ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Boxes Appear 1 By 1?
Aug 31, 2003
how to duplicate boxes, so they appear in a tiled format . I don't have much clue at the moment apart from having 2 'for' loops which will assign the boxes their own positions; however this doesn't make the boxes appear one by one,
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Aug 9, 2009
I am making a little progress but stuck on the Text boxes. I know it may be a very simple thing but I want to get it right this time. So In my game I created a dynamic text box. I set the varname to dtext. I am able to make words come up upon doing certain events, such as clicking a circle it will say you clicked a circle. But I want it to be a timer so after say 5 seconds the dtext reverts back to blank.
If you know a better way for text boxes such as the .text script teach me about it. Iam looking for an easy way to do this. If you need more information such as type of game just let me know and I will try to answer. so when I click things in room I want text to show up but vanish after 5 seconds so it doesn't stay on screen forever.
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Nov 10, 2009
Is it possible to make dynamic text boxes display only full words from an xml feed? At the moment I have a selection of feeds that are supposed to run into each other, but if some of the text is longer than expected I get the first one or two characters of a word tagged on at the end. Is it possible to have the flash read whether it has character space left to display the next word in the xml?
I know it doesn't really recognise spaces etc and just pulls in the info within the node, but maybe there's a work-around if you want to do what I'm trying?
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Jul 27, 2011
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What I have:
private function fillArray():void {
grid = new Array();
grid[-1] = new Array(-1,-1,-1,-1,-1); //paddles the grid[-1][0 to 4] with -1
for (var i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++) {
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Feb 8, 2011
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Jul 12, 2003
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Dec 8, 2009
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I have found this code that does what I want, but puts in a date.
// Preparation :
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Jan 23, 2008
im doing an accessible site and i know that objects areaccessible by default. all my buttons were highlighted in yellowwhen tabbing through...then i opened my accessiblity panel to add labels and now theyellow boxes are gone. i've deleted all the additions but still nosign of the yellow boxes.accessibilty is checked for everything, i've gone through thewhole site. nothing seems to be missing. is there some way i canglobally re-set the accessibility settings.
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Feb 2, 2010
why are those "values" input and component windows so badly designed, not resizable (well kind of albeit terribly badly) etc... This is an eyesore and a practical pain in the a**. Seriously Adobe... all these talks about "accessibility" etc... shouldn't it start in your own software ?!? You can fix this it's 2010.
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Apr 17, 2009
What i need to do is, In Flash (FlashMX, CS3 or CS4) I need to place 2 combo boxes. by default the 1st one will be enabled and the 2nd will be disabled. First combo box will have country names and the 2nd will have state names. when a user selects the country name from the 1st combo box, the 2nd shuld then get enabled. and when a user selects the state from the 2nd combo box, there will be button next to it for clicking. on clicking the button, the values in each combo box shuld be selected and the user will be taken to a specific URL which will have the contents on current selected state in the current selected country.
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Jan 31, 2010
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map out the object starting from its center outward. Like right, left, top and bottom. I am creating a flying shooter so the plane has a long wing span. I could also map out the wing span and tail and so on.
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Sep 5, 2010
i have following problem, when i create box in action script and whe i addEventListner for drop accept, and if i add this box to some parent box, then this event is not working, if i add this event to not child but to parent box, then it is working, what can i do if i want create many boxes, add to them events listners and then add them all to some other parent box?
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Aug 19, 2009
This is my code:
var userData = new Array();
userData[0] = 100;
userData[1] = 24;
var dataLength = userData.length;
for(i = 1;i < (dataLength + 1); i++){
_root.createEmptyMovieClip('box' + i, i + 999);
['box' + i]beginFill(0x000000, 100);
['box' + i]moveTo(0,0);
['box' + i]lineTo(100, 0);
['box' + i]lineTo(100, 100);
['box' + i]lineTo(0, 100);
['box' + i]endFill();
['box' + i]_x = (i * 100) - 100;
trace(['box' + i]);
What should happen is it displays 2 squares, one called box1, the other box2, but it only displays one, I think it is only displaying the second one.
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Oct 28, 2009
I have a text input field. When I press on it I'd like something to happen. But it doesn't seem like I can target the input field like this.
myTextInputFieldName.onPress = function {
do something
I tried putting it inside another movieclip (which I can target), but then the text input cursor goes away and I can no longer access the input text box. I know there is probably a simple solution but I can't figure it out.
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Jul 12, 2010
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Jan 26, 2009
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Oct 27, 2008
I've been staring at this code for hours.... I have a xml docthat contains football scores that will load into my flashscoreboard. If the game has been postponed, there's a node calledstatus that is populated with the info, otherwise this node isblank. My function sets the visibility property of status1_txt tofalse if there is nothing in that node (undefined), otherwise itdisplays the data that is there. If the first node is undefined, itwill start out blank, the way it's supposed to. But the minute itpulls data into that text box, it doesn't go away until there'sother data to replace it. Seems like it's ignoring the first partof my if statement.
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Jul 3, 2009
I have 2 text boxes in my scene and I want to be able to scroll both of them individually. I tried using the scrollbar component but I can only get it working on 1 text box. I tried changing the linkage. Can somebody send me a link to an example of how to get this to work?
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Nov 12, 2009
i'm trying to create a roi calculator using two combo boxes. Box 1 how many treatments 5,10,20 Box 2 cost per treatment 90, 100, 120 then button to calculate treatment x cost and a dynamic text field to display result. I am using Flash CS4, am I wasting my time with combo boxes I have searched flsh docs all day.
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Jul 13, 2010
I want to control 2 Dynamic Text boxs with the 1 scroll bar component? I want them to scroll simultaneously with the user only needing to use the one component.
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May 4, 2011
I have 2 boxes in stage and I want to drag any where in free space but cannot through the boxes, if I drag box1 in the upward direction and collides to box2 , then box1 cann't be drag in upward direction but it can move(drag) any other three directions.
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Aug 26, 2010
I have an action script 2.0 request. i have a flash movie with 7 check boxes. when the user has selcted a total of 4 check boxes the flash movie goes to another frame.
pretty simple
i'll contain all the checkboxes in a movie clip called mcCheckBox.
I just need to the code to make it go to a new frame once four check boxes have been selected.
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Jun 18, 2011
This is my current code:
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("noteGrid", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
for(i = 1; i <= 14; i++){
currentBlock = _root.noteGrid.attachMovie("block", "block" + i, _root.noteGrid.getNextHighestDepth);
currentBlock._x = Math.floor(i / 7) * 25;
currentBlock._y = (i % 7) * 25;
I have a movieclip with linkage set to block. When I compile this, the block appears however they are all on top of each other. When I used trace commands to find currentBlock._x, they are the correct values.
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Feb 17, 2009
I have 4 text boxes on a frame. My goal is to have them put numbers in the text boxes. I need to be able to show whether or not what they put in was correct. I have 4 input boxes and 4 dynamic boxes set up. I figured I could put code that says, "if >1 then "incorrect" shows up....if =1 then 'correct" shows up...that type of deal...Ultimately after I show whether or not they're go to the next frame/frame name...
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Aug 12, 2010
I just downloaded the trial of cs5 and it is GREAT! What I'm wondering is when you import content from an XML file, how do you make the text flow from one box to the other. Right now text in the first box changes but the text in the second box keeps whatever original content was in there. Is there a way to make the new imported content flow from one box to the other?
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Feb 23, 2011
I have written up this code from a tutorial, however, I cannot get the boxes to be displayed on the screen.When i compile I get a 1086: Syntax error: expecting semicolon before colon.
I cannot figure out what it is complaining about, however it is complaining where I am trying to pull in the nodes from the XML file - any help and information shedding light into what I am doing wrong would be very helpful. I seem to have a recurring problem with objects not showing up on the stage that I have programmed - maybe I am not calling them correctly?
View 6 Replies
May 31, 2011
I'm trying to animate a simple stick figure just now. I used an inverted triangle shape for the body,which gives a nice width to the shoulders. Unfortunately, flash doesn't seem to realise that it's a triangle. Due to it's stubborn way of drawing a rectangular bounding box around every shape.
This is getting in the way a lot, as there are parts of figure which are clearly not blocked by the torso, but are blocked by it's big square bounding box, which makes it a nightmare to drag the arms and legs around to where I want them
Is there any way to fix this silly behaviour, and have it only select an object when I click on a visible part of it, and not just anywhere in it's bounding box ?
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Nov 21, 2011
I'm trying to get a Twitter API to work. I've managed to code most of it, however I still cannot seem to add additional necessary text boxes which will be used for the Twitter feed. I've managed to do one, but have not figured out how to do more than one, as I'm bombarded with errors when I do try. So here's the code below, I need 3 more text boxes to be used for tweet_2, 3 and 4 definitions.[code]...
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Jun 9, 2009
Is it possible to set up comment boxes on a flash movie? For instance, if I am viewing a page on my flash movie and I wish to make a comment on it, is there a way to set up a comment box and also show all of the previous comments as well? I figure it is but I am just unsure as to how to start it.
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