ActionScript 2.0 :: MC Movement - Rotation And Position

Apr 24, 2005

I'm having a problem with a little movement script I wrote for a MC I have. I believe it either has to do with variable scoping, or with a coordinate system problem. (If I change the xPos and yPos in the onClipEvent (load) to 0,0...then the MC starts in the middle of the field (MC) I'm trying to move it inside of.) Basically...the ActionScript you see below is a part of the "Player" MC...who is supposed to move around a "field" MC I have.

I was assuming setting xPos and yPos to 0 would have the Player MC starting at the very top left of the entire screen...which instead it starts in the middle of the "field" MC.) Also - When I press the different arrow keys...the Player MC jumps around to different locations...but once at the new location the movement (in a single direction) works okay.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClip Movement / Rotation And Position

Apr 24, 2005

I'm having a problem with a little movement script I wrote for a MC I have. I believe it either has to do with variable scoping, or with a coordinate system problem. (If I change the xPos and yPos in the onClipEvent (load) to 0,0...then the MC starts in the middle of the field (MC) I'm trying to move it inside of.) Basically...the ActionScript you see below is a part of the "Player" MC...who is supposed to move around a "field" MC I have.

(I was assuming setting xPos and yPos to 0 would have the Player MC starting at the very top left of the entire screen...which instead it starts in the middle of the "field" MC.) Also - When I press the different arrow keys...the Player MC jumps around to different locations...but once at the new location the movement (in a single direction) works okay. I've attached the .swf.

onClipEvent (load) {
speed = 2;
xPos = 0;
yPos = 0;
this._x = xPos;
this._y = yPos;
[Code] .....

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Actionscript Code:
//Centering function  function rotCenter (ob:*, angleDegrees:Number, ptRotationPoint:Point) { var m:Matrix=ob.transform.matrix;  m.tx -=


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calculate Position According To Rotation?

Jun 16, 2011

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way to calculate new x/y position based on rotation.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotation Speed On Mouse Position?

Sep 30, 2009

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Start Rotation At Mouse Position?

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Code: Select all


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Flash :: Ease Rotation And Position Of MovieClip To Mouse?

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Essentially what I'm trying to do is nearly the same as this: http:[url].......However I'd like to ease/tween the movieclip position and rotation to the mouse position.The main issue I see is trying to get the current movieclip rotation and the target rotation,then tween it cockwise or counterclockwise from current to target.The way a movieclips rotation uses positive and negative numbers throws it off.If you just want to lock the mc rotation to the mouse rotation its fine, but once you try to tween it you run into difficulties. So the end effect would be like if you were to draw imaginary clockwise circles around the object, it should just keep rotating clockwise towards the mouse. Then if you started going counter clockwise it should just keep easing counter clockwise to the mouse.

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Jun 25, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Random Movement In X Position?

Nov 13, 2011

I wanted to built an enemy that is able to move on stage randomly in xposition and perhaps able to detect my character within the detectable zone and chase after me.. but currently I just wanted to make the enemy move randomly in x-position for starter.
It is my first time making and enemy with AI, but I'm just wasn't sure where to begin, I have used a fairy easy script to animated the movieclip in the beginning but got stucks whenever it reaches 960 or below 0 of the stage
function initGames(e:Event):void{


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Nov 16, 2009

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var sp:Sprite = new Sprite();
var g: Graphics


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I have created a flash app in which there is a circle with circles plotted along it's circumference, it is rotated when the mouse is moved up or down. The rotation is drawn directly from the y position of the mouse pointer. What I would like to do is grade the movement some how so that the further down the mouse pointer goes the less impact on rotation the movement has.

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myCircle.rotationZ = e.localY;

Is there some form of math formula I could use which would reduce the amount of rotation the greater the y position of the mouse position?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash: Moving A Movieclip From A Container To Another While Keeping Same Position And Rotation

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import flash.display.*;


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Dec 20, 2010

RIGHTNOW, Im doing my game development but I have problem based on my game control.this is my question..
I have two frames. the first frame is on running movement of the character and the second frame is on standing position.This two frames has only one kind of character,but I seperated the two movement in two frames witch are running and standing problem is how can I do the mouseEvent,if onclick the character will continue on running and if on release the character will do is to standing position.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movement - Movie Clip Mc_main Is Not Always Going To Start In The Same Position

Sep 14, 2006

I just followed this tutorial and I did get how it all worked.. and i got my movie clip flying arround the stage. Then when i tried to apply it to a little project i'm working on, i couldn't get it working. I have a movie clip called mc_main and when i click a button I want it to move - using easing - to a new position on the stage. In the first frame of my timeline i have put this AS:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Simulate 3D Navigation Which Changes Movement Depending Of X / Y Mouse Position

Jan 30, 2007

I am trying to simulate a 3D navigation which changes the movement depending of the x and y mouse position.url...Does anyone know where I can find a tutorial step by step for it or something similar?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Draw Motion Guide/path For A Mouse Position Based Movement?

Mar 22, 2011

Is it possible to draw motion guide/path for a mouse position based movement?

For example if I have path the is like letter H. I would need to write many clauses/conditions for the borders of the movement. It would be a LOT easier if there would be some solution that makes the object always to stay on the defined path when moving..

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Actionscript 3 :: Calculate The Next Position Of A "enemy" If Know The Positions X, Y, Rotation And Speed?

May 4, 2011

How can I calculate the next position of a "enemy" if know the positions x, y, rotation and speed?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Rotation And Elasticity - The Clip Snaps Directly Back To Its Original Position When The Mouse Leaves The Clip

Sep 9, 2003

I have a clip that rotates to orient itself towards the mouse when the mouse is over a given area. When the mouse leaves the area, the clip snaps back to its original position.

1) the clip snaps directly towards the mouse at the moment the mouse enters the clip; I would like it to actually rotate;

2) the clip snaps directly back to its original position when the mouse leaves the clip; I would like it to ease back into position.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotation Center Is In Left Of The Image - Aren't 3D Rotation From Transform Panel

Jan 7, 2010

I have a movieclip and when I do 3D rotation from Transform panel, It rotates perfect, center is in the middle of image, and when I apply mc.rotationY, rotation center is in left of the image, aren't 3D rotation from Transform panel and mc.rotationY from AS same? what's up?

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Actionscript 3 :: Augmented Reality Flartoolkit Rotation - Trace The Rotation Of The Marker

Mar 23, 2011

I'm trying to do some augmented reality projects with flartoolkit . I can now put simple 3d objects on my marker and it works fine , but I wanna give my project some events that the user can interact with. I'm trying to trace the rotation of the marker. there's a container:DisplayObject3D which my application uses to add the 3d objects , I traced this :"trace(container.rotationZ)" but it's just returning 0 . I studied another AR application's source code and it was using the rotation of it's container object without problem .and I think I should mention that I'm using the exercise file of seb lee delisle papervision3d course from [URL]. anyone has any experience with flartoolkit? the main functions of my my code is as below:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: 3D Rotation Of Nested Movieclips, Separate Of Parent Rotation?

Aug 11, 2010

Is it possible to have the child movieclip rotate separate of the  rotation  properties assigned to the parent? so ultimately giving the  child  element it's own axis?I've customized Lee Brimelows ( 3D carousel to spin  on  the x axis to make it a vertical carousel. I've also rotated that by 45 degrees on the y axis to see all the items, and wrote a snippet of   code to hide the left portion of the carousel. The entire  carousel is contained within the 'container' movieclip, and  inside of  that are my carousel items (as seen below), with the larger  item being  the item in focus.

On rollover of the item in focus, I want to rotate it so it faces the   viewer (as seen below),basically removing the 45 degree rotation   applied to the container.The problem i'm running into is when you rotate the container (changing   the rotationX of the container), the axis basically rotates with it, so   when i rollover the next item 'in focus', the following happens..(in  the  example where it appears how it want it to, the carousel is at a   rotationX of 0, so it works fine)

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Inconsistent Rotation - 270 Degrees Of Rotation Disappear?

Apr 21, 2009

Program A has a cannon that aims to line up with where-ever the mouse is pointing, in 360 degrees, and fires when the mouse is is clicked. Program B has an eye instead of a cannon that should in theory do similar functions when the capslock key is toggled, but instead only has a 90 degree range of motion from the Right of the eye toward the bottom (quadrant 4 only). Where did the ther 270 degrees of rotation disappear to?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A 3d Rotation Much Like The Widely Used Carousel Only The Rotation?

Aug 11, 2006

i.m trying to create a 3d rotation much like the widely used carousel only the rotation i desire consist of four upright(90 degrees) movieclips resting on a slanted, 30 degree plane which rotate onEnterFrame or following a tween on a oval like path - then pause for a given number of seconds at the four movieclips positions equal in distance on the plane

function around() {
this._x = Math.cos(this.angle) * radiusX + centerX;
this._y = Math.sin(this.angle) * radiusY + centerY;
var s = this._y /(centerY+radiusY);


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IDE :: Z - Rotation X And Rotation Y Missing In Motion Editor Panel

Feb 23, 2009

Why isn't there the Z, rotation X and rotation Y fields in my motion editor panel?

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