ActionScript 2.0 :: Making FLVplayback Stop Loading An FLV?

Sep 8, 2006

This problem is driving us crazy. The idea is simple. We have one instance of the FLVplayback component on stage as well as a playlist of videos. When we click a video in the playlist the FLVplayback instance starts the progressive download and plays the video.However, when we click a new item in the playlist, the FLVplayback instance won't start playing this file until it has completed loading the previous file. Stopping playback makes no difference.Is there a way to stop the FLVplayback instance from playing AND downloading so it is instantly ready to start loading and playing a new oneOf course removing the instance and attaching it again is an option, but that screws up the functionality of the player's controls and really feels like a hack that we shouldn't have to use.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Flvplayback Vid When Navigating To Another Nav.btn

Feb 2, 2011

I've got to add a video (flv) to my videobtn (navigatiopanel). I made a flashfile in CS3 actionscript 3, placed the flvplaybackcomponent at the scene (layer 1, frame 1) and linked it to webserver for the streaming. So far so good, I made an swf of it an everything worked fine. Except for one major problem : de vid doesn't stop playing when I navigate to another button in the nav.panel. In fact when I click once more on the videobutton, there are two vid's playing at the same time

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ActionScript 1/2 :: FLVPlayback Loop 3 Times Then Stop

Oct 20, 2009

I've successfully set up an FLVPlayback loop in AS2 using this code:


What I would like to do is stop the loop after the .flv plays 3 times.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Start / Stop Flvplayback And Live Stream?

Apr 11, 2009

I need to know how to start and stop my flvplayer and my live stream.

I think this is kind of what I need but I've tried bits and pieces of it inside of functions triggered after a certain time and its not working.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Stop Flvplayback From Playing A Video Until Its Told To Do So

Oct 18, 2009

Look at this code,
// display ContainerFourvar containerFour:MovieClip = new container4();var bjwC = new bjwContainer();var timer6:Timer = new Timer(39000, 1);timer6.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, displayContainerFour);timer6.start();
function displayContainerFour(e:TimerEvent):void{ addChild(containerFour); containerFour.x = 192.0; containerFour.y = 108.0; TransitionManager.start(containerFour, {type:Photo, direction:Transition.IN, duration:2, easing:

I am using As3 to add to the stage dynamically, now what seems to be happening is the video is playing before I add the containerFour - how can I code this, so that the video only begins to play when I add containerFour, and not before it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Playback Of An FLVPlayback Component When Navigate From Page

Apr 11, 2010

I have an movieclip playing as auto start on the first page of my website. The component continues to play when I navigate away from the page. How can I stop the playback of the movie if it has not completed when navigation away from the page is invoked. I have search and am unable to find such an event using an FLVPlayback component. Presently there is no code in actionscript to display here.

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Flash :: Flvplayback Component Doesn't Stop Playing Upon Exitframe

Apr 17, 2011

I have an instance of an flvplayback component on a frame (not the first frame) on a timeline in a flash AS3 flash app file. I would like to stop the movie when i exit that frame, either via gotoAndStop() or whatever else.s there a listener for this? Or any solution that people know of?

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Loading Video To FLVPlayback?

Jun 26, 2009

I'm doing the exercises included in the book "ActionScript 3.0 for Adobe Flash CS4 Professional Classroom in a Book", but I have run into a problem I cannot solve regarding the use of the source property of the FLVPlayback component.


An error like this appears: "NetsStream.Play.StreamNotFound", saying that there is no video file there I also try with absolute paths, with slashes instead of backslashes..., and I just get to get it working if I copy this video file in the same folder in which lesson11_start.fla is, and enter "solution5.f4v".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading A SWF With An FLVPlayback?

Aug 20, 2009

I have the following situation:I have a SWF file, "A.swf" loading another SWF file, "B.swf" that contains an FLVPlayback. Using the Event.INIT of the loader.contentLoaderInfo, I add a listener to load and display file "B.swf". It loads and displays the file "B.swf" but it does not play  the FLVPlayback which was intantiated in actionScript3 in the "actions" layer of frame 1 in "B.swf".

View 6 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: FLVPlayback Skin Not Loading On Some Computers

Apr 29, 2009

A video should be loading to the second pane of this carousel[url]...
But, on some systems, the playback controls, and the video, are not loading. When working correctly, as the swf seems to do on some systems, the video is covered by a movie clip of the first frame, and then a play button is loaded atop the image. When a user clicks the play on the skin controls or the button that has been loaded on top of the video, the image and button are moved off the stage and the video plays.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple Videos In FLVPlayback

Jun 4, 2009

I am building a video player which should load multiple videos in a FLVPlayback. When the loading of the first video has finished, the second one should start, using the VideoProgress Event.

My code looks like this, videos is an array with the paths to the videos:
flvPlayback.addEventListener(, progress);
flvPlayback.addEventListener(VideoEvent.COMPLETE, onComplete);
private function progress(


Now I have the problem when I test this locally, the first video is invisible sometimes when starting to play. This is not happening everytime, but sometimes the video is not shown, but I can hear the sound, and I can see the scrubber on the seekbar moving.
I already tried to check in the progress function if the video is already playing, and if not, set a timer that will call the progress function again in 1 second.

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Professional :: FlvPlayback/flvPlaybackCaptioning - Video Not Loading?

Jul 14, 2010

I'm using the flvPlayback/flvPlaybackCaptioning components.My file works perfectly when I test the movie within Flash.When I publish it,I cannot see any video, even on my own PC.I have the fla, flv and xml files in the same directory.In flvPlayback component,I have skin set to None and I'm using a captionButton and playPauseButton.The source has the flv filename and autoPlay is set to False.In flvPlaybackCaptioning, source has the xml filename and the captionTargetName has the textbox instance.showCaption is set to False. Everything works fine until I insert the captioning elements.  The captioning works perfectly when testing.I can't see where I've gone wrong.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: FLVPlayback Skin Not Loading On Some Computers?

Apr 29, 2009

A video should be loading to the second pane of this carousel:But, on some systems, the playback controls, and the video, are not loading. When working correctly, as the swf seems to do on some systems, the video is covered by a movie clip of the first frame, and then a play button is loaded atop the image. When a user clicks the play on the skin controls or the button that has been loaded on top of the video, the image and button are moved off the stage and the video plays.Here is the code referencing the video:

Code: Select all//Import FLVPlayback components


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Default FLVPlayback - Loading Or Buffering

Sep 17, 2009

Take a look (click on one of the right banners): [URL] The lightbox should almost immediately play the videos, but instead (only) with ie7, the video take a really long time to start. All 3 videos. But only the first time I play them. So, I suppose there's maybe some loading or buffering problem that occurs only with ie7. The swf files are simple default FLVPlayback pointing to a .flv in the server. Any way to optimize the playback so that will start soon in all browsers?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading A Swf With FLVPlayback Component And The Flv Restarts Playing?

Mar 31, 2012

i have an fla file with 5 keyframes. Each keyframe navigates forward to the following keyframe. On the fifth keyframe, a Loader loads an external swf. The external swf has an flv playback component with sound.
The fifth keyframe, other than having a button to click to load the swf, has a movie clip that navigates you back to the first keyframe. The loaded swf, once loaded, may be removed using removeThis function which has removeChild code as well as a flv.stop(); which makes the flv stop when the swf is removed. So u're back on keyframe 5, no sound ASo, all is well and the user can navigate back to the first keyframe (from keyframe 5), and from there continue on to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th keyframes again,  problems start though, when you get to that 5th keyframe again: that keyframe has an FLVPlayback component playing an flv, which at that point becomes very sluggish as all the mc animations on that 5th frame. And worse, i realize, the flv in the external swf that was previously loaded, starts playing by itself, which i know, because i hear its sound track.
I tried putting a conditional statement to tell the _flv to stop on keyframes 1 and 5, but that causes errors, considering that the flv is an undefined property from the perspective of those keyframes.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Making A FLVPlayer Stop?

Nov 11, 2009

Okay I'm struggling with my FLVPlayeback component. I have one on my stage, then when you click a button a movie loads in it, but as soon as i click on the home button to go back to frame 1 then the movieclip continues playing, (audio only) when i go back to the FLVPlayer, nothing is playing although you hear the audio and if you load another movie in the FLVplayer it plays over the other one.

I did try

Code: Select allMovieB.stop();

but its not working, it only gives me a

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at WorshipTeam_fla::MainTimeline/onPhotoClick2()

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making External SWF To Stop When In Background

Feb 15, 2010

I have a main fla file, that preloads and loads three external SWF's just perfectly. The three SWF's are simple flip book animations. This is the site: [URL]. This is the only actionscript in the main.fla file.

var j = 0;
myarray = [];
cliparray = [];
createEmptyMovieClip("paper", -1);
_global.preloaderf = function(klip) {
[Code] .....

The problem is, that the first movie is really jumpy, the second is a little better and the third is the best. There's three buttons designated to each movie. My question is, why are the movies jumpy? I'm assuming it's because when one is visible, the other two in the background are still running and taking up the speed. How can I make the background SWF's go into a stop state, or whatever you might call it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Slider Stop In A 'natural' Way?

Jan 15, 2004

this may seem like an odd question. well after spending ages getting my slider to act like I want I now want it to stop at a certain point - but to act 'naturally' - basically the slider accelerates the more a button is pressed and uses a set deceleration number to slow down the slider when the button is unclicked. So the faster its going the longer and further the slider takes to slow down - 'ease' down. when it reaches zero it stops.

If you click on the blue arrow in the movie youll see what i mean. The problem comes up when i want to get the slider to stop. I want the slider not to go beyond a certain point (say 600). This gets very difficult if the slider is to act naturally (as before). I guess some kind of reverse engineering is required that works out what point to start the slow down based on where the slider is and what speed its going at??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making A Sound Play Once Then Stop?

Dec 14, 2009

When my avatar bug makes contact with another type of bug, he eats it. Both bugs are movie clips; when the avatar gets into the collision detect zone of the edible bug, it triggers a quick animation in the "edible" bug: he becomes a blur for one frame then disappears (as though eaten).

The problem is the sound effect - a quick "whoosh". It needs to play once then stop. What happens now is that it's triggered repeatedly - a problem if the avatar passes over the edible bug slowly. If the avatar later passes over the spot where the edible bug was, the sound is triggered multiple times again. So I need the sound to play only once, then stop. There will be several copies of the edible bug's movie clip that need to behave the same way, so once the sound stops playing it needs to be available again for the next collision.

Here's what it looks like now:

private var sfx_edible:Sound = new eat();
function detectCollision(myevent:Event):void {
if (avatar_mc.hitTestPoint(edible_a.x, edible_a.y, false)==true) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External HD Movies With Flvplayback Component Slowed Down On Netbooks

Nov 21, 2010

I've been working on webdesign for some years now, having worked mainly in full flash websites with a lot of actionscripting. Thus I consider myself quite familiar with actionscript but only AS2 as I've still haven't made the cross to AS3 (I know i'm almost 5 years late...).I've been recently hired to convert interactive points on some museums that were working with dvd menu's to flash. I've constructed and programmed everything with no trouble at all using some programing to use a circular menu and the flvplayback component to load external 720P HD movies on f4v format. Everything was working perfectly until I was faced with the real PC's that were being used on the museums. Some of them are okay PC's and so I just had to reduce the quality of the videos a bit (a 20 mb bitrate was too much... lol).

However some of them are the equivalent of netbooks (like the Asus EEE PC) and that's where my nightmare begun.So the real problem is this: the computers can run the HD videos perfectly through the VLC media player. However, using the flash presentation either on flash projector or an swf running through an html on internet explorer results in an unwatchable video all sloppy and with buggy sound.I've even tried loading the videos inside a totally empty flash project which still resulted on the same problems.What happens is that when the flash loads the videos the system usage of the processor results in 60 percent with peaks reaching the 80 percent.The weirdest part is that sites like youtube that run HD movies work on those pc's but my presentation does not.Do you have any suggestions on what might be happening?? Is this a problem that has to do with the FlvPlayback component and that I could solve using the Open Source BetterFlv component instead?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Making A Movie Stop/fade Out At A Certain Frame

Sep 24, 2010

I'm using the code and assets from this page. [URL] I'm creating ads for websites and they don't allow continual  animation after 3 loops. I added to the above code to make it fade at the end. I think I'm close, but it doesn't seem to fade away as I had hoped, it just keeps  falling.

Am I missing some code that I need to replace? Do I need to put a frame # somewhere when I  want it to fade? Does the last part of the code go on a frame at the  end? The snow just keeps falling even though it's reached the last frame. What do I add to make it stop?
Here is the code. The link above will show you exactly the type of animation I'm looking at. I added the fade part after "init ( );"
init = function () {
width = 300;
// pixels
height = 250;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A Movie Stop/fade Out At A Certain Frame

Sep 24, 2010

(remove the spaces to correctly link, my post count is too low to include links)
kirupa. com/ developer/flash8/snow. htm

I'm creating ads for websites though and they don't allow continual animation after 1 to 3 loops. What I'm hoping to do is one of the following:

Rather than have an abrupt stop to the snow on the last frame and have them oddly disappear, I'd like to have it stop creating snow on (for example) frame 100 so it's all gone by the last frame (for example) 130.

Here is the code.

init = function () {
width = 300;
// pixels


On a side note, I have the AS code on frame 1 currently, and just to test it out I added a stop(); to the last frame, but the snow kept falling. Do I have to add code to this snow code to get it to stop at a certain frame?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A Mc Stop At The Enad Of The Stage And Random Y

Dec 17, 2007

My game is simple game where you are a block at the bottom of the screen and you have to move side to side to avoid larger blocks that are falling from above. Now the only problem is that i am very nw to action script so i have no idea of the code i need to insert in my MC. So far i have been able to make the players block move from side to side with the arrow keys and make a block fall from the top with this very pathetic script i found out:

PHP Code:
onClipEvent(EnterFrame) {
this._x += 5

I was wondering if anyone could give me some code so that the players block will stop moving when it hits the side of the stage and that the block that falls down will apper at the top again but with a random Y position on the stage.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Movie Stop / Fade Out At Certain Frame

Sep 24, 2010

I'm using the code and assets from this page. [URL]. I'm creating ads for websites though and they don't allow continual animation after 1 to 3 loops. What I'm hoping to do is one of the following:
Rather than have an abrupt stop to the snow on the last frame and have them oddly disappear, I'd like to have it stop creating snow on (for example) frame 100 so it's all gone by the last frame (for example) 130. I'm using flash 8, AS2.

Here is the code.
init = function () {
width = 300;
// pixels
height = 250;

On a side note, I have the AS code on frame 1 currently, and just to test it out I added a stop(); to the last frame, but the snow kept falling. Do I have to add code to this snow code to get it to stop at a certain frame?

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Actionscript 3 :: Making Platform Game Method To Stop Running?

Mar 13, 2012

I am making a platform game in flash. I have a goal class(the class which contains code for the goal sprite, where when you hit it, it continues to next part of game).


The beginClass function is fine, and only runs once, but eFrame is what checks if the player has hit the goal, so it is constantly running. The problem is, once the player hits the goal, eFrame continues to run, while in a menu describing the next scene to the player. My eFrame function is below.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Button Stop Working When Group Of Images Is On Last Row?

Mar 12, 2006

It's been a while since I've last posted, but I read a lot of others' posts, and try to keep up to date.My question is this:I have a group of images that are loaded up using xml into a movieclip. The movieclip is masked. I have 2 buttons, that scrolls the grouping either up or down. I would like to make these buttons inactive when the grouping of images is on it's last row, meaning when there is only one row of images shown on the screen/mask.

I have tried using hitArea, but I wasn't successful. This would be easy for me to achieve if I wasn't trying to make it a bit dynamic. Basically, someone would be updating the xml file with more nodes/images and the swf would update the list of images, thus making it difficult to hardcode when the list should stop scrolling.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Totally Stop A Class From Working - Making Null?

Mar 23, 2010

I have a large creation in process that requires a lot of heavy animations and movement with vectors and really processor intensive. Just want to know, regardless of whether the project is huge or small, how to totally stop a class from working? I have three classes I am calling. "class1 = new Class1();" etc. When I am in the level, say, class2, I can still talk to objects in class1 even though I removed the class listeners within that class1 after I was done using it. It still is able to be called upon, and still running something in the background that I can't figure out what it is. I just want to know, rather than searching for whatever is causing the problem, can't I simply null the class that I never ever need to use again?

I tried that, but then I ran a trace and it still tells me that it is a class object. I reckon its because I have a "public var class1:Class1" etc, which means they will always have those objects associated with them, but still. I want to totally get rid of it for garbage collection, and because I don't want to use some of them at all, ever again. So basically, what is the best way to get rid of classes so that they aren't hogging up resources any more?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Loading The Previous Xml When Start Loading Another Xml?

Dec 7, 2009

I have two xmls, xml1 and xml2. Both have same structure, only data are different. Button 1 loads xml1 and button2 loads xml2. Both calls same function to load XML. First i press button1, so xml1 starts loading, but if before xml1 is completely loaded, i press button2, xml2 also starts loading. If for some reason the xml2 loads first i get data from xml2. But when i look at the bandwidth profiler in flash , xml1 is still loading. When xml1 is loaded it will replace data from xml2. SInce i pressed button2 last, i would want data from xml2. So is it possible to stop loading the previous xml when i start loading another xml?

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Professional :: Cant Stop Flash Page From Flashing Repeatedly (making Website)

Nov 20, 2011

Well first off here is my script so far on the page:
Using Pastie to keep amount of text on thread low to make things easier to read.
Here are the errors I get everytime I try to debug or Test Movie:
Also maybe if you can help a bit with it heres the check list that this is graded on. Also no I am not trying to make you guys do my work for me its just he gave us this project but I have been at work (17) and unable to finish it at all. Please help I dont want  a bad GPA this ending semester.[URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Sound Stop In Embedded YouTube Player After Removal

Mar 18, 2011

I have the site: [URL]

There are videos there and they play fine and get removed when I change pages. The problem is, if I leave a video playing and then switch pages the sound continues even though the video disappears. How can I make the sound stop? I have done quite a lot of research. My video's appear code is:

this.video_mc.loadMovie("youtube video");


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