Flash :: Using Boxes For Hit Collision?

Jan 31, 2010

I am trying to use boxes for hit collision. I want to be precise with the collision so I was thinking about making multiple small boxes and checking for collision that way. This maybe a stupid idea or a smart one. If I do this way will that affect the performance of the game even though the boxes are invisible and wont be drawn on the stage.

map out the object starting from its center outward. Like right, left, top and bottom. I am creating a flying shooter so the plane has a long wing span. I could also map out the wing span and tail and so on.

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onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
if (this.hitTest(Wall._x, Wall._y, false))  _x =


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The flash is loaded with SWFObject v1.4.4 with XML 1.0

Here is a part of the index.html:

<script type="text/javascript">
var so = new SWFObject("swf/kj.swf", "KJ", "100%", "100%", "8", "#000000");
so.addVariable("xmlPath", "xml/publish.xml");
so.addParam("scale", "noscale");


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Oct 3, 2011

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Action Script for my button:

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("http://localhost/Test/acadForm.asp",0, "post");


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I had a problem with my hitTestObject collision detection a couple of days ago which has since been fixed (How can I solve my hitTestObject Collision Null Object Ref Error) with the help of you folks. My problem now is as such: When my "enemy.hit" comes into contact with "player.hit" it registers as a hit - this is good. When my "building.collide" comes into contact with "player.hit" it registers as a hit - this is good.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Optimizing Collision Detection

Oct 25, 2011

I'm trying to make my first game in Actionscript 3. Its a simple artillery game where you have a gun at bottom left corner and AIs flying across the screen which you have to shoot down. Now, in a classing shooter game how this is achieved is either by firing a bullet from the gun and doing a hitTest of that bullet with the AI movieClip or by simply removing(or playing the death animation) the AI movieclip. But here's the problem. I dont wanna do either of them. I want to show a gun with a rapid fire rate and hence no bullets. And I also don't want the player to click exactly ON the AI movieclip to destroy them (just the gun/turret pointing at the correct direction should be enough). So here's what I tried. This image should help picture the whole thing.

Tried attaching a 'line' to the turret and checking for collision with AI clip. This obviously failed because of the bounding box problem when the line is slanting.
I tried putting multiple tiny movieClips ON the line and iterate through them in a loop and checking for any collision with the AI. This method partially worked, but it was too slow and didn't seem like the 'correct' method. I draw 2 hypothetical lines. One between p1 and p2 and other connecting p3 and p4 (please see the image above). p3----p4's lenght = AI.width and is a horizontal line running right through the center of the AI MovieClip. Upon mouseClick I check for any intersection between these two lines. Now if I have multiple AIs on the screen, Again i need to iterate through each of them, draw a fresh p3-----p4 and check for intersection with p1-----p2.


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Flex - Collision Detection Flash Builder?

Nov 23, 2011

I am having trouble with getting some code dealing with collision detection to work. I have tested to ensure that it does detect the collisions, and it does, however I am unable to get it to work as it just walks through the block. I also tried just taking away -10 from the x value after it collides but it will stay for the first couple of tries then just walk through the block.

private function collisionDetect(evt:Event):void{
if(IMG3.x > block.x){
IMG3.x = block.x-1;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash HitTestPoint Not Detecting Collision

Jun 3, 2010

I am trying to use hitTestPoint to test whether the x/y coordinates of many circles are colliding with the pixels of another movie clip, but it is not working. It works fine when the ShapeFlag is set to FALSE, (circle detects the boundary box), but not when ShapeFlag is set to TRUE.I have spent hours trying to figure out what could be the issue, but to no avail.Class Ball - called by MAIN program multiple times to create instances of Ball and bounce them around the screen. If Ball collides with DQ (another MovieClip on stage), then it should stop moving:[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Speed Of Collision (physics)?

Jul 29, 2010

I have the values (x, y, xSpeed, ySpeed) of the movieclips (Hero and Badguy)Now, when they collide, how will i calculate how hard the collision is?Obviously weight, acceleration, etc. are out of the question, as it just needs to be based on their speeds.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Collision Detection For Flash Game

Jun 7, 2011

I have a movieclip called nest, which also contains a movieclip called wall. The bullet is created in the nest movieclip, and I am trying to make the bullet disappear when it hits the wall.The problem is, when the bullet is at B, the hittest succeeds when there is nothing at b. [code]The bullet just passes through the walls.

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Feeding Variable In Flash From Html Via Dynamic Text Boxes?

Aug 10, 2009

I have to dynamic text boxes; one is for articles and the other is supposed to bu for navigation of the articles. I have a variable set up for the article dynamic text box and I want the navigation part to be filled in via text file. so I need to find a way for the information that's fed in to the navigation part to functions as buttons and when they are clicked a variable should pass though flash telling is what story to display. for instance if you click stereohype then storyvar == stereohype. see what I mean? I could do it all in flash but i'm trying to make it where I don't have to touch the flash file after it's completed and everything can just be manipulated via text files with html php xml you name it, what ever works.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Auto-adjustable Text Boxes In Flash?

Jun 3, 2011

I have to create a flash control which has 3 text boxes in 3 rows. please see attached screenshot. & all the text boxes have dynamic content & different style.

what happen now, when i have more content in the text boxes, it overlaps to the other, don't adjust accordingly(when we have more content in any text box the other text box beneath it should get down from current position). I tried lot & researched on the internet lot, but didn't get any solution for that.

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Professional :: Create Auto-adjustable Text Boxes In Flash?

Jun 3, 2011

I have to create a flash control which has 3 text boxes in 3 rows. see attached screenshot. & all the text boxes have dynamic content & different style.what happen now, when i have more content in the text boxes, it overlaps to the other, don't adjust accordingly(when we have more content in any text box the other text box beneath it should get down from current position).

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Flash :: JSFL - Suppressing/auto-clicking On Dialog Boxes?

Nov 15, 2010

var tmpDoc = fl.createDocument();
/*..some logic...*/

My JSFL has the above code.And on the 3rd line, I get a dialog box :which has title : "Resolve library conflict"two radio button options : "replace","dont replace"two buttons : "ok","cancel" Due to this dialog box, I have to manually monitorthe script execution and click on a button. want to either :1. Suppress these kind of dialog boxex altogether.2. or programatically provide a default option to these kind of dialogs

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Wall Collision Detection In Flash CS3

Feb 26, 2010

I'm using Flashcs3 in AS2.[code]My character gets stuck in walls and slows down trying to get out, also, hes about 10x faster now. any suggestions? Im working on a flash overhead shooter, multiplayer only. and I need the script to work so there can still be a bullet collision on each wall and not to be able to walk through it.

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