ActionScript 3.0 :: Default FLVPlayback - Loading Or Buffering

Sep 17, 2009

Take a look (click on one of the right banners): [URL] The lightbox should almost immediately play the videos, but instead (only) with ie7, the video take a really long time to start. All 3 videos. But only the first time I play them. So, I suppose there's maybe some loading or buffering problem that occurs only with ie7. The swf files are simple default FLVPlayback pointing to a .flv in the server. Any way to optimize the playback so that will start soon in all browsers?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FLVPlayback - Buffering From Specified Time In FLV Movie

Oct 1, 2009

I recently to created a simple movie with FLVPlayback component. I have customized all of its controls (play, pause, volume, progress). I have also created a simple Table of contents for movie with four buttons. Every button jumps to different place in movie.
Problem starts to happen when i want to jump to movie position that haven't been downloaded yet. My question regards this situations. Can I tell FLVPlayback component to start buffering from different position?
In other words do it always have to be starting from begining of the movie. Can I start buffer movie for example from the middle of it?

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Media Server :: FLVPlayback 2.5 Buffering State Never Ends

Jul 27, 2010

I'm using the FLVPlayback to load streaming videos from a FMS. The bug that I'm running into is with the buffering state. Several times the video will enter a buffering state that never ends. The last video event that's fired in this scenario is the BUFFERING_STATE_ENTERED. But if I seek the video on the seekbar, it's playing away.

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IDE :: FLVPlayback With Captions Off By Default?

Jan 13, 2009

I have captioning working with the FLVPlayback/FLVPlaybackCaptioning components. My skin has a caption button, and it toggles the captions on and off. What I can't figure out is how to get the player to start with captioning off by default.

I've googled around a bit and all I've found so far indicates that this might not be possible if the caption button is in a skin. Is this true? I find it hard to believe that this is so difficult to accomplish.

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Flash :: Mute FLVPlayback On Default?

Sep 8, 2011

I'm using the default flv player component in Flash cs4. I want my video to start on page load, but I would like it to be muted in the beginning, so the visitors can chose to unmute it if they want.

I tried to google and found a number of solutions which doesn't work for me(or rather I don't know how to make it work).

There seems to be a good solution here: [URL]

But the zip link is broken, and I'm not sure how to piece the tutorial together.

Edit: I tried something like this but unfortunately it didn't seem to work:

myVideo.volume = 0;
myVideo.muteButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
function clickHandler(e:MouseEvent) {
myVideo.volume = 1;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading ID3 Information From A Buffering MP3

Oct 18, 2009

I'm making a very simple MP3 player in Flash CS4 Professional 10.0.2 that loads a song from an array containing the locations of the songs and plays it. The player also displays the artist and song info name in dynamic text fields as specified in the ID3 section of the MP3 file. It works as desired when I load the MP3 before playing it. This is the relevant portion of the code, highlighted in green to indicate that it functions as I want:

What's odd is that if I comment out the last two lines of the onID3 function, so that the function only performs the trace command that's highlighted in orange, it works! This tells me that it's loading the ID3 information. So why can't it display the information from the currentSong variable?

EDIT: I'm pulling the MP3 files from the same server as the SWF. I would not be pulling them from a remote location!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading SWF With FLV Movie - Buffering Video?

Jun 10, 2009

I have some videos that are already in FLV format. I embedded them inside a little swf. And I embedded that swf into a bigger swf where everything els is. When a user clicks on a button, it loads the swf with the FLV movie in would you go about buffering a video?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop A Buffering Movie From Loading?

Sep 28, 2011

I have a page on my site, that has thumbnails for about 9 videos that are external and loading through the FLV Playback component. Everything works great unless the user decides to move on to the next page, while a video is buffering (pre-loading). If the buffing bar is showing and click to go to the next page the video continues to play once it is loaded. You can't see the video, but you can hear the audio from it. Sometimes if you are too click happy, you will get the audio overlap of two different videos at the same time.

Is there anyway to stop videos that are loading when you click the button to go to another page?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Netstream Buffering - Loading A Showreel In Flash File

Nov 3, 2009

I am loading a showreel in my flash file using this:


The .flv is 35mb so the video is understandably jumpy. I was wondering what i should do to get round this... Is there a way to buffer it at the start so that there will be no glitches in it? The showreel has already been compressed quite a lot so can't shave much off the film size...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Show "loading" Animation Whenever Video Is Buffering?

Nov 20, 2011

I'm building a video player, and I'd like the play to show a "Loading, please wait"-type animation whenever the video is buffering and not playing. (This is either when the user enters the page and the video has to buffer a bit before it can start playing, or when the video suddenly stops midway because the internet connection can't load video fast enough.) Is there a way to detect when this happens and show the animation accordingly?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Show "loading" Animation Only When Video Is Buffering

Nov 20, 2011

I'm building a video player, and I'd like the play to show a "Loading, please wait"-type animation whenever the video is buffering and not playing. (This is either when the user enters the page and the video has to buffer a bit before it can start playing, or when the video suddenly stops midway because the internet connection can't load video fast enough.) Is there a way to detect when this happens and show the animation accordingly?

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Loading Video To FLVPlayback?

Jun 26, 2009

I'm doing the exercises included in the book "ActionScript 3.0 for Adobe Flash CS4 Professional Classroom in a Book", but I have run into a problem I cannot solve regarding the use of the source property of the FLVPlayback component.


An error like this appears: "NetsStream.Play.StreamNotFound", saying that there is no video file there I also try with absolute paths, with slashes instead of backslashes..., and I just get to get it working if I copy this video file in the same folder in which lesson11_start.fla is, and enter "solution5.f4v".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading A SWF With An FLVPlayback?

Aug 20, 2009

I have the following situation:I have a SWF file, "A.swf" loading another SWF file, "B.swf" that contains an FLVPlayback. Using the Event.INIT of the loader.contentLoaderInfo, I add a listener to load and display file "B.swf". It loads and displays the file "B.swf" but it does not play  the FLVPlayback which was intantiated in actionScript3 in the "actions" layer of frame 1 in "B.swf".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWF Have A Default Position After Loading?

Sep 16, 2009

I've got this API loading on every page of the website. Can .SWF tell itself when it has loaded and thereby default to a loaded position? So that when a user moves to different web pages, the API defaults to its loaded point? NOT from scratch? [URL]...All the blurs and fade-ins are Methods that respond to a bunch of Timer Events. Once the .SWF is loaded how can it DEFAULT to its loaded point when a user changes web pages?

I know there would be a Javascript solution but is there an AS3 solution?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can A .SWF Have A Default Position After Loading To Website

Sep 16, 2009

I've got this API loading on every page of the website. Can .SWF tell itself when it has loaded and thereby default to a loaded position? So that when a user moves to different web pages, the API defaults to its loaded point? NOT from scratch? All the blurs and fade-ins are Methods that respond to a bunch of Timer Events. Once the .SWF is loaded how can it DEFAULT to its loaded point when a user changes web pages?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FLVPlayback Skin Not Loading On Some Computers

Apr 29, 2009

A video should be loading to the second pane of this carousel[url]...
But, on some systems, the playback controls, and the video, are not loading. When working correctly, as the swf seems to do on some systems, the video is covered by a movie clip of the first frame, and then a play button is loaded atop the image. When a user clicks the play on the skin controls or the button that has been loaded on top of the video, the image and button are moved off the stage and the video plays.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple Videos In FLVPlayback

Jun 4, 2009

I am building a video player which should load multiple videos in a FLVPlayback. When the loading of the first video has finished, the second one should start, using the VideoProgress Event.

My code looks like this, videos is an array with the paths to the videos:
flvPlayback.addEventListener(, progress);
flvPlayback.addEventListener(VideoEvent.COMPLETE, onComplete);
private function progress(


Now I have the problem when I test this locally, the first video is invisible sometimes when starting to play. This is not happening everytime, but sometimes the video is not shown, but I can hear the sound, and I can see the scrubber on the seekbar moving.
I already tried to check in the progress function if the video is already playing, and if not, set a timer that will call the progress function again in 1 second.

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Professional :: FlvPlayback/flvPlaybackCaptioning - Video Not Loading?

Jul 14, 2010

I'm using the flvPlayback/flvPlaybackCaptioning components.My file works perfectly when I test the movie within Flash.When I publish it,I cannot see any video, even on my own PC.I have the fla, flv and xml files in the same directory.In flvPlayback component,I have skin set to None and I'm using a captionButton and playPauseButton.The source has the flv filename and autoPlay is set to False.In flvPlaybackCaptioning, source has the xml filename and the captionTargetName has the textbox instance.showCaption is set to False. Everything works fine until I insert the captioning elements.  The captioning works perfectly when testing.I can't see where I've gone wrong.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: FLVPlayback Skin Not Loading On Some Computers?

Apr 29, 2009

A video should be loading to the second pane of this carousel:But, on some systems, the playback controls, and the video, are not loading. When working correctly, as the swf seems to do on some systems, the video is covered by a movie clip of the first frame, and then a play button is loaded atop the image. When a user clicks the play on the skin controls or the button that has been loaded on top of the video, the image and button are moved off the stage and the video plays.Here is the code referencing the video:

Code: Select all//Import FLVPlayback components


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making FLVplayback Stop Loading An FLV?

Sep 8, 2006

This problem is driving us crazy. The idea is simple. We have one instance of the FLVplayback component on stage as well as a playlist of videos. When we click a video in the playlist the FLVplayback instance starts the progressive download and plays the video.However, when we click a new item in the playlist, the FLVplayback instance won't start playing this file until it has completed loading the previous file. Stopping playback makes no difference.Is there a way to stop the FLVplayback instance from playing AND downloading so it is instantly ready to start loading and playing a new oneOf course removing the instance and attaching it again is an option, but that screws up the functionality of the player's controls and really feels like a hack that we shouldn't have to use.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML Photo Gallery Default Image Loading

Oct 15, 2010

I have a photo gallery on my site that is generated using AS3 and XML. Everything works great but I'd like to have the images that relate to the first thumbnail appear automatically when the movie loads.

Here's my code:
Code: Select all//DEFINE ARRAYS
var thumbnailsArray:Array = new Array();
var productDescriptionArray:Array = new Array();
var magazineArray:Array = new Array();
var mediumArray:Array = new Array();
var largeArray:Array = new Array();
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading A Swf With FLVPlayback Component And The Flv Restarts Playing?

Mar 31, 2012

i have an fla file with 5 keyframes. Each keyframe navigates forward to the following keyframe. On the fifth keyframe, a Loader loads an external swf. The external swf has an flv playback component with sound.
The fifth keyframe, other than having a button to click to load the swf, has a movie clip that navigates you back to the first keyframe. The loaded swf, once loaded, may be removed using removeThis function which has removeChild code as well as a flv.stop(); which makes the flv stop when the swf is removed. So u're back on keyframe 5, no sound ASo, all is well and the user can navigate back to the first keyframe (from keyframe 5), and from there continue on to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th keyframes again,  problems start though, when you get to that 5th keyframe again: that keyframe has an FLVPlayback component playing an flv, which at that point becomes very sluggish as all the mc animations on that 5th frame. And worse, i realize, the flv in the external swf that was previously loaded, starts playing by itself, which i know, because i hear its sound track.
I tried putting a conditional statement to tell the _flv to stop on keyframes 1 and 5, but that causes errors, considering that the flv is an undefined property from the perspective of those keyframes.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External HD Movies With Flvplayback Component Slowed Down On Netbooks

Nov 21, 2010

I've been working on webdesign for some years now, having worked mainly in full flash websites with a lot of actionscripting. Thus I consider myself quite familiar with actionscript but only AS2 as I've still haven't made the cross to AS3 (I know i'm almost 5 years late...).I've been recently hired to convert interactive points on some museums that were working with dvd menu's to flash. I've constructed and programmed everything with no trouble at all using some programing to use a circular menu and the flvplayback component to load external 720P HD movies on f4v format. Everything was working perfectly until I was faced with the real PC's that were being used on the museums. Some of them are okay PC's and so I just had to reduce the quality of the videos a bit (a 20 mb bitrate was too much... lol).

However some of them are the equivalent of netbooks (like the Asus EEE PC) and that's where my nightmare begun.So the real problem is this: the computers can run the HD videos perfectly through the VLC media player. However, using the flash presentation either on flash projector or an swf running through an html on internet explorer results in an unwatchable video all sloppy and with buggy sound.I've even tried loading the videos inside a totally empty flash project which still resulted on the same problems.What happens is that when the flash loads the videos the system usage of the processor results in 60 percent with peaks reaching the 80 percent.The weirdest part is that sites like youtube that run HD movies work on those pc's but my presentation does not.Do you have any suggestions on what might be happening?? Is this a problem that has to do with the FlvPlayback component and that I could solve using the Open Source BetterFlv component instead?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Photo Gallery - Pictures Are Not Loading When Open Default.swf And Then Navigating To The Section Work

Feb 19, 2007

I want to say that the code I am working with is the same found here: [URL] The code is working perfectly (pictures are displaying) when opening the file, work_diesel.swf by itself. However, my problems occur when I open default.swf, and then navigating to the section work. From there I hit advertising, and in that section DIESEL. HERE is where the problem is visible. The pictures are not loading AT ALL when doing it this way (the correct and final way).

I am just wondering if anyone can pin point the problem for me so I can change it. It must be said that the work_diesel.swf is loading from an external source into default.swf.

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Flash :: Difference 'Music / Video Is Loading' Vs 'Music / Video Is Buffering'?

Dec 1, 2011

What is technical difference between buffering and loading ? Say, i have a video, which is showing loader bar in progress. Then what's happening exactly ? Buffering or Loading ?

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Professional :: Video On Site - Showing Error - Warning : The Linkage Identifier 'FLVPlayback' Was Already Assigned To The Symbol 'Video/FLVPlayback',?

Apr 27, 2010

I have attached a video on a frame of my website in Flash. When I preview the movie the film plays as it should.But when I export the Fla. as a Swf. file it then doesn't have the movie there anymore?It does show this error:
**Warning** The linkage identifier 'FLVPlayback' was already assigned to the symbol 'Video/FLVPlayback', and cannot be assigned to the symbol 'FLVPlayback', since linkage identifiers must be unique.

I really don't know what that refers too.

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IDE :: Add A Buffering Message To Flv?

Mar 3, 2004

I have a flv placed in a swf and i'm trying to add a loading or buffering bar to the flv so that users know that is is my code that holds my actions for the flv.



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Media Server :: 3.5 Buffering Too Much

Jul 14, 2009

i setup the development versionof fms 3.5 server on windows 2003 server and it worked great in my we bought the server and are putting it in production now.the only problem is i never "tested" large FLV if i put a large 50+megabytes flv file in the server it constantly buffers on the client.Is there a setting that defines the buffer size to increase the amount of buffer data that gets sent to the client?if i use a small flv file it works flawlessly but for large files it says "buffering" every 2-5seconds on the client.the client is just opening the test page that comes with the server the server has 3000mb/s to the internet and the client has a 20mb/s connection so i don't think bandwidth is an issue...

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Determine Buffering / Playing?

Oct 8, 2010

I'm trying to use NetStream events from an FMS 3.5.4 server but am having trouble.  I'd like to simply know when a video is playing, buffering, or idle.  I know about Play.Start and Play.Stop, but these can mean the video is playing, or the video is buffering.  Buffer.Full and Buffer.Flush can occur when a video is paused, playing, stopped, seeking, etc.  I'm scouring over every event I get, but I really see no good way to determine what the exact state of a NetStream is at a given time.

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XML :: How To Add Preloader Before Video Buffering

Dec 23, 2009

I have a xml video background and need to add a preloader before the video is buffering. The problem is that I am loading the video from xml file and from what I've tried the preloader works for the swf file but not for f4v video loaded externally. You can check the preview here: [URL]. What I've come with is to compress the video so Ill get a smaller file or change the buffer time, but the priority is to come out with the preloader.

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