ActionScript 2.0 :: [MX2004] Referencing One Movie To Another?

Apr 5, 2005

Main.swf has a button which loads Movie.swf into a movie clip 'contents' (as shown in the tutorials). 'contents' is directly over the button, so when you move your mouse in Movie.swf, it still detects the button in Main.swf.I need to know how to make Movie.swf use Main.swf button so that I can disable it while Movie.swf is open, and enable it when Movie.swf is closed.So far my code is 'blank'.MyButton.enable=false;with 'blank' being main.swf. I tried _root, _parent, etc.., but nothing worked.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: (MX2004) Transitions Movie / Menu

Oct 5, 2004

I recreated Voestjoeba's tutorial on "Transitions between external swf" here on Kirupa, with ease, but what I am trying to accomplish, may be out of the scope of that tutorial. If you take a look at [URL] , the page is made with frames, and the movie at the top (the navigation) appears to be acting on the same concept as what Voestjoeba created. I'm trying to mix and match the code from the tutorial to recreate what is happening on the xango site, for a page I am creating, and needless to say, i'm backed up two days, and have hit a roadblock.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [MX2004] Creating Multiple Empty Movie Clips?

Jul 20, 2006

I tried it and it just doesnt work, it creates the first one but the other five dont work and createTextField wont work after the first createmovieclip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reference Instances From Movie Clips If The Movie Clip Referencing From Is Nested?

Mar 23, 2010

It's me again and I'm running into a problem. So, I have this movie clip that is nested inside multiple movie clips. I want to tell Flash to perform an action when that movie clip hits another movie clip in the main timeline. It's just collision detection for a game using the hitTestObject code. I was thinking of using MovieClip(root), but that won't work since it's nested so much.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Referencing _root.Button  From A Movie Loaded Inside Another Movie?

Oct 18, 2009

MainMove.swf is doing a loadmovie of SecondMovie.swfThe Button that loads SecondMovie.swf also disables other buttons in MainMovie.swfon (release) {  _root.intro_btn.enabled = flase;  loadMovieNum("SecondMovie.swf", 2);How do I Re enabled the Buttons in MainMovie.swf from a Button within SecondMovie.swf???

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Referencing Sharedobject From Another Movie?

Aug 18, 2009

I created a movie, which is some form of a a code generator. In that movie i save a a generated code using sharedobject.

(code in code generator movie)
var myaccess:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("Lesson1"); = pass.text;

Here is my problem, i want to use this created sharedobject on another, separate movie clip, is that possible?Or are sharedobjects just work on their original movie clips?

(code in separate movie)
var myaccess2:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("Lesson1"); // declared a variable for holding the data from
sharedobject to see if it will load the data
txt.text = // Load failed, txt.text displays undefined

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Referencing One Movie Object From Another?

Jan 15, 2009

I have my main flash, named "front page". Inside of it, I have 2 movie objects that have a time line, one named "About Us", and another named "Button Group". Inside of "Button Group," I've made a drop down menu that can go to a frame on the main page (in "front page") using the _root command. I was wondering if I could go from the front page into the other movie object ("About Us") by going through the main page.

Tl;dr, I'd like to know how to go to the parent of a movie clip and into another movie clip to modify where the time line is.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Referencing Text Field In Another Movie?

Mar 18, 2009

I have a main movie that has a sidebar. The sidebar is it's own movieclip that contains two frames because it has two tabs on it. I would like to reference a dynamic text field that is contained in the second frame of the sidebar movieclip. When I try to do so, I receive the following error:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at XMLTest_fla::MainTimeline/LoadXML()


Is there a way to reference an item in the second frame of a movieclip?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Referencing Instances In Loaded Movie?

Apr 30, 2009

The following code gives me an error:1119: Access of possibly undefined property sp1 through a reference with static type flash.display:Sprite.Not sure how to get around this issue...  these things used to work in as2, I guess not anymore in as3...
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- loader = new BulkLoader("timelineLoader");loader.add(ExternalFiles.TIMELINE_SWF);loader.addEventListener(BulkLoader.COMPLETE, onCompleteHandler);loader.start();


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Referencing A Movie Clip By Using A Variable?

Jun 2, 2009

I have been using this line of code to fade in a movie clip:

new Tween(background_mc, "_alpha", None.easeNone, 0, 100, .5, true);

Now, I want to accomplish the same thing, only this time by using an element from an array (bg_array[currentSlideNumber]) that stores the instance name "background_mc"
I've tried the following, but it doesn't work:

new Tween(bg_array[currentSlideNumber], "_alpha", None.easeNone, 0, 100, .5, true);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Referencing Movie Clips On A Class?

May 7, 2010

I'm developing a Hygrometer in Flash CS4. The Hygrometer is a Movie Clip currently on the stage with 16 Movie Clips inside with instance names like segment01_mc, segment02_mc.. segment16_mc. I'm trying to make a class for the Hygrometer MC and I need to access the "segment" MC's. But I can't find a solution.

Is there any way to reference the "segment" movie clips? How can I assign instance names to the "segment" movie clips?

Here's my current Hygrometer class code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Referencing Movie Clip On Different Level?

Jan 8, 2009

If I writing actionscript on the _root level, but I want to reference a movieclip that is on a different level, how would I go about doing this?I know that if it was reversed I would something like this:_root.home_btn.onRelease = function () {Would I just do the name of the level, "_level2.home_btn.onRelease = function() { ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Referencing A Movie Clip Within A Movieclip?

Jul 17, 2009

Maybe someone can shed some light on this issue for me. I have a main movie clip, call it Main, that loads external swf files during run time. One of these loaded swfs, or movie clip is called FOB. Inside FOB is another movie clip with a variable name of contentText. What I want to do is to adjust the x location of contentText from the Main movie clip.

Inside the Main movie clip I have this (entire code):

ActionScript Code:
this.createEmptyMovieClip("FOB", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
this.createEmptyMovieClip("PirateClub", _root.getNextHighestDepth());


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Referencing Duplicated Movie Clips?

Nov 27, 2007

I've created a tsunami menu made up of duplicated menu items. Each menu item should have a rollover and selected state of 240% which works fine. When a menu item has been selected it jumps to another frame but until the user interacts with it it should loop through the different categories.My problem is that I can't get the menu items to scale big while it is looping through the different categories on the matching category frames.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Referencing Movie Clips In A For Loop?

Jul 16, 2003

I want to have 4 to n movie clips on my stage and to be be able perform monotonousperations on all of them in a for loop like so.



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ActionScript 2.0 :: Referencing Variables In A Loaded Movie?

Sep 22, 2003

I'm having trouble referencing variables in a loaded movie. I read in other posts that you simply refer to the variable as if it belongs to the clip you load it into, however this doesn't seem to be working for me

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [MX2004] Movie Symbol As A Button Symbol

Apr 24, 2005

I have a scrollout menu for my flash movie, but each of the buttons have to be movies symbols. I try to attach:

on (release) {
gotoand stop(4)

But I get the error that this script only works for buttons. Anyone able to lend some assist? I suck at actionscript.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Clip Referencing HTML Page?

Jan 16, 2011

[URL]I am using a flash movie I crated as a menu, outside of the website the movie works exactly as I want and the push pin follows and stays on the last "button" clicked. However when using this movie on my html site since the flash menu gets refreshed the push pin goes back to where I have it starting by default.Is there any way to reference which html page I am currently on instead of the current button in AS3?Code looks something like this...

var currentPage:SimpleButton = home_btn;
tack_mc.x = home_btn.x;
tack_mc.y = home_btn.y;


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Referencing HTML Page From Within A Movie Clip

Mar 18, 2009

I have a simple horizontal scrolling gallery of 24 thumbnails in Flash, the thumbnail images are loaded into the boxes using actionscript. I would like each thumbnail to link to a html page of my choice. There is a movie clip instance called panel with the 24 buttons inside it and on the first button as a test I've placed the following action script:

on (release) {

When testing this movie from within Flash (CTRL, ENT) the button links to the html file (which is in the same folder as the SWF) with no problem. The problem is when I preview the page in a browser and try to click on the first button nothing is happening. I've tried it in both IE7 and Firefox with the same result.

The flash thumbnail clip is placed as a flash object into a html page using dreamweaver.

I'm sure this is something simple such as navigating the timeline but I've tried a few things like _root. but still no joy.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Referencing Objects In The Level Above The Movie Clip?

Sep 10, 2011

i want to referance objects in the level above the movie clip that i have the AS in.  what i mean is that i have a movie clip on the stage, and that movie clip has some actionscript in it, and that AS needs to refer to an object on the main stage, how would i do that?  i have tried parent and stage 1, but neither seem to work

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Referencing A Field In A Dynamically Created Movie?

Jul 17, 2010

I'm using Flash 8.

I've made 18 movies in a for loop. I'm trying to modify a text field in those movies. I am unable to do so in the for loop. Something with my referencing is wrong.

The dynamic text field in each movie is named "eventText".

ActionScript Code:
_root.attachMovie(myData["loadHandler"+x]+"Movie", myData["event"+x], x, {_x:100, _y:100});
_root.myData["event"+x].eventText.text = "test";

If I hardcode the event name for testing purposes, it puts the data in correctly:

ActionScript Code:
_root.houseSale2.eventText.text = "test";

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Referencing Timeline Actions Within A Movie Playing In UILoader Component?

Apr 14, 2009

I'm loading an external SWF("slides.swf") into a AS3 UILoader component on the main stage with an instance name of "loadWindow" when the user clicks a button.I'm also monitoring "slides.swf" loading with preloader script. When the movie in the UILoader is completely loaded, I want to advance it (the movie within the UILoader) to the next frame. In AS2 it was easy to reference a swf loaded into a movie clip... the nested movie's root took the place of the MC's timeline.

load_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, loadFile);
function loadFile(e:Event):void {


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Referencing : Duplicated Movie Clip With A Dynamic Text Field?

Jun 23, 2011

I have created a movie clip with the following path to a dynamic text field:
_root.i_lotteryball1.i_ballstrip.i_text.d_text1.text = _global.text1;
I have then duplicated the 'i_lotteryball1' movie clip, and called it 'i_lotteryball2'.When I try:
_root.i_lotteryball2.i_ballstrip.i_text.d_text1.text = _global.text2;
It changes the text in  'i_lotteryball1' text field aswell as  'i_lotteryball2' text field with the value of '_global.text2' How can I update each text field with different values.When I try to change the instance name of the text field inside 'i_lotteryball2'  to 'd_text2', it changes the 'i_lotteryball1' text field instance name aswell to 'd_text2'!
My objective:
_root.i_lotteryball1.i_ballstrip.i_text.d_text1.text = _global.text1;
_root.i_lotteryball2.i_ballstrip.i_text.d_text2.text = _global.text1;

View 7 Replies

IDE :: Convert MX2004 To CS4?

Feb 1, 2009

I have the attached .fla file that was created in MX2004 but I only have CS4 to work with. Is there a way to convert this so I can use it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert From MX To MX2004?

Jan 10, 2006

I have a piece of code that works fine using flash player 6 and AS2 but soon I as try to use flash player 7 and AS2 it stops working..

This is my code:

var cgiThing=new loadVars();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Duplicating MCs (yet Another One) (MX2004)?

Apr 9, 2006

Whenever I make a code to duplicate anything in a reaction to an action, i get the problem of having my initial duplicated mc destroyed upon re-duplicating (you fire bullets and the one shot before the last always disappears and so).The thing is, if you take kirupa's "How to Fire"-tutorial, download the source and run it, the thing works like a charm. However, even if i copy every last single bit of code and content to a new document, the duplication process acts as described above.In addition, here's a quote from the tutorial "How to Fire" [url]

explain how on earth one would get "_level0.bullet" from something the likes of "trace(this._name)", which, of course, returns the instance name. Which would, in the aforementioned tutorial's case, be, in fact, "bullet". Not "_level0.bullet". He states "It's not the instance name"... Well, what the heck is it then? The result of the trace in question varies relying COMPLETELY upon the given instance name. If you write "Bratwurst" as the instance name, you get "Bratwurst" from the trace, as god is my wittness.

Even if i remove EVERYTHING from the code that even COULD, by the user's will, remove the duped mc, the initial problem remains. You can only fire one bullet at any given time, other(s) disappear.It's most propable that there's just something i've missed completely, and end up making myself looking like an ***, but still.For those who want a code, just take a look at the tutorial (the URL above). Everything's basically the same. I would also appreciate if someone were to try what i've described, which is to copy everything from the tutorial .fla and placing the stuff on a fresh document.

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IDE :: Making The Leap - MX2004 To CS4?

Mar 29, 2010

I've been using MX 2004 pro for a few years now at a fairly superficial level just for website updates/enhancements, little educational things, and little personal animated birthday cards, etc. I have just recently started learning action script, which I'm getting, slowly but surely.

Anyway, my question is: how much different is CS4 from MX 2004? i.e., am I looking at a huge learning curve? I don't mind huge learning curves when I have lots of time on my hands, but I don't. But I would like to keep my software up-to-date, since I just got a new computer with Windows 7 on it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnRelease On Dynamic Mc [MX2004]

Feb 12, 2004

The problem is that I can't get the subItems to work with the onRelease function.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mx2004 Multiple HitTests

Sep 14, 2004

I have 9 static movieclips arranged in a 3 by 3 grid, and 1 movieclip that moves using keypresses (invisible_mc)[code]when a hitTest is registered between the invisible_mc and any of the icon_mc's, The icon_mc goes to and stops on frame 2..else it goes to and stops on frame 1. I have constructed the hitTest as there anyway to reduce the endless repetition of code? [coe]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use The Envelope Transform In MX2004?

Aug 31, 2005

Is there a way to use the envelope transform through actionscript in MX2004?

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