ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Two Swf's Next To Each Other [renamed]?

Oct 26, 2006

im trying to load an .swf movie (or file which ever it is) into my main movie...well the way im doing that is by clicking a button and then the movie loads...then im wanting to be able to click another button and load a different movie BUTTTT when i do this right now the second button's movie loads right over the first buttons movie!! what do i do?!?

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Apr 23, 2004

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#include ""
var depth = 0;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External Content With Transitions [renamed]?

Apr 26, 2004

[URL]the opening squence i suppose it's all just movie tweens between files, but how is this thing done, when you click a button, the middle screen/part of the site, has a transition effect, loads, and there is a new page! i know how to do the transitions, and the loading bar, but how do i exactly tell my button, where to load an external movie file!...

basically, i want it when somone goes to the site, the while site opens, there are transition effects, and three different movies open at three different spots on the site...just like it happens at when you enter their site, they got the main window, and the botton right and left windows!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Image Into MovieClip Then Into BitmapData (Renamed)

Nov 6, 2006

I am trying to load an image into a movieclip and then draw the contents of the movieclip to a bitmapData object.

Below is some sample code.
target.createEmptyMovieClip("loader_mc", 100);
target.loader_mc.bmc = target.jpg_mc; // movieclip where to load original image
target.loader_mc.tmc = target.bmp_mc; // movieclip with smoothed image
target.loader_mc.onEnterFrame = function(){
[Code] .....

For some reason it always draws a white box rather than the image. Has anyone ever seen this happen with the bitmapData class?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Dynamic Text Breaks Formmail Forms [renamed]

Sep 30, 2004

This matter is something I haven't been able to solve for long and now I'm really desperate to find out an answer. Here's a link to a very simple zip file (as example) containing the conflictive fla and other files, for those of you who may want to have a look at it. TO SIMPLIFY THINGS: It seems that whenever I use a couple of AS instructions to load some Dynamic text from a text file, Forms which are based in formmail, stop working (no matter if these forms are made of dynamic or static text). Why??

INTO MORE DETAILS: In the attached fla example file here, I've simplified things very much by just leaving 2 Forms (one made with Dynamic text and another one without any dynamic text on it). Very peculiar, if in frame 1 I call the variables from the text file:
[AS]webcontent= "File.txt" loadVariablesNum (webcontent, 0);[/AS] the 2 Forms stop working properly: The static one doesn't even seem to submit data and the dynamic one, it seems data has been sent but data is never received. As soon as I delete these 2 lines of AS, they work properly again (although of course, no words can be seen in the Form made with dynamic text).


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Dynamic Text Breaks Formmail Forms [renamed]?

Sep 30, 2004

This matter is something I haven't been able to solve for long and now I'm really desperate to find out an answer.Here's a link to a very simple zip file (as example) containing the conflictive fla and other files, for those of you who may want to have a look at it.TO SIMPLIFY THINGS:It seems that whenever I use a couple of AS instructions to load some Dynamic text from a text file, Forms which are based in formmail, stop working (no matter if these forms are made of dynamic or static text). Why??INTO MORE DETAILS:In the attached fla example file here, I've simplified things very much by just leaving 2 Forms (one made with Dynamic text and another one without any dynamic text on it).

Very peculiar, if in frame 1 I call the variables from the text file:[AS]webcontent= "File.txt"loadVariablesNum (webcontent, 0);[/AS]the 2 Forms stop working properly: The static one doesn't even seem to submit data and the dynamic one, it seems data has been sent but data is never received.As soon as I delete these 2 lines of AS, they work properly again (although of course, no words can be seen in the Form made with dynamic text).

Both submit buttons contain the following AS:
[AS]on (release) {
subject = "Customer Form from your Web";


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For example:

myFunc = function (p1, p2) {}
myFunc = function (ab) {}


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Apr 18, 2005

i wanna create a photo album.this is thumbs page.

this.createEmptyMovieClip("logo_mc"+i+"", 999);
loadMovie(""+i+".jpg", logo_mc+i+);

how can i solve this problem about variables??

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import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;


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May 25, 2004

onClipEvent (load) {
_root.acc = 100;

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Apr 26, 2004

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Jun 24, 2005

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So my question is, how can I make the orange shape stay while the mouse is of the button? And when the mouse moves out of the contact button and over another it should fade in that name to, (like it does now).

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Mar 22, 2007

I know that this has almost certainly been asked before, I know because every quarter at least one of my students brings in this site.[URL] My question is how I would go about making a parallax type scroller like this that works vertically and horizontally from the mouse position, and works with many more levels than this (like 20+ levels).

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Apr 26, 2004

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