ActionScript 2.0 :: Randomly Picking Text From External Textfile?

Nov 17, 2003

i'm trying to display text from a textfile in a dynamic textfield, i have a text file called "quotes.txt" wich has variables set like this:q0=text&q1=text2&q3=text3 how can i pick these q's at random and place it in my textbox?i've tried this:

loadText = new loadVars();


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Similar Posts:

ActionScript 2.0 :: Randomly Picking Text From External Text File?

Nov 17, 2003

hi, i'm trying to display text from a textfile in a dynamic textfield, i have a text file called "quotes.txt" wich has variables set like this:

q0=text&q1=text2&q3=text3 etc.

so how can i pick these q's at random and place it in my textbox?i've tried this:

loadText = new loadVars();
loadText.onLoad = function() {
tester.text = this.quotes;

i thought i could replace the direct reference to q0 or q1 etc into a variable "qoutes", so how can i do this so it does work?

View 14 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Text From An External Textfile Into Two Columns

Jan 21, 2005

does anyone know if you can load text from an external textfile into two columns, going to the second when the first is filled?? I only found this (okay, three columns, but I mean the text here is not externally loaded)


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CS3 : Accessing Data Loaded From External Textfile?

Mar 3, 2010

I'm trying to load data from an external textfile, called "config_flash.txt". It works perfectly if applying the fetched data is done within the same function where the loading is done. However, I would like to use the fetched variables in other parts of the script.

Here's what works:

Actionscript Code:
var varLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(new URLRequest("config_flash.txt"));varLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,


So, basically I want the variables/values defined inside the function to be available anywhere in the script. The error that the second code snippet causes is as follows: "1120: Access of undefined property text1/text2".

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External Textfile Into An Array?

Dec 21, 2009

I have scoured the internet in search of an answer but everything I find doesn't work. Take this example:

myData = new LoadVars();
myData.onLoad = function(done) {
var wordsArray:Array = words.split(",");


When I run the above code the Output window displays Undefined.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External Variables From TextFile With Mac

Mar 2, 2004

I'm trying to load variables from an external .txt file into Flash MX and this is the code I'm using:
links = new LoadVars();
links.onLoad = function(success){
if(success) {
diovan = links.diovan;
diovanhct = links.diovanhct;

(The text file has the following content: diovan=whatever&diovanhct=whateveragain&)
The trace outputs "undefined" for both variables. I also tried loadVariables instead of loadVars... same result. If this is a problem specific to Macs, whats the work around?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load The Same External Textfile In Two Different Textfields

May 28, 2005

I want to load the same external textfile in two different textfields. No problem. My freaky question is: Can I adapt the text a little in one of the two fields, more specifically: leave out the last three symbols/letters? For instance: Elvis would have been dead if he was still alive >>> and: Elvis would have been dead if he was still alive The only trick I can think of is embedding the font, but not embedding the > sign. Is that possible? I am using Verdana here.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Save Text To Textfile

Mar 7, 2012

hi guys! just asking how to save text to textfile using AS2.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Php Versus Textfile Dynamic Text?

Sep 27, 2011

i am at the last part of my project. it worked all well and reads all text fields from a text file as seen on :[URL]now i am trying to get the same thing working from MYSQL.Notice that the text file i used for index2.html is called [URL]and it was a direct copy/paste from the php page that gave the results from the MYSQL query. [URL] The problem is i am getting an error in [URL] which uses the php to get the text for the dynamic fields.
I get the following error:

TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter text must be non-null.
at flash.text::TextField/set text()
at final_fla::MainTimeline/onDataLoad()
my flash movie has 113 buttons called button_1 --> button_113 and 113 dynamic text fields tcname_1-->tcname_113
my AC3 code is the following:
// button links: to all buttons to open in iframe 'tdes'
// link corrosponds to button number
// i have 113 buttons.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Looping Through Recordset - Dynamic Text Boxes In Dynamic Clip Arent Picking Up The Variable?

Aug 22, 2005

can't figure out why the dynamic text boxes in my dynamic clip arent picking up the variable when I loop through this recordset!the trace (you'll see here right after I try two ways to assign the variable) traces the correct info back..


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Randomly Load External SWF's?

Aug 18, 2010

I need to call external SWF's so they randomly appear within my main SWF. When one ends, the next will start and so on. I searched the forum and found a thread with the code below and have run in to an issue.

Each of the external clips is set up exactly the same... same length, same tweens, etc.

The code below is sitting the first frame, on the top layer within my main SWF:

randomClips = new Array ("Journey.swf", "Doobies.swf", "LedZep1.swf", "PinkFloyd1.swf", "Stones.swf");
function randomBackground() {


The main movie is one frame long and has three layers. The top layer has the Action Script (above), the bottom layer has my background image, and the middle layer holds the empty movie clip named mtClip

When loaded to the server, the movie plays and one of the external SWF's will load. When it ends, I need one of the other SWF's to load. What happens is that rather than randomly playing one of the other SWF's, it repeats the original external SWF. If I refresh the main SWF, it randomly selects one of the external SWF's and it will constantly repeat.

The external SWF's have no Action Script. I tried it with putting a Stop on the last frame, but that didn't help.

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Actionscript 3 :: Adding Text To A Dynamic Text Field Randomly?

Jan 9, 2012

i have a text field called Moneytxt and i want it so when u click on a box it somtimes adds 200 and somtimes adds 100 ( also i would like it to add up in numerical value example: if it adds 100 and it has 200 it equals 300 not 200100). I also have penniestxt where sometimes it adds 30 and somtimes it adds 40.

this is the code (box getting added is not included or addeventlistener)

public function boxclick(event:MouseEvent):void {
var _box:Box=event.currentTarget as Box;
logtxt.appendText(" You collected the box");


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Professional :: Loading External Movie Clips Randomly

Mar 2, 2010

I am currently trying to load a movie clip in the main SWF. Got that done.Then call and replace the first movie clip with another, got that done too.This is for a menu i am making, I am not too great in action script. I am working in AS2.Problem is after I call the second external movie clip into the main SWF, it all stops working.Is there a way I set this up that no matter what it keeps loading and unloading the external movie clips? This is what I have so far.[code]This starts with the "king_menu.swf" already loaded, i have it unload it and load "dqueen_menu.swf" to the call point named "load_king".I am guessing I need to have a universal call point for all my external movies to load and work in a random chain.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading 4 External .jpgs Randomly And Resize Them?

Jul 30, 2009

I have designed a homepage that has 4 boxes on the right hand side that are of different size. I would like to have a movie loader that loads .jpgs randomly from a specified folder into each box. At the same time I don't want any repeats in any of the 4 boxes. Also is it possible to resize the images according to the box size without having to resize them outside of flash? I can have all the images in the external folder the same size, but then if I can just shrink them with whichever image falls into the box the random script assigns.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Storing Movie Clips Generated Randomly From External Bitmaps?

Jun 3, 2009

I'm trying to write a piece of code that creates a number of movie clips, gives each a random bitmap from an external source and then stores the movieclips into an array.Here's my code:

var array:Array = new Array();
for (var i:uint = 0; i < 10; i++)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load An External Mp3 Player File Randomly From A List Of Files In A Folder?

Nov 10, 2003

1 is there a way to load an external mp3 file randomly from a list of files in a folder? is there a "rand" function (as in php) or something to get random numbers?

2 how can I display the ID3 tags?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Randomly Fade In Text?

Jul 12, 2009

I'm looking to use Action Script to fade in and fade it out a number of phrases. All of the phrase will appear in the same location, so only one phrase should appear at a time I would also like to make the phrases appear in random order.'ve been able to make one of the phrases fade in and out using the code below. However I'm not sure how to run it in a continuos loop and set it up so the movie clips (mc1, mc2, .... mc10) are in a random order.
import fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.*;import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;

var tween1:Tween = new Tween(mc1, "alpha", Regular.easeIn, 0, 1, 3, true);tween1.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, startTween2);
function startTween2(e:TweenEvent):void {  var tween2:Tween = new Tween(mc1, "alpha",


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IDE :: Text In Textfields Randomly Move?

Nov 2, 2009

This happends in a *quite heavy* flashproject at work. And what's even more interesting is that it doesn't happend every time. It seem's to be at random. What happends is that text in textfields would move ~1px in X or Y. Have anyone else encountered this?

I thought that it was the layout code that sometimes was updated but no luck with that. And it is not that the text is getting reset either. But it seem's to happend on mouse-input ( press / onRelease ).

This has been tested on different computers and it moved on all, nut in different ways.

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Browsers Not Picking Up New Files

Nov 22, 2011

I have a flash container that calls other swf files and loads them and plays them one after the other.I upload/overwrite those files each month as new promos happen.the file names stay the same as they are defined in the container file.Im trying to find a way to add some kind of variable into the action script so it finds the file and adds the date in as well. This way when the browser looks at the files it will see new dates and then load the new file from the server as opposed to the local cache.Is there an elegant way to do this?Im using CS5, but it looks like the action scrip was written in an older version.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MCQ - Random The CAns To Appear Randomly In Any Of The Text?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm working MCQ, for example now i've the the correct answer store in cAns and I've 4 text box from name from Ans1.text to Ans4.text how do i random the cAns to appear randomly in any of the 4 .text? I think to use a while loop? to put cAns in one of the .text and cAns + Math.random for the other 3 .text i dunno it's correct. i tired something like Ans(Math.ceil(Math.random()*3)).text = cAns; but i wonder abt how the other 3 .text and this way didn't seem to work too.

View 8 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Create Randomly Playing Text

Jan 27, 2010

I am just working with AS 3.0 Now i hav problem with creating randomly playing text which is fetching from xml file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Text Changes Colour Randomly?

Apr 11, 2011

ive taken an old menu with videos etc written in as2.0 and converted it to 3.0 and recoded the entire thing. And it was a mess..After 3 weeks of work its finally ready, but then a new bug appears:All the text is white, then i hover over my buttons and they get white and bold.Once i remove my mouse it goes back to its original state, but changes colour to yellow. This applies to all the buttons and static text in the scenes or frames i change to with the buttons.

There is no code that changes any properties of the buttons or text anywhere in my file so my question is simply this:Could there be any major difference between flash player 7 and 9 that could be causing this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Randomly Display All Text And SWF For 60 Seconds

Jan 8, 2004

I am trying to make a banner like item for a website I am working on, I have 1 external text file 4 external swf's and 1 external .jpg that I am trying to get to do this: On page load display img1.jpg for 60 seconds and then randomly select a number and then display the file that is associated with that number, for 60 seconds, and do it again, and again until all of the text and swf files have been displayed and then start over from the beginning,
Now I can get it to select a random number and then pull up a file that is associated with that number with this code. I have shortened the time to see it work but still no avail

Movienum = Math.floor(math.random()*5);
if(Movienum == 0) loadVariableNum ("loaded_Text.txt", 0)
if(Movienum == 1) loadVariableNum ("1.swf", 0)
if(Movienum == 2) loadVariableNum ("2.swf", 0)
if(Movienum == 3) loadVariableNum ("3.swf", 0)
if(Movienum == 4) loadVariableNum ("4.swf", 0)

Movienum = Math.floor(math.random()*5);
function countDown() {
if (Movienum == 0) {
loadVariablesNum("loaded_text.txt", 0);
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Picking Up Wrong Sound?

Sep 27, 2010

with attaching a sound to a movie using AS, in this case, it is a car tire that screeches when rolled over. I added a "tailpipe" idle sound when we roll over the tailpipe of the car. I have attached linking to the sound file named, "idle", and copied the "screech" AS code and edited, but now all the screeching tires have picked up the idle sound. All the movie mechanics work fine. Here's the AS Code:(T1 & T2 are the tires, tailpipe is the idle movie)

T1.onRollOver = over;
T1.onRollOut = out;


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Flex :: Picking A Front-end UI Framework

Nov 13, 2010

We're working to build the front-end of our application and struggling with selecting a good UI framework since we're not experienced UI people (we're mainly back-end developers). The central issue is that we don't know what we don't know and don't know how to best weigh our different options.At the moment, we're evaluating Flex, ExtJS, and Vaadin. Is there another option we should consider? What, are the major elements we should evalutate on?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Picking The Random Images?

Jul 23, 2008

I have one folder which contain few images. I want to pick RANDOM images from it through my code. How do i go in this.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Not Picking Up Flashvars

Nov 4, 2010

I have a movie that loads content from an XML file. The path to the file is passed in using flashvars. I am using SWFObject to embed the Flash in a web page. I have a routine that checks for an XML attribute from flashvars and if available passes it to a variable; if no XML attribute then it uses a default. Because I'm having trouble with flashvars I'm also displaying the path in a text box. The code looks like this:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Is Loaded From External Text Files And Styled With An External Css File?

Jun 7, 2009

I've managed to piece together a flash website with my limited as3 knowledge. The text is loaded from external text files and styled with an external css file.

It's working perfectly in Firefox and Explorer but it only works SOME of the time in Safari (on my mac).It's hit and miss. Sometimes it styles the text sometimes it doesn't.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Displaying Text Randomly Every Time Click?

Sep 18, 2010

I have a text box layer on top of the talk bubble. At first it is blank, then I click on Hello Kitty and a random phrase pops up in the text box from the array I created. However, when I click her again she will not say another random phrase. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Here is the code.

var myPhrases:Array = new Array(); // HELLO KITTY PHRASES FOR TALK BUBBLE
myPhrases[0]="My name is Hello Kitty!";
myPhrases[1]="How are you today?";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: MCs Appear Randomly From The Library And Move Around Randomly

Sep 24, 2007

Onmy stage I have a MC, and when I click it a random MC from the Library should appear and move around randomly.

I'm using this to make it move around randomly [URL]

how to make the random MCs appear from the library. And should I put the random moving script on each of my ten MC?

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