ActionScript 3.0 :: Random Movement In X Position?

Nov 13, 2011

I wanted to built an enemy that is able to move on stage randomly in xposition and perhaps able to detect my character within the detectable zone and chase after me.. but currently I just wanted to make the enemy move randomly in x-position for starter.
It is my first time making and enemy with AI, but I'm just wasn't sure where to begin, I have used a fairy easy script to animated the movieclip in the beginning but got stucks whenever it reaches 960 or below 0 of the stage
function initGames(e:Event):void{


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[AS]MovieClip.prototype.scaleEaseTo = function(ease)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: MC Movement - Rotation And Position

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import flash.display.*;


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onClipEvent (load) {
speed = 2;
xPos = 0;
yPos = 0;
this._x = xPos;
this._y = yPos;
[Code] .....

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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x -= 4;
if (_x<=-2247) {


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Also, I'm trying this script found here: [URL]

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ActionScript Code:

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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
xmove = (xpos-this._x)/5;
this._x += xmove;


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minx = 120;
maxx = 450;
miny = 20;


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Mar 11, 2008

If you look at this site and enter site. You will see 2 litle things moving on you screen.I need somthing like this aswell only then for like 50 bugs. I found lots of ways to make this with rondom movement scripts but i also need it to turn. So when its going to the bottom its pointing to the bottom and when its going up its turns pointing up.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Random Movement Along X Axis

Apr 29, 2010

I'd like a movie clip to randomly move along the x axis whenever the mouse is clicked by using actionscript 3.0.

The movie clip is a city skyline I have in the background.

I can get it to sort of move when a mouse is clicked with this code

var skylineTween:Tween=new Tween(skyline_mc,"x", Regular.easeInOut, Math.random(),85,3,true);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Random Movement In Flash MX

May 29, 2004

Hi. Pls let me first say that I'm new here, although i have worked with Flash (pre v5), from a design background, i struggle with actionscripting. but i am learning...

Re: Random Movement in Flash MX

I am currently reading through the actionscript dictionary, trying to make head or tail of this script. Basically, I'm hoping to modify this script to work contained within a movieclip (as opposed to directly at _root / level_0).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Function Random Movement?

Apr 23, 2004

I have the following clipEvent on a movieclip called square:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
xmove = (xpos-this._x)/5;
this._x += xmove;

And the following framecode in the same keyframe as square:

_root.square.xpos = Math.round(Math.random()*550);

Now I want to use this information in a function so I can control more than just one clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Random Movement In Flash MX?

May 29, 2004

i have worked with Flash (pre v5), from a design background, i struggle with actionscripting. but i am learning...

Re: Random Movement in Flash MX

I am currently reading through the actionscript dictionary, trying to make head or tail of this script. Basically, I'm hoping to modify this script to work contained within a movieclip (as opposed to directly at _root / level_0).

I can grasp the basics of assigning a relative path. but beyond that i am scared.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Running Movement Of The Character And The Second Frame Is On Standing Position

Dec 20, 2010

RIGHTNOW, Im doing my game development but I have problem based on my game control.this is my question..
I have two frames. the first frame is on running movement of the character and the second frame is on standing position.This two frames has only one kind of character,but I seperated the two movement in two frames witch are running and standing problem is how can I do the mouseEvent,if onclick the character will continue on running and if on release the character will do is to standing position.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movement - Movie Clip Mc_main Is Not Always Going To Start In The Same Position

Sep 14, 2006

I just followed this tutorial and I did get how it all worked.. and i got my movie clip flying arround the stage. Then when i tried to apply it to a little project i'm working on, i couldn't get it working. I have a movie clip called mc_main and when i click a button I want it to move - using easing - to a new position on the stage. In the first frame of my timeline i have put this AS:


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Jan 30, 2007

I am trying to simulate a 3D navigation which changes the movement depending of the x and y mouse position.url...Does anyone know where I can find a tutorial step by step for it or something similar?

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