ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading SWF With FLV Movie - Buffering Video?

Jun 10, 2009

I have some videos that are already in FLV format. I embedded them inside a little swf. And I embedded that swf into a bigger swf where everything els is. When a user clicks on a button, it loads the swf with the FLV movie in would you go about buffering a video?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop A Buffering Movie From Loading?

Sep 28, 2011

I have a page on my site, that has thumbnails for about 9 videos that are external and loading through the FLV Playback component. Everything works great unless the user decides to move on to the next page, while a video is buffering (pre-loading). If the buffing bar is showing and click to go to the next page the video continues to play once it is loaded. You can't see the video, but you can hear the audio from it. Sometimes if you are too click happy, you will get the audio overlap of two different videos at the same time.

Is there anyway to stop videos that are loading when you click the button to go to another page?

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Flash :: Difference 'Music / Video Is Loading' Vs 'Music / Video Is Buffering'?

Dec 1, 2011

What is technical difference between buffering and loading ? Say, i have a video, which is showing loader bar in progress. Then what's happening exactly ? Buffering or Loading ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Show "loading" Animation Whenever Video Is Buffering?

Nov 20, 2011

I'm building a video player, and I'd like the play to show a "Loading, please wait"-type animation whenever the video is buffering and not playing. (This is either when the user enters the page and the video has to buffer a bit before it can start playing, or when the video suddenly stops midway because the internet connection can't load video fast enough.) Is there a way to detect when this happens and show the animation accordingly?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Show "loading" Animation Only When Video Is Buffering

Nov 20, 2011

I'm building a video player, and I'd like the play to show a "Loading, please wait"-type animation whenever the video is buffering and not playing. (This is either when the user enters the page and the video has to buffer a bit before it can start playing, or when the video suddenly stops midway because the internet connection can't load video fast enough.) Is there a way to detect when this happens and show the animation accordingly?

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Actionscript 3 :: Video Buffering Impact To Video Over A Slow Connection?

Apr 12, 2012

As I understand it video over a connection of say 40Kb/s wont actually have time to load and make a buffer, and it'll be "glitchy", so it wont make much difference whatever buffering is put in place. I'm getting complaints about glitchy video. I don't have access to the servers serving the media so I put a load timer in a swf along the lines of averageLoadSpeed = (bytesLoaded / loadTimer.currentCount) / 1024;

Out of 5 tests run, 2 were below 50Kb/s. And I've been told the server also is not geared towards media and put priorities on other business tasks. The head of IT for this company keeps going at me about buffering, and how that'll fix the problem. I tried to explain that the speed is way too low (32Mb = 32768Kb / 24Kb/s = 1,365 seconds * 60 = 22min) enlighten me on buffering aside from wikipedia's explanation about IO streams.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop The Video Buffering When Video Is Paused?

Jan 11, 2012

I am developing the video player with custom video controls and I want to stop the video buffering when my video is paused. As sson as I play the video the buffering starts from the last bufferring point.

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XML :: How To Add Preloader Before Video Buffering

Dec 23, 2009

I have a xml video background and need to add a preloader before the video is buffering. The problem is that I am loading the video from xml file and from what I've tried the preloader works for the swf file but not for f4v video loaded externally. You can check the preview here: [URL]. What I've come with is to compress the video so Ill get a smaller file or change the buffer time, but the priority is to come out with the preloader.

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Flash :: Detect When Video Is Buffering?

Dec 7, 2009

my question today deals with Flash AS3 video buffering. (Streaming or Progressive) I want to be able to detect when the video is being buffered, so I can display some sort of animation letting the user know to wait just a little longer.

Currently my video will start up, hold on frame 1 for 3-4 secs then play. Kinda giving the impression that the video is paused or broken :(


NetStatusEvent from livedocs. It seems to me that the key status to be working in is "NetStream.Buffer.Empty" so I added some code in there to see if this would trigger my animation or a trace statement. No luck yet, however when the Buffer is full it will trigger my code :/ Maybe my video is always somewhere between Buffer.Empty and Buffer.Full that's why it won't trigger any code when I test case for Buffer.Empty?

public function netStatusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void
// handles net status events


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Flex :: Buffering In Video Display?

Jun 14, 2011

I'm new to Flex and currently working on the Video Component in Flex. The problem is:Buffering starts only after the specified time. So, if i have specified the Buffer Time to be 2 s, then the video buffers for sometime, gets the data for the 2s and then plays it and then again buffers. The point is it is not buffering in parallel to playing. Is there any way of making this possible in Flex 3? Or is it already there in newer versions of Flex?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Streaming Video Skips After Buffering?

May 26, 2011

When my streaming videos start they will buffer and begin to play as normal. However, as soon as the vid starts buffering again a problem arises. Basically what is happening is that Flash is buffering the video to a certain point, but instead of resuming playback from the point where the vid paused it now jumps instantly to the end of the newly buffered area without playing the vid portion in between. Which essentially means that it skips merrily through the video and never stops buffering.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Track Audio And Video Buffering?

May 26, 2011

I'm working on the development of a tool that plays two audio files and one video file simutaneously.All the files need to play together at the exact same time, so that the audio syncs with the video.
Our situation right now is that each one of the files start playing at different times depending on how fast they are loading. The problem is, my programmer is telling me that there is no way to track the buffer of the audio, so for example, the video only starts playing when at least 30% of the audio is loaded. Is it possible to do this?
The video player would then display something like:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Streaming Video Skips After Buffering

May 26, 2011

I am pretty new to scripting and Flash and streaming vid is proving a massive headache at the mo. Have bashed through most of my problems but this one has got me stumped, scripting skills not up to the task. When my streaming videos start they will buffer and begin to play as normal. However, as soon as the vid starts buffering again a problem arises. Basically what is happening is that Flash is buffering the video to a certain point, but instead of resuming playback from the point where the vid paused it now jumps instantly to the end of the newly buffered area without playing the vid portion in between. Which essentially means that it skips merrily through the video and never stops buffering. That said I'd prefer to get to the root of the prob, particularly if this is a codec/keyframe issue, since I could then re-export the vids appropriately. I am using mpg4 (.mov) with H264 compression and keyframes at 1 sec intervals.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Start Buffering Video From Specified Point

Feb 8, 2012

I've been working on a video-centric project that requires a very specifically designed video player, which I've built from scratch -- no skin. Things were going great until I actually uploaded the video and SWF to my server and tried it out. Here's the issue: The video, which is an F4V that's been imported into Flash as an external asset -- I'm not using NetStream, nor am I using a Flash media server -- starts loading almost immediately. But when you use the custom-built scrubber bar to jump ahead in the video, it freezes up until, I presume, the video has loaded to that point, at which time the video starts again. If you open the SWF and let it sit for a few minutes, this isn't an issue -- you can jump back and forth as much as you want.

So clearly the problem here is that the video is loading from the beginning and the user can only get to a certain frame when that frame has already been loaded. But it must be possible to start loading from a specified point, right? After all, the video doesn't load all together and become available only when the whole thing is done. It starts loading at 0:00 and continues progressively. I just want to change where it starts loading by telling it not only to play at that point but to start loading at that point, too.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A Buffering Video Player?

Jul 15, 2004

tutorial for making a buffering video player, with scrubber etc that lets the viewer see how much of the video has loaded whilst they watch it. I've been searching for ages but to of no avail!I'm using MX, not MX 2004

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buffering Strategies For Streaming Video

Aug 19, 2007

Any dynamic buffering strategy solution for streaming video from the FMS server? I am following the Adobe Tutorial but i get confused where to place all of the files as I am not using the Management Console...I'm using flv hosting and all i have access to is just the ftp servers.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading ID3 Information From A Buffering MP3

Oct 18, 2009

I'm making a very simple MP3 player in Flash CS4 Professional 10.0.2 that loads a song from an array containing the locations of the songs and plays it. The player also displays the artist and song info name in dynamic text fields as specified in the ID3 section of the MP3 file. It works as desired when I load the MP3 before playing it. This is the relevant portion of the code, highlighted in green to indicate that it functions as I want:

What's odd is that if I comment out the last two lines of the onID3 function, so that the function only performs the trace command that's highlighted in orange, it works! This tells me that it's loading the ID3 information. So why can't it display the information from the currentSong variable?

EDIT: I'm pulling the MP3 files from the same server as the SWF. I would not be pulling them from a remote location!

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Media Server :: FMS Static HD Video Playback Buffering

May 18, 2010

I have downloaded and installed the Flash Media Server (FMS) trial version. Just purchased the software today and waiting for the activation serial number. I created a video gallery - [URL]. My goal is for these videos to stream just like vimeo. I am only using HD 1280 x 720 video. All videos are between 25 to 125 MB in size, originally .mov files converted to .flv using FFMPEG. Videos are between 30 seconds to 58 seconds in length.

I am using ColdFusion to upload and organize my videos and I have configured FMS to work with CF. The Issue is that these videos buffer the same way they did when I didn't have FMS installed. Press play, the video buffers, the video plays, then stops to buffer again. Stop and Buffer, Stop and Buffer. I can understand if there is buffering at the start of the video but not throughout. When I start the video over from the start, it has to buffer all over again!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect Embedded Video Events / Buffering?

Oct 13, 2010

I got myself an assignment which requires me to add buffering and few other video related functions to a flash file that uses embedded video( on the timeline).

this swf is about 30-40Mb in size and it loads quite a while.

what i need to do is to detect when the video stops playing, runs out of buffer, but i dont know how do i listen to the netstream events if there is no netstream on embedded video.

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Flex :: Start Buffering A Video Display From An Intermediate Point?

Jan 31, 2011

I am trying to use Flex Video Display as a preview player. The player is streaming the video from the server.While The buffering is not complete, if we try to drag the play head to an area beyond buffered region, the player will drag the playhead back to the current playing position. I need to implement the player like you tube video player which allows to drag to anywhere in the track even when data is not fully buffered.Is there a way for doing this.

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Flash - Display Buffering Animation When Downloading Video Data

Feb 16, 2011

How would I display a buffering animation whilst a netsream object was downloading video data? Using Actionscript 3.0 in Flash.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Default FLVPlayback - Loading Or Buffering

Sep 17, 2009

Take a look (click on one of the right banners): [URL] The lightbox should almost immediately play the videos, but instead (only) with ie7, the video take a really long time to start. All 3 videos. But only the first time I play them. So, I suppose there's maybe some loading or buffering problem that occurs only with ie7. The swf files are simple default FLVPlayback pointing to a .flv in the server. Any way to optimize the playback so that will start soon in all browsers?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: NetStream: Video Is Taking A Long Time To Begin Buffering

Jul 28, 2009

I'm trying to implement a simple NetStream video player with Progressive Video, but for some reason the video is taking about 12-13 seconds to begin buffering...I don't get it. If you check this link, you can see the buffer progress, you can see that it sits at 0 for >10s, until finally starting to buffer, at which point it finishes very quickly. [URL] It's a hard one to search for as any query using connection or slow obviously returns a bunch of crap that I don't need...


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Netstream Buffering - Loading A Showreel In Flash File

Nov 3, 2009

I am loading a showreel in my flash file using this:


The .flv is 35mb so the video is understandably jumpy. I was wondering what i should do to get round this... Is there a way to buffer it at the start so that there will be no glitches in it? The showreel has already been compressed quite a lot so can't shave much off the film size...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buffering Movie Player?

Jul 15, 2004

Just wondering if anyone had a good tutorial for making a buffering video player, with scrubber etc that lets the viewer see how much of the video has loaded whilst they watch it. I've been searching for ages but to of no avail!The kind of thing I'm after can be found at on the 'showreel' section in bottom right corner.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FLVPlayback - Buffering From Specified Time In FLV Movie

Oct 1, 2009

I recently to created a simple movie with FLVPlayback component. I have customized all of its controls (play, pause, volume, progress). I have also created a simple Table of contents for movie with four buttons. Every button jumps to different place in movie.
Problem starts to happen when i want to jump to movie position that haven't been downloaded yet. My question regards this situations. Can I tell FLVPlayback component to start buffering from different position?
In other words do it always have to be starting from begining of the movie. Can I start buffer movie for example from the middle of it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading A Video File From Within A Loaded Movie?

Jan 29, 2007

I've set up a test file and I'm having problems loading a video file from within a loaded movie.I have 3 files - "base.swf". This loads a swf - "LoadVideo.swf" into level 10

This, ("LoadVideo.swf"), has a button with the code


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IDE :: Add A Buffering Message To Flv?

Mar 3, 2004

I have a flv placed in a swf and i'm trying to add a loading or buffering bar to the flv so that users know that is is my code that holds my actions for the flv.



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Media Server :: 3.5 Buffering Too Much

Jul 14, 2009

i setup the development versionof fms 3.5 server on windows 2003 server and it worked great in my we bought the server and are putting it in production now.the only problem is i never "tested" large FLV if i put a large 50+megabytes flv file in the server it constantly buffers on the client.Is there a setting that defines the buffer size to increase the amount of buffer data that gets sent to the client?if i use a small flv file it works flawlessly but for large files it says "buffering" every 2-5seconds on the client.the client is just opening the test page that comes with the server the server has 3000mb/s to the internet and the client has a 20mb/s connection so i don't think bandwidth is an issue...

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Determine Buffering / Playing?

Oct 8, 2010

I'm trying to use NetStream events from an FMS 3.5.4 server but am having trouble.  I'd like to simply know when a video is playing, buffering, or idle.  I know about Play.Start and Play.Stop, but these can mean the video is playing, or the video is buffering.  Buffer.Full and Buffer.Flush can occur when a video is paused, playing, stopped, seeking, etc.  I'm scouring over every event I get, but I really see no good way to determine what the exact state of a NetStream is at a given time.

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