ActionScript 2.0 :: Load And Loop Folder Of Images Dynamically?

Sep 18, 2006

I'm trying to create a slideshow which loads images dynamically from a folder on my server. The number of images in the folder will change on a daily basis, so I'm guessing that this needs some kind of array to predetermine the contents of the folder. The files will not have a regimented naming structure.

Basically, I need to display all of the images in the folder one by one and then loop back to the start.

Has anyone managed to do this before?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Load Images From Array For Loop?

Feb 9, 2009

I've got a weird problem that could probably be easily fixed if I weren't such a novice coder. I'm loading external jpegs into movie clips that are within a movie clip which is within another movie clip (because they are animated as a whole within the other movie clips). The XML loads fine. The "Image" class I've made up is defined. The attributes from the XML load into the array of images.

However, I can't loop through the movieclips to actually load the images. But if I define manually the movie clip loads it loads perfectly. Here is the code that loads the images successfully, but not 100% dynamically:

ActionScript Code:
// Define the Images Array
var ImageArray:Array = new Array();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Importing Images Dynamically From Folder To Stage

Feb 22, 2011

I made this flash CS3 project using Actionscript 2.0 I want to import some images in a folder to stage. The images are named 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg etc.. All these images are 600px in width. I used a movieclip as a container for these images.


When i run this code, only the last image is loaded. since i used Actionscript Code:
i<3 in the for loop, only the 3rd image is loaded. its in the right place. (_x = 1800). The first and second images are not loaded...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Load Image From Folder Dynamically

May 14, 2008

I wanted to load image from a folder. I wanted to load the last 30 images to the stage. How can I do it?

ActionScript Code:
var l:Loader;
var r:URLRequest;
var loc:String = 'cards/card%.png';
function loadCardNum(n:int):void {
l = new Loader();
r = new URLRequest(loc.replace('%',n));
trace("Will load card from: "+loc.replace('%',n));

Currently the code I'm using can only load picture with the file name starting from 0. And it will stop loading the image if there is any image missing between the 30 images. How can I make it load from the last 30 images uploaded and enable to continue load in the images if there is any image missing in between? I have the limit of 30 set on somewhere else. Where it will stop loading after it reached 30.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Load The Contents Of A Folder

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Load Images From Folder And Scroll Through Them?

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Basically I am trying to make a flash file where a person can see themself in a scene...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Images From Folder

Jan 25, 2009

I'd like to tell a movie clip to look into a specific folder (via url or whatever) and load all images from that folder into the movie clip. I do not want to have to give the movie the exact address of each image, as they files may change / be added to over time.

i know in AS3 i have to use the loader class and then the addChild to put the loaded stuff into the movie (and thats all i know), but i just dont know how to get all available images blindly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Images From A Folder?

Feb 19, 2009

I want to load images from a folder named "images"

the file structure is this ...

product_store/swf file.
product_store/fla file


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Folder Of Images?

Aug 16, 2011

I'm working on an application where users can use their webcam to take a picture and load it to my server.They also will be able to do this from our mobile app.All images are stored to the same directory on my server.What I need to do next .. is I have a pattern of squares ( movieclips ) that makes a shape / design.I need a way to load this entire folder of images and make the individual images load inside of each of the individual movieclips that make up the pattern.I don't want to use any XML files.Is there a way to load the entire folder and then refresh the load of images every couple minutes ?

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May 18, 2011

To load an external image we useCode:loader.load(new URLRequest("Pictures/image.jpg"));Can we make it load every image knowing only the folder name? Something like this (this code does not work obviously, but trying to grab all images from folder):Code:loader.load(new URLRequest("Pictures/*.*"));

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Apr 10, 2007

I need to create a tool which allows the users to apply a wide range of fonts to their text. The fonts may or may not be present on the user's system. I know how to embed fonts, but the problem is that I will have to import every font to my library and set their linkage properties. that will get very cumbersome. Instead, is there any way to dynamically load fonts from a folder on the server into the flash file? Or is there a better way to achieve what i need?

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Professional :: Load Images Folder Into Timeline?

Jan 31, 2010

How do I import a set of images (a folder containing 10 images) into the  timeline so that each picture appears in a separate keyframe? When I  try to do this, all image seems to appear in a single keyframe. Or maybe this is they way to do it? I want to make a movieclip with 10 pictures showing after each other.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load The 5 Last Added Images From Folder?

Mar 3, 2011

Im wondering how and if I can edit this script so that it loads the 5 latest images which were added to a folder. the folder will consist out of 60 images, but id like to only display the 5 latest. All images wil have various generated names.If possible id like to exclude the latest image

1.png � is not displayed
2.png - is displayed
3.png - is displayed


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Folder Of Images Into Array?

Mar 4, 2012

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I'm not sure how to do this?

I don't want to have to reference each image, but just reference the folder, which will load in all the images to an array.

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The absolute path e.g c:/mydir/one.jpg does not work either. Earlier I used to throw things at my server and get jpegs from there. But for testing purposes I need these images locally available.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Images From Library, Instead Of Calling Them From Remote Folder?

Apr 17, 2010

I have created an application where on button click it has to load an image to a movieclip.

It worked fine in my local system, but when I uploaded it to the server, the image loads late and thus the animation is missing and is causing problems.

how to load image from the library attached to the movie.

I know it can be done with attachMovie, but its not working for me.

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Professional :: Make Path From Images Folder To Swf Folder?

Apr 28, 2010

I am using Flash CS3 and Actionscript 2.0.I want to make a photo.jpg that is in my images folder load into a swf that is in a swf folder. It works fine when I have the photo.jpg in the same folder as the swf. But it does not work when I have the photo.jpg in a different folder. What must I do to the AS2 to make this happen? Here is the path: mcLoader.loadClip("swf/images/photo1.jpg",mcHolder);

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Dynamically Load Jpg Images ?

Jun 13, 2009

Im currently making a flash website. and trying to make it as light as decided to load images dynamically.Im using UILoaders.I drag the UILoader from components into the main timeline and set the source as 1.jpg, because the image is in the same folder as the .fla file.and scale - false

Tested the movie but nothing shows up. i guess i need some coding? but i dont know where to add the codes. on the same frame? or in frame 1? i also need the image to fade-in.the end result im looking for is, as i click a button. 3 images show up at the same time, fading in.

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Flash :: AS3 - Load In External Images In A Loop?

Nov 3, 2010

I'm making a highscore table in flash using AS3, I have successfully got working code that displays the names and the scores but also part of my high score table it needs to display the users country flag. The images for the flags are stored on a remote server.

Now I know how to load in a single image and add it to my movie clip but things get very complicated when I want to load in 20+ by iterating through a loop. I've looked at many examples and just cant adopt the sample code to work for me. Anyway without a further a do here is what I have so far.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Images With A Loop Function?

Nov 10, 2009

I have 8 sprites and I want to load png for my buttons but I don't want to have to type all that loader stuff 8 times, so i wanted to try to create a loop with it.

Hopefully that makes sense, This is me trying to do it with just two but the plan is to have 8 buttons.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load 10 Images Through An Array Using A Loop?

Mar 13, 2011

I am trying to load 10 images through an array using a loop. I have the images loaded as movieclips and this set up but nothing is working. Any suggestions?

var picArray:Array = new Array[img1,img2,img3,img4,img5,img6,img7,img8,img9,img10];
for (var i:Number=0; i<10; i++) {

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Multiple Images With A Loop?

May 17, 2011

Is there a way to load multiple images with a loop and an array... i mean without using xml as said all forums that i've already read... i have 15 images and i want to know if it's possible to load all of them without a loader and a URLRequest for each one... there is the position problem too.[code]...

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Dynamically Load Images?

Aug 23, 2009

I've been playing around with a demo version of a PHP Flv streaming player from rich media project. I've been able to setup my player to play flv videos dynamically by passing an id from the database to the swf file (works great).
However I cannot for the life of me work out how images are loaded dynamically. The player uses the filename and adds .jpg as the extension to load the image file when the player starts. Problem is my image name will be different to the file and so I need to pass a variable in the same way I am passing a variable for the movie name. 
// skinID=1// Instance names and linkage identifiers were set with '_1' extension//myPlayer.skinID=1;myPlayer.skinPlayer=true;
var passed:String = video;myPlayer.movieName = video;// Init isFullScreen and zoom varisFullScreen=false;zoom=1;
// Set scaleMode to noScale and align top leftStage.align = "TL";Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Load Swf And Images Through Xml Dynamically

Jul 31, 2011

very new to the actionscript can anyone

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Flex :: Load Images And Swf's Dynamically?

May 27, 2010

I'm building a slide-show like application in Flex and I'm trying to load images dynamically. The images are in a folder outside the application folder. This is the folder structure:



The problem is that the images never show up, I only get the icon for a missing image.

Edit to add: I've tried this both with and without the use-network flag set to false when compiling.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load .png Images Dynamically?

Dec 23, 2010

I have to load .png images dynamically, but cant make it work.

When I change the image to a .jpg, it works fine.

Theres no error message, just doesn�t load. How do I do it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Multiple Images By Iterating Through A For Loop?

Mar 1, 2010

I am trying to load multiple images by iterating through a for loop. For each image I instantiate a loader and send a loader request. I want to stop the iteration of the loop and cancel all loader requests sent, in case a user navigates out of the screen. How can I do this?

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