ActionScript 1/2 :: Stop A Sound Looping?
May 3, 2009
I am fairly new to Flash, but I'm creating a sort of sampler for a university project. I have 16 circles each with toggle buttons. The on state included a sound file placed on the toggle movie clip's timeline. The sound is set to Start and Loop.
Basically, I want the first frame of the movie clip (the off toggle) to stop the sound from looping but despite my best efforts, nothing seems to work.
I have tried this.stop(), seachord.stop(), this.stop(Sound), this.stopAllSounds. I wonder if there is some sort of actionscript that will allow me to change the state of the sound file from Loop to Repeat, at least that way the sound will stop with a simple stop() script... I hope.
Alternatively, is there a way to stopAllSounds within one movie clip, rather than globally?
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every time i try to go somewhere else in the site, the video sound continues to play (loop) behind the scene.
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Apr 30, 2004
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PHP Code:
mysound = new Sound();
but when i move to the 2nd scene, the sound stop looping... I could restart it using _root.mysound.start(0,loop) but it would restart the sound when you move from scene1 to scene2 so cut it up in the middle and restart which isn't so nice..
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Mar 9, 2011
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PHP Code:
block_mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterframe);
function enterframe(event:Event):void{
The above is a drag and drop situation, so when the block_mc is no longer hitting the circle_mc, the sound echoes or loops multiple times before coming to a stop. Any clue how to rectify this. How do you use onSoundComplete in AS3.
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Jan 5, 2010
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ifFrameLoaded ( "UC" ) {
gotoAndPlay ( "home" );
as simple as it gets, right? Wrong, the preloader works however is get this error 1087: Syntax error: extra characters found after end of program. The preloader it self works it plays and when the movie is loaded it begins the movie, however the movie doesnt stop at any of my stop commands and keeps looping through itself over and over again till i exit the window.
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Aug 5, 2010
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Jan 5, 2010
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Oct 19, 2010
I'm sure this is a common problem, I tried looking around on the forum for a problem like mine but was unable to find anything. I'm using Flash CS3, Actionscript 2.0, and am making a soundboard. I have two scenes, one that's the title screen, of which has a sound file loaded via the timeline, (I think) set to Event and Loop, and a button which takes you to the next scene and makes a short sound when it's pressed. My second scene has background music as well, also set to Event and Loop.
Problem is that when I press the button, the background music keeps playing into the next scene. I tried using putting stopAllSounds onto the button, but that makes the sound of the button stop as well, and I'd really like to keep it. I've been messing with this for days, and I can't figure it out.
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Feb 13, 2007
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Jul 2, 2009
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Jul 16, 2009
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next_bt.onRelease=function(){ gotoAndPlay("fx2") }
When I test the movie layer itself it just does it once. but when i test the whole movie it just goes on and on and on.
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Apr 3, 2009
to play only once and then stop but the camera flash to keep looping.The sound is on a separate layer, but whenever I put the 'stop' feature in the ActionScript, it stops the WHOLE THING, so the camera flashes only once.Again, I want the camera flash to repeat, but the click sound to play only once.
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Jun 23, 2010
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here you can see what i'm talking about. I don't have it on loop. [URL].. the way i'm getting this animation to work, is by having one big movie clip and inside that movie clip i have the sparks movie clip, and the blue fade movie clip, then i just dropped in the sound where the sparks movie clip is.
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Jan 6, 2010
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May 22, 2011
I hope I'm in the right place for this. What I want to do is rather simple but I'm pretty much a noob when it comes to flash, specially scripting.I want to create a perfect loop of a 60 frames image sequence and and an .wav audio loop I created in SoundbooThe animation loops forever without copying the frames over and over again and I want the sound loop also to play forever. Just like it was made in this flash above.What I have so far is this line of code in the first frame of an empty layer:mySound = new Sound();mySound.attachSound("RobotsFTW.wav");Sound.start(0,100);but after some time the audio gets delayed and I have the same sound played over and over again
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Jan 15, 2007
sound loops wonderfully when I just let it play. And, my sound would loop perfectly if I set up just start and stop buttons to control it.
But, here's the problem. I want the "stop" button to function as a "pause" button rather than a "stop" button.
So now, it pauses and plays perfectly, the problem is that when it gets to the end of the sound file, it loops back to the last point it was "un-paused" rather than looping back to the beginning of the sound file. Make sense? Has anyone come across this before? How can I get it to loop back to the beginning no matter when it was paused?
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Mar 21, 2009
I have got stuck in an issue of syncronization of sound looping.What i have got issue is when the loaded sound start again it doesnot give the the sound in syncronize way. it gives a click sound sound then start agains.while on testing the song in the any song player it will not give such a click sound. There are smooth sound in that.
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Apr 20, 2009
to save me from going insane (well even more insane) ive created a title as a movie clip and got a tween that changes its alpha from 0% to 100%. the only problem is the title animation keeps looping and i only want this to happen once! ive tried stop(); however this just stops the animation.
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Jun 9, 2009
I'm very new to Flash / action script, so I just need to know where to put both the start loop, and the end loop code (below) in my Flash file to make the waving effect on this flag (link below) start and stop when I need it to, because I'm adding a small amount of flash both before and after it. loopI = setInterval(loopF,40); to start the waving and use:
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Jul 16, 2009
I'm a newbie to the forum and AS3 and already searched through previous posts for the answer but couldn't find quite the right solution. I've got a simple animation, at the end of which I want to open a different URL. You can see my AS3 below (a mish mash of solutions I've found from all over). I've got it working such that the animation finishes playing and launches a browser window with the new URL, however it seems to be ignoring my "_self" statement and I can't stop the onEnterFrame from looping.
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Oct 6, 2009
I created a 30 second movie clip. I just want it to stop and display the last frame on the website.
How do I program AS3 to tell it to stop on the last frame and not loop? I don't want it to be blank though, I want the last frame to be visable.
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Apr 26, 2010
I have been trying and trying this, with no luck. I have 5 different movie clips all exported for action script and all executing different tweens. At the tweens end I want all the movie clips to stop but one.Nothing seems to work! I have been using this[code]...
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