ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External Textfile Into An Array?
Dec 21, 2009
I have scoured the internet in search of an answer but everything I find doesn't work. Take this example:
myData = new LoadVars();
myData.onLoad = function(done) {
var wordsArray:Array = words.split(",");
When I run the above code the Output window displays Undefined.
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Mar 2, 2004
I'm trying to load variables from an external .txt file into Flash MX and this is the code I'm using:
links = new LoadVars();
links.onLoad = function(success){
if(success) {
diovan = links.diovan;
diovanhct = links.diovanhct;
(The text file has the following content: diovan=whatever&diovanhct=whateveragain&)
The trace outputs "undefined" for both variables. I also tried loadVariables instead of loadVars... same result. If this is a problem specific to Macs, whats the work around?
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Jun 13, 2004
Okay so I am new to using txt files, and not too great with arrays, but I think I should have this right. But when I try to trace the array, I get undefined!I found this on another thread, and changed it accordingly.
_root.textArray = new Array();
_root.text_lv = new LoadVars();
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Jul 5, 2011
using txt files, and not too great with arrays, but I think I should have this right. But when I try to trace the array, I get undefined!I found this on another thread, and changed it accordingly.
_root.textArray = new Array();
_root.text_lv = new LoadVars();
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Oct 20, 2009
In have an application that uses buttons t0 load different text files. The problem is when I load the second text file I still get variables from the first one showing. To clarify things, suppose I load a file that displays variables 1 through 5 randomly when I click one button, then I click a second button in order to load a file that displays 6 through 10. The problem is that I still get some variables from 1-5 when I want to get only 6-10. Is the first file kept in memory or something? How do I unload or clear the temp/memory where the content of the first file is held.
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Jun 23, 2008
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Mar 3, 2010
I'm trying to load data from an external textfile, called "config_flash.txt". It works perfectly if applying the fetched data is done within the same function where the loading is done. However, I would like to use the fetched variables in other parts of the script.
Here's what works:
Actionscript Code:
var varLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(new URLRequest("config_flash.txt"));varLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,
So, basically I want the variables/values defined inside the function to be available anywhere in the script. The error that the second code snippet causes is as follows: "1120: Access of undefined property text1/text2".
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May 28, 2005
I want to load the same external textfile in two different textfields. No problem. My freaky question is: Can I adapt the text a little in one of the two fields, more specifically: leave out the last three symbols/letters? For instance: Elvis would have been dead if he was still alive >>> and: Elvis would have been dead if he was still alive The only trick I can think of is embedding the font, but not embedding the > sign. Is that possible? I am using Verdana here.
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Nov 17, 2003
i'm trying to display text from a textfile in a dynamic textfield, i have a text file called "quotes.txt" wich has variables set like this:q0=text&q1=text2&q3=text3 how can i pick these q's at random and place it in my textbox?i've tried this:
loadText = new loadVars();
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Jan 21, 2005
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Sep 27, 2010
I can use the following code to load in a specific swf:
var clips:Array = ["001/001.swf"];
but how do I tell Flash to load whatever file is in the 001 folder without stipulating a specific filename?
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Jan 6, 2010
I am building a jukebox for a website, which has a genres, bands, and tracks list.These are all populated from a MySQL DB. The info is dumped into a listbox component.ll of the lists are working, but on the tracks list, i need to pull the track name,and its filepath. So that I can assign the track name to the lable property, and the filepath to the data property.My problem, is that I cannot get a multiple value array from php to flash, it keeps coming up as undefined.
PHP Code:
echo "&testArray=[["track1","filepath"] ["track2","filepath"]]";// i have not put the query in i dont think the problem is there
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Feb 20, 2011
I have created many games using a set of mutidimensional arrays. It is now time for me to make them external arrays to simplify some things. I did so, at first, using the #include. However, this loads the arrays at compile time.My goal is to house the arrays in an external file that is called when the game is loaded, NOT when it is compiled. In this way, the same game could be used with multiple different arrays without me constantly having to recompile it each time. It could just look for a file called "" or something and use that when it is run.
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Apr 22, 2009
I'm migrating an old project to AS3 and I'm having some problems make the conversion.
I have a text file called "variables.txt" formatted like this (note the jump form p9 to p11) Quote:
What I'm trying to do is convert all those text variables into an array that will be accessible throughout the presentation.
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Jan 5, 2011
Someone here recently helped me immensely with a question I had about creating a previous button in my flash file that would allow the user to click on the button and view the previous swf file. I'm hoping someone can help me with making the Next button now, too.
I have a movieclip that loads an array of external swf files. I thought making the next button would be as simple as changing just a select few things to the previous button.However, that's not working. When I try that, the movieclip doesn't even load the swf files. Below is my AS2 code for my file. I bolded the part at the end that is for the previous button. Does anyone know how to make the previous button?
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Dec 7, 2011
I have figured out how to load an external video file - and I can play an imported audio file, but I can't seem to use either method to load an external audio file into an array.
Here is my audio code:
var tour_audio:Array = [tour1, tour2];
var my_num:Number= Math.floor(Math.random()*2);
var ChosenSound = tour_audio[my_num];
var playing:Sound = new ChosenSound();;
Here is my video code:
var my_videos:Array=new Array ("link1.mp4", " link2.mp4", " link3.mp4", " link4.mp4");
var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random()*my_videos.length);
my_player.source = my_videos[randomIndex];
I tried "var tour_audio:Array = ["link1.mp3", "link2.np3"]; - but that did not work.
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Apr 2, 2011
Trying to pick 4 images randomly and load them into and array and then show them using a timer when all 4 images are shown 4 more images will be loaded again. here is the code:
var images : Array = new Array();
var rndNumbers : Array = new Array();
var imageLoader : Loader;
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Sep 11, 2007
I want to write a function that will load all of my external sounds stored in an array which are just strings of their filenames ie:
var soundList:Array = new Array();
soundList = ["sound1.wav", "sound2.wav", etc];
And create a new array with sound Objects that will have the sounds loaded in them (for later execution). After loading all of the sounds in the soundList array, the function should return or just set a _root value to 'true' ie:
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Aug 13, 2004
Possible to load an array from a external data source. I.e. like from a .txt file? I tried putting this in the external text file:
mytest = new Array("dadada")
It loaded, but not as a array, just as text. I am using LoadVars.
View 3 Replies
Jan 25, 2009
I'm trying to load data from an external text file into an array. I created an array and am able to load the data into an array if I explicitly say something like
ActionScript Code:
array[0] =;
I can then do a trace statement on array[0] and it will output the correct name from the file. My problem is I'm trying to iterate through the variable names in the text file in the file by using an index variable. This is the code I'm using after doing all the URLloader, URLRequest, and so forth stuff:
ActionScript Code:
for(var i = 0; i<20;i++){
This produces a syntax error. I've tried several other syntax variations but haven't been able to figure it out. I've also tried the following:
fArray =["uid"+i+"_name"];
All three of those also give me errors. For the first one the trace statement outputs "undefinded" instead of "Doug". For the second I get "syntax error. Expecting identifier before left bracket". And for the third I get "syntax error, expecting identifer before uid.":
syntax to iterate the number after uid(uid1_name, uid2_name, uid3_name, etc)?
View 3 Replies
Jan 24, 2009
I'm trying to load data from an external text file into an array. I created an array and am able to load the data into an array if I explicitly say something like:
ActionScript Code:
array[0] =;
I can then do a trace statement on array[0] and it will output the correct name from the file. My problem is I'm trying to iterate through the variable names in the text file in the file by using an index variable. This is the code I'm using after doing all the URLloader, URLRequest, and so forth stuff:
ActionScript Code:
for(var i = 0; i<20;i++){
fArray[i] =[i]_name;
This produces a syntax error. I've tried several other syntax variations but haven't been able to figure it out. Why syntax iterate the number after uid (uid1_name, uid2_name, uid3_name, etc)?
View 3 Replies
Sep 6, 2005
I'm using LoadVars to load an external file that has one variable containing an array with a few sub arrays.
var externalData:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
externalData.onLoad = function() {
var sectArray:Array = externalData.sectArray;
But every time I try to get one of the values I get "undefined". is there another way?
View 2 Replies
Feb 9, 2003
I am loading an external array from a text file like this.
file = new LoadVars();
fileURL = "PhoneBook.txt";
I then trace fileURL.length and I getting a number much greater then my fileURL array length.
The array I am loading into flash looks like this. firstName0=zzzzz&lastName0=zzzzz&phoneNumber0=zzzz zzz firstName1=zzzzz&lastName1=zzzzz&phoneNumber1=zzzz zzz Is there a problem with using myArray.length for an external file?
View 14 Replies
Mar 20, 2009
Simple URLLoader to get a textfile into a textfield.[code]Works fine locally, not on the server. I tried replacing it to the full http: URL to no avail.
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Oct 4, 2005
I just make a simple system login that the username & password loaded from textfile then I store in array..but the problem is when I doing tracing nothing was trace..?this is the code I'm using for the flash
lv = new LoadVars();
myArray = [];
lv.onload = function() {[code].............
View 5 Replies
Mar 7, 2012
hi guys! just asking how to save text to textfile using AS2.
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Aug 1, 2004
I have a variable which takes a particular form of array (used with the component DataSet). It looks like this:
var recData = [{svenska:"Hej", spanska:"Hola"}, {svenska:"nej", spanska:"no"}, {svenska:"ocks�", spanska:"tambi�n"}];
I want to extract this variable from a textfile instead of writing it directly into the code-area of the flash-file, so I used the following code:
// 1) Loads the textfile, recieves the array, and puts it into a variable called txt_Data
var txt_DataSet = new LoadVars();
Unfortunately it seems the array gets converted to an ordinary string in the process, so I cant use it properly. Is there a way I could extract the array from this string again, and if so, how?
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Aug 29, 2005
What I'm wanting to do is set the scale of a textfile (putted in an mc) at 200% and scale with a prototype on release of a button to 100 precent (its height).
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Oct 16, 2005
I just load data from textfile into my flash my problem is it in flash I have to code so that I can edit the loaded data from textfile and then when I submit it'll update the data in textfile...of course I'm using php for writing in textfile...Currently I load the data into listbox from my it possbile to edit the data from flash...
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Oct 11, 2009
I have a movieclip clip that plays when the movie starts, the movieclip is a visual assets that show's that the application is loading some information but it's not showing any loading progress, just playing while the assets are loaded.I created a for loop that will load the assets using a simple loader, and then when the object is loaded the application push the object to an array.Problem is that when the loading starts all the animation that i have on screen stops until the loading is finished.The whole point is that the animation will play while it's loading.
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