numbers that go to the specific page / frame.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Flash Product Displayer For The Main Page Of Their Site?

Dec 22, 2009

I have to make a flash product displayer for the main page of their site. They don't know a whole lot about web development (but they know enough), so they keep asking me to do things that I keep telling them I can do.Well, I can't. What I need the thing to do is have the user hit a button, and the product change. They can also hit the back button for the last product. The previous and next product will be visible but not touchable. Almost like a scrolling wheel of products.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Flash Buttons Clickable / When They Are In Html Page In Layer?

Jan 18, 2010

I have created a webpage with a html menu and flash embedded underneath it.The problem is, the flash movie is in an index layer of -1 and the html menu needs to sit above it in index 1 for example.If the menu sits behind the flash the buttons are inactive, if the flash sits behind the html menu, its buttons are inactive.I have a div layer for the html menu and it not as high as the flash movie, but it doesn't make a difference, its seen as sitting behind and therefore the buttons don't work.

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