ActionScript 2.0 :: Netstream - Glitch Of Sound Whenever Video Starts Over
Oct 29, 2009
I got my video Netstream playing just the way I want it. When I rollOver a certain area, I start my video and when I rollOut I close it. My problem is that, when i've started it once and done a rollOut and afterwards do a rollOver again, I get a little glitch of sound whenever the video starts. It seems that I need to empty/flush my netstream? Looked at NetStream.Buffer.Flush, but not sure how to use it.
why a small bit of the sound is heard from a previous video loaded via netstream. I am loading h264 mp4 files, locally.
I'm stopping and hiding the previous video with:
Code: stream_ns.pause();; video.visible= false; Please show me the light
[EDIT] I did find a work around by starting a timer when the video starts to turn the volume to 1 from 0 (set in my video stop function) after a second.
I have several buttons in a movie and I want to be able to rollover an individual button and play the sound for that button and when I rolloff I want the sound for that button to stop.
I am using FLASH CS3.I have gone through many posts, seems to be an issue with many people.Still haven't come across a fix.Website made in FLASH. Flash movie loads and sound works great!I have a button with 'StopAllSounds' action script.[code]When I go back to main page... sound starts up again.Is there a way I can stop all sound regardless of where the visitor goes on the website?
Can anyone familiar with H.264 video recommend the 'best' compression settings to avoid the occasional visual 'glitch' one gets on playback using the flash video player?
I've been using the "Reusable Preloader Using MovieClipLoader" from the tutorial section of this site.The only difference is that i don't use'm for preloading jpg. I load external swf files containing video. Everything works fine so far. The only problem is that the preloaded video already starts playing while preloading (at about 30%), but without showing the video.This is the code i have so far:
I'm tweaking the video code found here [URL] His progress bar starts at the edge of the stage. My progress bar starts at x=40 into the stage. My problem is that even though all my mcs related to the progress bar are positioned properly the scrubber mc hops to the edge of the screen when the video starts. It also acts as if the progress bar you scrub though is at the edge of the screen too. I can't figure out why it's doing this. There's nothing in the code to tell it to do as such.
I have a 10 second Intro video that I would like to play before each main video plays. The videos are streaming through FMS 3.5. At the moment I have to attach the intro to the start of the main videos and render out in Premiere Pro CS5 Ideally I would like to set it up so that the intro starts for the 10 seconds and then auto switches to the manin video. To show an example of what I need to do here is a link to an Archery site ( I also do archery as a hobby and noticed this)[URL] If you click on any of the 8 parts for either day 1 or Day two, you will notice a couple the 5 second intro screens and it then automatically goes back to 0 to start the main video.
I have created animated presentations (since now, I have just videos) for my seminars at the university with cinema 4D and I added some effects with After Effects (CS5). Now, I want to build an interactive presentation. That means:
- The (video projector) presentation starts with a video in a loop.
- When I click a button on the mouse/keyboard, the video finishes the loop until the end and
The stop button plays as expected. The play/pause button plays as expected. The issue is when you press pause which will cause the play button to appear, then press stop. the video automatically plays and it shouldn't. I have bolded the control button script for convenience.
I'm comfortable with PHP and Javascript but this is the first time I'm using flash. I have Flash CS5.
I've managed to import a movie file, however, as soon as it's downloaded it starts playing. I've tried using the Action stop(); coding, which works file in the export preview in CS5, but on a website it runs straight away.
I know I can't use the command because that stops the timeline but by then the video is already playing. My solution would be to use and have the video in frame 2, then get javascript to jump to frame 2 when I was ready. However, I can't find a way to import a video file to a frame in CS5. Is there a better way?
The movie loads and plays but the preloader only loads part of the way. How would I go about having the preloader progress bar load all the way then have the movie start?
I have a flvplayback component on my stage at the end of my presentation that plays a .flv with an external .xml file for captions (using the flvplaybackcaptioning component targeted to my flv player). When the video begins to play, the captions automatically appear over the video. Is there a way to make it so the video begins to play without the captions automatically turned on?
i've searched this forum but i havent been able to find this problem yet.the past days/weeks, ive been trysing to combine the tutorial on AR and Video with multiple marker recognition.if i run my code local its all working flawless bit as soon as i upload the file to an host.the videos start playing as soon as the webcam is initialisedthe code is below
I am trying to hide a preview that I inserted with some AS3. The preview works and I use this code to create it.
var preview:Loader = new Loader ();loadPreview (preview, "gotgame.png"); addChild(movie_flv); function loadPreview (loader:Loader, previewFile:String) :void {var u:URLRequest = new
On a page with an embedded Flash video (from YouTube in an <iframe/>), is it possible to be notified through JavaScript when the user starts or stops playing a video?
As far as I know, events raised on Flash level are not propagated to the container page, so it is not possible to do that.
I am using the video component with AS3. I have an external flv which loads nicely...that's fine. Now I am looking for a way to remove a preloader animation once the video starts streaming. The preloader is just an animation without a status (percent) bar. In plain English the code would be: if flv file is streaming, fade preloader animation I am also noticing that the first frame of the video shows while it's there a way to change it so that nothing is seen until streaming? If worst comes to worst I can always make a mask.
I'm streaming audio using NetConnection and NetStream. I know that you can modify sample data in real-time with the Sound object, however I cannot find the SampleDataEvent for audio playing with the NetStream object. Is there a way to pass the audio from the NetStream object to a Sound object and modify the sound at that object instead?
I'm developing a Flash-only application and I want to integrate the flowplayer directly into it, but not on the webpage using some swfobject-like approach.So, at some moment (for example, when arbitrary event fires), I would like to add the flowplayer object to the scene so that it starts streaming the specified video.[URL]
I'm making a video player in AS3 and was wondering how to find out how much of the video is currently cached/buffered. I'm not sure what the correct terminology is, so I haven't been able to find it in the documentation.
NetStream.time gives me the current location of the video, so based on that I can display a progressbar.
Underneath the progressbar, I want to display how much of the video has been loaded already. How do I find this value?
Using netstream to load in a video and have the buffer to basically load the entire video before it starts playing. So the video doesn't begin to play until the buffer is full but while the buffer is filling up, the cue points are being read and triggering actions.
my website contained some flvīs netstream. everything works fine!now i want to switch between some external swf and my netstream.. but it doessnīt work!.[code]
I've got a site that is using loadSound to play some mp3s and it works fine. however, the sound starts to stream, and then replays itself like a second later. my guess is that its playing faster than the load is going and when it gets to the point where it hasn't loaded enough, it starts to replay it, but i'm not sure that that is the exact problem. my code:
now, i tried making a playTrack function that i can call with setTimeout and i put that in the onLoad in place of track.start(), but that didn't work either (i was hoping to not start playing the track for 3 seconds to give it some time to buffer).
I am new in AS3.I am using net stream video player with xml. How can i get videos dimension (Width and Height).if suppose i get the dimension of the video and i will change the video size with aspect ratio.