Flash8 :: Looping Background And How To Stop A Loop
Aug 28, 2009
ive created a character loop for two characters that are in a walk cycle. when a button is pressed both characters change animation, now ONE of the characters is doing what i want it to, which is, change from walk to aim, then back to walk. but the other character is going from one animation to the second, and then just continuing to loop the second animation.
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Aug 28, 2009
again fixed, now all i need to know is how to pause the background, and then have it continue playing when the "aim" animation is finished.
heres the AS2.0 of the actions: // set counter
counter = 0;
fire_button.onRelease = function(){
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Jun 13, 2004
i'm trying to do an infinate loop for my m.clip.the looping part does not want to loop...it loops back to my firrst frame even though there are two same picture in the movie clip.....here's a sample of what i use for the infinate loop script..
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Jan 5, 2010
Im attempting to make a preloader. I am very new to action script so this is what i have.
ifFrameLoaded ( "UC" ) {
gotoAndPlay ( "home" );
as simple as it gets, right? Wrong, the preloader works however is get this error 1087: Syntax error: extra characters found after end of program. The preloader it self works it plays and when the movie is loaded it begins the movie, however the movie doesnt stop at any of my stop commands and keeps looping through itself over and over again till i exit the window.
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Sep 4, 2009
I have the following code
positions = [];
imageTotal = 8;
It basicly loads some pictures into movie clip holders and they stream horizontally across the bottom of a page.My problem is i cannot get them to continuously loop, at the moment they just cross the screen once then stop.
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May 4, 2010
I have to make a banner ad for my company's website that is 4 frames. It needs to play each frame about 3-4 seconds and then loop after 4th frame and continuously do so. It needs to begin this process when the web page is brought up without the user doing anything to it (so no clicking)And I have to keep it under 40k.I've found alot of tutorials for using external swf files and images but everything seems to use a button and I can't seem to get the coding down at all.
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Apr 24, 2009
I am used to working in Flash MX but now have CS4. You use to be able to just drop an mp3 file onto a layer and it would loop continously now it's not doing that.I need help in a big way to loop this mp3 file in CS4.
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Jul 25, 2010
I haave a video background that im calling in through the flvplayback method. Is there any code i can put on the component to make it loop once it has finished playing through? I'm using as2 at the moment. SWF instance name is "theVideo"
AutoRewind is true in the inspector
AutoPlay is true in the inspector
Ive tried:
theVideo.autoRewind = true;
View 1 Replies
Jun 22, 2009
Like I said in the title. I want to loop my background/a single element, while my people can click on the nav bar and look at stuff on the website.I attached what i was working on. The headphones will be fading in and out between a few different pairs. Mean while I need the nav bar fuctional and not changing besides when they click.
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Jan 23, 2008
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Mar 26, 2010
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Sep 1, 2009
I've got a few questions about background music. Such as...
- How do you get music to loop in the background of a stopped frame (or multiple stopped frames)?
- How do you get the looping background music playing in a stopped frame to stop when a certain button is clicked?
- and How do you get music to stop playing in regular, non-stopped frames when a certain button is clicked (although it's probably the same as the above question...)?
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Aug 18, 2009
I found a tutorial online that showed me how to create a looping background animation (falling leaves) but the code is in Actionscript 2.0. I am in the process of trying to covert the code to Actionscript 3.0 but there are still a few things I'm having trouble with (i.e. setRGB, duplicateMovieClip, etc).
leafNumber = 30;
for (i=0;
i<leafNumber; i++) {
newLeaf = leaf.duplicateMovieClip("leaf"+i, i);
newLeaf.x = Math.random()*Stage.width;
[Code] .....
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Mar 26, 2010
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Aug 13, 2009
I know some basic actionscript but this one is a bit more challenging (to me at least), as (i believe) it requires setting variables...anywho, here is the swf:
As you can see, right now when you click each button the respective background image comes up. Now what i need is for them to crossfade, not switch. And preferably at a variable speed. Here is the (simple and obvious) actionscript so far:
button1.onRelease = function() {
button2.onRelease = function() {
what the actionscript would be for them to crossfade ? keeping in mind that the user might click button 1 then 4 then 2 then 5, meaning they cannot simply crossfade in order. And it'd be helpful if i could change the speed at which they crossfade as well.
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Dec 15, 2009
dim background content after loading an external swf into main swf. I was told that a dark movie clip placed over the whole site but under the external swf with alpha set to 50% would work. I need the background content to dim when the external swf is loaded and then go back to normal when exiting that page link. How can this be done thru xml or actionscript?My website is an xml flash template that loads the text and pictures for the site Thru xml file. Anyone have sample code? I am newbie to actionscript.
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Jun 5, 2009
I'm brand new to flash so cut me a little slack. I'm in the middle of building a website in Flash CS4 in Action Script 3.0 and (according my the tutorial I'm using) I need to access the "parameters" panel. The problem is I don't see it anywhere. I see "properties" and "filters" but to parameters. I've cycled through all the workspace presets but with no luck. How can I bring it up?? Also, even though I used the "stop();" code in the beginning of my actions frame my movie just keeps looping when I test it.
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Jun 20, 2009
I have created a submit button and the text goes up when the mouse is over the button, but when I go to test the movie it seems to be on a loop and I can't see away to stop the text from looping. I found loop on the control panel but when I remove the tick there is no change and the movie continues to loop. There is no action scripts applied to the button yet.I am at the moment trying to get my head around action scripts so I am a complete beginner at this.
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Jul 2, 2009
I created a small Flash movie that I want to end at the last frame. Instead it keeps looping and starting from the beginning. This is the link: [URL] At the end of each timeline I inserted a keyframe and added the action: stop(); But this doesn't seem to have any effect.
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Jul 16, 2009
I can't seem to get an animation to stop looping. The only code I see for it is:
next_bt.onRelease=function(){ gotoAndPlay("fx2") }
When I test the movie layer itself it just does it once. but when i test the whole movie it just goes on and on and on.
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Jun 7, 2010
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Nov 8, 2011
I have a bunch of animated type but it continues to loop and I want it to stop on the last keyframe. How do I add a "stop" action or can I just turn off "looping" somewhere?
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Sep 15, 2007
I'm trying to make this movie clip play in random intervals using setInterval. However I cant seem to stop it from looping. Im guessing every time the instance of that MC is called it executes the function again. Anyways here is the source file for u to look at:[URL]
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Jul 20, 2011
-: b1 = blade.. rotating and moving along y axis... its position in the stage is x = 120 and y = 20.. but when i test it tracing(_y) shows dat d first value comes 42.85 and not 20(value from the properties).. i dont know how to get its exact value just like what is seen from the properties.. i've tried to have an if statement that if the value of _y = to the y coordinate the blade position that will alter its movement, it never turns like i want.. here is my facebook email add( punisheryuri11@gmail.com ).. please help me if u have a spare time..
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.b1._y += 2;
_rotation += 30;
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Dec 3, 2009
A question about the variable within the for loop it is always stuck on False -- even if the first condition gets achieved.I read that the for loop variable is treated as if it is completely seperate varibale from the one in the main even if they have the same name
PHP Code:
canwalk = true;function isheblocked [code]..........
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Apr 20, 2009
to save me from going insane (well even more insane) ive created a title as a movie clip and got a tween that changes its alpha from 0% to 100%. the only problem is the title animation keeps looping and i only want this to happen once! ive tried stop(); however this just stops the animation.
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May 3, 2009
I am fairly new to Flash, but I'm creating a sort of sampler for a university project. I have 16 circles each with toggle buttons. The on state included a sound file placed on the toggle movie clip's timeline. The sound is set to Start and Loop.
Basically, I want the first frame of the movie clip (the off toggle) to stop the sound from looping but despite my best efforts, nothing seems to work.
I have tried this.stop(), seachord.stop(), this.stop(Sound), this.stopAllSounds. I wonder if there is some sort of actionscript that will allow me to change the state of the sound file from Loop to Repeat, at least that way the sound will stop with a simple stop() script... I hope.
Alternatively, is there a way to stopAllSounds within one movie clip, rather than globally?
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Jun 9, 2009
I'm very new to Flash / action script, so I just need to know where to put both the start loop, and the end loop code (below) in my Flash file to make the waving effect on this flag (link below) start and stop when I need it to, because I'm adding a small amount of flash both before and after it. loopI = setInterval(loopF,40); to start the waving and use:
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Jul 16, 2009
I'm a newbie to the forum and AS3 and already searched through previous posts for the answer but couldn't find quite the right solution. I've got a simple animation, at the end of which I want to open a different URL. You can see my AS3 below (a mish mash of solutions I've found from all over). I've got it working such that the animation finishes playing and launches a browser window with the new URL, however it seems to be ignoring my "_self" statement and I can't stop the onEnterFrame from looping.
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Oct 6, 2009
I created a 30 second movie clip. I just want it to stop and display the last frame on the website.
How do I program AS3 to tell it to stop on the last frame and not loop? I don't want it to be blank though, I want the last frame to be visable.
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