ActionScript 2.0 :: Making External SWF To Stop When In Background

Feb 15, 2010

I have a main fla file, that preloads and loads three external SWF's just perfectly. The three SWF's are simple flip book animations. This is the site: [URL]. This is the only actionscript in the main.fla file.

var j = 0;
myarray = [];
cliparray = [];
createEmptyMovieClip("paper", -1);
_global.preloaderf = function(klip) {
[Code] .....

The problem is, that the first movie is really jumpy, the second is a little better and the third is the best. There's three buttons designated to each movie. My question is, why are the movies jumpy? I'm assuming it's because when one is visible, the other two in the background are still running and taking up the speed. How can I make the background SWF's go into a stop state, or whatever you might call it.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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Load it up, go inside and click the first orange linked text you see. It will bring up and pop-up and "grey-out" the main page.

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Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "C";
sizeListener = new Object();


Now what i've noticed is that when it first loads into the browser it does not scale. When I manipulate the browser by pulling up on the bottom of the browser the background distorts and the top of the background is hidden. When I slide the left side of the browser to the right the background again becomes distorted and slightly hidden on the right edge of the browser.

By the way it seems like it ignores the actionscript when it first loads. Then when I first try and do a resize it follows the above actionscript once . Then it ignores it for any future resizes.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Making A FLVPlayer Stop?

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I did try

Code: Select allMovieB.stop();

but its not working, it only gives me a

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at WorshipTeam_fla::MainTimeline/onPhotoClick2()

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Start / Stop A Scrolling Background?

Mar 18, 2009

Im trying to animate a scrolling background which is simple enough. I dont want the background animation to scroll when the game is first loaded, I only want it to begin scrolling after the play button is clicked.

Ive used stop(); command in the first line of the MovieClip instance that is the back ground.

Some things I have tried

- Coding in flash to scroll the background, add a check to see once the background reached a certain x.position on the stage, it would addChild the same instance, where it originally was located and repeat the scroll process. I couldnt get this work, but would be intersted to see how you guys would approach it.

-Tried using a gotoAndPlay(2); in the movieclip last key frame to repeat the process. This causes the animation to chop up. I tried using this several diffrent ways, I could get it work at one point. But the background would scroll before the button was even clicked, I couldnt figure out a work around.

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var sceneTwo:Number = sceneTwoSprite.width-stage.stageWidth;        var negate1:Number = Math.abs(sceneTwoSprite.x);        var difference2:Number = Math.abs(sceneTwo);
if ((sceneTwoSprite.x)+sceneTwoSprite.width <= stage.stageWidth) {
sceneTwoSprite.x == stage.stageWidth + difference2;            }

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Currently i am using this actionscript to move my bg:
this._x =-_root._xmouse+400;
this._y =-_root._ymouse+200;

This makes it so the background will follow my mouse, and when i press up key it will stop following, but when i let go it will still follow, i want it to stop perminantly even after i lift my up key without haveing a new frame involved.

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IDE :: Looping Background, And How To Stop A Loop

Aug 28, 2009

again fixed, now all i need to know is how to pause the background, and then have it continue playing when the "aim" animation is finished.

heres the AS2.0 of the actions: // set counter
counter = 0;
fire_button.onRelease = function(){


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Jan 15, 2004

this may seem like an odd question. well after spending ages getting my slider to act like I want I now want it to stop at a certain point - but to act 'naturally' - basically the slider accelerates the more a button is pressed and uses a set deceleration number to slow down the slider when the button is unclicked. So the faster its going the longer and further the slider takes to slow down - 'ease' down. when it reaches zero it stops.

If you click on the blue arrow in the movie youll see what i mean. The problem comes up when i want to get the slider to stop. I want the slider not to go beyond a certain point (say 600). This gets very difficult if the slider is to act naturally (as before). I guess some kind of reverse engineering is required that works out what point to start the slow down based on where the slider is and what speed its going at??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making FLVplayback Stop Loading An FLV?

Sep 8, 2006

This problem is driving us crazy. The idea is simple. We have one instance of the FLVplayback component on stage as well as a playlist of videos. When we click a video in the playlist the FLVplayback instance starts the progressive download and plays the video.However, when we click a new item in the playlist, the FLVplayback instance won't start playing this file until it has completed loading the previous file. Stopping playback makes no difference.Is there a way to stop the FLVplayback instance from playing AND downloading so it is instantly ready to start loading and playing a new oneOf course removing the instance and attaching it again is an option, but that screws up the functionality of the player's controls and really feels like a hack that we shouldn't have to use.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making A Sound Play Once Then Stop?

Dec 14, 2009

When my avatar bug makes contact with another type of bug, he eats it. Both bugs are movie clips; when the avatar gets into the collision detect zone of the edible bug, it triggers a quick animation in the "edible" bug: he becomes a blur for one frame then disappears (as though eaten).

The problem is the sound effect - a quick "whoosh". It needs to play once then stop. What happens now is that it's triggered repeatedly - a problem if the avatar passes over the edible bug slowly. If the avatar later passes over the spot where the edible bug was, the sound is triggered multiple times again. So I need the sound to play only once, then stop. There will be several copies of the edible bug's movie clip that need to behave the same way, so once the sound stops playing it needs to be available again for the next collision.

Here's what it looks like now:

private var sfx_edible:Sound = new eat();
function detectCollision(myevent:Event):void {
if (avatar_mc.hitTestPoint(edible_a.x, edible_a.y, false)==true) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using StopAllSounds(); To Stop All Background Sounds?

Mar 11, 2009

I am using stopAllSounds(); to stop all background sounds when i enter specific frame in my main movie and it works fine but how do i get sounds to continue to play when i exit this specific frame?

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Flash8 :: Looping Background And How To Stop A Loop

Aug 28, 2009

ive created a character loop for two characters that are in a walk cycle. when a button is pressed both characters change animation, now ONE of the characters is doing what i want it to, which is, change from walk to aim, then back to walk. but the other character is going from one animation to the second, and then just continuing to loop the second animation.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop All Sounds Except Background Music?

Feb 20, 2011

I have created a simple soundboard, with multiple buttons that play sounds upon release. These sounds are embedded within the 'hit' frames of the buttons. Only one can be played at once, so this has been applied to each button:

on (press){stopAllSounds ();}

This all works as planned so far. However, I would like to have a background music feature that would be exempt from the "stopAllSounds" command and thus able to keep playing regardless of what buttons were pressed (or until a designated stop button was pressed).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop All Sounds Except Background Music?

Jun 17, 2011

I am working on a website that has 11 sounds in one frame. All of the sounds are external, meaning I have to call each one of them every time I want them to play, which happens when I click on specific MCs in my stage. Each MC I click all sounds stop and the new one starts playing. So far, so good.

But therein lies the problem: I want this to happen but keep background music playing. I have no idea where to start from.

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Professional :: Stop Background Music When Flv Starts AS2?

Apr 7, 2011

I have a flash game that I have videos between some, but not all questions.I would like to have background music that would play during the questions then mute, or turn off when the video is played, then turn back on when video is completed.If possible, but not required, a mute button could be created that would mute the music and would overide it turning back on as well.In other words the person takes the quiz, when the video plays it shuts off the music and starts it back up when video ends. And if possible, if they select to mute the music before the video plays it will not restart after the video completes.I did this in actionscript 2. The questions are on frames 1-50, the videos are on frames 100-110.I have it set up when a question is answered it goes to the video then back to the next frame for questions when it completes.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Background Will Stop Following Mouse / When Press And Let Go Of UP

Sep 16, 2011

[code]the code works, but what i want is the opposite, what this does is makes it so when i hold down UP key the background will move according to my mouse.But i want it so the background will stop following the mouse when i press and let go of UP, so i dont have to hold it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop And Start Background Music?

Feb 7, 2010

I have background music playing by using this code:

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("loop.swf");
var loader:Loader = new Loader()

this works great for playing the music but I don't know how to have a pause and restart button for the music.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Stop Background Music On Certain Event

Apr 11, 2010

I have music player when the swf starts and loops continuously or until "music off" button is activated. I would like the music to stop when a certain page is called or if that can't be done then when any button of the main menu is selected.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop One Sound With Background Music?

Apr 20, 2011

I'm triying to stop a sound of a button, while you hear a background music. The music is assigned in the timeline for the animation. When the animation stop at a specific frame (activity), the button are showed. At this point is all ok.

I don't understand... I am very specific to wich sound must stop. Is there a bug?

In AS 3.0 is more easy when you use the SoundChannel, but in AS 2.0 ?

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