ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Selected Answers Remain?

Sep 6, 2009

I have a flash quiz that I created. The file is an external swf loaded on top of another flash swf. The quiz is all radial buttons and drop down menus. Once the user choose which answer they feel is correct they click submit. Before they click submit they have an option to close the window. What i want to happen is if they close that window and return I want those selected answers to remain or even if they submitted before; i would like for those answers to remain.

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var bolt_name="bolt"+total_bolt_no;
var bolt_n:Sprite=this.getChildByName(bolt_name) as heroweapon;


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doit.text="drag over the words that mean Vision";


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// first time, the dialog box is enabled


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Sep 21, 2009

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This could be common, but as far as I know, I've never heard of it. He's had someone at his site who is apparently "fluent in computer" look over his internet settings and cannot find any issues.

Anyone ever heard of this or know what I should suggest he try besides updating his browser and Flash Player?.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Answers Using Checkbox?

May 16, 2011

the user is able to mark 2 checkboxes out of #cb's.

how do i make sure he can mark EXACTLY 2 cb?

var total:int = 0;
var i:int;


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Nov 18, 2009

I'm trying to create a simple quiz that picks questions from an XML file, then checks the answer the user enters against the answers stored in the same XML file. Every time you press blue_btn it should bring up a new question. Right now I'm stuck -- it shows only the last question in the XML file, when I enter the right answer it tells me it's wrong, and when I press blue_btn again nothing happens.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Datagrid - Make The Checkbox In Col1 Selected When Selects The Checkbox In Col2

May 4, 2009

I am using datagrid and added 3 columns to it in flex project. Data is provided to each column by using itemrenderer. Itemrenderer is checkbox for each column. Name of columns are col1,col2,col3. I want to make the checkbox in col1 selected when i selects the checkbox in col2. But i am not able to do this.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buttons Remain Not Visible During The Game ?

May 8, 2009

First,I have a menu screen for my game, but for some reason the buttons remain during the game (not visible), I think I need to use swapDepths but I'm not sure. Second, I need to make a restart button from the Game Over screen but I'm not sure of the coding I need to use,would using something like this work?

on (release){
_root.gotoandPlay ("Menu");

or would that only work in replaying a movie?

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